Black Terrier - description of the breed, character characteristic of the breed, photo of the dog and features of its upbringing (100 photos)

Appearance of the Black Russian Terrier

The basic description of the black terrier and everything you need to know about him first: an emotional athlete with plenty of hair, reaching a height of 70 to 80 centimeters and gaining up to 50 kilograms of good mass.

The main distinguishing feature and peculiarity of the species is the large mustache and thick bangs hanging over the muzzle, which makes this breed look extremely brutal.

Peculiarities of haircut of the Black Russian Terrier

A fairly large number of breeds were involved in the process of breeding RCT. The result was a dog with black, coarse and very thick hair. However, not all individuals have identical coats. Some blackies may have one where there is more topcoat hair, while the undercoat is weakly expressed. It also happens that both layers are balanced. And sometimes you can find terriers whose guard hair is almost suppressed by the undercoat.

So, the first option is considered the easiest to care for, when the hair is long and the undercoat is not too pronounced. No tangles form on such wool, and dirt does not stick to it. However, as the guard hair grows, it becomes thinner. To prevent the dog’s appearance from deteriorating due to this, the hair needs to be shaved along the body and on the hips along with the undercoat. The optimal frequency is once a year.


To maintain an acceptable appearance, dogs belonging to the second group require regular brushing. This way the wool will be able to retain its texture much longer.

Dogs with a dominant undercoat require much more grooming than others. Their fur needs to be brushed every day. Usually their “fur coat” looks matte and even dull.

Important! The beard, bangs and mustache, which are much tougher, need to be washed and combed.

Black Russian Terrier Grooming

Studying the photo of a black terrier, it is noticeable that modeling of the coat is carried out mainly exclusively on dogs performing at various shows, but in other cases the hair can be corrected with your own hands at home.

If you use a characteristic trimmer, then grooming your terrier will be much more comfortable and will take much less time and effort.

Black Terrier - we cut the hair ourselves (by ourselves)

Meeting the standard is no less important for a dog than following fashion is for us. To do this, dogs visit special hairdressers trained in the intricacies of dog haircuts. But if you want to master this art yourself? Nothing is impossible! Of course, a dog cut at home will not be able to claim victory at exhibitions, but if you don’t need this, feel free to learn the basics of cutting your blackie.

Cutting your head

First of all, we need to get rid of tangles and dead hair. To do this, comb the hair on the head and face in the direction of growth. Carefully, so as not to damage the cartilage tissue, we cut the hair inside and outside the ears short. On the brow ridges we leave the length, and above them we cut the hair short, gradually leaving more and more length towards the back of the head. The result will be a “hat” characteristic of the breed. We leave no more than 1.5-2 centimeters of hair on the cheekbones, making a smooth transition to a long mustache and beard. If the blackhead's head is cut correctly, looking from above you will see a clearly defined rectangle, and looking from the side you will see a triangle.

Shaping the dog's torso

From the base of the ear to the chest bone, cut the hair short to form a shirtfront. We make a smooth transition between the occipital protuberance and the withers and form the mane characteristic of black terriers. Ideally, the head should look like an extension of the neck. The length of the mane depends on the individual characteristics of your dog: if he has a thin neck, the hair should be left longer, and on a massive and short neck - shorter. On the sides of the neck, it is important to maintain a smooth transition from long hair to very short hair. On the front of the chest (below the breast bone) we leave the hair no longer than 1-2 cm, and below we make a skirt line. The more developed the dog's chest, the shorter the skirt should be, because it adds bulk to the overall appearance.

We leave 3-5 centimeters on the shoulders: the wider the chest, the shorter the hair. However, it is important not to overdo it with the length. If the terrier's chest is too narrow, it is better to work on its development, because too long hair will look sloppy when moving.

The topline from the withers to the base of the tail should be as level as possible. The hair on the back of the tail, around the anus and genitals is cut as short as possible.

Making beautiful legs

We comb the hair on the front legs against the grain and carefully trim it to form even columns. We create neat round paws; to do this, you just need to trim off any excessively protruding fur.

The hind limbs will have to be given more attention, because the shape of the hips is of great importance for maintaining the standard of haircut for the blackie. Proper haircut can hide all the shortcomings in the structure and development of the dog’s hind limbs. On the back of the thighs (starting from the hock joint) to the anus, we remove the hair with a clipper. On the edge of the thigh we leave the fur as long as possible, which on the rest of the thigh should smoothly transition to a length of 3-5 centimeters.

Now let's evaluate the result. If everything works out, the lines of the black terrier's silhouette will be smooth, natural, with a soft transition between levels of coat of different lengths. The dog's appearance should emphasize its power and confidence, without a hint of unnecessary decorativeness.

