Jack Russell Terrier coat care or what grooming is and what it is eaten with

The trimming procedure during the shedding of the Jack Russell Terrier will help you get rid of dead hair in a timely manner. Otherwise, the lost hair will cause inconvenience to the pet. Trimming will also help in the fight against dog allergies. In this article we will talk about how trimming should be done and what type of Jack Russell Terrier coat requires this procedure.

Trimming Basics

Trimming is a procedure for removing dead animal hair by plucking, that is, forced shedding. Thanks to trimming, the dog's shedding process accelerates, thereby bringing relief to the pet and less hassle to the owner.

This procedure is entirely manual - the dog's fur is plucked with your fingers. To soften the process, you can purchase special rubber caps that are placed on your fingers.

Trimming not only helps the dog get rid of old hair, especially when he cannot do this on his own, but also allows new hair to grow. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation in the animal’s skin is stimulated, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of its coat.

If dead hair is not removed in a timely manner, this will lead to the appearance of tangles, and the pet’s coat will quickly become dirty.

Trimming also has another huge advantage - it eliminates the sources of allergies. After all, an allergy to a dog does not arise from its fur, but from the dead scales of the animal’s skin, which contain the allergen. Regular trimming helps remove allergy irritants.

Trimming is not a quick procedure, because plucking dead hair is not so easy. Newbies often earn themselves bloody blisters. Therefore, in order to cope with trimming, you need to gain some experience and skill.

In order for trimming to take place without pain for the dog, the specialist must be able to determine by touch whether the coat is ready for this procedure. Of course, there are several places on an animal where hair plucking causes him discomfort: on the back of the thighs, under the armpits, around the anus, in the neck and head area.

There is also a stripping technique - a type of trimming that is performed using various available tools: a special knife, a furminator, stones, a comb, pumice, and a nail file.

Dog coat type

Caring for the Jack Russell Terrier's coat depends on its length.

The Jack Russell Terrier has three coat types:

  • smooth;
  • hard;
  • brocken (intermediate type).

Smooth-haired type

The coat of smooth-haired Jack Russell Terriers fits tightly to the dog's body. Caring for such a pet is very simple. If a dog with a smooth coat type lives in a private house, then it sheds twice a year. If the Jack Russell Terrier lives in an apartment, then the process will last all year.

For such dogs, during seasonal shedding, it is best to carry out the stripping procedure, since the dog’s hair is too short and it will not be possible to pluck it by hand. To complete the process, you can use a furminator.

The Furminator is a comb that looks like a small rake. It does an excellent job of removing dead hair.

Furminators come in different sizes. For Jack Russell Terrier dogs, it is best to purchase a Furminator brand S – small, that is, for small dogs.

You can also give preference to a furminator of the short hair brand - for animals with a short type of coat. But it is better to avoid the Long Hair brand Furminator - it is for long-haired dogs.

The stripping process must be carried out regularly - every two to three months. If you live in an apartment, then you should do this much more often - once or twice a month.

Wirehaired and Brocken type

Jack Russell Terriers with rough and broken coats shed unnoticed, as the dead hair remains on the dog's body. As a result, the animal’s fur acquires a yellowish tint, losing its shine. The wool begins to disintegrate into separate strands, as the coat ceases to be elastic, as a result of which the Jack Russell Terrier becomes unkempt and shaggy in appearance.

The Jack Russell Terrier's coat grows for about three to four months, twice a year: in spring and autumn. When the hairs reach a certain length, they die off. To help your dog remove old fur, a furminator alone is not enough - regular trimming is necessary. Thanks to this procedure, your pet will grow a new coat faster.

It is necessary to start plucking dead hair from an early age of the dog - at four months, so that the Jack Russell Terrier can get used to the procedure. By four months, your pet's puppy hair will die off, so removing it will be easy and painless. Next, you need to repeat trimming every two to three months.

Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.

First time

The trimming procedure is a difficult job, so it is best to go to a special salon where a professional will help you and your Jack Russell Terrier.

