Features of keeping the desert fennec fox at home

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family. Habitat in the wild is the deserts of North Africa. The fennec fox has large ears, almost the same as the big-eared fox, weighing about 1.5 kg. How long can a fox live? Currently, in captivity, life expectancy averages 9-12 years, but can live up to 15-18 years with proper diet and care. These exotic pets require much more attention and care than ferrets, but less than large foxes.

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family.

How to get a fennec cat? First, you need to check the legal side of the issue, since in some countries it is prohibited to keep foxes at home, and it does not matter who it is: a big-eared fox, an ordinary one, or as small as a fennec fox. You should purchase an animal from a licensed breeder and obtain a passport. Don't forget about the vet. He will give vaccinations, examine and treat your pet.

Providing proper nutrition to the fennec fox

Foxes are not omnivores. Some people think otherwise, but this is a harmful myth. The raccoon is an omnivore, and the fennec fox is a predator! Moreover, it is one of the rare carnivores of the Sahara. It has a weak dentofacial apparatus, similar to that of the bat-eared fox. This is due to an insectivorous diet. Of course, in the wild where an animal lives, it consumes a certain amount of plants. But for the most part, this is done because plants contain the water they need.

Thus, the home diet should include: celery, boiled sweet potatoes, various tubers and plant roots. Food of plant origin should not exceed 10% of the total diet.

The basis of the diet for the fennec cat is 90% rabbit and insects and 10% vegetables and other products. You can give other types of meat, sometimes eggs and fish, sometimes berries and fruits. Wild fennecfish, living in the desert, eat insects, lizards and rodents, but "Russian" rodents contain too much retinol. Its increased amount causes damage to the liver and kidneys. The good news is that foxes, unlike cats, can synthesize beta-carotene into retinol, so there is no need to worry about a possible deficiency.

Interesting Facts

  • The most popular fennec fox is the hero of the animated film “Zootopia” named “Finnik” or “Fenech”. It was after the release of this cartoon that people began to more often keep this animal as a pet.
  • The Fenech is depicted on the Algerian ¼ dinar coin.
  • This animal is a symbol of the ecology of Tunisia. Figures of a fennec fox in a blue and white suit are ubiquitous in almost every city in this country.
  • The well-known browser Mozilla Firefox has developed a lightweight version of Mozilla Fennec for smartphones, phones and other mobile devices, where the fennec fox is a mascot and a code word in the name.
  • Many desert inhabitants have large ears - the sand cat, the long-eared hedgehog, and the black-tailed hare. Such disproportionately large hearing devices protect desert dwellers from overheating.
  • It is interesting that the supra-caudal gland, otherwise called the “violet” gland, is called that for a reason. In the spring, during the period of active search for a mate, the secretion secreted by her actually smells like the aroma of violets. It is unknown why nature gave this secret smell to foxes. Experienced hunters say that if a fox is wounded, it can turn around and inhale this aroma, after which it seems to gain strength. Some kind of particularly persistent pheromone, and at the same time an “energy booster”.
  • These animals are fully adapted to life in the desert. They do not require a large amount of water; they can generally do without it for a long time, receiving a sufficient amount of moisture from roots and plants. In addition, they have adapted to lick condensation from the walls of their own vast burrow.

Conditions for keeping a fennec fox

Fennec foxes should only be kept indoors. In warm climates, they can be placed in enclosures where they cannot escape. Pets must be protected from birds of prey. If a fox is kept outdoors, then its home should not allow snow and rain, as well as direct sunlight.

When keeping indoors, keep in mind that you can quickly lose your beloved fennec. The small size of the fox (especially the cub) and curiosity determine the constant search for some kind of hole.

Close any openings where the animal could crawl through or fall through. Please note that foxes are very good at digging tunnels. They like to climb high, so multi-level cages are ideal.

