South Russian Shepherd Dog. Description, features, care and price of the South Russian Shepherd

History of the South Russian Shepherd Dog breed

There is heated debate about the true roots of the Yuzhaks.
Despite this, there is still no reliable information about which breed was at the origins of the Yuro clan. According to one version, the ancestors of the animals were Spanish mastiff-like dogs, which were brought to the southern regions of Russia to protect fine-wool sheep imported from the Iberian Peninsula. The famous Russian dog handler Vsevolod Yazykov adhered to a different theory. In his own works, the researcher relied on a historical document, according to which in 1808 Russia purchased 1000 merino sheep from the Saxon kingdom. It turned out to be unrealistic to drive sheep over such a long distance with the help of shepherds, so German shepherds were involved in the task. When the Merinos arrived at their destination, their four-legged guardians also settled in Russian territories, mixing with local dogs and giving birth to a new breed.

In addition, the formation of the historical phenotype of the southerners was influenced by the decree of Nicholas I. In 1826, the emperor began to develop domestic sheep farming, attracting foreign farmers to work, whom he promised to exempt from all duties and taxes. As a result, shepherd dogs from other countries flocked to the southern provinces, taking along the road European shepherd dogs that made their genetic contribution to the exterior of the southern Russian shepherd dogs.

As for the factory breeding of Yuzhaks, it is attributed to the founder of the Kherson biosphere reserve “Askania-Nova” - Friedrich Falz-Fein. A well-known livestock specialist conducted breeding experiments and organized screenings of offspring, which made it possible to obtain dogs that were valuable for work. In 1904, Falz-Fein's South Russian Shepherd Dogs were exhibited at a Paris exhibition, but the breed's triumph did not last long.

After the revolution, the number of Yuzhaks in Russia decreased sharply. What helped the animals lose the war for their right to exist was their own dedication to the cause. The YuRO bravely defended the sheep herds from gangs of “white” and “red” marauders, which in the conditions of the civil war left them no chance of life. Before the Great Patriotic War, the number of South Russian Shepherd dogs increased slightly, but the Germans who occupied Soviet territories did not like the protective dogs either, which led to the extermination of the breed.

By the 50s of the 20th century, there were no worthy southern breeders left in the USSR, but dog handlers were obsessed with the desire to revive the unique white-haired dog. It was possible to give the South Russian Shepherd Dogs a second life by infusing the blood of “Caucasians” into its phenotype. As a result, Soviet breeders still acquired a valuable breed, although outwardly modern individuals differ from their relatives bred in Tsarist Russia.

Breed standard South Russian Shepherd

Visually, the South Russian Shepherd Dog can be easily confused with the Hungarian Komondor and even more easily with the English Bobtail. By the way, the conspicuous sluggishness and bearish clumsiness of the breed is an optical illusion created by its shaggy, abundant hair. Under a pile of wavy hair and a cottony layer of undercoat hides a completely athletic body, capable of performing miracles of agility and acrobatics. A clear confirmation of this is the circus southerners, who perform the most complex artistic stunts in one breath.

Anatomical differences between males and females are also noticeable. For example, “girls” have a more elongated body shape. The difference in height between male and female individuals is not so significant. The lower height limit for females is 62 cm, for males - 65 cm. In terms of impressive image, “boys” also take precedence. Due to the stylish “mane” on the neck, male dogs look more fashionable than their four-legged companions, whose throat area is not so chic.


The head of the South Russian Shepherd is formed into an elongated wedge with prominent cheekbones, tapering in the muzzle area. Mandatory proportions: the length of the head is approximately 40% of the height of the animal. The cranial part has a flat forehead, a protruding occipital bone (tubercle) and smoothed brows. Muzzle with a flat back and a slightly noticeable stop.


Developed anthracite-colored lobe. In South Russian shepherd dogs of fawn-white and fawn color, the skin of the nose may fade in the hot season, which is acceptable. However, even in these individuals the edging of the lobe must have a rich black tone.

Teeth, jaws

The traditional set is 42 large white teeth with incisors aligned in one line. Acceptable variations are double first premolars, broken incisors, which do not distort the standard bite. The South Russian Shepherd has very powerful, grasping jaws, forming a scissor-shaped relationship of the dentition in the bow.


