Shih Tzu's eyes fall out: causes, treatment and first aid

Eye injury is one of the most insidious pathologies in dogs. Injuries that seem minor can have an unexpectedly serious impact on the dog's health. Partial or complete blindness, headaches, and inability to see up close are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to all the dangers, there are a number of breeds that are prone to self-injury. For example, Shih Tzu's eyes literally fall out. The eyeball falls out of the “socket”, this injury is called proptosis.

Why are Shih Tzus so attractive?

Until recently, only Chinese emperors could keep these dogs, but today you can buy a puppy of any age for a substantial sum. In America, Shih Tzus began to spread in the 30s of the last century. The dogs were called “pearls” either because the breed was as rare as pearls, or because of the shape of their eyes. Friendly, expressive eyes of a dark brown color with long eyelashes lure the potential owner with just one glance, but after the treasured acquisition he is faced with a number of problems, because it is the eyes that can cause a number of worries for both the pet and the owner.

Description and breed standard

The Shih Tzu is a small dog with smooth hair, the length of which exceeds the size of the animal's body. The undercoat is well developed, and its tuft on the head resembles a chrysanthemum flower.

The parameters of a dog's correct physique are as follows:

  • height at withers 25–28 cm, adult weight 4.5–8 kg;
  • The body is rectangular in shape, strong build. The back is straight, the croup muscles are well developed;
  • the head is round in shape, with wide-set eyes, the color of which depends on the color of the coat. A lush mustache and beard stand out on the square muzzle. The ears are wide and drooping;
  • the tail, densely covered with hair, is set high and curled towards the back;
  • paws are short, strong and strong;
  • bite - a straight or tight bite.

American breeders strive to obtain dogs with a shorter body and high legs, the priority is to obtain show-class dogs. They are elegant, tall on their legs, have pronounced angles and long necks.

The breed standard allows for a variety of coat colors, including:

  • white in combination with red, gold, black and shades of blue;
  • black and black and tan;
  • cream;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • blue and even brindle.

Coat color can be white with shades of black

It is noteworthy that chrysanthemums do not shed, but lose hair only when combed.

Eye loss: myth or reality

Of course, the eyes of a Shih Tzu are the most vulnerable part of the face. The eye orbit in dogs of this breed is constructed in such a way that the eyeball remains practically uncovered. If this happens, it is important to remain calm and not lose confidence that eye loss is not fatal, and with timely surgical care, your pet will be able to restore its vision.

The very fact that eyes can fall out seems terrifying, but not every Shih Tzu can get into trouble. By the way, this can happen in dogs of other breeds, even cats. Animals with congenital or acquired pathology can live a full life and be more vigorous than their healthy relatives.

Cardiovascular system and joints

As a rule, heart problems that appear in young animals are pathological in nature. If your dog is stunted, loses weight, suffers from fainting and swelling, shortness of breath, gets tired even from minor physical exertion and has lost his appetite, then you need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Atrioventricular or mitral valve insufficiency is the most common form of the disease in dogs. One or more valves may be affected. The chambers of the heart must be tightly closed by the heart valves. As a consequence of the disease, the valves leak, allowing blood to flow in the opposite direction. Most often, the veterinarian recommends against surgical intervention and prescribes the necessary medications. To make the heart work more comfortably, inhibitors, beta blockers, nitroglycerin, and diuretics are prescribed.

A ventricular septal defect is a congenital heart defect characterized by a connection between the right and left ventricles. The formation of abnormal holes in the interventricular septum - defects - occurs due to exposure of the embryo to harmful factors that disrupt the normal intrauterine development of the heart. To diagnose this pathology, ECHO, ECG and radiography are prescribed. Drug treatment is accompanied by a special diet and a decrease in activity.

A common joint problem for Shih Tzus is a displaced patella.

Patella dislocation is accompanied by lameness and paw tightening. Usually it is enough to relieve the pain and realign the patella. However, severe cases require surgery to avoid the development of joint arthritis.

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What to feed small and adult Shih Tzu dogs

Eyes need care!