You can put a box of sand in which the animal can play and dig holes. Fenech loves to run, so it is important to make the cage spacious and install a large wheel. Desert inhabitants love warmth, but it should not be too hot. Animals raised in captivity often adapt less well to their environment than their wild counterparts. The European climate is humid for them, in contrast to desert conditions, so the humidity makes thermoregulation difficult.

The fennec fox has large ears, almost the same as the big-eared fox, weighing about 1.5 kg.

Lifestyle and habitat

The largest number of animals live right in the center of the Sahara, the largest desert in the world. They can be found in northern Africa and South Asia, including the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas. And the southern border of the settlement extends to the center of Africa, including the states of Sudan, Chad and Niger.

Fenech lives in the sands, as has been mentioned more than once. It is comfortable in rocky and arid areas where there are sparse bushes and dry grasses. Even such simple vegetation helps him hide perfectly. The animal digs extensive multi-chambered burrows with a large number of different passages.

Such underground dwellings serve as a refuge for an entire clan at once - the family group of our chanterelles. Each group can consist of 10 or more individuals. These are parents, young foxes and older offspring. They are social animals, they can settle in entire towns, and several other families can live next to one. Moreover, they communicate very actively, “talking” with different sounds: barking, whining, growling, howling.

The legs of the animal, despite its external thinness, are well developed. Chanterelles jump very well (up to 70 cm in height and up to 1.5 m in length) and can run long distances. A desert is a vast area, sometimes with absolutely no signs of life. In such conditions it is necessary to have reliable, strong and tireless legs.

Otherwise you won't survive. The animal also has an excellent sense of smell, night vision and, of course, hearing. The protective coloring (which makes it invisible in nature) perfectly camouflages it, making it practically invisible to predators and potential victims.

Gallery: fennec fox (25 photos)


Not every family can afford these animals. The cost of one animal ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles . Moreover, females are valued much higher due to their ability to give birth to young.

It won't take much money for Fox's living expenses. The animal quickly tames to the tray, finds a common language with people and animals and practically does not neglect any food. However, remember that the fennec is a nocturnal animal. To avoid having to spend money on buying new furniture or interior items, give the animal an enclosure or room so that it can show its hunting instincts there.

Walking with caution

Many people want to take their pets for a walk. They may be scared in another environment, so the animal should only be taken outside with a harness. Get used to walking in a harness gradually, first in a closed yard where there are no strangers. Gradually increase the time until you understand that the animal is not stressed and is accustomed not only to the place where it lives, but also for walks. To prevent escaping from home, you need to make sure your pet is in a safe place when leaving. Insect screens on the windows are not an obstacle for the fox.


Fenechs are not only hunters, but also excellent diggers - they live in burrows dug on their own.

In fact, this is the smallest animal from the canine family. Despite the fact that this animal officially belongs to the genus of foxes, it is often included in a separate special genus, Fennecus.

This animal adapts well in captivity and, in general, with the right approach to it, it turns out to be an excellent pet, just like a cat.

True, there is no point in expecting cat-like habits from mini-foxes.

Interesting! In relation to the size of the head, the fennec cat's ears are the largest among all predators on the planet.

Helpful information

An animal from a good nursery in the USA costs approximately 2 to 3 thousand dollars. In other countries, the price may be higher due to transportation and purchasing the necessary documents. The high cost is due to the difficulties in breeding and growing.

The following points need to be remembered:

  1. If you are interested in the smallest fox that you can keep at home, then you should not confuse the two species: there is a fennec fox, and there is a big-eared fox.
  2. Make sure keeping a pet fennec fox is legal where you live.
  3. Be prepared that the animal may be unclean.
  4. Make a cage and cover any holes through which the animal can escape.
  5. Keep your pet in your own home, but not in an apartment or home shared with someone who does not accept the phoenix as a pet.
  6. Ask the breeder about vaccines and find a good veterinarian.

Expect lots of energy, demandingness, talkativeness, loudness, independence, and potential chaos. A domestic fennec fox is for energetic and patient people.

