Description of the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed: accepted standard, character traits and owner reviews

Description and breed standard

The English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, strong, stocky, well-balanced dog with well-developed muscles.


Representatives of this breed, despite their rather modest size, embody enormous physical strength and power, which, combined with low sensitivity to pain, makes them ideal fighting and hardy dogs.

Breed standard

  • deep, wide, shortened head;
  • short muzzle;
  • wide jaws;
  • scissor bite;
  • the nose is large, the earlobe is black;
  • eyes are medium in size, set wide, low, horizontally, the iris is dark or matches the color of the coat;
  • ears are semi-erect or pink-shaped, not cropped;
  • the body is muscular, heavy, but fit;
  • the back is straight, the chest is deep, the neck is strong and wide;
  • the tail is thick at the base, tapers towards the end, has medium length, and is set low;
  • The paws are straight, set parallel and wide, the pads are round and small.

The coat of the Staff Bull Terrier is short, thick, close to the body, and the undercoat is short.


Staffordshire Bull Terriers are a medium-sized dog breed. Characteristic features of appearance: short hair, stocky build, powerful chest, wide smiling muzzle and an attentive, intelligent look. The average weight of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is 15-17 kg, but in males it can reach 20 kg. Height at the withers is 35-40 cm.


The skull is wide, the stop is well defined. The muzzle is rather short in relation to the head. The nose is black and medium in size. The cheeks are well developed and close fitting. The jaws are strong and provide a death grip. The teeth are large, scissor bite.

The eyes are round and dark. A lighter iris is possible in individuals with blue, sand or cream colors. The ears of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are small and triangular. They are semi-erect, in the form of a rose petal. A puppy's ears do not take the correct shape right away; sometimes it is necessary to glue the tips.


The short, muscular neck makes this dog appear stockier. The physique is strong, with strong bones and pronounced muscles. The body is slightly stretched in length. The back is straight, the chest is wide and deep, reaching to the elbows. The tail is set low and carried straight. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip, rather short.


The front legs are straight, parallel, and set wide apart. The shoulder blades are pulled back, the elbows are pressed tightly to the body. The hind legs are muscular, the hocks are low. Paws are medium-sized, compact, with strong claws. Movements are light, free, limbs move in parallel, there should be no clubfoot.

Coat and colors

The coat is short, very dense, shiny. It is tough, which, combined with rough skin, protects the dog from bites. There is no undercoat, so in winter Staffbulls require clothing when walking.

According to the standard, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier can have the following colors:

  • pure black or black and white;
  • red, sable, brindle;
  • blue, zonal gray, blue with white;
  • white with spots of any color.

Dogs of any color can have small or large white spots on their body; this is allowed by the standard. Sometimes there is a black mask on the face. Tigers can be black with red stripes or vice versa. Black and tan, brown and tan and liver colors are not acceptable.

Photos of representatives of the breed complement the description of Staffordshire Bull Terriers:

Differences from similar breeds

Related breeds are the American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull and Bull Terrier. They all have common ancestors - English bulldogs. These are fighting breeds, bred for fighting. It seems that they are similar, but in fact the differences between the English Staffbull and the others are clearly noticeable.

  • It differs from the American Staffordshire Terrier in its wider muzzle with a characteristic smile. Another difference is that the Staffbull does not have docked ears and tail, and is smaller in size. This is a companion dog, and the Stafford is a service dog.
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier or pit bull is a larger dog, up to 50 cm tall and weighing up to 27 kg. The breed is not officially recognized, it is a service breed. It is because of these dogs that staff bulls have such a negative reputation, as they are quite aggressive. Another difference is that pit bulls’ ears are cropped, and their cheeks are fleshy and hang down.
  • The difference with the standard bull terrier is clearly visible. This breed was also bred in England, in the 19th century. English bulldogs and terriers were used for breeding, but also Dalmatians. Unlike the Staff Bull, the Bull Terrier is taller at the withers - up to 56 cm, its muzzle is elongated, egg-shaped, its eyes are narrow and deep-set.

History of appearance

The ancestors of bull terriers were mastiff-like dogs, spread by the Romans throughout Europe. These animals were used as gladiators in the arenas in fights with bulls, lions and bears.

Mastiffs, despite their strength and power, were not suitable for fights because they were too clumsy and cumbersome, so in the county of Staffordshire, by crossing English bulldogs and Molossians, a new breed of dog was developed, the representatives of which were compact in size, speed and agility.

Over time, gladiator fights lost popularity and became prohibited, so breeding work was aimed at changing the temperament of these dogs and adapting them to life in the city. The breed received official recognition in 1939.

However, back in the 19th century. Staffordshire bull terriers and European dogs with similar features were exported to America, where there was no ban on dog fighting.

Breeders from the USA developed a new breed - pit bull terriers, which were distinguished not only by greater strength and endurance, but also by a higher level of aggression. These dogs were recognized in 1898 and given the name "American Staffordshire Terriers."