The owner of a Shih Tzu must take care not only of his luxurious coat, but also of his eyes, since they are the most unprotected place. It is important to protect the puppy and not let him come into violent contact with other dogs: his eyes can be damaged even during active games. Wipe your eyes with plain water to prevent chapped eyes. Try to find a permanent hairdresser who will provide haircuts at least several times a year.

Doing this yourself, especially in the eye area, is extremely dangerous, because scissors or a comb can cause damage. When inflammation occurs, it is important to rinse and wipe the eyeball with chloramphenicol - these drops are used not only in the treatment of conjunctivitis in humans, but also for eye diseases in animals.

Causes and symptoms of eyeball prolapse

A dog’s eyes fall out if it finds itself in a situation that provokes the occurrence of such a pathology:

  • a blow to the neck or head from the side or from above;
  • lifting and carrying the animal by the skin of the withers.

As a result of such mechanical action, the eyeball shifts and extends beyond the eyelid that holds it. The loss can be complete or partial.

After an injury, the dog experiences a feeling of pain and discomfort, accompanied by the following signs:

  • excessive protrusion of the eyeball;
  • bloody discharge from the eye;
  • increased blinking of the eyes;
  • drying and dullness of the cornea;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • fear of light;
  • animal depression.

Such symptoms will not go unnoticed by the dog owner, so you need to try to help the pet before arriving at the veterinary clinic.

Why is this happening?

Eye loss in Shih Tzus or some other breeds is not a myth, but not every owner may encounter this problem. If the animal does not have congenital pathologies, it eats well and does not participate in excessively active physical contact (animal sports, fights with other dogs). However, dogs cannot take care of themselves and tell the owner in a timely manner when troubles arise, so they have to be learned about them after the fact. You should understand the causes of eye loss in your Shih Tzu so that you can take precautions and not be surprised if it happens.

  • Tighten the collar tightly. Any sudden movement of the leash for a dog is already stressful, and if you tighten it too much, the Shih Tzu’s eyes will begin to become bloodshot and then fall out. Pets often become prisoners of their own behavior when they become entangled in a collar, not understanding what this can lead to. If trouble has happened, you should not lose composure and provide first aid.
  • Anatomical congenital features. In dog breeds such as Pekingese and Shih Tzu, the eyeball is protected only by the eyelid. The cranium does not provide for the presence of a closed bony orbit, so the eyes do not have the opportunity to go deeper into it. For this reason, they are always convex, which provides dogs with an interesting, endearing look. Dogs whose eyes become more protruding from birth than their relatives are at risk of losing them even with minimal external trauma.
  • A strong blow to the head. The dog should not be hit in any case, but if the hit was not your fault, the Shih Tzu is not immune to eye loss. This can happen immediately, or sometimes after a certain period of time. It is not uncommon for Shih Tzus to be injured after playing or fighting with other dogs. It is important to capture this moment so that the eye does not get lost in the turmoil.

Urgent help

The owner, faced with such an unpleasant sight, is often horrified. There is no need to panic. Your furry friend will not be able to help himself; he will need human support.

Take the animal in your arms, caress and calm it down. Take the poor animal home (if you were walking), turn on the warm water and start working. The wound will need to be blotted with a bandage moistened with warm water. Then you can lubricate the eye with ointment intended for the visual organs, and urgently take the animal to the veterinarian. There's no time to waste.

Don't try to put your missing eye back in place! Cause pain to the dog, in addition to depriving the animal of hopes of returning vision at the biological level - with careless treatment, the dog really will not be able to see.

First aid for eye loss and surgery

The competence of modern surgeons allows not only to insert the eye back into the socket, but also to restore the dog’s vision. The main thing is to provide her with first aid, since waiting for the veterinarian will take precious time. Lubricate the eye with eye ointment and apply cold for a few minutes. The most important thing is to calm your pet so that he does not have time to realize what happened.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and takes a long time. The surgeon places stitches on the eyelids, and a sterile bandage holds the eye in a static position. It is important to avoid the formation of a hematoma, otherwise the eye cannot be saved. It is recommended to give your Shih Tzu the prescribed antibiotics and keep him at rest for the next week. Good and nutritious nutrition is what will allow your pet to regain its former activity very soon. After 3 weeks, if the operation is successful, its consequences will be minimal.