Common types

The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a monotypic African species.
Representatives of the species are not divided into groups and subspecies. All known populations of animals have no obvious differences, except for the size and shade of fur. During research and experiments, no hybrid individuals were found.

Sizes of fennecs depending on habitat:

  1. Western and Northern Africa: body length from 33 to 39 cm, tail from 12 to 18 cm, ear height from 8 to 10 cm. Weight from 850 grams to 1.2 kilograms.
  2. Egypt: body length of a mature individual is from 32 to 42 cm, tail from 18 to 24 cm, ear from 8 to 10.5 cm.

In a zoo environment, larger individuals are found. Scientists associate this feature with improved living conditions and a rich food supply. Foxes do not need to get their own food, so they move little, “eat off” and grow.


Fennecs breed once a year. The mating season is in January–February, but the females' estrus lasts only two days. These animals are monogamous, each pair has a home range. During the breeding season, males become aggressive and actively mark their territory with urine.

Pregnancy lasts 50–53 days; in March–April, the female gives birth to 2–6 cubs in a burrow with a nesting chamber lined with grass, feathers and wool. Puppies weigh only 50 g at birth. The mother remains with them in the den until they are two weeks old, when their eyes open. The male brings food, but does not enter the den, because the female is very aggressive at this time and drives him away from the puppies. At the age of 5 weeks, the cubs first leave the den and wander around the surrounding area, but only at the age of 3 months do they begin to travel significant distances. At the same time, females stop lactation.

Fennec cats reach sexual maturity at 6–9 months. Sometimes young fennec cats stay with their parents and help raise new offspring. Life expectancy is 10–12 years.

The most smiling fox in the world is a fennec fox named Nora!

Today our guest is Darina, who has a small African fennec fox living at home. The unusual animal has become completely domestic, delighting and entertaining its beloved owner. And the fennec has plenty of adventures and fun, as you can see by looking at Darina’s Instagram page @liskin_book or visiting her website https://www.patreon.com/nora_liskin

– Darina, tell us a little about yourself.

I live in the Kyiv region, very close to wild nature. By profession, I am an illustrator and dry felt artist, I create pictures for children's books and felted toys @velasima.toys, do photo shoots, and sometimes write stories.

Photo: @liskin_book

Everyone I know says that Nora is in my style and looks like the toys I make.

Photo: @liskin_book

– Why did you get a fennec cat? This is so unusual!

For as long as I can remember, I have always helped homeless animals; my mother and I found homes for cats, dogs, and fed birds.

When I was 10 years old, I saw a fennec cat on TV and couldn’t sleep - I kept making plans “how to make quick money and go to Africa.”

Fox Plusha and her owner Olya, who is responsible for those she tame

Nora is a desert fennec fox, she will always be small!

Photo: @liskin_book

Little Nora was snow-white, looking like a tiny magical spirit, and now she is slowly becoming a vanilla-red Cookie.

Nora is crazy about strawberries and grapes, sometimes cruel when she plays football with a chicken head and, for some, disgusting in her love for cockroaches and larvae, but endlessly loved!

Photo: @liskin_book

– How did the fennec appear?

We found our Nora by chance, following an advertisement. We were looking for a vacuum cleaner, and the next day we went after our dream. This is how dreams unexpectedly come true...!!!

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I remember the first day with Nora: the frightened, fragile lump looked at us with incredulous eyes. Nora had a very hard time getting used to the new environment; she shuddered at any rustle and could not sleep or eat. I felt that she was calmer in my arms, we walked around the apartment with Nora in my arms, I told her, and she looked at everything with curious eyes and wiggled her ears. From the very first days, the older cat began to take care of Nora and raised Mabel.

Video: @liskin_book

We immediately abandoned the enclosure, since I am against restricting the freedom of the animal. We have prepared conditions for Nora that would make both her and us comfortable! We removed everything that could be chewed or spoiled during the game.

