Shepherd puppies at 2 months: what to feed, how to care for them, diseases

Almost every child growing up in the 90s dreamed of finding such a loyal and intelligent friend as a German shepherd.

The series “Commissioner Rex,” which was popular in those days, did its job - there was an unprecedented peak in the popularity of the breed.

Many years have passed since then, but a German Shepherd puppy remains a desirable pet for many.

And before making this dream come true, it is worth understanding the intricacies of keeping, raising and feeding this creature.

Appearance and photo of a two-month-old puppy

Up to 3 months, all young shepherd dogs have the same black-brown coloring, but closer to this age, some of them develop whitish spots, which is a sign of “marriage.” At 2 months, the dog rapidly gains height and weight. The color of the coat becomes clearer, and the paws become wider and longer.

A purebred German Shepherd puppy looks like this: strong paws, a slightly hump nose, almond-shaped brown eyes. When the dog turns its head, you can notice the white of its eye. At this moment, her gaze resembles a human one.

Photo of what a German Shepherd puppy looks like at 2 months old

A two-month-old German Shepherd puppy is ready to meet his new owners . He refuses mother's milk and switches to natural food and industrial feed.

If you are choosing a show class representative, take your time with the choice.

Up to 3 months, the coloring of all puppies is the same, but closer to 3 months, whitish spots begin to appear, which are a disqualifying sign .

Two months is a period of intense growth and weight fluctuations. The coat gradually acquires clear color lines, the paws become thicker and longer.


The distinctive features of a purebred shepherd are powerful paws, a barely noticeable hump on the nose and expressive almond-shaped brown eyes.

When a dog turns its head, you can see the white of the eyeball.

This makes her look more “humanized”.

Which food to choose: natural or dry

The owner of the dog is fully responsible for its condition, so one of his main concerns is the correct selection of balanced food. You can go two ways: buy factory-made food or create a menu for your pet from meat, vegetables and cereals.

Both feeding options have their supporters and opponents. Only experts can tell you what is best to stop at . But remember, the main task of nutrition is to provide the animal with the required amount of vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If desired, this issue can be resolved by having any type of food available.

How to choose a Black Sheepdog

Beginner shepherd lovers are advised to buy a small puppy. Although experienced breeders can take an adult. Guidelines for choosing a puppy:

  • When purchasing an animal, be sure to study the documents for the animal. They must confirm the quality of the breed for the mother and father. When purchasing without documents, there is always a high risk of running into scammers selling out-of-breed “crossbreeds”.
  • A big plus will be that the mother and father of the puppy have medical certificates confirming their state of physical and mental health. Remember that many traits are inherited, so if the father/mother has congenital disorders, you should avoid buying a puppy.
  • When choosing, also pay attention to the condition of the puppy itself. He should be active and moderately well-fed, which indicates a state of health. If you are offered to choose one of several puppies, then buy a dog that actively makes contact.

Feeding with natural products

Preparing such a diet takes a lot of effort and time, however, according to experienced dog breeders, the result meets expectations.

Positive and negative sides

Dog breeders who choose a natural diet motivate their opinion as follows:

  • meat is a product that animals eat in nature;
  • there is an opportunity to choose the products yourself, without doubting that they are fresh and of high quality;
  • when the owner himself creates a diet for a pet, he does not include allergenic substances in it.

But here's what fans of industrial feed say:

  • It will take a lot of time to prepare natural food, and it simply won’t be enough to walk and train the animal;
  • not every person knows exactly how many calories are enough and what portions are needed to fully feed a particular dog;
  • high quality products are very expensive.

According to veterinarians, if a puppy is fed artificially, you should not immediately switch it to a natural diet, and vice versa.

This is harmful to his health, as is combining the two types of food.

Basics of proper nutrition

Of course, a dog needs proper nutrition. This is especially important for a growing organism. At first, you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to food and the number of meals. However, according to professional dog breeders, this brings results.