An injured animal has symptoms of varying severity depending on the degree of displacement of the eyeball:

  • pain and poor health;
  • the eye protrudes from the socket more than usual;
  • the appearance of blood around the eye;
  • frequent blinking;
  • loss of shine and moisture of the cornea;
  • swelling of the tissues of the eye and eyelids;
  • photophobia.

Consequences of the operation

For a dog, as for a person, the eyes are the main apparatus for perceiving the surrounding world, but any surgical intervention weakens vision. Situations are not excluded when, due to proptosis, the Shih Tzu completely loses the ability to see, so a repeat operation is meaningless. The condition of the eyeball depends not only on the skillful hands of the surgeon, but also on the circumstances that provoked the loss of the eye. If the damage is severe, it becomes impossible not only to restore vision, but also the eye, so the pet risks being crippled. You should not engage in amateur activities and try to sew the eye at home, since it is impossible to restore vision with the slightest damage to the optic nerve.

Other diseases

Very often, Shih Tzus suffer from urolithiasis. Due to a specific infection, uroliths (stones) form in the dog’s urinary system. Due to contamination of the passages, uroliths can linger in the bladder, causing blockage of the urethra and difficulty urinating. The animal's body temperature rises, the urine becomes cloudy and dark, possibly mixed with blood.

Related article: What to feed small and adult Shih Tzu dogs

Males suffer from this disease more often. The disease usually appears after 4 years of age. Treatment of the disease depends on the size and quality of the stones. Small ones can be dissolved by following a special diet and with the help of medications; large ones can be removed through surgery. If the disease is accompanied by infection, antibiotics are also prescribed.

Chronic respiratory failure accompanied by coughing or shortness of breath may indicate a collapsed trachea in a dog. The tracheal rings will change, narrow and become denser. As a result, obstruction occurs. The animal develops a cough and mucous discharge from the throat. Treatment methods are selected according to the stage of the disease: early - therapeutic, late - surgical intervention.


Viktor Adolfovich, 37 years old, Ekaterinburg

As soon as I bought my daughter a Shih Tzu for her birthday, she felt like a truly happy child. The dog, whom we named Kurt, doesn't give us any trouble. I can’t explain why there is a myth that a dog’s eyes can fall out, but we haven’t encountered this problem. I myself am not a doctor by training, but if I see that the dog’s eyes have begun to redden, I provide rest for our pet - I see that Kurt is overtired.

Kristina Aleksandrovna, 51 years old, Kemerovo

Our Bead - that's what we called the Shih Tzu because of its special large beady eyes - from the very beginning it caused us inconvenience. We fell in love with Businka for her charming look; it seemed to us that eternally surprised eyes were normal; all Shih Tzus have them that way. When the Beads found a friend, our neighbor Caesar, who has a good pedigree, we immediately noticed that his eyes did not fall out of their sockets so much. After another active game, Businka’s eyes began to fall out so much that I got a little scared. If I hadn’t separated her from Caesar in time, they probably would have fallen out completely - at least it seemed so to me. Now I’d better get off after Busenka.

Marina Belova, 19 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Previously, it seemed to me that what happened in one of the episodes of “Real Boys”, where the dog’s eye fell out, could be considered complete nonsense. Whatever the case! I always monitored the behavior of my neighbor's Shih Tzu and never observed anything like this. True, her unrealistically bulging eyes always touched me. Despite its pretty face, the dog was far from having an angelic character and could easily get into a fight with the neighbor’s shepherd dog. So one day her eye fell out. Neighbors said that the matter could not have happened without the help of a surgeon.