Choose a professional carefully; he must not only do his job perfectly, but also treat your pet with the utmost delicacy and patience.

Some disloyal masters do not look at the condition of the animal; they ask to put a muzzle on it, forcefully sit it down and hold it during trimming, after which they pluck the whining dog without paying any attention to it.

After such an attitude, the Jack Russell Terrier may begin to have mental problems. At best, he will temporarily refuse such trips until you find an attentive and kind master. At worst, he will always be afraid of such events.

To make the first trimming successful for your dog, you need to follow the following recommendations:

Firstly, you should not bathe your pet before the procedure. It is much easier for a master to work with dirty wool - it is easier to hold it, while clean wool often slips out of his fingers.

Secondly, if after trimming you notice that your Jack Russell Terrier is shaking its head or trying to comb some plucked area, don’t worry. Carefully examine the dog - if there is no irritation, the ears are clean, then this is simply the pet’s reaction to the procedure. Everything should go away in a couple of weeks.

Third, when you get home, be sure to give your Jack Russell Terrier a shower. The water should be warm and the stream strong enough. This way you will wash away the remaining dead particles of skin and fur from your pet, and also prevent possible irritation on its delicate skin.

Fourthly, if you trimmed your dog in the winter, be sure to dress him in a blanket or overalls before going outside. Otherwise, the Jack Russell Terrier may catch a cold.


You can start walking your puppy only after vaccinations and deworming. Accustom your dog to the street gradually, increasing walks from 10 minutes a day to the required 2 hours. Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the dog, make sure that he does not fall from the stairs. Don't limit yourself to a standard place for walking, but choose different roads and areas.

A special feature of this breed is the dogs' hunting instinct, which is why they can chase other animals and dig holes. Allow this entertainment as long as it does not harm your dog or other animals.

Trimming or cutting

Many Jack Russell Terrier owners think that trimming is only necessary for dogs preparing for shows. And if the pet was purchased as a pet, then all it needs is a haircut.

But these are completely wrong judgments. If the dog is cut instead of trimming, its coat will deteriorate. Processing with scissors will make the hairs soft and fluffy. As a result, the wool will lose its stiffness.

Each coat of a Jack Russell Terrier has a thin base and a thick, hard tip. If you pluck it, a hair of the same shape will begin to grow in its place. If you cut it, it will start to grow from the weak part.

After cutting, it is almost impossible to restore the previous structure of the coat. This will require a lot of time, labor-intensive work and professionalism. But even after this, the wool will not return to its ideal natural state.

Education and training

Training and education of a dog should begin from the first days of life. Introduce your Jack Russell to your environment and your family members. Don't leave your dog alone for a long time, play with him and communicate. The first habit that you need to instill in your pet is to go to the toilet in the designated place (on the diaper). When you can walk your dog, start teaching him to relieve himself outside. An equally important stage of training is to accustom the dog to its name, for which you constantly emphasize the name of the animal.

The character of the Jack Russell makes the dog a tireless seeker and hunter. If such a dog is not raised, endless pranks and bullying with other animals are inevitable. Be consistent in training, show right away who is the boss and who should be obeyed. Don't go easy on yourself, but don't be aggressive either.


If there is no particular hassle with smooth-haired Jack Russell Terriers, then you need to think seriously before purchasing a pet with a hard or brocken coat type. After all, such a coat will require regular and careful care.

If you have enough time and money for the trimming procedure, then this is your option.

Do you take your dog for trimming? How is she coping with the procedure? Share with us in the comments.

​Grooming Jack Russell Terrier: professional tips

The Jack Russell Terrier was bred about 200 years ago by the English priest Jack Russell. A passionate hunter of foxes and other burrowing animals, he set out to create a dog that would ideally meet the requirements for this type of hunting. As a result of crossing different types of terriers, it was possible to achieve optimal physical characteristics and conformation in the dogs. The new breed pleased with its compact build, strength, endurance and flexibility. She is able to climb into a hole and grab prey there. From the underground passage, the hunter removed the dog by the tail along with the victim clamped by the pet.

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