What to feed for the first 3 months

At three months of age, the puppy's need for milk decreases significantly. The main sources of protein and other vitamins are meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Milk must be replaced with fermented milk products such as cottage cheese and kefir.

Note! It should be remembered that a growing body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements for proper development.

How often to feed and how much to give

Initially, the puppy is fed 5-6 times a day, gradually reducing portions. By the age of one year, the number of meals is reduced to 2. At 2-3 months, the puppy is given five meals a day. Serving quantity from 600 to 800 g.

If homemade food is prepared for your dog, it must contain a large proportion of meat products. The diet also includes porridge, fresh and boiled vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Proper nutrition is the key to good health

Introducing complementary foods - natural or dry food

Both natural products and store-bought food can be used as complementary foods. In the latter case, it is very important to monitor the quality of the food provided. Premium and super-premium food is best suited especially for puppies, and subsequently for large breed dogs.

For your information! If the puppy is offered a homemade diet, it must include all the necessary substances and microelements. It is worth noting that this food option is not cheaper than high-quality feed.

Natural nutrition: pros and cons

Many owners sincerely believe that the most suitable diet for a German Shepherd is homemade food. Undoubtedly, it has a lot of positive aspects, but there are also significant disadvantages. The advantages of a homemade diet include:

  • the owner knows for sure that his pet receives natural, fresh and high-quality food;
  • you can independently determine the amount of meat, vegetables and vitamins your pet consumes;
  • If your pet suffers from food allergies, the diet can be easily adjusted and unnecessary foods excluded.

As for the disadvantages of home-cooked food, the following stand out:

  • the owner of the puppy must constantly prepare food on his own, this takes time;
  • it is necessary to select the right products, proportions, and take into account vitamin supplements;
  • high-quality and proper homemade food is not cheap.

Important! Most experts categorically do not recommend mixing store-bought and homemade food. Accordingly, at the time of complementary feeding, you will have to decide on the type of food that will always be given to the animal.

What not to give to a German Shepherd

Not every product is beneficial for a dog's body. The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • fatty meats and river fish;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • sweet fruits;
  • legumes;
  • sausages;
  • potato;
  • tubular bones.

Feeding dry food

As already mentioned, the best option for an animal is super-premium or simply premium food. Good food is not cheap, but it is necessary for the health of the animal.

For your information! Pets that eat high-quality food feel much better, get sick less and live longer.

Dry food will cost the same as natural dog food

How to feed a grown puppy correctly

Gradually, the growing puppy reduces the number of meals, increasing the diet. From approximately 6 months to 1 year, dogs are given food 3 times a day. Already from the age of one year, their meals are reduced to 2 per day.

The daily food intake for a one-year-old dog should consist of:

  • 50% percent protein. For this purpose, the animal is given meat, offal, cottage cheese and eggs;
  • 30% of carbohydrates are cereals, vegetables and fruits in which they are contained;
  • 20% animal fats.

Required Products

Owners can use their culinary imagination to feed their pet. We list the most common dishes for German Shepherd puppies:

  • chicken fillet, rolled oats and stewed vegetables;
  • grated apple with fermented baked milk;
  • veal with rice and butter;
  • baked pumpkin with chicken hearts;
  • biscuits with curdled milk;
  • boiled boneless chicken with buckwheat porridge and vegetables;
  • carrot salad with chicken liver and sour cream;
  • oatmeal with egg and beef.

When your eyes open

Newborn babies at first react only to cold, hunger or pain. Their body is not yet fully developed, which is why the puppy needs special care and attention from its furry mother.

German Shepherd puppy

Puppies open their eyes only at 2 weeks of life. At the same time, hearing gradually appears and sense organs develop. A little later, the baby tries to take his first steps, and a model of future behavior is formed.

What products are unacceptable?

Please note that the following components should not be included in your pet's diet:

  • bread and all flour products;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • confectionery;
  • berries and fruits with seeds;
  • legumes;
  • sausage;
  • bones;
  • any seasonings.