Work to improve Amstaffs has led to their character becoming softer and more good-natured, which is a fundamental difference from pit bulls and staff bulls. This was the reason for the division of these dogs into separate breeds in 1936. Amstaffs were recognized by the FCI in 1972, English Staffordshire Terriers - in 1974.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Activityin the house2.7
on the street4.4
Dominationin family1.7
over dogs3.4
Defending your territoryfrom people1.9
from dogs3.4
Sociabilityin family4.7
with strangers3.3
with dogs2.7
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers1.7
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers1.7
to the dogs3.1
to cats3.6
Family behaviorcalmness3.9
demand for affection4.6
excessive barking1.4
behavioral breakdowns3
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.7
over 4 years old3.9
Institutional usewatchman3.9

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, French Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Beagle, German Shepherd.

The photographs show what a Staffordshire Bull Terrier looks like:

Character traits

English Staffordshire Bull Terriers have a difficult character.

They are brave, fearless, cheerful dogs, devoted to their owner and his family.

Representatives of this breed are smart and quick-witted and are easy to train. You need to start training your pet as early as possible, and you need to show him who is in charge and define the boundaries of what is permitted literally from the first days the puppy appears in the house.

Staffbulls always strive for victory and leadership, so it is necessary to make them understand that the “pack leader” is the owner, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve obedience.

Being energetic, strong and hardy animals, these dogs need regular exercise and active walks.

It is good if walking representatives of this breed includes not only walking or running, but also elements of training, as well as sports - agility, frisbee, weight-pulling. This helps not only release your pet’s energy, but also maintain its physical and mental health.

Staffbulls get along well with other pets, but only if they were raised together. The good attitude of these dogs does not apply to animals on the street or living in the neighborhood.

Their relationships with dogs, especially same-sex dogs, develop negatively. This is due to the desire of representatives of this breed for unconditional leadership and the spirit of battle that remains in them.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

English Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not a breed for everyone and certainly not for beginners. These dogs need owners who not only have experience in keeping and training dogs, but also self-confidence and the ability to be a leader. The authority of the owner must be undeniable - the staff bull must respect him and feel his superiority, only in this way will he obey and not become a threat to people.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier - reviews

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This dog is one big plus



Two years! For two years my husband has been begging me to adopt this dog! I didn’t understand where this obsession came from, and looking at the photos of this monster, I involuntarily shuddered, because at home I have a 12-year-old child, a cat and an old pug. It seemed to me that as soon as he was in our apartment, he would establish his own rules and we would all stand at attention, otherwise he would devour us. And yet, I gave up, waved my hand and said: “Do what you want.” Naturally, my husband immediately rushed to look for the puppies. Oddly enough, there weren’t any in Moscow at that time (I had to take them here and now, before I changed my mind). As a result, they found a nursery right in Naberezhnye Chelny, they were just bringing puppies to Moscow at that time. My husband booked a boy and we waited. And then the day X came. This miracle with an elongated muzzle and huge ears appeared in our lives. And off we go... He showed us his character three days later, breaking the cable from the Internet and leaving us without a TV on New Year's Day)))) I will not describe in detail his transformation from an unsightly puppy into a young, strong male with mad charisma. I will only say that he himself assigned roles in our family: my husband is the owner and leader of our entire pack, I am a caring mother who loves him, feeds him deliciously and constantly pampers him, a friend son with whom he can run wild and play, a crazy pug Alice is an always grumbling old lady who is fun to periodically push, showing her superiority; the cat is a soft toy, which for some reason is not allowed to be dragged around the whole house. And now about the character! Let me tell you this is the perfect dog! He is very friendly towards people (I would say even too friendly). But children... This is his weakness. He is the favorite of all the children in our house! As soon as he goes out into the yard, the children squeal with delight, drag him by the ears, and as a result, he soon tries to sneak away from them)))) Regarding other dogs: his behavior depends on the dog itself. In general, he does not pay attention to them, they are not interesting to him (unless they are from his diaspora: staffs, pitas, bull terriers, they play there until their paws give out). If the dog starts to bully him, then the behavior is also different: if it is a younger puppy, he either moves away or snaps weakly (they say, don’t interfere), but if it is an adult, he tolerates it until it finally becomes insolent and then he has to unclench his jaws. He will never let himself be offended and the size of his opponent does not matter to him. At the same time, he himself never climbs on anyone first. About the headline about a child in a dog's body. This is really true. He understands literally everything! Right down to facial expressions. He is afraid of everything he doesn't know, be it a large stuffed toy or a snowman, until he gets to know the object better. He is terribly afraid to be alone (he panics that he has been abandoned) There is also jealousy if my husband or I pet another dog. He has kilotons of energy, he is ready to play non-stop. And he also requires a lot of your attention and time, giving in return boundless devotion and love. But this breed is worth it!!!


I had a dog of this breed for a year, then circumstances arose due to which I had to give it away. We trained her with a dog handler, she is a good learner, but I probably gave her some slack and wasn’t very strict, because... sometimes on a walk she would run away from me and I had to chase her for a long time. I had a lot of problems with my stomach; as soon as I ate anything, I immediately started vomiting and diarrhea; treatment cost more than 1,000 rubles. And she was such a kind, affectionate dog. I recommend it to those who have a lot of time and desire to constantly educate.