Personality of the Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is a protector, a guard, and a faithful partner all at once.

It can attack only in extreme cases, when it realizes that the owner is in danger or is being harmed. The goal of this breed in an emergency situation is to force the aggressor to retreat, and not to seriously injure him.

Black Russian Terriers guard the owner's property efficiently and with great enthusiasm. In a relaxed state, the Black Russian Terrier shows its narcissistic and proud essence.


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In general, blackies are extremely relaxed and responsible animals that treat children well and will go for a run with their owner with great enthusiasm.

In addition, they are very capable of development and grasp everything on the fly. They can successfully establish contact and make friends with surrounding animals. But only in situations where there are no competitors in them.

How much does a Black Russian Terrier cost?

Finding a Black Russian Terrier is not always easy both abroad and in the Russian Federation, which will affect the price tag.

Basically, you can buy a young Black Russian Terrier for 30,000 rubles. A price of 50,000 rubles or more is assigned to black terrier puppies from parents with various achievements, which guarantees that they will subsequently achieve the same result.

Black Russian Terrier care before the show.

Many dog ​​lovers know how important it is to show your dog at a show, properly prepared. Sometimes the exhibition career of a pet depends on this. I would like to share my more than ten years of experience in preparing a dog for an exhibition with you, dear lovers of the Black Russian Terrier . Long gone are the days when it was believed that the black terrier did not require special care, that it needed to be washed no more than once a year in a pond located near the house, as a means of hygiene, using laundry soap, and that it was possible to go to the exhibition lead, pulled out of the booth directly on the working chain - the dog is a working dog. Today, no one is surprised by how long and carefully they prepare applicants for beauty contests - all kinds of “Miss Russia, World, Universe”.

A dog show is also a beauty contest and should be treated as such. Candidates for victory must be carefully prepared: taught to move correctly, present themselves beautifully, trim the wool in a certain way, and cut it correctly.

Properly prepared Chernysh is a kind of art. Imagine the sixties, and the people who tried their best to maintain fashionable style. Because of the desire to look different from everyone else, they were called “hipsters.” The black terrier is a “hip” in the best sense of the word. Athletic, elegant, self-confident, unlike anyone else, the “hip” of the dog world.

So let's talk about preparing the black terrier for the exhibition. How to turn a bear-shaped “something” into a stylish animal. Let's start with the familiar word “trimming”.

Trimming a black terrier consists of carefully combing and plucking overripe hair, which is easily and painlessly torn off. You shouldn’t torture yourself or your dog by trying to pinch off hair that won’t be plucked off; it won’t lead to anything good. And the result that you will achieve by continuing to persist in your endeavors will be bruises on the dog’s body, distrust of your hands, which brought so much suffering, and an abundance of gray hair, which will cover your pet as its fur grows.

Whether we want it or not, as the blackie’s appearance changed, with the appearance of rich decorating hair, the latter’s coat lost its wire-like structure, which it had in dogs of the old type. When you gain in one, you lose in the other.

Black terrier puppies. Grooming from the very beginning.

To make it easy to care for the blackie's fur, it is necessary to accustom a one-month-old puppy to the procedure of combing. To do this, it is convenient to use a wide-toothed comb. When trying to accustom a black terrier puppy to daily brushing, remember that he personally does not need this procedure. Life will not seem worse to him just because he is all in tangles and something is constantly sticking under his tail. But since he was born a black terrier, he will have to endure tedious haircuts and exhibitions with a comb. Its' his job.

If you try not to cause pain when scratching, the puppy will quickly get used to this procedure. And if every day you find 5-10 minutes to care for the coat and prevent the formation of tangles, the presence of pine needles and thorns in the coat, then your puppy will even enjoy brushing - after all, this is a useful skin massage.

Black Terrier puppies, their coat requires a lot of attention from the owner, preparing it for exhibition is an art that needs to be learned. The preparation of fur for the exhibition begins taking into account how quickly the dog grows. This usually happens 7-10 days before the exhibition.

Before cutting the blackie, you need to comb it thoroughly and then wash it. It is better to use shampoo for show dogs. It is diluted in water and whipped until foam forms. The wool is thoroughly soaked in this mixture down to the roots of the hair, and then thoroughly washed off with a stream of warm water. After which it is useful to apply a balm-rinse, which helps restore skin functions that are extremely important for the dog. It’s a good idea to rinse the wool with beer or lemon juice to make the wool stiffer.

Then wring out the wool as much as possible and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Let your pet shake and dry off. You can use a hairdryer, but you must remember that during drying you should never pull the fur, otherwise you will end up with hair that is not typical for the breed, reminiscent of a poodle.

After the coat has dried, comb it thoroughly and you can start cutting.

Photo of a black terrier

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