Ksenia Dementievna, 23 years old, Kharkov

We transported Antoshka from Dnepropetrovsk to Kharkov. Antoshka is our two-year-old Shih Tzu dog, who was given to my husband and me for our wedding. He always loved to be given attention, but on the train we couldn’t play with him like we did at home, so he just went crazy in the literal sense of the word. I finished it... I don’t remember what happened to me for sure after my pet’s eye fell out, but it took me a very long time to come to my senses. The husband was not at a loss and immediately used the Internet to find out how to give Antoshka first aid, because there was no veterinarian on the train. Fortunately, Antoshkin’s case was not an isolated one, and eye loss is common in dogs of our breed. In Kharkov, we turned to a surgeon who performed the operation. Antoshka’s eye sees all the worst things ahead!

Treatment of proptosis in dogs

After determining the condition of the eye, surgery is performed to realign it. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The eye is set by temporarily suturing the eyelids, which helps keep it in its normal position and speed up healing. Doctors try to save the eye even with poor prognosis. This is because signs such as lack of pupillary response to light may be temporary, and reduction is a less traumatic procedure than removal of the eye, which can be done electively at a later date. In the postoperative period, eye drops and tablets containing antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling and pain, and a protective collar are used. After 14 days, the sutures from the eyelids are removed and the condition of the eye is re-evaluated.

How to help a dog?

The sight of a dog losing an eye is, of course, not for the faint of heart, and therefore the owners, in fright, forget how to help their pet, but they need to gather their will into a fist and begin to act:

  1. First, you need to protect the affected eye from any touch to it. To prevent the dog from touching or scratching it with its paws, it is better to put a special collar on it or carefully monitor the animal’s behavior.
  2. Using a clean bandage (preferably sterile), moistened with cool boiled water or saline, remove dirt and blood from the wound with blotting movements. Do not use cotton wool or cotton pads, particles of which will stick to the eyeball, or any antiseptic solutions - hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-containing liquids, etc.
  3. Apply eye ointment carefully.
  4. To relieve swelling, apply cold to the eye for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Cover the affected eye with a clean, damp cotton cloth.

After providing first aid, you should immediately go to the veterinarian, and under no circumstances should you try to straighten the eye yourself, as such actions can lead to very serious consequences!

If a dog’s eye falls out and it was provided with unqualified help or treatment was started very late, then in the future the animal will have serious problems with vision:

  • due to stretching of the optic nerve or its rupture, its connection with the central nervous system may be disrupted, which leads to loss of vision;
  • rupture of the retina leads to atrophy of the eyeball and, as a result, the dog faces blindness;
  • corneal injury causes cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, and decreased visual acuity;
  • Violation of the integrity of the eye muscles in dogs causes strabismus.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include:

  • unusual exterior and compact size of the animal;
  • the ability to dress up the dog and do its hair;

Hairstyles can be done independently or at a grooming salon.

  • moderate temperament and high cleanliness;
  • flexible disposition, with a touch of worldly wisdom;
  • learning and training abilities.

Dog experts consider the following disadvantages of the Shih Tzu:

  • lack of security qualities;
  • genetically determined health disorders;
  • tendency to be very sad when alone.

As for Shih Tzu owners and breeders, they unanimously consider this dog breed to be the best in the world.

Care and maintenance

Chinese chrysanthemums are decorative dogs, caring for which is not very difficult. They feel great both in a house with a garden and in a modest city apartment. It is important that the Shih Tzu has its own place with soft bedding, as well as a walking area near the house.

Shih Tzu food

One of the characteristics of the breed is a predisposition to obesity. Taking this into account, you should make sure that your pet’s food is balanced and not too high in calories. The ideal solution would be premium food for small dogs, and from individual manufacturers you can also buy formulations that take into account the characteristics of the breed.

For those who prefer to feed the Chinese lion with natural products, it is important to know:

  • he should not be given food from the table. Firstly, not all human food is allowed for an animal, and secondly, this can lead to the dog becoming capricious in food;
  • the diet should consist of 60–70% boiled meat, but at least occasionally it should be given raw meat, which is pre-frozen in the refrigerator to eliminate the risk of infection with intestinal worms. It is better to feed the Chinese chrysanthemum with beef and offal, as well as rabbit and turkey. Chicken can cause allergies;
  • boiled sea fish, cleaned of bones, is beneficial for dogs;
  • fresh milk is not advisable for adults, and fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, must be included in the diet;
  • You should definitely cook porridge from rice, buckwheat, rolled oats based on broth with pieces of meat. Barley is difficult to digest.