Very smart and kind, active, loves all people.


Stubborn character, not really friends with dogs.

Back in 2010, I saw this breed for the first time, but at that moment it was not possible to get a dog. But everything changed at the beginning of 18, it took a couple of days to search, the puppy flew to me from Khabarovsk at the age of 2 months. Having crossed the threshold, our friend ran around the apartment non-stop for two hours. At first we didn’t like the street, but with the arrival of spring everything changed. From the first days we slept in a bed; I could not squeeze him into a cage at night. On the third day we were already following several commands, but then for a very long time we could not boast of obedience. We had no problems with the toilet; our breeder explained how to properly respond to the puppy’s mistakes, and already at 3 months we went to the toilet outside. Until 8 months, we approached all dogs with good expectations, but then, alas, we do not behave so well with dogs that are larger than us in size. The dog needs a lot of toys, not a single toy stays with us for a couple of days, probably due to the excess of toys, we didn’t lose furniture and wires, we only got socks, wallpaper (not a lot) and the baby’s diapers). We love all people very much. In short, the dog does not like being alone, he constantly needs the attention of people. He won’t go for active walks (we only have EVENINGS) until 11 am. Mental stress is required, otherwise walking without a leash will not be realistic.



Just a man in dog form)


There is none of them)

We took our “monster” by accident. I came across photos of puppies on the Internet and persuaded my husband to “just go and have a look”) I must say, I didn’t like these puppies at all - little two-month-old monsters jumped out and began to torment my furry UGG boots) and then... the door to the room opened and three grown-up ones ran out, four-month-old puppy... and then I saw our dog Margot with the look of a person... and then, when I sat on the sofa and the whole horde was jumping around next to me, Margot jumped up, put her head on my lap and fell asleep. And now we’ve been together for three and a half years) Everyone who knows her is amazed at her intelligence. Well, just a man! And the human gaze. And he understands everything at a glance... no, at a glance. Kindest creature. Although, of course, sometimes people on the street get scared and grab their “hamsters”, throwing them up on a leash as we approach. But Margot (a scary Staffordshire bull terrier!) is happy to have any communication, she loves all dogs. Absolutely not aggressive! The only thing is that she can’t stand it when people start rushing at her, but she never bites, she just presses her with her whole body and it’s immediately clear who’s in charge here) She’s indifferent to strangers—that’s how she’s been trained on purpose, she doesn’t like to squeeze herself and won’t take it from strangers . It's just a miracle for the family. I recommend it to everyone) teddy bear))) lisusha-cute))) and at home he lives completely peacefully with an old cat and a frisky young cat) though we became a little fat after sterilization... but her mother is the same, albeit with a bunch of titles , and in general in this breed there are more “textured” males)



Friendliness, activity, learning ability


May be aggressive towards large dog breeds

A rare breed for Russia, many hearing the word “Staffordshire” and even in combination with “bull terrier” immediately imagine a full mouth of menacingly bared teeth, hatred in small eyes, an angry growl and drool flying in different directions. In general, a kind of cross between a crocodile and a mad bull. And they are seriously wrong! In fact, most of the time the Staffie looks “dashing and silly”, his mouth is gaping in a wide smile from ear to ear, his eyes glow with adoration for all representatives of the human race, and instead of growling you can hear impatient moaning, turning into croaking: “Well, let me lick you quickly, my beloved man!” I warn you, when communicating even with a staffy you don’t know well, you risk being licked to death! So let's understand the terms. The English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, also known as the Staff Bull, or the Staffy, is by no means the American Staffordshire Terrier, also known as the Amstaff. And no, the Staff Bull is not at all similar to the standard Bull Terrier. The dog is compact and very muscular, with a height of 35-40 at the withers, and weighs up to 17 kg. The coat is short and smooth, very soft; a rubber comb is sufficient for combing. By the way, due to their compact size and serious weight, staffies swim very poorly and are afraid of water. The dog is lively, energetic and extremely friendly. Never train a ZKS Staffie; the breed is absolutely not intended to work with people, although general training from a canine handler will not hurt. Feels good in a city apartment, but requires long walks and energetic games. For Russian winters, it is better to buy warm clothes; short wool does not protect you from frost. A wonderful nanny, she loves to play with children and allows them to do scary things to themselves, such as pulling their tails and picking their ears. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the games of small children with a dog to avoid causing harm to the dog’s health. As a child, he can scratch his teeth on everything that comes under his paw; in adulthood, he does not allow himself to behave like hooligans and does not cause problems in the household. With all his love for people and condescension towards small animals, a Staffie dog can be aggressive with males of larger breeds; attempts at fighting must be strictly suppressed from childhood. He practically doesn’t bark, we haven’t heard a growl at all in fourteen years, but he snores, farts and makes a lot of different noises, such as moaning, whining, croaking, bleating and signature sighs with sobs. Dan lived with us for thirteen years, raised three children, and absolutely adored family members, friends, relatives, neighbors, just strangers and domestic cats. And all the objects of adoration reciprocated his feelings (even cats!).