The eyes of representatives of this breed are characterized by a wide, straight set. The eyes themselves are oval, medium-sized, with dense, dry eyelids bordered by a black rim. The color of the iris is from light to dark brown, but dark tones are preferable.


The triangle ears are not very large, hanging type. The cartilage is set high, the edge of the ear flap touches the cheekbones.


The oval cross-section of the neck of the South Russian Shepherd is distinguished by pronounced dryness of the contours and muscularity.


The body of the South Russian Shepherd is strong, but without a tendency towards excessive pumping. The length of the body is 10-12% greater than the height of the animal at the withers. The back in the lumbar area forms a small arch, which in mature individuals (from 5 years old) can be smoothed out.

The bend of the withers is weakly defined, the back is elongated and wide. The lumbar region is convex, not of outstanding length, springy. The dog's croup is located 1-2 cm above the withers and is characterized by a slight slope and decent width. Traditional features of the Yuzhak's chest are protrusion in front of the shoulder-scapular joints, oval cross-section, good width with flat ribs. The bottom of the chest is located at the level of the elbow joints, the stomach is slightly tucked.


The legs of South Russian Shepherd Dogs are of a muscular type, smooth, parallel to each other, and the hind limbs are set much wider than the front ones. The humerus and elongated shoulder blades form a joint angle of 100°. The dog's elbows point back. Strong, dry wrists leading into strong, slightly elongated pasterns with a slight slope.

The massive, dense thighs of the Yuzhak are the same length as the shins, set at an angle. The knee joints are clearly drawn, the hock joints have obvious angles and a flattened shape. The hocks are dry, not very stretched, without dewclaws. For the paws of shepherd dogs, arching and oval shape are required. There are no color restrictions on pads and claws. The animal moves at a balanced gallop or trot. The move is measured and straightforward.


The tails of the southerners are quite thick, wrapped in a half ring or twisted into a hook. Length – in line with the hock joints or slightly below their level. A calm animal carries its tail lowered, an excited one raises it to the upper part of the back, and the tip is even slightly higher.


Mandatory requirements for the coat of the South Russian Shepherd: the length of the spine is at least 10 cm, a rough wavy or broken structure, the presence of a thick long undercoat. By the way, about the undercoat: it has the ability to mat, forming a warm protective sweatshirt. However, in the ring, individuals with a completely combed out undercoat, as well as those with tangles, do not receive the highest score.

Purebred individuals have abundant hair, of equal length on all parts of the body. On the head, long hair forms a “mustache,” “beard,” and thick bangs.


South Russian Shepherd Dogs come in fawn, gray, yellowish-white, solid white, and white with fawn or gray spots. An important nuance: in spotted individuals, the color marks should be extremely light and have blurred outlines. The presence of snow-white blazes (head and muzzle) is possible in individuals of fawn and gray colors. In addition, white spots on the paws, sternum and end of the tail are acceptable.

Important: South Russian Shepherd puppies have brighter colors. The complete development of coat tone ends in 1-2 year old dogs.

Disqualifying defects of the breed

  • Choleric temperament; cowardly, aggressive habits.
  • Breed type violation.
  • Square or round skull.
  • Entropion of the eyelids, heterochromia. Green, blue, whitish iris of the eyes.
  • Lack of teeth, except M3 and P1.
  • The coat is curled, cord-like, short, lying flat on the legs and head.
  • Color violations: brown, blue, tricolor and red.
  • The presence of a mask on the face and a saddle cloth on the body.
  • Lobe and lips with spots or in a pink tone.
  • Amble.
  • Short or docked tail.


It is a large breed. Weight reaches 50 kg, height – 66 cm. Behavior should be neither melancholy nor phlegmatic. However, choleric behavior and excessive aggression are also considered defects.

The most common color is white, but others are allowed: all shades of gray, white with gray spots, yellow-white, fawn, white with fawn spots, gray and fawn piebald. The coat is long, at least 10 cm. The texture of the coat is coarse, slightly wavy, and has the same length throughout the body. Should not fit tightly to the body. The head has an elongated shape, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not pronounced. The tail is set low and carried down. Shouldn't be skinny. The body is not massive.