Dogs, like people, have a weakened immune system during the cold season. To strengthen it, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian, who will advise what exactly to feed the puppy during these periods.

Height and weight

The following indicators are averages . The exact figure depends on the number of puppies in the litter, the age of the mother of the puppies, their health and living conditions.

Gender of the puppyHeightWeightChest circumference
Bitch32 cmFrom 7.5 to 8 kg46 cm
Male37 cmFrom 8.5 to 9 kg49 cm

Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

It is beneficial to keep puppies on dry food because:

  • As a rule, the composition of the food is suitable for the dog’s age and physical parameters;
  • no need to spend a lot of time preparing food;
  • factory products are easily stored.

But we must not forget that:

  • good food cannot be cheap;
  • economical options contain few nutrients, which is harmful for the dog;
  • components of the food sometimes cause allergies in the animal, and then you will have to look for a more suitable option.

Health and life expectancy

With proper care, the animal can live 13-15 years. By nature, black-haired shepherd dogs are distinguished by good health, but they still suffer from some diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. The appearance of disorders is associated with the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. To minimize the risk of disorders, it is necessary to feed animals a healthy diet or high-quality feed. Feeding should be done according to a schedule, and at least 3 hours should pass between meals and bedtime.
  • Allergic reactions. The disorder usually appears due to eating uncharacteristic foods that are poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract. The main recommendations for reducing the risk will be standard - dogs need to be fed healthy food or good food, at least 3 hours should pass between sleep and meals, and so on. You also need to teach your dog not to pick up food on the street.
  • Hip dysplasia. The disease is typical for dogs of large and medium breeds, which is associated with the structure of the animals’ bones. If the disorder is detected at the initial stage, the disease can be easily treated with a simple operation. In adult dogs, the disorder is poorly treated, although surgery can alleviate the symptoms of the disorder.

Attention! It is recommended to take puppies to the vet every three months until they are 1.5 years old. After this, adult dogs should be taken to the veterinarian for an annual checkup.

Selection rules

We can safely say about dog food that the price corresponds to the quality. There are 4 groups of factory products for puppies:

  • Economy There are no advantages in this category other than cheapness. The raw materials for cooking are meat, vegetable and cereal waste. The caloric content and nutritional value of such food are extremely low.
  • Premium . The basis of the feed is cereals and by-products. They are often combined with flavorings and flavor enhancers.
  • Superpremium . This category is recommended by both veterinarians and dog breeders. It has a balanced composition and the absence of allergens.
  • Holistic . The best quality, and therefore most expensive, food. In addition to nutrients, they contain a vitamin complex, thanks to which the dog will not lack useful elements in the body.

History of the origin of the breed

Initially, the black-and-white color did not exist in shepherd dogs, although due to natural evolution, black-and-red dogs could exist as isolated random individuals. Among the ancestors of the German Shepherd, individuals with black, zone and black and tan shades dominated. The ancestors of modern "Germans" were used by people as guard and herding dogs that kept a pack of animals together. Shepherds loved the breed for its high intelligence, friendly nature and ability to fend for itself.

The familiar black-and-white German Shepherd appeared a little over 100 years ago in Germany through the efforts of the famous dog breeder Max von Stephanitz. Initially, the breed was dirty white in color, but over time, von Stefanitz achieved the consolidation of the black-backed color in dogs. The breed standard was established in 1899 among other dog breeders, which has remained virtually unchanged since then. A few words about the development of the breed in the 20th and 21st centuries:

  • At first, the Black-backed German Shepherd was used to guard herds of animals during grazing. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, animal breeding technologies changed significantly, so the need to protect large herds disappeared. Therefore, many people began to think about alternative ways to use a dog.
  • A solution was found quickly. People have noticed that the German Shepherd is distinguished by its developed intelligence and high ability to train. Therefore, animals began to be actively used for security or police purposes - searching for criminals, searching for dangerous or prohibited substances.
  • In 1914, the dog began to be used in the army, and the German Shepherd took part in the First and Second World Wars, becoming an indispensable companion for soldiers. After the war, the dog began to be used in local conflicts, as well as in the police to perform standard functions - searching for things and people, protecting objects, etc.
  • After World War II, ordinary people began to own German Shepherds. The dog became a friend for many people who received a faithful, kind animal with high intelligence and good learning ability. The dog began to be used for advertising; it became a character in a number of feature films.
  • At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a split among dog breeders into two camps. Representatives of the first camp when breeding focus on the appearance of the dog, which allowed them to preserve the sable color, but worsened the physical and mental health of the breed. Representatives of the second camp are more concerned with utilitarian functions, and the issue of color is of little concern to them. Time will tell which position will win.

Attention! Representatives of the first camp call themselves supporters of exhibition breeding, while representatives of the second camp call themselves supporters of working breeding.

Required vaccinations for 2 month old dogs

At this age, German Shepherd puppies must be vaccinated against distemper and parovirus enteritis. To achieve the desired effect, the vaccination is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

There are 3 vaccine options with different rates of developing immunity to diseases:

  • Nobivak – 10 days;
  • Erican – 14 days;
  • Kanigen, Vanguard, Duramun - 21 days.

At the end of the specified period, the animal can walk among other dogs and participate in competitions.

Where can I buy a puppy?

You need to buy a puppy from a professional kennel that breeds German shepherds. It is there that specialists work who select pairs for mating, taking into account the heredity of the individuals. Some of the most famous nurseries in the Russian Federation:

  1. “Team Zilber Wasserfall” – Vladimir region, Kolchugino.
  2. “From the Blue Star” - Moscow.
  3. "Haus Schiran" - Moscow region.
  4. "Shvalbennest" - Khabarovsk.
  5. "Samara Land" - Samara.
  6. “De Orse Mak Flai” – Moscow region, Vyalki village.

How to care for a two month old puppy

At 2 months, your pet will have to endure a lot of stress: being separated from its mother, moving to another place of residence, changing its diet, going to the veterinarian. In order for the dog to better adapt to these processes, it needs to create appropriate living conditions and observe all the subtleties of caring for the puppy.

Personal sleeping area

If you need a shepherd dog for security purposes, it needs to be placed in an enclosure where there is a warm, comfortable booth. The floor inside is covered with straw, the ceiling is made very airtight to prevent precipitation from entering through it.

A place to sleep is of serious importance for an animal, so it is better to equip one booth for a long time. An already matured dog should be able to easily turn around in it.

If the pet will be kept in an apartment, he needs to lay a special mat-bed, away from heating devices and open windows. The corner should be secluded so that the puppy is not disturbed by the residents of the house.

Price range

The cost of a healthy “German” is 25-50 thousand rubles for puppies and 10-20 thousand for adults. You can adopt a dog for a small price in private or municipal shelters, although you will have to tinker with new shepherd dogs quite quickly, so you will have to look for news on new dogs. The cost of the animal is affected by the following parameters:

  • Pedigree. The better the dog’s pedigree, the higher the cost of the final litter. Pedigree dogs in good health can cost up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Color. The sable color has a certain variability, and some color options may confuse new breeders. Therefore, the cost of puppies with the “stereotypical” saddle color will be higher.
  • Floor. Females are 20-30% more expensive than males. This is due to the fact that females are often bought for breeding, which creates additional demand for them.

Attention! When buying a dog, be sure to take the documents for the animal in case of further breeding.