As for vegetables, they are given raw and boiled, excluding those that have a strong taste and smell (onions, garlic, radishes and radishes), as well as avocados. It is recommended to add fresh herbs in the form of dill and parsley to porridge. Fruits are good for your Shih Tzu, except for grapes and raisins, which can cause kidney problems.

Meat and bone meal, as well as fish oil and seaweed, will be a useful addition to the menu.


When keeping a mini-lion, there are a number of important points to consider.

Grooming and cutting

Beautiful coat is the calling card of the Shih Tzu. To prevent the dog from collecting dust from the ground, the strands must be periodically trimmed from below, and also combed daily with a comb and a wire brush. Dandruff and tangles should not be allowed to occur so that you don’t have to fight them, and if they appear, a tangle cutter will help.

The Shih Tzu breed standard stipulates long hair, so it is not customary to cut show animals. But for pet-class dogs there are model haircuts that make them easier to care for and also make it possible to change the image of the Chinese chrysanthemum.

If you have long hair, a top coat is required, otherwise your pet will have eye problems.

A topknot is an original hairstyle that resembles a bun, decorated with a bow with an elastic band or an elastic band.

Not every owner has time to visit a grooming salon with their pet, so many cut their dogs themselves. If you have the skills, this is not difficult to do. Beauty is restored after bathing and combing. The simplest and most popular look is the haircut, which gives the Chinese mini lion a touching puppy look. To do this, the fur is shortened so that it is the same length throughout the body.

Sometimes the American standard is taken as a basis, when the back along the midline of the sides is cut to a moiré pattern. The paws can be left fluffy, marking only the contours. As a result, the dog looks like a teddy bear with furry limbs. The haircut is performed with a clipper, in the direction from the tail.

If you purchased a Shih Tzu “for yourself,” then caring for it will require much less effort than caring for a show specimen.

How to wash

Wash the mini-lion in warm water (40°C) using grooming shampoos. The day before, the animal’s fur must be combed, and at the end of the bath procedure, dried and tidied up using a comb. Dark streaks under the eyes are removed with a swab dipped in lemon juice or an aqueous solution of boric acid.

Ear care

An important point is plucking hairs from the ear canals, which is required twice a month. This will save your pet from the accumulation of small debris, and therefore from inflammation in the ears. The treatment area is wiped with pharmacy hydrogen peroxide before and after.

Eye care

The eyes of small dogs are constantly damaged by hair and dust. If they become inflamed or begin to fester, they are washed with a weak solution of boric acid and instilled with special eye drops. It is important to take care of the hair on your head. To prevent the fur from getting into the eyes and disturbing the pet, it is collected in a high ponytail.

Dental care

Shih Tzus have a tendency to develop hard plaque on their teeth, which can only be removed by a veterinarian. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to occasionally add tomatoes to your animal’s diet.

Paw care

It consists of periodically cutting the hair on the fingers and trimming the claws. After each walk, the paws should be inspected for scratches and cuts.

Proper care of your Shih Tzu will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the incredible beauty of this animal, and will also protect the dog from many health problems.

Education and training

The Chinese mini-lion needs training and education, otherwise the dog risks turning into a wayward bully. You need to teach your puppy good manners from the first days of his arrival in the house.

How to train to the tray

One of the key points is adaptation to the toilet at home, because you cannot walk your baby before vaccination. You can use the following as a latrine:

  • newspapers or diaper on the floor;
  • tray.

Shih Tzus are very clean and easy to litter train.

The second option is preferable as it is more hygienic. A plastic “potty” is easier to care for, and the risk of stepping on your pet’s excrement in this case is reduced to zero. The process of a dog getting used to the toilet occurs in stages and requires patience from the owner.