These days, I thought that the beautiful savage would remain unbridled, but one day everything changed dramatically...

Photo: @liskin_book

– Tell me what has changed!

We “smoothed” her, carried her in our arms, and brought food to bed in the morning. And now, the day has come when we waited for the manifestation of dog devotion!

Tea with red neighbors: how to get along with wild foxes

We were greeted by a cheerful drumming tail and, that same evening, this cunning thing had already stretched out like a “skin” on my chest and was snorting and puffing importantly - they say, “Stroke it again”!

Photo: @liskin_book

And the secret is simple: it doesn’t matter whether the animal is wild or domesticated thousands of years ago, they all absorb love. They feel it on a level that we don't understand. It’s all nonsense that foxes, raccoons, and owls are wild and it’s impossible to be friends with them. Any animal to which you give your full attention and heart will reciprocate. And friendship with such a beast can only be a wonderful beginning.

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– Darina, does your family support such an unusual hobby? How do they help?

My boyfriend was very afraid of such responsibility, but I studied enough information about fennecs from breeders and was ready. Mom, who did not welcome wild animals into the house, was delighted with the African fox! The appearance of Nora encouraged my mother to abandon natural fur in her clothes. We can always count on her help if we plan to go on vacation.

– What pets still live in your house? What are their names? What are their characters and features?

Two cats still live with us, which I took from the street. The eldest's name is Lyra. She is like a wise sister to both. The younger cat, Mabel, has a bit of a temper and doesn’t get along “very well” with Nora.

Video: @liskin_book

– Who does the fennec look more like: a cat or a dog?

I would say that in this regard they are more like cats than dogs. They go to the litter box, sleep in a ball on a pillow and are afraid of the street. And although Nora has been there hundreds of times, everything scares her: the grass, the leaves on the ground, the noise of the bushes, the creaking of sticks and the wind. The only thing that can distract her is a sandbox, in which she digs holes, sneezes and catches imaginary mice. But the trouble is that such “sand anti-stress” is most often occupied by children. And we lead the desert fox into the scary forest. Now it’s easier, for example, Nora found logs that, as it turned out, were interesting to climb!

Photo: @liskin_book

It is absolutely forbidden to walk fennec cats without a harness! Any frightening sound, and the fox will be gone in a second. Not because she wants to be released, but because these animals are shy by nature.

Well, don’t expect the fox to walk alongside you like an obedient dog. She's more likely to walk you than you are to walk her. It's not impossible, but it takes time and patience.

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And Nora says this to herself:

“Not a dog or a cat, I’m just pretending!”

Photo: @liskin_book

– How is your typical day, Darina?

The fox sleeps almost all day, so I can calmly work and mind my own business.

Photo: @liskin_book

But in the morning she always greets us with joyful cries, runs to hug and “pet”.

Video: @liskin_book

In the evening, the fox is the most active and loving time. At such moments, she is ready to play, communicate, make friends with new people, but try to wake her up during daytime sleep - she will immediately feel like “not her own”)).

Little fox gymnast “explodes” the Internet with his somersaults

– What can you feed the African fox?

In the evening, before active games, Nora has dinner. Her diet is half a small carrot, a piece of apple and vitamins. I add another 5-8 pieces of food cockroaches, since insects are necessary as a source of protein.

And at night we leave Nora two day-old feed chicks.

Video: @liskin_book

And plant foods: pears, grapes, cucumbers, apples, blueberries, strawberries. The fox herself will let you know which of these she likes.

– Are there any difficulties in caring for the fennec tree?

In general, keeping a fennec cat is no more difficult than caring for a kitten. But there are also some nuances.

For example, Nora loves to steal and chew shoelaces, socks, and underwear.

And yet, the fennec is a nocturnal animal. It took us a year to adjust her regimen. At night the animal digs loudly, makes noise and scratches the door.