Hygiene rules

There are several procedures necessary for both children and adult shepherds:

  1. Combing wool. It is carried out 1-2 times a week to remove stuck together shreds and old undercoat.
  2. Bathing. Not done before vaccinations and during quarantine. The dog is washed a maximum of 3 times a year, but only in spring and summer. But the paws are wiped every day with a washcloth or wet towel.
  3. Cleaning your ears from dirt and wax 1-2 times a month. Until the ears have become stronger (up to six months), you need to touch the cartilage with extreme caution, otherwise the shells may grow incorrectly.
  4. Cleaning the eyes with special solutions that can be found in pet stores. This procedure is very important if the pet lives in the yard. The eyes should be clear without cloudiness, redness, or watery eyes.
  5. Brushing your teeth with chewing sticks or powder. This is necessary, since with a dry diet the risk of tartar formation is very high.


So, we have briefly reviewed the history of the breed - let's now move on to the question of the description and psychological characteristics of the black-haired German shepherd. We will consider the color features in a separate paragraph.


The black-haired German Shepherd is a dog of medium height with a slightly elongated body, dry bones and developed muscles. The average height of an adult dog is 55-65 centimeters (at the withers), length - 70-80 centimeters for males and 65-75 centimeters for females. Although the body shape is elongated, it does not look squat. The length of the head is 35-40% of the height at the withers. The head is wedge-shaped, and males have a more massive muzzle than females. Other features of the breed:

  • The black-backed German Shepherd's ears are erect and of medium size. Their shape is triangular, and the tips of the ears are rounded.
  • The eyes are oval in shape and dark in color. The look is smart and slightly wary. The nose is large or medium in size, and it is painted in a dark color.
  • The neck is located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body and has developed muscles (although this is difficult to notice under a layer of fur).


Weight is also subject to sexual dimorphism: the mass of males will be 30-40 kg, while females will be 20-30 kg. There are also large representatives of the breed, whose weight can reach 45-50 kg. Weight is affected by lifestyle, diet, and age of the animal:

  • In middle age, with an active, balanced diet, the animal’s weight will be within the normal range (30-40 kg for males and 20-30 kg for females). In old age, animals lose a little weight, but weight loss should not exceed 10-20%.
  • If there is an excess of food, fat will accumulate on the body, which will lead to an increase in live weight. Obesity is usually diagnosed at a weight of more than 45 kg for males and 35 kg for females, although there are large representatives of the breed for which this may be normal.
  • Active dogs are less likely to suffer from obesity, even if there is an excess of food. Excess calories are spent on active activities, which prevents fat deposition. Staying at home all the time is a significant risk factor for the development of obesity. Therefore, such animals need to reduce their diet by 15-30%.

Character of dogs

The black-backed German Shepherd is an intelligent, attentive animal that is strongly attached to its owner. She is well treated by her owner, family members and regular friends. She distrusts strangers, and if they show aggression, she can fight back. The animal has developed intelligence, so it is easy to train. Although it is recommended to start training at an early age, when the dog’s mind is most developed. Black-backed German Shepherds are versatile animals that can be used in different capacities:

  • Companion dog. You can take the animal with you for a walk, and after the walk is completed, the dog can be left in the yard or allowed into the apartment. A dog rarely damages furniture and household items.
  • Guard dog. The German Shepherd can be used to guard various objects - from private houses to large warehouses. To increase the effectiveness of protection, it is recommended to train the animal.
  • Guide-dog. After training, the dog can be used as a guide dog. Therefore she will be a friend to blind people.
  • Service dog. German Shepherds are used by the police to find and pursue people suspected of committing crimes. They can also be used to search for prohibited substances and security.

Attention! The German Shepherd gets along well with children and pets, and they can only bite a stranger for the purpose of self-defense.

Features of color

Dogs of this breed have a saddle (red and black) color. Ideally, a “saddle blanket” is a color with a V-shaped dark spot on the dog’s back, which runs from the ridge to the belly. The dark patch often extends to the sides and can extend down to the dog's elbows. Other parts of the body are tan or brownish-orange with gray and white markings (the white fur is usually concentrated on the belly or sternum area).

