The most loyal dogs - TOP 25: the most interesting stories about loyal dogs

Throughout human history, the dog has remained a reliable friend. But there is a difference between breed and breed. Each dog has its own temperament and character. Are the most loyal dogs worth it? Yes! This is especially important when choosing a puppy, because you are welcoming a new family member into your home. The most loyal dogs are an amazing thing among us. For the sake of man, they overcome fear and sacrifice their lives. Their affection is touching and not always explainable.

Unconditional love

People very rarely love each other without any conditions - most often only mothers are capable of this in relation to their children. The relationship between those closest to you can be ruined by a mistake or even a careless word.

A dog does not choose its owner - it loves him all its life selflessly and devotedly without any conditions. And no offense will cancel this. A dog is capable of loving even someone who treats him poorly.

Small dishwashers

Naturally, no one suggests washing dishes with dog saliva. But if there is too much food left on your plate to throw away, but too little to save for next time, you can offer it to your dog. She will be happy, and it will be much easier for you later to wash the dishes that were previously cleaned by your dog.

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Intelligence and learning ability

The dog is one of the smartest animals among all that man has managed to tame. Here, of course, a lot depends on the breed, and each animal is individual. However, by deciding to get a dog, you get the chance to have a companion who truly understands everything.

Interestingly, these animals have excellent long-term memory and very poor short-term memory. In practice, this means that the dog will instantly forget that you just stepped on his tail, but will always remember that you are the best and most beloved person in the world. This is a feature of the brain of all dogs.

In addition, these pets are highly trainable, which means you can always be confident in your pet’s behavior.

Dogs know how to live

Simply put, dogs behave exactly the same way humans would behave if they didn't have the burden of their "intelligence." The life of a dog is simple - it wakes up, enjoys every day, eats, sleeps, walks and goes about its business. And at the same time, she is always happy - she does not think about the bills that she needs to pay, about the job that she needs to go to again. Naturally, such a life for a person would be quite boring, given that the human intellect is much better developed, but the dog is always satisfied and happy with his life.

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A dog is the best protector of the owner and his home. Even a fragile girl or child is not afraid to go out onto a deserted street late in the evening if a dog is walking nearby. He will protect his family member at any cost.

Of course, a small Chihuahua or Toy Terrier, despite all the courage of these kids, will not have enough strength to resist robbers on their own. But they will at least raise the alarm, and maybe even scare the intruder with their barking.

Terrible short term memory

One of the most annoying things about having friends is the fact that they always remember everything. If you do or say something wrong, you will definitely be reminded of it later. Which is absolutely impossible with dogs simply because of the way their brains function. These animals very quickly forget everything that happened to them, so you can do whatever you want (within reasonable and humane limits, of course), and your dog will quickly forget about it and will continue to love you with all his heart.

Doberman Pinscher

The breed was developed in the 19th century. It received its name in honor of its creator, Friedrich Louis Dauberman. He worked as a policeman and tax collector and, due to the danger of such a profession, needed a devoted friend and protector who would always and everywhere accompany the owner, helping him in this difficult matter. In addition, Frederick had to deal with stray dogs, which increased the need for a brave, vigilant, hardy defender.

The Doberman Pinscher turned out to be just like that – with excellent working skills as a watchdog and a house dog. The prototype of the new variety was the miniature pinscher. It was he who inspired the breeder to create an enlarged copy.

Friedrich Dobermann did not record his activities on paper, so modern versions of the origin of the breed are only guesses. There is reason to believe that in order to consolidate the necessary characteristics, the ancestors of the Beauceron, Rottweiler and German Pinscher were involved in breeding. Also included were the English Greyhound, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Pointer, Setter, Greyhound and Black and Tan Terrier.

It is surprising that such a combination of a wide variety of bloodlines led to the emergence of an ideal breed - exactly the way the author intended it.

Dobermans are famous for their high intelligence and obedience. Such qualities allow them to be trained and trained with extraordinary ease.

All these years and to this day, the Doberman continues to be one of the most loyal and reliable breeds that has ever existed on Earth. And although its representatives still enjoy a reputation as guard dogs, they have long outgrown their status and turned into adored, loving and gentle family members.

A dog is a true and faithful friend!, or Loyal and brave animals in creativity

Who is man's best friend? Of course, a dog! Some people have a lot to learn from dogs, especially the loyalty and love of a dog for a person. Many of us know the exploits of these brave, kind and loyal animals. Some are even the subject of legends.

The image of a dog is also very popular among handmade artists. Here, for example, are dog faces, cross-stitched and satin stitch.

Dogs made from wool are very cute.

