Pekingese - features of sexual development and education

Pekingese have long conquered people's hearts. Both children and adults adore them.

The demand for furry babies is always high. But getting cute babies of this breed is not an easy task.

Pekingese breeding is accompanied by certain complications and risks associated with the unusual appearance of the dogs.

The funny snub nose and wide head of dogs can cause some problems during childbirth.

Mating these babies will also require special vigilance from their owners.

If you want to avoid trouble and get wonderful, healthy puppies, then avoid random matings with neighbor dogs.

Pekingese mating

First, find a suitable male for your dog . Breeding Pekingese is a difficult business, so the dog must end in pregnancy, since even the first litter can be the only one if it ends well for the mother. After all, if you breed dogs, the matter should lead to the improvement of the breed, and not just to produce offspring.

Secondly, it is important that the dog is in good condition . She must be of suitable size and her body weight must not be less than 3.5 kg, otherwise she will not survive childbirth and will not be able to care for the offspring.

Important! Pekingeses come into heat once every 6 months, but the timing may change. The first time estrus can occur at 18 months, or maybe at 27 months. However, the right time to give birth to puppies is 18 months.


The results of crossing Pekingese with representatives of the Chihuahua breed are interesting.

Pekingese and Chihuahua mixes can be born with the appearance of one breed, or be more similar to the second. The positive side of this union is the better health of the offspring.

Due to long selection, the health of high-breed animals is weakened, and the local offspring turn out to be more hardy and unpretentious. Breeding such mestizos is rarely done, since the puppies are not an acquired taste.

As you already understand, breeding dogs is not a simple matter, but a complex, but very exciting activity.

Remember that your pet, its unhealthy offspring and the possible owners of these puppies will pay for your frivolity.

Pekingese breeding methods

Inbreeding. In this method, mating takes place between dogs that are closely related.

To apply this method, the owner needs to know everything about the good and bad qualities of the dogs from which the mating pair came. This method is not used by all dog breeders, because the risk of failure is high and a lot of experience is needed to perform such a procedure.

Line breeding . This method of breeding occurs between dogs that are in the same family line . If a male dog has dominant traits, his great-great-grandchildren will look like him. If you are the sire of this offspring, then most likely you have never met this male.

Advice! But you can look at photographs, learn about him from dog breeders and clearly see the puppies that were born from him.

Outcrossing. This type of Pekingese mating does not imply any relationship between the female and the male .

In order to find out the origin of a dog, it is enough to look at only 5 generations in the pedigree . It is important to know here that not all factors influencing future offspring are manifested externally. It also happens that the combination of genes of a male and a female does not form an acceptable combination and then you will not get excellent offspring.

Choice of male

There are several features when choosing a male dog that you need to pay close attention to:

  • external data;
  • results of participation in competitions, if any;
  • It is advisable to check the health of the prospective male, including the presence of genitourinary tract infections. Having become infected during mating , a bitch can give birth to sick puppies. It is not uncommon to experience postpartum complications in a dog with a sexually transmitted infection;
  • matings completed . Some owners simply exploit their dogs until they stop reproducing. You should not expect high quality offspring from such males;
  • Most often, breeders of good, purebred dogs belong to clubs. Males are held in special esteem here, and females from outside are invited for mating extremely rarely. The owner of a non-club bitch needs to try hard to find a worthy dog.

Pekingese mating process

Estrus occurs once every 6 months, the interval can last up to a year. But how long a Pekingese's estrus lasts can be determined by bleeding; ovulation occurs on days 11-13 from the start of estrus.

The rule of mating is that it should occur on the 11th and 13th days of estrus , so watch your pet carefully and do not miss the beginning. You can determine for yourself when your pet is ready for the mating process. In this case, the color of the discharge becomes pink, and then completely colorless.

If you run a dog along the spine, it will react by throwing its tail to the side, making it clear that it is ready to mate. The process of mating Pekingese dogs should take place in a calm environment , and there should be no other males nearby except the stud dog.

Important! The dog should not be washed, especially using cosmetics. This will kill the smells, which should, on the contrary, attract the male.

Before leaving for mating, the dog needs to be walked. It is better to arrive in advance so that the dog has the opportunity to look around the foreign territory and get used to its future partner . Otherwise, she may think that she is being abandoned and will not allow the male to approach her. However, you need to remember that it is not always possible to “introduce” Pekingese dogs to each other before mating. The fact is that males of this breed have a very fine mental organization and can simply spend all their strength even at the stage of courting a female.

The male needs time to rest during the mating process . It is better if there are two people next to the female and the male; the dog must not be allowed to bite the male. Mating can take place on a table, for this you need to lay out special material so that the animals remain stable during the process.

If you stand nearby, you can help the dog remain stable and achieve his goal. If you are the owner of a female, then your job will be to keep her as you are told. The owner can handle the male dog. The lock when knitting is not important.

Important! You need to have time for the female to be brought to the male on the right day, and a control mating must be carried out every other day.

The male may not immediately penetrate the female's loop. But when the attempt ends in success and ejaculation occurs, you will understand this by the characteristic body movements of the male dog. He will begin to calm down when the female’s orbicularis muscle in the vagina, which holds the dogs, weakens.

If a lock is formed during mating, make sure that the dogs do not twitch, trying to “untangle” it, otherwise they may damage themselves. When the grip weakens, the female releases the male. This is where the knitting ends.

When the dogs disperse, you can turn the female on her back and hold her in this position for a while, but this is not necessary. In the vast majority of cases, Pekingese mating ends in the bitch becoming pregnant. But how long a pregnant Pekingese dog walks is individual for each bitch. Gestation of puppies lasts from 56 to 68 days .