I want to write about this breed, because there is a lot of negativity about fighting dogs on the Internet! But I believe that to a greater extent it depends on the owner how the character of the animal will be formed. If you teach him aggression, then the result will be appropriate.

I had a Staffordshire Terrier/Pit Bull Terrier mix. Outwardly, the girl looks more like a Stafford. Her relatives gave her to us at the age of 7-8 months. She didn’t come to them as a puppy either. I don’t know what kind of life she had before us, but until she was 1.5 years old, she was afraid of everything, ran away and hid behind her owner’s legs from big dogs, and New Year’s Eve was just hell for her!!! From the explosions of firecrackers and fireworks, the poor thing ran to hide in the bathtub, and tried very hard to get under the cast iron)))

But genes take their toll!!! One day she fought back our neighbors' Caucasian Shepherd dog at the dacha. She considered herself the mistress of the territory and always bullied my Bugs. We were then about 2 years old, when once again the shepherd wanted to show who was boss, Bug flew into her chest, of course, since their body weights were significantly different (Bag weighed about 30 kg, and the shepherd was probably all 50), then of course she flew off and fell to the ground, but got up and already showed what she was worth. Naturally, the fight was not to the death, both dogs are domestic and civilized ladies))) But after a couple of skirmishes, they divided the territory into 2 parts, and neither of them intentionally crossed this line. We could stand and look at each other for so long :)))

She treated people very well! Despite its formidable breed, there have never been any precedents!!! On the contrary, when guests came to me, she was always very friendly, happy to see my friends, whom she already knew well.

My impressions of the breed are only positive: it is easy to train, kind and understanding, treats all family members equally well, is not picky about food, hardy and patient!!!


I didn’t know about this breed until my relatives got themselves a puppy. They were specifically looking for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier (or, for convenience, a Staffie, as they are called (and also a nanny dog ​​because of its breed characteristics and disposition).

General information about the breed.

General information can be read on Wikipedia or in articles on specialized sites (I like the one dedicated to Staffies, where all the dogs are illustrated with ties or bow ties). The breed was developed in England. In the 19th century, staffies participated in the entertainment of killing rats. These times are long gone and there is no aggression in this breed. Any dog ​​can behave aggressively if it was not raised correctly or if a person behaves inappropriately. It’s just that, if you compare it with the parts of the body that are usually affected, for example, by an inappropriately behaving spaniel, these will be the arms or legs, and breeds like the Stafbull will be the neck and head: because of this, people develop such a wary attitude.

There are quite a few articles in the (foreign) press describing cases where Staffies defended their owners from attacking robbers, but you should not count on this breed being a bodyguard. Although they look impressive, they are actually very kind to people. Imagine a French bulldog, because you don't expect him to be the first defender? Of course, if you give a dog for abuse or training, you will get a guard, but I have not seen such recommendations regarding staffies. They compete in agility and various pulls. Despite all this, in some countries this breed is banned. This is what I know.

This is a family dog ​​that loves everyone, especially children. They don't call her "nanny dog" for nothing. But due to her strong build, sudden movements of the Staffie can accidentally turn out unpleasant if you leave her with a very small child.

About our staff bull.

Every time I come to visit my husband’s parents, where the aforementioned staffie actually lives, she rushes to lick me and constantly stays close so that at the right moment she can run her tongue over me again. I've never seen such slimes before!

Staffy relatives have a very even, balanced character. I only heard her bark once. This is her character (by the way, I like it more than the active one, so “with an awl”). Yes, dogs have the same types of characters as people (sanguine and others), the differences can be read in the special. articles.

When she had puppies, we looked for Sonya and Fatty (pictured). He doesn’t play so actively with other puppies, doesn’t bully anyone, doesn’t growl restlessly, but if you pull his ear for a long time and bother him, he gives the puppies a rebuff, once and clearly - “I’m not in the mood.”

Each dog is individual. I value this breed for its intelligence and endless love for people. The Stafbull will not bother you, but will not ignore attention to itself.


After pregnancy.

After the arrival of the puppies, Staffy dogs changed a little in relation to other dogs, and there were also serious health complications. Breeding (for the sake of breeding or, excuse me, “for health”) can cost not only you, but most importantly, the dog a lot.

Meeting my Spitz.

From the very first meeting, my relations with my relatives' staff were very friendly. She reacts if I want to fool around with her, she will be affectionate if I just pet her and hug her. This dog recognizes your facial expression and senses your mood (my Spitz, for example, has no idea about all this). When I brought in my then six-month-old Spitz for the first time, the staffy was careful with him and treated him calmly (my dog ​​really wanted to communicate and play, so sometimes the staffy simply hid from him on a chair where he couldn’t reach). And to this day, no matter how the Spitz pesters her, she will not offend him and will patiently wait until he has had enough of playing. By the way, she reacts far less friendly to the Spitz next door, that is, she is well aware that this particular one is also a member of the family (and, as they say, there is a Spitz in it).

Review of my Spitz

Alisa Ivanovach


Friendly, intelligent companion dog. Never hurt a child. Playful and cheerful, but not too active.


You will still have to walk your dog regularly. Until about one and a half years old, he tries everything he sees.