The dog has a characteristic black “mask” on its face, which usually extends only to the nose, eyes and area around the mouth. Some dogs may have a narrow, long black stripe on their sternum that resembles a human tie. Many Shepherds have one or more black moles on their faces, although many members of the breed may not have them (the breed is determined by pedigree, not the presence of moles).

How to train a pet

It is the owner of the puppy who can teach him how to behave correctly around other animals and people. At the age of 2 months, you can already master basic commands. Remember a few simple rules, and your pet will grow up obedient.

How to teach to respond to a name

If the owner calls the puppy to him, plays with him, feeds him, gives him a toy, etc., he should always say the animal’s name. Over time, the dog gets used to the owner’s voice and develops a reflex to specific words.

Place training

In order for the puppy to remember where his corner is located, you need to use several simple techniques:

  • Place your pet's favorite toy on the mat. He will remember where to go to play and will get used to this place;
  • The dog needs to wake up where it falls asleep. However, the baby can get tired while playing and fall asleep anywhere, in which case he needs to be moved to a sleeping corner;
  • The pet must be made to understand that he has a certain place. If he takes food or toys onto his bedding, it is unacceptable to take them away.

How to toilet train a puppy

Puppies up to 4-6 months do not control their natural instincts. But even at an early age, they can associate going to the toilet with going outside. 2-3 hours after sleep and the same time before, the owner should walk the dog.

If the puppy relieves himself outside, he needs to be praised and rewarded with treats. Then your pet will get used to coming to the door when he needs to go to the toilet.

The German Shepherd is a breed that can be used in many areas of our lives. She can become a policeman, a guide, a security guard, a border guard, or a shepherd. This is possible with the help of skills that this dog can learn thanks to its extraordinary intelligence. And in order for the puppy to develop in accordance with its high potential, pay attention to its upbringing and care from an early age.

How to distinguish a breed from a crossbreed or mongrel

The surest way to purchase a purebred German Shepherd is to do so from a reliable kennel. Then the puppy will have a pedigree, a metric (puppy card), a brand with a unique number in the groin or on the ear. And you won’t have to guess whether you bought a purebred dog or not. When buying from private breeders or on the market, there is always a risk of making a mistake, because an amateur is unlikely to be able to correctly evaluate the breed. In this case, decide on the purpose: why you need a dog. To participate in exhibitions and breeding work, you need to look for a puppy only in nurseries with a good reputation. For official or security work - in the same place, because the character of a real German Shepherd, which made it a legend and a movie star, is also a sign of the breed. But then appearance is not so important, and the dog will cost much less.

The new owner signs the puppy inspection report (below) and the certificate is certified with a seal

If you want to have a companion dog with the appearance of a German Shepherd, then you can take the risk of purchasing it on the market or through “buy and sell” advertisements, but at the same time remember that a grown-up pet may unpleasantly surprise you with its difference from true “Germans”. There are signs by which you can try to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mestizo or mongrel:

  • “Germans” have almond-shaped eyes with snow-white whites, while mongrel dogs have round, sometimes convex, eyes with yellowish whites or dark spots;
  • an ordinary puppy cannot boast of a perfectly smooth topline and a body elongated like a torpedo;
  • the tail of a small shepherd never rises above the line of the back and does not curl into a ring, like that of mongrels;
  • The ears of a “German” should be floppy and soft for at least 4–5 months, while a mongrel’s ears may stand up at any time or not at all;
  • A purebred baby does not have a stripe between the eyebrows (frontal furrow) on the forehead, but a purebred baby may have one;
  • A shepherd puppy grows and develops much faster than a yard puppy, so at the same age he will weigh more and look more mature.

A “German” puppy is more inclined to communicate with a person than a mongrel puppy

Video: how to choose the right German Shepherd

Shepherd and child

The black German Shepherd loves children very much. They will quickly find a common language with each other and become friends. An adult dog will never offend a child, even if he tries to piss her off. However, you still shouldn’t let your baby treat her like that. It is necessary to explain to the child that a German is a full-fledged member of the family, who also has needs and demands respect, and is not a toy that can be offended or beaten.

