Why do wild wolves pair up with yard dogs?

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The wolf dog is very popular in Russia and the Czech Republic. Of course, it is important to remember that the dog is an animal that was domesticated by people many years ago. But the desire to cross a wolf with a dog in order to obtain a breed with the strongest immunity has existed among the inhabitants of our planet since time immemorial. Experienced specialists performed the crossing of a wolf and a dog. However, these attempts were unsuccessful. Only at the end of the twentieth century did scientists finally get a good puppy by crossing a dog with a wolf.

The wolf dog is very popular in Russia and the Czech Republic.

What is known about the wolfdog breed

As you know, many years ago wolf-dogs appeared completely by accident. This dog, crossed with a wolf, was not tamed and showed aggression. That is why dog ​​handlers were unable to make her an obedient pet. Then scientists made many attempts to breed a new breed, but they were unsuccessful, since the wolf instinct predominated in the bred animal.

For the first time, the most successful attempts to breed the wolf-dog were carried out by Russian dog handlers at the end of the twentieth century. At this time, excellent wolfdog puppies were bred in the Czech Republic. The animal had the appearance of a shepherd and the best physical characteristics of a predator.

Only at the end of the twentieth century did scientists finally get a good puppy by crossing a dog with a wolf

In order for the rather complex process of crossing to be successful, the wolf was accustomed to human society from early childhood. He had to understand that people are not enemies. Externally, the wolf-dog has the color of a wolf - the genes take their toll. An adult wolfdog has a massive and strong build, very strong paws and quite powerful jaws.

If the pet's parents include German shepherds, the wolf-dog hybrid will have a dark color. The bite and teeth of such a popular animal are wolf-like. This is what makes such fearless wolfdogs stronger - it is a brave “warrior”.

The most interesting features of the breed include the lack of attachment to the owner. We can say that the wolf-dog breed is universal. Its representatives will not yearn for the old owner and can easily obey the new owner. An animal that has a mixture of predator and domestic dog genes has incredibly high intelligence and a keen sense of smell. This characteristic makes dogs simply irreplaceable assistants to intelligence officers.

How much does a wolf cost?

Real wolves are very expensive. So, for a small wolf puppy you will have to pay at least 50,000 rubles . Of course, hunters sell their catch cheaper ( 20,000-30,000 rubles ). An adult animal will cost at least 100,000 rubles .

Don't forget that wolves have many hybrid breeds. For example, a kitten of the famous Siberian husky will cost 15,000-70,000 rubles , a wolf-dog - 15,000-50,000 rubles , a malamute - 15,000-90,000 rubles .

Wolfdog Chara

Note: the cost of puppies depends not only on the breed, but also on the presence of pedigree, external qualities, titled parents, etc. Those dogs that breeders consider promising (for example, animals can take part in cynological shows and exhibitions) will cost much more .

Keeping a wolf at home (more precisely, while the animal is in an enclosure) is difficult, but possible. Following the recommendations listed above, proper upbringing, arrangement of an enclosure and nutrition will provide your pet with proper care and help raise the animal into a worthy family member.

Wolfdog character

Determining the character of this breed is quite difficult. After all, it is impossible to say exactly how many wolf genes a newborn puppy has. Namely, the character of the animal largely depends on this. However, the wolf and the German shepherd still have common features that are immediately visible.

These animals have a rather complex character. Most often, wolfdogs are raised by experienced specialists for official purposes. Remember that talk about the uncontrollability and aggression of this breed is a real myth. The puppy will become angry if the owner does not take care of him.

If the pet's parents include German shepherds, the wolf-dog hybrid will have a dark color

It is simply impossible to foresee in advance what kind of character your wolf-dog will have. If the wolf's blood content is within the permitted norm, then no problems will arise in raising the dog. This mixture of genes is very interesting, but it is precisely this that can give the character of an animal rigidity.

The most important thing is to try to show restraint and patience when dealing with your pet. The responsibility of the dog owner is of utmost importance. After all, even a sweet and good-natured dachshund can become an uncontrollable and disobedient animal if the owner raises it illiterately.