Frankly speaking, a year ago I was planning to get a small dog. Long frequent walks are not for me. I was looking at breeds like the Spitz. However, when I saw a photo of my current dog, I fell in love completely. And I don’t regret anything. The breed is super! Smart, not too active (we walk 3 times a day) and very touching. On the downside, the Staffie (the second name of the breed), like most dogs, loves to try a variety of household utensils. Staffordshire Bull Terriers themselves are very friendly, love children and do not require too much attention. This is an excellent companion dog. I recommend it to everyone!



The best breed of large dogs


No cons

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog is considered one of the most dangerous, but this is far from true. In fact, they get along well with small children and are easy to train. This dog will become your best friend. If necessary, she can protect you. You can feed such a dog with special food or hand-cooked food. If you want to get a big dog, don't hesitate to buy a Staffordshire Bull Terrier!

Differences from the American Staffordshire Terrier

Despite common roots, representatives of these breeds have significant differences:

  • Staffbulls were bred in England, and Amstaffs were bred in the USA;
  • Staffordshire Terriers are much larger and heavier;
  • "American" ears can be cropped;
  • Staff Bulls can get along with other pets that grew up with them; Amstaffs are too jealous and intolerant.

In addition, according to statistics, the difference in life expectancy between Staffbulls and Staff Terriers is 1-2 years in favor of the latter.


Until recently, animal baiting (bulbaiting - bull baiting, bear baiting, rat baiting, etc.) was not prohibited, on the contrary, it was wildly popular and widespread. This sport was especially popular in England, which became a kind of Mecca for fans from all over the world. At the same time, it was not only the spectacle itself that made it popular, but also the betting. Every dog ​​owner wanted to get maximum profit from their dog.

If at first outbred aboriginal terriers and Old English bulldogs fought in the pits, gradually a new breed began to crystallize out of them - the bull and terrier. These dogs were faster and stronger than terriers, and were more aggressive than bulldogs.

It is he who will become the ancestor of many modern breeds, including the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier.

And if at first the Bull and Terrier was just a mestizo, then gradually a new breed crystallized from it. Unfortunately, today it is considered extinct, but its successors are well known and loved throughout the world. Especially after these dogs came to America.

Gradually, animal baiting and dog fighting were banned not only in England, but throughout the world. From fighting breeds they became companions, and their character changed accordingly. The recognition of kennel clubs has also come. Thus, on May 25, 1935, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was recognized by the English Kennel Club. Fun fact, at that time there was no breed club, as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club would be created in June 1935.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of Staffbulls, which everyone who sees these dogs first of all pays attention to, is their power and strength, which are combined with compact size and a certain aristocracy of the breed.

In addition, these dogs have the following advantages:

  • friendly character;
  • devotion;
  • love for children;
  • balanced psyche;
  • high pain threshold;
  • courage;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • ability to learn;
  • absence of unmotivated aggression towards people.

Negative traits of this breed:

  • the desire for leadership and the desire to show that they are stronger;
  • poor relationships with other animals;
  • stubbornness;
  • year-round molting;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • the need for early socialization and competent education;
  • need for regular active walks.


It should also be understood that Staffords, due to their compact size, are not suitable for use as home guards.

Basic moments

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has several alternative names. For example, representatives of this breed are often called staff bulls or simply staffies.
  • The hunting instinct in dogs is poorly developed, as are guarding abilities, so scaring burglars with the help of a staff bull is a waste of time.
  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has been the living mascot of the Prince of Wales's Staffordshire Regiment for several decades.
  • A Staff Bull is not the kind of dog that will watch TV series with you for days, although sometimes these energetic, robust dogs are not averse to relaxing. The breed lives at a dynamic, if not accelerated, pace, and will always prefer a good run or game to pleasant doing nothing.
  • Males of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are more aggressive and prone to competition with each other, so keeping two “boys” in one apartment will require patience and endurance from the owner.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers are dogs whose intelligence and intelligence need to be constantly trained and developed. In addition, they need early socialization.
  • Representatives of this breed have a high pain threshold, so Staffies can tolerate even serious injuries relatively calmly.
  • Both severe hypothermia and overheating are contraindicated for Staffordshire bull terriers, which is why the animals are recommended for home and apartment keeping.
  • Staffbulls are very athletic and, with timely training, demonstrate high results in frisbee, agility, freestyle, and sometimes in coursing.

Photos with examples of colors

The coat of representatives of this breed can be of the following color:

  • red;
  • red and white;
  • fawn;
  • white;
  • black;
  • black and white;
  • blue.

In addition, a combination of any of these shades with white, as well as brindle and brindle-white colors, is acceptable.

Black and tan or liver colors are considered undesirable.


The nickname is most often given by the dog's permanent owners, but if you buy a puppy with a pedigree, most likely, he will already be given a name. If you have to come up with a nickname yourself, it’s useful to follow a few rules.

First of all, the nickname should not be too long and easy to pronounce . One or two syllables will quickly attract attention, or call your staffy. And they will allow all family members to remember it without any problems.