Character of the South Russian Shepherd

Representatives of the breed have a typical “shepherd” character, due to which they truly love and listen to only one family member. At the same time, fawning over and looking back at the owner’s actions every minute is also not about southerners. In critical situations, dogs are able to make a decision without languishing in anticipation of a command, and it can be difficult to stop their initiative at such moments. When acquiring a South Russian Shepherd, do not forget that you are introducing into your home a serious working dog with clearly manifested “Caucasian” genes. And this, firstly, is systematic training, and secondly, responsibility and the ability to build the right partnership with the ward, in which the owner is the eldest.

YURO make unsurpassed bodyguards and good watchmen. Representatives of the breed are able to repel an enemy's attack with a threatening growl and a disarming grip from birth. Southerners especially like to guard territory rather than property, so you won’t find a better pet for guarding your personal plot and monitoring your summer cottages. Dogs are extremely selective when choosing friends among their relatives. For some, the South Russian Shepherd patiently indulges in light pranks, condescendingly wagging its tail, while for others it will never forgive a harmless pounce. Accordingly, when taking a shaggy “blonde” to the dog park, be mentally prepared for both a positive model of behavior and a negative one - it is impossible to predict which “tail” the South Russian Shepherd will not like.

There are many photos floating around the Internet in which representatives of the breed are having fun with children, riding on the backs of babies and “washing” dirty young girls with their tongues. However, there is one nuance: all the children in such photographs are members of the dog’s owner’s family, which automatically brings them into the animal’s inner circle. If you want Yuro to tolerate unfamiliar children (not to be confused with the word “loved”), this quality will have to be cultivated in her. But keep in mind that loyalty to other people's children ends where the territory of the master's possessions begins. If young lovers of free apples have gotten into the habit of visiting your garden, you can’t count on your dog’s condescending attitude towards them.

Please note: South Russian Shepherds do not attack the enemy directly. Usually the animal approaches from the back and sides, biting the enemy from all sides. Among specialists this technique is called “dancing”.

A separate caste in the life of South Russian Shepherds is teenagers. The dog stubbornly does not want to see an adult in a teenager, but he will not classify him as a child who needs to get away with everything. Hence the constant conflicts with the younger generation and the struggle for spheres of influence, which should not be encouraged. As for cats and other representatives of domestic fauna with which the dog shares territory, they are by and large not in danger. Sometimes, if the cat is older, he is able to crush the young southerner and climb to the top of the hierarchical pyramid. The bonuses that the purr receives are: the dog’s endless respect and the opportunity to occasionally pick at his food bowl without risking his own life.


Representatives of the breed often seem harmless and even a little caricatured. But this is not so, South Russian Shepherds are very serious dogs and are suitable only for those owners who can achieve discipline, have endurance and are ready to carefully train the dog.

You should not leave children alone with a dog, especially if the training process is not yet completed. She can be not only aggressive towards strangers, but also vicious, therefore, before petting a South Russian Shepherd when coming to your house for the first time, you should make sure that she reacts normally to you.

The functions of a guard are in the blood of this breed, so it protects its home, its family, and its territory without asking.

Education and training

The South Russian Shepherd does not need to be taught to guard and guard - it initially carries these skills in its genes. But correcting habits and directing animal aggression in the right direction is simply necessary if you do not want to keep an evil and ill-mannered creature at home that does not recognize anyone’s authority.

An obligatory stage in the life of a South Russian Shepherd is socialization. If you do not plan to raise a monster from a puppy, from whom the whole neighborhood will run away, be sure to introduce the animal to the realities of city or rural life. Walk your baby in crowded and noisy places, introduce him to other animals, teach him to ride public transport and not growl in response to other people’s petting. Remember, a dog locked behind a high fence and getting out of its “prison” from time to time is always angrier than its fellow tribesmen who are systematically walked and in contact with other people.

Young South Russian Shepherds are often uncontrollable and rebel against established rules. A leash and muzzle will help curb the dog's ardor while walking. For particularly obstinate behavior, more stringent measures should be introduced. For example, throwing the puppy onto the ground and holding him in such a “depressed” position helps to relieve excessive excitement. Sometimes you can try gently tapping the sensitive nose with a newspaper.

It is strictly forbidden to swing your fist at Yuro and hit him on the head, as some would-be dog handlers advise. The reaction of the shaggy “blonde” in this case can go according to two scenarios: the dog will try to prove to the owner that it is stronger, and this is fraught with bites and serious injuries, or the animal will withdraw into itself, turning into a nervous, intimidated creature. And of course, we remember that the breed has a high pain threshold, so in the heat of a fight it is useless to hit a four-legged guard - he will not retreat and will not feel anything.