These animals have a rather complex character

Features of raising a wolf at home

Wolves are wild animals whose behavior is very different from dogs. To prevent a domesticated predatory animal from causing injury to you and others, it is necessary to educate it. For this:

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  1. The most important thing: the wolf must know that you are a leader for him who must be obeyed. Never resort to physical violence - nothing will come of it. Teach the wolf cub to obey you, and then there will be no problems in the future.
  2. Keep in mind that wolves are unpredictable animals. Training them will take a lot of your time and effort. Experts do not recommend purchasing wolves for people who do not have professional dog training skills. If you buy a wolf cub from a nursery, immediately find out whether its employees can help you raise your pet (or at least where there are bases specializing in training wolves).
  3. Teach the wolf simple commands: sit, lie down, nearby. These skills will help you control the animal.

Gallery: wolf dog (25 photos)

How to raise and care for an animal

Before you go to a wolf-dog nursery to choose a puppy, you need to think about why you need it and whether you can handle raising it? The fact is that wolf dogs are smart and incredibly complex animals. Only experienced people can care for and raise them more successfully.

Dogs are not meant to live in an apartment, as they need space. In a small and enclosed room, dogs will behave aggressively and inappropriately. Even small wolf and dog puppies can “destroy” an apartment in literally half an hour during the owner’s absence. In addition, they do not bark, and love to give long “night concerts.” This causes great concern to the neighbors.

Therefore, it is worth keeping the animal in a country house. It is preferable to place a warm booth on the site and build a spacious enclosure. It is imperative to ensure that the animal cannot leave the suburban area. After all, a wolf dog can independently escape in order to go into the forest forever or join a pack of stray dogs.

Usually the wolf-dog is not allowed into the house. Only in severe frosts can they be allowed to spend the night in their home. The biggest advantage of the animal is that it requires minimal care. The dog will stand near the door to the house and normally endure difficult weather conditions without showing concern.

To find out a more detailed description of the breed, you should contact a specialist. Breeders say that wolfdogs are not very friendly dogs. They can show aggression towards strangers. There is another important point in keeping representatives of this breed. It is not recommended to chain animals, as this negatively affects their psyche.

The owner needs to show restraint, calmness and strength of character while raising the dog. However, you cannot beat him, since the wayward and proud wolf-dog will never forgive this. If the owner properly raises the pet, he will find a friend for many years.

The dog is in good health and does not suffer from ailments that are typical for animals. Physical strength, high immunity and unpretentiousness to living conditions make the wolf-dog an indispensable assistant in the service. You just need to regularly vaccinate your animal against rabies.

How to choose a wolf?

When choosing a wolf cub, we recommend using the following tips:

  1. Buy an animal from a nursery . Be sure to find out if the puppy has a pedigree and documents. If you want to purchase a wolf from a hunter, then find out the approximate age of the puppy.
  2. Make sure the animal is not sick . The nursery should provide you with information about vaccinations done.

Please note: when buying a puppy from your own hands, you cannot know whether the animal has health problems, so try to take the wolf cub to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.

  1. Examine the animal . Is there really a wolf in front of you? Perhaps this is his hybrid or the kitten of a simple dog, very similar to a forest predator. Remember that a wolf's tail never curls and is almost always at rest ( wolves do not wag their tail ). Wolf ears always stand up. The muzzle of a real beast is elongated and pointed. Due to their narrow jaws, wolves cannot absorb food quickly. Ask the seller to watch the process of the animal eating, and you will immediately understand everything. Also, most real wolves don't bark. Barking should only be caused by an emergency.

What to feed the dog

As written above, the wolf dog is not demanding in terms of maintenance and does not need special care. Such a strong animal is also not picky when it comes to nutrition. For normal development, he does not need to purchase premium dog food that is popular today.

The dog needs natural nutrition, and even the highest quality and most expensive food can be harmful to the pet’s health. Prepare porridge for the wolf dog, which can be cooked in meat broth. The animal is allowed to be given liver, meat, dairy products, kidneys, vegetables and fish several times a week.

The content of protein foods in the menu should significantly exceed the level of foods filled with carbohydrates. With such nutrition, the animal will grow healthy, hardy and strong.

It is imperative to follow a daily diet. The dog should be fed no more than 2 times a day. If you feed your animal more often, this will lead to obesity, which negatively affects his health.

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