A nickname that begins with a consonant is easier to hear by ear than one that begins with a vowel. Choosing a nickname that is too common can lead to confusion on the walk, where your pet's namesake may be present.

Also, it is not customary to name dogs after people and use dissonant nicknames. And it is believed that a dog’s name to some extent shapes its character, so you also need to be careful when choosing a name for your pet.

Options for nicknames can be very different. For example, you can use names from mythology, for example, Zeus, Hera, Thor. By color it could be Black, White. Also heroes of legends and fairy tales - Kai, Gerda, Vinny, Kolobok. By geographical names - Irtysh, Denver, Mali.

Nutritional Features

Although Staffbulls are relatively small dogs, their food must be voluminous, high-quality and capable of replenishing large energy costs.

The diet can be based on both natural products and industrial feed; it is only important to ensure that the diet is balanced and contains everything necessary for the healthy growth and development of the dog.

With natural feeding, the pet’s menu should include:

  • lean meat (beef, veal, poultry, horse meat);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt);
  • vegetables (carrots, red beets, pumpkin, cabbage);
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • greenery;
  • fruits (except grapes, melons, citrus fruits);
  • offal (liver, lung, heart, tripe).

Also, representatives of this breed should be given cartilage, hooves, ears and tails - their use helps strengthen the pet’s teeth and bones.

It is forbidden to feed staff bulls:

  • fatty meat;
  • tubular bones;
  • milk;
  • potatoes;
  • fried, spicy foods;
  • sweets, pickles, smoked meats;
  • bakery, pasta and sausage products;
  • onions and garlic;
  • legumes


It is necessary to monitor the quality of food, the volume of portions and follow the feeding regime, since these dogs are prone to obesity, which leads to unnecessary stress on the joints and heart.

The advantage of industrial feeds is their ease of use and balanced composition, enriched with essential vitamins and minerals.

Economy class food is not suitable for Staffy Bulls. The most suitable diets for representatives of this breed are produced by brands such as Bozita, Solid, Orijen, Genesis, Applaws, Acana, GO!, Grandorf.


Your pet's nutrition is very important because it affects their weight and physical activity. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed your pet; in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, he may develop obesity. It is necessary to follow nutritional standards from childhood.

From the age of one and a half months, it is recommended to divide the diet into 5 or 6 meals. This regimen should be followed for up to 3 months. After six months, the regime should be as follows:

  • give dairy products in the morning;
  • For lunch, cook milk porridge (or broth) for the puppy;
  • in the evening, give a portion of vegetables with meat;
  • closer to night, it is advisable to give a piece of meat (boiled or scalded with boiling water, but in no case fried).

After reaching 6 months. You can give a bull terrier eggs and buckwheat. It is better not to feed oatmeal. Subsequently, the pet is transferred to an adult diet: food is given 2, less than 3 times a day. The main component of a fighter’s menu is meat. It should be about 65% of the total amount of food. Part of the meat product is periodically replaced with fish.

It is not recommended to introduce into the menu:

  • Sahara;
  • salt;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • potatoes.

When choosing ready-made dry food, you should not give preference to too cheap ones, because they are of low quality and are harmful to health. It is best to stick to a balanced, high-quality diet. You shouldn't overuse canned food.

Life expectancy and diseases

Despite their fairly good health and strong immunity, English Staffordshire Bull Terriers are insured against diseases.

The most common diseases among representatives of this breed include:

  • cataract;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • deafness;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • bloating;
  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • hyperadrenocorticism;
  • mast cell cancer;
  • arthritis;
  • brachycephaly;
  • epilepsy.

The lifespan of staff bulls depends on many factors, including heredity and living conditions. On average, these dogs live 12-14 years.

Interesting Facts

  • The English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is quite smart and quick-witted, but the dog’s character is full of independence. This cannot be overlooked in numerous photographs. Independence can cause disobedience during training.
  • Dogs of this breed require early socialization, especially if the owner wants a friendly attitude on the part of the staff towards other animals.
  • Reviews from owners are replete with statements that the English Staffordshire Terrier prefers to lie with the owner on the sofa while watching TV programs.
  • Staff puppies love to chew a lot at an early age, so you need to make sure you have special toys.
  • The English Staff loves children very much, but it is highly not recommended to leave children alone with the pet.
  • The price of a puppy is high, but with proper training the pet will grow up obedient, well-mannered and calm.
  • As the characteristics of the breed show, the dogs presented have a strong hunting instinct, so they can chase another animal, considering it as prey.
  • In many countries, dogs of this breed are prohibited.
  • As the description of the breed describes the Stafford, the dog will protect the owner and his family to the last, but the pet will not cope with the role of a house guard.
  • If you watch numerous videos, you will see that the Stafford is an extremely sociable and active dog, so it is not recommended to leave him alone.
  • A pet can become an excellent friend and a good guard for middle-aged and older children.
  • It is recommended to own a Stafford for active people who have a lot of free time. After all, dogs of this breed require long daily walks to maintain their muscles in proper condition.





Suitable for living in an apartment or outdoors?

Due to their compact size, dogs of this breed feel equally comfortable living in city apartments and private country houses. But at the same time, they need daily active walks lasting at least 2 hours.