  1. It is necessary to fence off the puppy’s habitat by placing a bed there, and a tray a little further away. At first, the floor will have to be cleared of carpets and covered with newspapers.
  2. The need to urinate and defecate occurs in dogs after eating, active play and sleep. The dog will begin to sniff around him, choosing a place. At this point, it should be carefully placed in a tray where it can do its business. It is worth petting the puppy, encouraging him to sit down and relieve himself. Thus, in order not to miss the “moment,” you should always keep your baby in sight.
  3. In the absence of control, he will most likely prefer to go to the newspaper. It will also help you get used to the tray faster if you put a piece of it that your pet has wetted in it. The floor should be washed clean so that there is no smell left.
  4. The “scents” from the tray will help the baby figure out where to “squat” next time. Over time, the dog will get used to his potty, and the owner will have less trouble.

How to stop biting

When raising a puppy, it is important to teach him not to bite without reason. You can try to do this by reacting in a special way to your pet’s behavior. Typically, a dog will grab a person's hands while playing. To stop this, you should abruptly stop fiddling with it:

  • first - after sensitive bites;
  • then - after the middle ones;
  • in the future - after any attempts to claw with teeth.

How it works? Very simple. Play is a pleasure for an animal. As a result of his incorrect action, it abruptly stops. The dog will quickly begin to understand why this is happening. It is impossible to wean him off a bad habit right away, which is why he must first stop biting his owner strongly, then weakly, and eventually completely.

How to teach commands

The next important point in raising a pet is teaching simple commands such as “place”, “come to me”, “no”. The Shih Tzu is an intelligent and quick-witted dog with a good memory. The problem may be her stubborn and proud character, as well as an exaggerated sense of self-esteem. It has already been said that chrysanthemums do not tolerate rudeness and pressure in their direction. A sharp tone and an angry shout from the owner can cause the animal to become offended, withdraw into itself and refuse to follow commands.

With the right approach, you can teach your Shih Tzu even simple tricks. However, you should not expect that the dog will perform them at the first whistle and demonstrate absolute submission.

The secret to successfully raising dogs of this breed is considered to be:

  • understanding the physiology and character traits of the pet;
  • the owner’s patience and perseverance, as well as the ability to get his way without rudeness and aggression.

Raising and training the Chinese chrysanthemum should begin at an early age, and it is better to do this with the support of a dog handler who knows the breed well.

Diseases and how to treat them

Shih Tzu dogs are predisposed to a number of pathologies. One of the characteristic symptoms is the loss of eyeballs. This is due to the anatomical features of the head; eyeballs can fall out:

  • after mechanical injuries to the head and neck area;
  • lifting the dog by the scruff of the neck;
  • compression of the cervical area.

The animal's eyes become bulging and their whites turn red. To avoid complications, the dog must be taken to the vet immediately. Signs of many diseases include lethargy, drowsiness and poor appetite.

Shih Tzus naturally have shallow eye orbits, but when they are underdeveloped, the risk of eye loss increases significantly.

Proptosis is loss of the eyeball in dogs. At risk are small dogs with a rounded skull and all four-legged dogs with a shortened or upturned muzzle.

Other health problems include:

  • food allergies and skin problems;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system;
  • congenital cardiac anomalies;
  • breathing problems - chronic respiratory failure syndrome;
  • predisposition to abdominal hernia and luxation of the kneecap;
  • other problems.

Having such risks, a dog is able to live long and happily if the owner is attentive to its health, nutrition and maintenance.

What vaccinations to give

In this context, timely and complete vaccination is extremely important:

  • from plague and parainfluenza;
  • rabies and leptospirosis;
  • parovirus enteritis;
  • Lyme disease.

Vaccinations are given in courses:

  • first time at 8–9 weeks of age;
  • the second - at 2–3 months;
  • further - annually.

More information about the specifics of Shih Tzu vaccination can be found in the veterinary clinic at your place of residence.


Chrysanthemum dogs are considered long-lived. With proper care for Shih Tzus, their lifespan can reach up to 20 years of age.

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