Glass dogs are very fragile and very colorful.

Toy dogs are funny and, most importantly, soft.

Dogs are immortalized in monuments for their truly human actions. And how many other dogs are there among us who are standing guard at this moment, helping, saving, leading, treating, generally sacrificing themselves for the good of people. Here is a small part of the monuments dedicated to dogs.

Barry the Rescuer

He was great at finding people covered in snow, digging them out and warming them with his warmth. During his 12-year career, the dog saved more than 40 people. A monument was erected in his honor in Paris.

In total, Barry saved 40 people. Rescue 41 became fatal for him. In 1812, having once again found and dug up a frozen man, the dog warmed him with his body and breath. When the rescued man came to his senses and opened his eyes, he saw the snow-covered face of a huge dog. Frightened, he thought it was a bear and stabbed the rescuer with a knife (By the way, ironically, “barry” in one of the German dialects means “little bear”)


One day in 1995, city residents noticed a dog on the side of the road. He was always in the same place and threw himself at passing cars. The dog was a German Shepherd breed. Rumors spread throughout the city quite quickly and subsequently this dog became the property of the townspeople. Having become interested in this event in more detail, residents of the Togliatti urban district learned that in the summer of 1995, a car accident of two cars occurred not far from this place. According to the official version, the cherry-colored car collided with an oncoming car. Inside the cherry-colored car were a dog and his owners - a young couple (there is a version that they were newlyweds). The girl died on the spot, and the man was taken to the hospital in serious condition, where he died a couple of hours later. Miraculously, only the dog survived. His nickname was not known, so people called him “Faithful” or “Kostik” (a diminutive of the name Konstantin, which translated from Greek means “constant”, “faithful”).


The man was running next to the sledge. One after another, the dogs fell onto the snow, the man cut the lines and again drove the team forward. He knew how hard and hopelessly children die from diphtheria. But the man was exhausted. He collapsed into the sled and froze as a hoarse, breathing lump. And Balto, the lean leader, led the team further. He didn't know about whey and diphtheria. He knew that the owner was lying in the sledge and, perhaps, dying. And he took him to the people. And he took it out! History has not preserved the name of the musher or other dogs. A monument was erected to Balto in Alaska. After the death of 11-year-old Balto in 1933, a stuffed animal was made, which is now in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. There is also a film with Balto and his team filmed in 1925.

By the way, there is a cartoon of the same name dedicated to the feat of this dog. I advise both adults and children to watch it, because this is a good film for family viewing.

Dog of War - Julbars

At the historical Victory Parade on July 24, 1945, all fronts of the Great Patriotic War and all branches of the military were represented. But not everyone knows that at that parade, following the combined regiments of the fronts, the Navy regiment and columns of military equipment, dogs walked along Red Square with their handlers.

The crew of the Soviet armored car BA-10 and the shepherd dog Dzhulbars. Southern front. 1943. At that historical parade, the country’s chief dog handler, Lieutenant Colonel Mazover, walked behind the “box” of soldiers with dogs. He was allowed not to mark a step and not to salute the commander-in-chief, since he was carrying in his arms a soldier of the 14th assault engineer brigade - a dog named Dzhulbars. The four-legged fighter took part in battles and clearing terrain in Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria. There, Dzhulbars discovered 468 mines and 150 shells, for which he was nominated for a military award - the medal “For Military Merit”. By the day of the historical parade, Dzhulbars had not yet recovered from his injury.

And how many other dogs like this were there that helped our people overcome all the hardships of the war and win victory.

Monument to a homeless mongrel

The Sympathy memorial sign, dedicated to homeless dogs and cats, is installed in the under-street pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the Mendeleevskaya metro station. The reason for creating the monument was the murder of a stray dog ​​by a woman, who thus stood up for her dog. An inadequate woman, trying to separate the dogs, inflicted multiple stab wounds on a homeless mongrel, from which she died... The monument has a real prototype.

Yes, mongrels do not have owners, but this is not a reason to treat them any differently. They also have the right to exist, without violence.

Thanks to her, mothers met their sons alive, wives met their husbands, children met their fathers alive.

The owner is a police dog handler of the patrol service Evgeniy Shestko. Evgeniy’s first business trip with Elga was to Ingushetia. We stood near Karabulag for two weeks. Evgeniy remembers how they arrived at the outpost. An Ingush policeman, seeing the dog, muttered with displeasure that it should not come near him. - I'll shoot you! - he warned menacingly, remembering that once in childhood “the same dog bit him.” A local shepherd who came running to the outpost said that several sheep had been blown up in the pasture, and most likely the field was mined. Suspicions were confirmed, Elga found four anti-personnel mines there. And the next morning that same Ingush policeman knelt in front of her, kissed her on the nose and presented her with a new collar, muzzle and harness.