Staffbulls are not suitable for outdoor living because their short coat does not protect them from the scorching sun and cold. In summer, they should be walked early in the morning or after sunset, and for walks in winter, the pet will need warm clothes.

History of the formation of the breed

As a result, a special breed began to form, which fought tooth and nail, and the fight was lively and bloody. The public rejoiced, the organizers of the fights collected their bloody earnings, and three branches of future Staffordshire bull terriers began to form in the world: small Cradles, plump Warlastons and dry Warsols.

Since for a long time there was no single targeted selection, no one registered the breed as an independent one. Everything changed when a ban on dog fighting was introduced in Europe, rat baiting disappeared, and the need for fighting dogs fell sharply. For personal use and for the purpose of developing a guard and service dog for breeding, dog breeders began to take the Cradley type, which gave modern staffs their appearance as a stocky and broad-chested dog.

But it was not possible to get a guard; the dog is capable of attacking an enemy only on command or because of visible threats; the breed will not patrol the territory and notify strangers by barking that it is inadvisable to enter a home. Thus, modern Staffordshire bull terriers have become active companions for adults who are ready to seriously engage in raising such a difficult breed from a puppy until the end of the animal’s days.

How are children treated?

Staffbulls get along well with children. These dogs are not inclined to show aggression towards people, and with children they behave calmly and treat them very kindly, becoming excellent nannies and friends.

However, children under 10 years old should not be left alone with a dog. At this age, kids still cannot control themselves and their unceremonious behavior can provoke an unwanted reaction from the staff bull.


Breeders and owners affectionately call the dogs staffies: the four-legged animals carry themselves through life with great dignity, and will not betray barking or emotions unless required by battle or defense. Contrary to popular belief, Staffordshire Bull Terriers are affectionate and playful. But dogs must be kept strictly so as not to spoil them and provoke attacks on people or animals.

Staffordshire is ready to obey, fulfilling the wishes of the owner. Capable of becoming a good nanny and mentor for a child, ready to accompany the owner on walks, hunting or jogging. A smart dog who has learned in evolution to analyze the thoughts of the enemy, and therefore the interlocutor. The dog shows suspicion towards strangers, restrained anger, but not developing into aggression. Amazingly, Staffordshire dogs become family favorites; their terrible strength and aggression are submissive to the master’s will, especially with proper training.

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Description of the breed The Staffordshire Bull Terrier represents a set of sometimes difficult to combine characteristics and features:

  • an indispensable nanny for human babies;
  • the best domestic dog, devoted to its owners and loves children;
  • ready to play for hours with little friends and please, give affection and tenderness, protect in difficult moments and help:
  • characterized by cheerfulness and energy;
  • lack of attention from the owners can ruin the mood of a loving pet, the dog will become aggressive and dangerous;
  • endowed with important features - calmness and poise;
  • have a developed intellect and a sharp mind, among other things, are very smart;
  • training is carried out easily and naturally;
  • dog persistence at times leads to difficulties in training;
  • endowed with courage and bravery, the owners will not have to worry about the safety of the house.

Staffs will never attack first! Only danger or aggression from a stranger or dog can unbalance a dog. The breed is prone to dominance, capable of slightly conflicting with male relatives, trying to demonstrate a dominant position. It is necessary to exercise the dog; it is important to socialize it during early childhood, otherwise it will begin to grin at every passerby. With proper socialization and successful training, the pet is kept with other domestic animals, including cats.

Rules of care

These are short-haired dogs, so caring for them does not require much time and effort.

Wool and bathing

The Staff should be brushed weekly using a brush with natural bristles or a special rubber glove. Combing improves blood circulation, helps get rid of dead hairs and stimulates the growth of new ones.

Staffbulls need to be bathed once a month using shampoo for short-haired dogs. You need to wet the fur well with warm water, apply and foam the shampoo, and then rinse thoroughly, making sure that water and foam do not get into your pet’s ears.

The shampoo must first be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

After washing, the dog must be thoroughly dried and combed.


The ears should be inspected weekly and accumulated wax and dust removed from them with a cotton pad soaked in warm water or a special lotion.


To prevent the appearance of plaque and tartar, your dog’s teeth should be brushed 3-4 times a week using a special toothpaste and brush for dogs. You can also give your staffbull special treats that promote mechanical cleaning of the teeth.


In summer, claws usually wear down on the asphalt while walking. If this does not happen, and also in winter, they should be trimmed with a guillotine nail clipper every 2 weeks. Sharp ends should be smoothed with a nail file to avoid cracking.

To make the claws more pliable and easier to trim, the staffbull's paws should be soaked in warm water for several minutes beforehand.


Every morning you need to remove the discharge that accumulates in the corners of the eyes with a clean, lint-free cloth soaked in boiled water or chamomile infusion.


Feeding should be done several times a day, depending on the age of the dog. Up to one month they are usually fed with mother's milk, after which complementary foods are introduced after three weeks.

  • At the age of 3 to 6 months - 4 times a day.
  • From 6 months - 3 times.
  • Once the dog is one year old, you can safely feed it twice a day, like all dogs. It will be best if you feed your Bull Terrier once in the morning and once in the evening on a schedule so that she has an idea of ​​when to expect food.