Photo: @liskin_book

It doesn’t bite furniture or wires; this has never happened before. The only thing he chews is the laces on his shoes, so now everything is in the closet.

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Nora behaves well both at home and at a party, and when traveling she can lie curled up on her lap for several hours.

Photo: @liskin_book

– Can a Fenech be trained? What can Nora already do?

We didn’t do this seriously, but I think, with the right approach, it’s not difficult to train a fox.

Nora knows the commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “no”, “to me” and “next to me”.

Video: @liskin_book

Nora loves insects most of all, and when the fox is hungry, they are ideal for training.

When we walk her, all the dogs experience bouts of “cuteness” and strive to make friends!) Some owners say that this is the first time their dog reacts so friendly to another animal, how strange, right?

– How do passers-by react to Nora when you walk her?

Oh, this is very interesting! For example, these are the words I hear:

What's wrong with this Chihuahua's ears? What a strange dog you have, is it by any chance broken? No, I’m telling you! (auntie to her husband): This is a jerboa! I saw these on TV! Oh! Where did you find such a Pokemon?! Is this a toy or is it alive? Mom, look, it's the one from The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda! Look what a cat dog is running. I watched the cartoon when I was a kid! Wrong dog! Robot! Alien!

– Darina, you are writing a book now, what will it be about?

I have long wanted to write a philosophical fairy tale about a little fox who goes on an amazing journey to meet his friend at the end of the journey. With the appearance of Nora, I decided that she would be the main character of the book. Now I have created a “Patreon platform” where everyone can become part of this project. The book is currently in progress.

Just like in a cartoon! True friendship between a fox and a bulldog

– Are there any funny, interesting moments with Nora?

Funny situations happen to us regularly. We couldn’t figure out where the socks went until we found a nest of them - in the sofa.

Photo: @liskin_book

Then Nora opened a bottle of champagne and got drunk, and one day Norochka prepared for us an installation of toilet paper, soap, pencils and towels on the floor. She was so proud of her work that she took us to show us what she did at night.

Video: @liskin_book

Our Nori-Ori loves to giggle, moan, squeak and even bark and howl! The squealing sounds like the squeal of a piglet multiplied by a parrot!

Nora also became famous on TikTok as the “nine-tailed fox” character from Naruto. The video of her lying with a toy snake has received 50 thousand views! So, thanks to Naruto fans, our Nora now has another TikTok chaser - “Kurama”!

– Darina, does Nora have pet nicknames? What else do you call it?

As soon as we call her: Lissy, Chubaka, Syabaka-Ulybaka, Liskin, Norchik, Norchun, Skrebushka, Bun, Zlobulka, Cookie, Ponytail, Buttonnos, Mink Serduchka, Little Fox, Fenechka, Tsutsya, Mozilla Fox, Foxy Girl, Bun , Lady Fox, Fox Plush. There is plenty to choose from)))

Photo: @liskin_book

– Darina, what do you advise our readers who would also like to get a fennec cat?

I would like to advise you to thoroughly study information about domestic fennec from breeders. Weigh the pros and cons and understand why you need the animal. Will it be a toy for children, or a family member who will be loved, pampered, and provided with proper care. Will you be willing to tolerate his character? Because a wild and evil animal can come across, even with a good attitude from the breeder. But here Nora is just playing))

Video: @liskin_book

– And what is your personal attitude towards little fennec cats?

What is it like to live with a fox? Without hesitation I will answer – magical!

Photo: @liskin_book

Our Nori is a loyal friend who makes friends surprisingly quickly, both among animals and among people!

Photo: @liskin_book

And what a fox smile is worth! A smile with all your teeth, eyes and a drumming tail when you come home and when they demand hugs from you! Did you know that foxes can smile?

My attitude towards money has also changed. I realized that dreams have no price. A fox smile has no price!

Video: @liskin_book

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Posted by Nora Liskin

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