But it is better not to leave the puppy alone with the newborn. He may inadvertently cause him harm because he rejoices too much at each such meeting.

Hygiene procedures

Dog breeders, when explaining how to care for a German Shepherd puppy, always talk about the importance of hygiene procedures. Always monitor the condition of your pupil’s eyes - if there is redness or tearing, frequent blinking, take action immediately. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian, purchase eye drops and wash the dog’s eyes with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion.

Teeth brushing is carried out once every three months - for this purpose you will need to stock up on special toothpaste or powder. To strengthen your baby's teeth, purchase artificial bones containing fluoride or made from leather - they are suitable for cleaning fangs and developing jaws.

Among other things, children need to clean their ears monthly - for this you can use a cotton swab and a special preparation that is sold in veterinary pharmacies. At the same time, conduct a detailed examination of the ears for redness and inflammation - if anything of this kind is found, you should contact a veterinarian.

Owners often wonder why their German Shepherd puppy's ear has fallen off - this fact causes concern for many. Most often there is nothing to worry about, as this happens to many Germans during the period when teeth are growing. Continue to care for your pet, properly balance the diet instead of anxiously writing questions on all forums about why your German Shepherd puppy’s ear fell off - soon everything will return to normal.

As for bathing the baby, there is no need to do this unless absolutely necessary - too frequent washing violates the natural protective layer on the dog’s skin and coat. You can completely bathe your pet starting from the age of three months - it is recommended to wash your shepherd dog no more than three times a year.

If we are talking about removing dust or dirt from a walk, you can simply rinse the dog with warm water. But you should not overuse bath procedures - this will negatively affect the health of the shepherd.

Education and training

Knowing how to care for a shepherd, you can move on to education and training. Education begins from the first days the baby appears in the house - he is not allowed to jump on the furniture, they show him who is the boss here. When training, a mechanical, imitative method or reward with food is used. Remember the rules of training: commands are pronounced without insistence or threats, choosing the right intonation. Don't be nervous or make sudden movements. The pet is periodically allowed to rest. If possible, change the place of classes and the sequence of exercises. It is better to carry out training in the morning or evening, and this should be done by the person until the results appear.

Contact between the puppy and other dogs

The main task of the owner is to position his behavior as the leader of the pack. The leader's concern is protection. When planning a walk with your puppy, you need to stock up on a long cane, an electronic repeller or an electric shocker in advance. When an unfamiliar dog approaches, take a place between it and the puppy. A loud sound or shout will usually scare away a strange dog and make it retreat; in extreme cases, drive it away with a cane. If a strange dog is walking with its owner, ask him not to come near you. In the eyes of the puppy, your authority will grow and strengthen significantly. The puppy will feel reliable protection. Don’t be afraid, the puppy will not develop cowardice; as it grows up, the shepherd dog, gaining physical strength, will thank its owner in every possible way for its care, and will try to take the initiative in matters of protection into its own hands (that is, paws :)). But this is a completely different topic, and appropriate adjustments will be necessary here.


In conclusion, let's look at a few general recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to buy an adult dog for your apartment if you already have other animals (for example, cats or other dogs). There is always a risk that the animals will not make friends, which will turn your life into a nightmare. Therefore, check with the seller in advance whether it is possible to return the dog if it does not make friends with other animals.
  • It is recommended to consult a veterinarian regarding food, since there are many expensive but low-quality foods on the market today. If you eat poor food, the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and allergies significantly increases, so it’s not worth the risk.

In conclusion, many people take two puppies at once so that the dogs do not get bored. This approach is correct, but keep in mind that two shepherd dogs will play and run around the house a lot, which can lead to damage to furniture, appliances and flooring. Therefore, it is recommended to take very calm puppies so that your home can survive. If you live in a house, then this problem is not critical - after all, puppies can be kept outside during the warm season.