Puppies from one to six months are best fed raw meat, cottage cheese, kefir and vegetables. You can also add carrots with sunflower oil and meat. They will need to be fed every three hours.

After six months, the feeding interval should be 5 hours, that is, you should feed the puppies, for example, at 9 am, then at 2 pm, and then at seven pm. The diet includes cottage cheese as breakfast, followed by chicken or fish pilaf as lunch, and then raw meat for dinner.

After one year, the dog should be served boiled meat, vegetables or cottage cheese with kefir during the day. In the evening, boiled fish, scalded liver or raw meat will fit perfectly into their diet. You need to choose one thing, all products are perfect for bull terriers.

Training and education

To meAfter the puppy remembers its name, you need to call it, saying “Come to me!” It is better to do this when the pet is at a distance, but at the same time in the owner’s field of view
NearIn order for the dog to learn to walk near the owner’s left leg, without overtaking him or going to the side, you need to say the command and pull the leash, holding the staff bull
Sit/lie downYou need to show the puppy a treat, forcing him to raise his head and sit down, and lightly press on his croup. Teaching the “down” command is done in a similar way.
PlacePlace the puppy in its place, say the command and begin to gradually move away, making sure that the pet does not follow

Dog behavior

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a wayward character, so when a baby appears in the house, you need to immediately train him. It is strictly forbidden to allow your pet to do whatever he pleases. Moreover, this can subsequently irritate the owner.

The first thing you need to do when a staff appears in the house is to accustom him to the “come” command. Experienced breeders claim and strongly recommend not to scold the puppy when he has followed the command and approached the owner. Even if there are good reasons for this. Otherwise, the Stafford will decide that the owner will scold him every time the dog carries out this command, and next time he will ignore the order. At the age of 4-5 months, you can actively begin training your Staffordshire Bull Terrier. As the characteristics of the breed show, representatives of this species of the canine world are very smart and easily cope with even complex tasks. Occasionally, you can seek help from a professional instructor.

The English Staffordshire Terrier must be leash trained. At the same time, the pet owner must show that it is he who leads his dog, and not the dog who leads the owner. You cannot allow the Stafford to pull on the leash: periodically you need to pull the puppy back and change the direction of movement. The relationship between a Staff puppy and its owner must be made clear: the leader of the pack is a human. If Stafford decides to take a dominant position, it must be nipped in the bud. Otherwise, the price of the “master-dog” relationship will be too high.

How to choose a puppy?

You should not buy a puppy from someone else or from an advertisement. Only in a kennel can breeders guarantee the purity, health and balance of a dog.


It is best to buy a puppy when he is 2-3 months old - at this age the puppy will most easily cope with moving to a new home, and the new owner will independently develop his habits and character.

If a Staff Bull is purchased as a pet, you can opt for a pet-class puppy; to participate in breeding, you need a representative of the breeding class; if you have plans for a show career, you should purchase a show-class puppy.

Whatever class the future pet belongs to, it must be curious, active, playful, have no symptoms of pathologies (rash, scratching, dandruff, bloated belly, exhaustion, overweight) and developmental abnormalities, and meet the breed standard.

Choosing a puppy

Before purchasing such a serious breed, think several times whether you can really withstand all his energy and be able to become a leader and authoritative owner for the dog.

The second important question is whether you have enough strength and time to walk your dog regularly, every day, for a long time and actively. For mental health, the staff simply needs to splash out its energy, this is not a couch dog, it is a perpetual motion machine and a jumper. And, of course, before buying a puppy, evaluate your financial capabilities, because a dog will chew so many toys in its lifetime that in a pet store they will definitely know you by name and greet you on the street.

It is better to choose a puppy only from a nursery. Private breeders are still a risk of bad heredity. You can contact a private person only if they were recommended to you by the regional RKF club, but you should generally refuse puppies from bulletin boards.

The price for a dog for the soul is 15,000 rubles, a pet-class Staffordshire Bull Terrier from a kennel will cost 20,000 rubles, a breeding class costs 30,000 rubles, and a show class starts from 35,000 rubles. You can pick up a puppy at 3 months, but require preliminary visits from the breeder to ensure the healthy dynamics of the babies and to observe the bitch and her behavior.

Price range

On average, Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies cost 15-40 thousand rubles:

  • a puppy without a pedigree can be bought for 15 thousand rubles;
  • representative of the pet class - for 20-25 thousand rubles;
  • a breed-class puppy will cost about 30 thousand rubles;
  • for an elite show-class staff bull you need to pay at least 35 thousand rubles.

Health and characteristic diseases

There are practically no hereditary health problems in Staffordshire Terriers. The following diseases are worth highlighting:

  • congenital deafness from birth;
  • cataract;
  • ICD (urolithiasis);
  • dysplasia of the elbow and pelvic joint;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • skin allergies.

Important! If you suspect a disease, do not delay, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are loving, loyal and caring pets. With proper upbringing, they will not cause trouble, but, on the contrary, will be helpers and protectors.

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