A little history

The Pekingese breed is one of the oldest breeds in the world. The history of the Pekingese began in China more than four thousand years ago. Proof of this is the bronze items found during archaeological excavations, which depicted representatives of this breed. The babies got their name in honor of the Chinese capital - Beijing.

At the beginning of their history, Pekingese dogs belonged only to the emperor or members of his family. Ordinary people had no right to have such dogs. After all, according to popular belief, such a dog with the appearance of a lion was the embodiment of a guardian spirit. Protecting the imperial family from otherworldly evil forces was their only task. But such a fate was not at all cloudless. After all, when the Chinese emperor died, the animal was buried with him so that it would continue to protect the soul of the royal person in another world.

During the invasion of Beijing by British troops in the 60s of the 19th century, several representatives of the small Pekingese dog breed were taken out by the military and presented to Queen Victoria of England and some duchesses.

Due to hostilities, this breed could have disappeared forever, because fearing violation of their traditions, the Chinese actively destroyed the imperial pets.

Thus, the Pekingese dog spread not only throughout Great Britain, but throughout the world. After the end of the war, this process accelerated significantly, because many wanted to have an exotic pet in their home. Today, these babies are popular and in demand in every corner of the planet.

Pregnancy in a Pekingese

In the first weeks of a dog's pregnancy , it is difficult to understand whether she is pregnant or not. However, this affects behavior. The dog becomes lethargic, its appetite increases and taste preferences change . At such moments, you can increase the daily food intake and protect the dog from stress.

At the same time, you should not overfeed, otherwise the puppies will be large and you will have to have a caesarean section. Do not give raw meat to your pet 10 days before and 10 days after giving birth. You can add calcium to for the full development of offspring.

A clear sign of imminent labor is a drooping belly . The female’s mammary glands also swell, and then milk appears there. Body temperature decreases. Some dogs lose their appetite a couple of days before giving birth , become extremely restless and look for a place to give birth.

Already in the second month you can feel the puppies moving inside the abdomen , but in the last days before giving birth you can no longer feel this, because the dog’s abdomen is tense. If your pet is pregnant for the first time, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

Important! However, if you decide to give birth yourself, under no circumstances leave the female alone; with you it will be much easier and calmer for her to endure the birth.

Pekingese genera

The first signs of labor beginning are the release of mucus or plug, and then the breaking of water. After birth, there is no need to bring the puppies close to the mother's face. In females who give birth for the first time, the maternal instinct does not arise immediately, and they can behave unpredictably.

Postpartum dog care

After giving birth, your pet needs attention. Childbirth is stressful , and small puppies can turn out to be competitors and claim their master's love. Therefore, it is important to let your pet know that she is still important to you, and puppies do not interfere with your love. In this case, she will be grateful to you.

Advice! You should not disturb the woman in labor too much. This can be stressful for her and she may lose some of her milk.

Signs of heat

An attentive owner will immediately notice some changes in the behavior of a dog that is going into heat. The animal becomes less obedient. Due to hormonal changes, the dog begins to behave more actively and freely. Droplets of blood appear from the genital loop, which the dog constantly licks. Males begin to show increased interest in her.

During this period, you should not engage in training, because the dog does not listen to commands well and behaves too playfully. It is better to postpone training until the end of the heat.

In order not to dirty the floor and furniture in the apartment, dog owners often use special underpants or diapers for their pets. But experienced dog handlers recommend teaching your dog to lick himself thoroughly from the very first heat.

Caring for puppies

Newborn Pekingese up to 3 months eat 6 times a day . From four months you can switch to feeding up to 5 times a day . Starting from 6 months, you can switch to eating 2 times a day. The puppies' diet should include porridge with water or milk diluted with water.

From cereals, choose rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. You can add vegetable oil in a small amount to the porridge. Milk may be harmful for a puppy, but a growing body needs calcium.

Therefore, fermented milk products should be added to the puppies' diet , which can be replaced by cottage cheese or cheese, only in small quantities. Upon reaching 6 months, fish and meat products can be introduced into the puppies’ diet. It’s good if the diet includes stewed vegetables and fruits, or homemade treats, this will help the puppy’s development.

Important! It is also important that clean drinking water is available, as due to their heavy coats, they often become thirsty.

You cannot walk puppies for a long time ; it is advisable to do this after eating. Pekingese are clean, so it is not difficult to train puppies to use the toilet outside.

If you decide to get a Pekingese puppy, you will have to prepare for it. Read the literature, there are photos of newborn Pekingese on the Internet, many sites with the necessary information, and you can also ask your friends who are dog breeders. Good luck!

How is estrus going?

In the first stage, estrogen production increases, causing the internal genital tract to swell, causing swelling of the vulva. Thanks to this hormone, a special smell appears that attracts males. Blood penetrating from the vessels of the uterus comes out. Estrogen is produced by the follicles until its amount reaches its maximum. After which there is an increase in luteinizing hormones, which leads to the growth of follicles and causes ovulation. It is during this period, even before the moment of ovulation, that females become sexually estrous.

How to control your dog during heat

All the dog’s aspirations during this period come down to attracting the interest of male dogs, leaving his scent everywhere. Therefore, it is quite difficult to control her behavior, which sometimes defies any logic. If a dog is well trained, it will follow the owner’s commands even at the sight of a male dog. The same applies to a male dog - if he is trained, he can always ignore the smell of a female dog in heat and run to the owner’s call.

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