Restrictive commands with South Russian Shepherds are practiced first, which is explained by the size and strength of the breed. Imagine what will happen if someone who has not learned the command “No!” the dog will happily jump on you to get a portion of “hugs.” Experienced breeders argue that breed training should be based on partnership - it will not be possible to force a Yuzhak, especially a young one, to do anything against his will. The dog must be carried away by the process, want to follow commands, and the owner’s task is to evoke this desire in the pet by any means. Don't expect it to be easy right away, but don't despair. With due persistence and an understanding, friendly attitude towards the furry obstinate, everything will work out.

As for taking training courses, it all depends on the wishes of the owner. To make an adequate guard out of a Yuzhak, basic educational techniques are sufficient. Everything else is additional qualifications, the acquisition of which is optional. Much the same can be said about all sorts of tricks and tricks. Keep in mind that the South Russian Shepherd will, of course, return a stick thrown once. But after the next couple of throws, he will look at the owner with a puzzled look, suspecting him of banal clumsiness - the breed does not like to deal with trifles, work awaits it. At the same time, the listed behavioral features do not prevent South Russian Shepherd Dogs from successfully passing the OKD and Obedience standards and becoming professional circus performers.

Price and reviews

One and all, the owners of the South Russian Shepherd dog never cease to talk about its positive features. Those who once encounter the grace and simultaneous strength of spirit of this beautiful animal will never be able to treat it indifferently. It depends only on the owner whether he will get a reliable friend, a thinking dog or a pet with an unbridled temper.

Those who really put a lot of effort, time and energy into their pet ultimately receive a real four-legged brother who will come to the rescue at any moment.

These dogs don't quite like living in an apartment. They need space and freedom. It is recommended to buy a puppy from special nurseries. The price of a South Russian Shepherd starts at $500.

Maintenance and care

If we look at the history of the breed, the conclusion suggests itself that the optimal habitat for the South Russian Shepherd is a rural estate with a spacious yard, extensive lands and a flock of sheep, which must be protected. However, many modern individuals live quietly in city apartments, joining the owner’s family and adequately fitting into city life. They walk Yuro twice a day, and some dogs prefer a quiet walk around the area, while others are not averse to being active and doing sports. So take into account the needs of your pet and base your walk on the exercises that the shepherd likes.


Face it, there will be a lot of fuss with such a “shaggy mountain” as the South Russian Shepherd. However, if the pet is bought exclusively as a watchman “for the yard”, you can spend less effort on creating a glamorous image - the animal will still not look too neat, this is the nature of the coat. The soft, dense undercoat of the Yuzhak needs to be systematically combed, which will prevent it from matting. In addition, the comb helps to free the coat from small debris that is tangled in the dog’s wavy hair.

During the period of seasonal molting, it is better to massage the South Russian Shepherd with a comb every day, but this mainly applies to owners of apartment and exhibition animals. Particular attention is paid to the March molt. If you skip it and don’t work through the fur, by summer your pet will “delight” you with dense tangles that cannot be sorted out.

Important: do not go to extremes and do not remove all the loose undercoat, especially if you are preparing for an exhibition. The evaluation commission will not appreciate your diligence.

Opinions on how to properly comb a Yuzhaka are divided into two types. Some breeders recommend combing your hair before water treatments. The other half advises to first wash the dog and dry it with a hairdryer, and then remove the dead undercoat. Grooming the breed is allowed as long as it does not violate the standard proportions of the animal, so do not try to “sculpt” your ward into a giant poodle - a cut yuzhak must remain a yuzhak. Hipster bangs also do not bother animals, although it may give the impression that the dog cannot see anything because of it. It is not advisable to cut your bangs, but if you really want to, the hair on your forehead can be slightly thinned out with thinning scissors or tied with an elastic band. And of course, no haircuts on the eve of the exhibition.

Do not overuse frequent bathing, as this will damage the structure of the dog’s body. If you are concerned about the cleanliness of your pet’s fur, take him out for a walk in bad weather in waterproof overalls, and protect his paws from reagents with rubber boots for dogs. The ears of the South Russian Shepherd need not only hygiene, but also ventilation, so it is better to remove excess hair inside the funnel so as not to interfere with natural air circulation. Excess sulfur and dirt can be easily removed with a clean cloth and hygiene lotion for dogs, which is sold at any veterinary pharmacy. About once a month, it is advisable to force Yuro to trim his nails, which is carried out using a nail clipper for large breeds.