About the diet of the German breed

We also present several important rules that relate to creating a menu for a German Shepherd puppy. Owners who want to raise a strong and healthy dog ​​should follow these recommendations :

  • Protein should make up one third of the diet - it is found in meat, dairy products and eggs.
  • Every day you should give your dog raw meat in the form of finely chopped pieces. Minced meat is not suitable because the stomach may not digest it, so it should not be given.
  • Until the age of one month, give the baby 50 g of meat per day, after a month increase the portion to 100 g, after two months - to 200 g, etc. At the same time, divide the norm for the day into several meals and do not give it all at once.

  • Dogs should not eat pork - this meat contains too much fat. The best option is veal, beef, horse meat.
  • From the age of four months, add offal to your baby's menu - they should be given to him in boiled form to avoid the possibility of infection with parasites. This can be done three to four times a week - but remember that offal cannot replace meat.
  • Twice a week the dog is given raw egg yolks mixed with porridge.
  • Every day you should give your pet cottage cheese mixed with whey - 350 g, as well as milk and kefir.
  • Twice a week it is necessary to give him boiled fish, clearing it of bones - otherwise it is strictly forbidden to give it. In addition, preference should be given to marine breeds - river breeds are often infected with parasites.
  • Don’t forget about cereals for your pet – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. They are boiled for him in meat broth and given to him little by little, without getting carried away.
  • Give him grated vegetables - an excellent source of vitamins and fiber for the baby.

Prohibited foods that should not be given to your pet

  • Sharp tubular bones.
  • Spices, salty foods.
  • Sweets and baked goods.
  • Legumes and peas.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Stale spoiled food.
  • Frozen food.

Contacts with strangers

With proper upbringing of a puppy, his attitude towards other people (if they do not show aggression) will be a complete disregard for strangers.

This is achieved through the hard work of the owner:

  • Firstly, prohibit everyone except family members from playing with the puppy, stroking it, calling it to you, touching it, etc.;
  • Secondly, explain to anyone who wants to approach you or show any emotional actions towards your dog when you are walking with the puppy that this should not be done.

Achieve this. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the stages of raising a dog and perceive such a request as a personal insult. If the owner is a weakling (by character), then it will not be possible to instill the skill of concentration on the owner.

The best way to distract your puppy's attention from a stranger is to attract the dog with a piece of treat. In each case, when your puppy becomes interested in strangers, call the puppy softly, pull the leash towards you and reward him with a treat.

In this way you will discourage the puppy from showing interest in strangers. They will simply not be interesting to him.

When walking in new places, if the dog begins to get nervous, turn the attention to yourself in the same way.

Never allow strangers to feed your puppy. This way you will teach the dog to be interested in strangers and all your upbringing will go to waste.

Behavior at home

Communicate and play with your puppy as often as possible, do not ignore him. Practice and reinforce the general commands “Ugh!”, “No!”, “Come to me!”. Do not train your dog to jump on its owner. When giving the command “Come!”, if the puppy rushes towards you and tries to stand on you with its front paws, take a step back and give the command “Ugh!”, over time the puppy will realize that with this behavior the communication will stop and will soon stop doing this. With the right approach, be sure to reward the puppy.

If the puppy is not in an enclosure (if you live in an apartment, determine a place for a small dog run, where the puppy has a designated place and will be given the opportunity to walk around the clock without restrictions), then carry out all movements around the house and the surrounding area by leading the dog exclusively on a leash, limiting his movement. The dog cannot be given complete freedom of action at this stage of development; reinforce the skill - you are the leader, the leader, the dog’s freedom is in your will. For complete freedom, the puppy has an enclosure and games with the owner. Such restrictions are very important when raising a German Shepherd, because you are raising a serious service dog, a protector dog, a formidable force, and not a decorative lap dog.

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