Here, in Ingushetia, Evgeniy and Elga got into a shootout. From a nervous shock, the “fighting friend” lost her puppies, gave birth prematurely... It seemed like there was no end to my grief. Later, she will get used to the whistling of bullets; when shelling begins, she will lie down on the ground and wait for the owner’s order. Then there were business trips to Chechnya. During her first reconnaissance operation, Elga discovered a tripwire with a hand grenade. A few days later, a machine gun was mined at the beer gate, thereby saving ten policemen. Then there was a mine in the Oktyabrsky district of Grozny, two warehouses with militant ammunition on the Sunzha River... And Elga also accounted for the lives of an entire column of our soldiers who brought humanitarian aid to Grozny. During another business trip to Chechnya in March 2012, Elga was blown up by mine, the lives of many military personnel were saved. The shepherd survived then, but a serious injury undermined her health and she died in the arms of her owner, who erected a monument to her!


Many people know this dog from the film that was released.

The Akita Inu dog Hachiko is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan. Every day he went to accompany his owner, a professor at the University of Tokyo, to the Shibuya train station, and then met him after work. When the professor died, the dog continued to come to the station for 10 years.

In 1932, one of the largest newspapers in Tokyo published the article “A devoted old dog awaits the return of its owner, who died seven years ago.” After this, Hachiko became known throughout the country.

The dog became so famous that after his death his body was preserved. There is a monument at Shibuya Station that has become a popular meeting place.

I would like that after reading all this, you would remember your dog, pet it, or feed a stray dog ​​even a piece of bread, or simply look at these animals differently if you previously had a different opinion about them. A dog is a true and loyal friend!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

At first, dogs of this breed played the role of a companion for the richest and most influential people in Europe. Besides loyalty, the most important trait of a spaniel is patience. The fact is that the dogs had to sit for hours in a strict aristocratic environment, unable to move or utter an extra sound.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is very sociable and, interestingly, prefers to communicate using loud yapping. Good learning ability and extraordinary intellectual abilities (including excellent memory) make it easy to train and educate them, teaching them good manners.

Representatives of the breed get along easily with members of the owner's family, as well as with other pets, including cats. Spaniels are cheerful, energetic, and playful not only when they are young, but also when they are old. Therefore, the ideal owner for this dog would be a person who is active, not lazy and not too busy. Only in this situation can you organize daily long walks outside.

Cavaliers need to be trained from early puppyhood.

Cavaliers are emotional dogs, so treating them too harshly or lack of attention can cause stress in the animal. This condition, in turn, can lead to illness in the pet.


The well-known film about Lassie made the collie breed incredibly popular (akin to the German shepherd from the Austrian TV series “Commissar Rex”). The television version created the image of an ideal dog - smart, incredibly loyal, brave, cheerful and kind. The real version of the collie is one hundred percent justified by the movie version. In addition, the dog gets along well with other pets and children.

Experts note that Collies require a lot of exercise, so this breed is only suitable for an active owner.

Labrador Retriever

A dog of this breed is able to penetrate the heart and stay there forever. The Labrador Retriever is an intelligent, loyal and reliable friend who is capable of doing literally anything for the sake of his person: sharing an adventure, keeping company on a long journey, providing therapeutic assistance, saving him from a rattlesnake, and much more. This dog is so loyal that he is ready to jump into the icy waters of the Labrador Sea just to get the only fish that escaped his owner's fishing net.

Among other things, the Labrador Retriever has a wonderful character: he is affectionate and sociable by nature. Unlike more selective breeds that tend to interact with only one person or family, these dogs easily get along with their neighbors and strangers.

Golden retriever

Dogs of this breed are extremely sociable and love literally everyone and everyone, while expecting mutual feelings from both loved ones and strangers. They simply love to be the center of attention. This pet is ideal for an active, energetic owner who has a lot of free time.

It takes a long time for a retriever to get used to a new owner, so gaining trust at first can be difficult. This point is relevant for those owners who adopt babies from their own hands or from a shelter. In order for the dog to feel comfortable and get used to the environment and new people as quickly as possible, it is necessary to provide it with stable conditions, peace and take maximum care of the pet.

To consolidate a trusting relationship, it is worth resorting to joint games and training (mental and physical).

The Golden Retriever is a truly devoted friend, a sweet and cheerful dog, whose endless energy and charming puppy smile can hardly leave anyone indifferent. The dog loves life, but most of all he values ​​his family, being a faithful and reliable companion for all household members.

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