The easiest way to feed a southerner is to buy a bag of high-quality food. However, many types of “drying” contain dyes that subsequently color the wool, so before purchasing food, carefully study the composition. The standard food set for a dog on a natural menu is meat and offal (50% of the daily diet for a puppy and 30% for an adult), cereals (buckwheat, rice), fish fillet (once a week), vegetables and fruits ( sliced ​​\u200b\u200bor salad dressed with low-fat sour cream). Adults, as well as growing animals, should be given foods rich in calcium several times a week - cottage cheese, kefir, chicken eggs. In addition, you can add industrial dietary supplements with mineral complexes to the menu.

From time to time, the South Russian Shepherd can be pampered with beef moslaks, which are both a source of collagen and replace a toothbrush. By the way, about feeding hygiene: the beards of South Russian Shepherds are “bathed” in bowls during every drink or meal. To prevent the fur from rotting and the growth of parasites and fungi, the lower jaw should be wiped dry with a clean rag after eating.

Health and diseases of South Russian Shepherds

Yuzhaki live 15-17 years. Most older individuals have dysplasia of the elbow or hip joints, as well as arthritis of any stage, which is partly explained by the size of the breed. At the same time, the immunity of South Russian Shepherds is almost iron-clad and it is not common for them to catch a cold. But the breed is susceptible to viral diseases such as distemper and rabies, so it is highly not recommended to neglect timely vaccination.

A separate health issue is treatment against ectoparasites. It is difficult to notice a tick in a dog’s thick coat, so saving on the purchase of insecticidal preparations is more expensive. For a long time, among representatives of the breed there were individuals with such genetic ailments as prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid and cataracts. The disease could only be detected in mature animals, which turned the purchase of a puppy into a lottery - even an experienced dog breeder could purchase both a healthy and a sick baby. Today, there are fewer South Russian Shepherd dogs with ophthalmological defects due to a more stringent selection of producers.

How to choose a puppy

  • A healthy Yuzhaka puppy is active, curious and brave. Barking by a stranger who has appeared on the territory of the nursery is also a good sign, if it does not turn into hysterical squealing and choking.
  • South Russian Shepherd puppies are covered with abundant hair, which makes it difficult to assess their physique, therefore, if you are taking a dog “with an eye on the exhibition future,” it is better to invite a specialist to evaluate its exterior.
  • Choose a breeder who promises to advise on the upbringing and maintenance of the purchased puppy. In addition, responsible nursery owners stipulate the possibility of returning the animal if the buyer has insurmountable difficulties with it. If they sell you a Yuro without any conditions, there is reason to think about the competence of the breeder.
  • If you are not ready to turn into a groomer, endlessly washing your pet’s white fur, buy gray South Russian Shepherds, whose coats are not so easily soiled.
  • Don't grab the fattest puppy in the litter, but don't grab the runniest ones either. Overfed babies develop worse, and neglected babies will have to be nursed for a long time.
  • Be sure to look at the South Russian Shepherd puppy in motion. If the type of gait does not correspond to that described in the standard, then most likely the animal has problems with the joints and a distortion in the position of the limbs.

Price of South Russian Shepherd

If you need a club South Russian Shepherd puppy with a meter and good pedigree, prepare from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles. It is better to immediately dismiss any “promotions” that offer to purchase a representative of the breed for 5,000-7,000 rubles. Maintaining, and especially breeding, Yuzhaks is a troublesome and financially expensive matter, so even the cost of 20,000 rubles per puppy is considered unreasonably low. Only unprofessional breeders who sell sick, mentally unhealthy offspring, as well as mixed-breed animals without documents, can afford to sell litters at symbolic prices.

Description of the breed

The South Russian Shepherd, despite its good-natured appearance, is a breed that requires socialization and proper education. The breed was discovered about three hundred years ago on the Russian-Ukrainian border. It was given its name only in 1928. The standard was approved in 1932. During the Second World War, the number of the breed decreased so much that the breed was considered extinct. However, Soviet dog handlers managed to preserve the breed.

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