Taigan dog breed: description with photos, breeding, care, maintenance rules, feeding nuances and owner reviews

Origin of the breed

Taigan is a Kyrgyz greyhound. The dog was originally bred to hunt animals. Large and powerful, she coped well with the task assigned to her.

A considerable number of legends are associated with the Taigan breed (pictured). Mention of it can be found in Aboriginal epics, legends and folklore. One of the most beautiful legends conveys to our contemporaries that the Taigan is a messenger of the gods. The ancestor of today's dogs was a dog named Kumaik. Half dog, half vulture, he belonged to a hero named Manas. Kumaik was so strong and brave that all other animals trembled before him. Even the lion humbly bowed his head to the descendant of the vulture.

This breed was originally bred for hunting, as mentioned above. But now it has lost its meaning. There are just over two hundred purebred Taigans left.


The Hortai dog breed was bred in the southern part of Russia to hunt hare, saiga and even wolves; it feels good in the fields and on the plains, in the steppes. It easily tolerates heat and cold, but in severe frost it freezes. Features are endurance, great speed, resourcefulness and agility. It performs best when running short distances. Hortaya is easy to train, follows all commands, respects her owner, is devoted to him and is ready to protect. It's better not to keep it in an apartment.

To summarize, it can be noted that greyhounds are distinguished by agility, great speed, scent and keen eyesight. Although some cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature.


The Taigan dog breed was approved in 1980. Then I received my description.

According to the breed standard, a purebred Taigan must have the following appearance:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, with a wide lower jaw. The transition from forehead to nose is smooth and without sharp changes. Weakly defined area of ​​the back of the head.
  • The nose is large and smooth. The color of the lobe is usually black. But for light-colored individuals, a brown tint is allowed.
  • The eyes are oval, not very large. The color can be either brown or dark chocolate.
  • The ears fit tightly to the head. Hanging, no folds. The cartilages are thin, the tips of the ears are rounded.
  • High neck set. The neck itself is muscular, like most greyhounds. The withers are clearly defined.
  • Extended body. The dog seems lean.
  • The chest is oval, slightly wide. The ribs are not clearly defined. The back is smooth and strong, muscular. The abdomen is tucked high, creating a sunken feeling.
  • The paws are long and thin, set wide. The paws are parallel to each other.
  • The tail is saber-shaped - thin and long. Gathered in a semi-ring, just above the hock joint when the dog is at rest.
  • The Taigan dog's coat is long, wavy and very soft.
  • The color is dark, brown or gray. Dark colors are combined with light markings or tan marks. Deviations in color - brown, marbled or multi-colored inclusions.

Using Taigan in hunting

The most important feature of taigans is their ability to hunt in extreme mountain conditions. Even a height of 4 thousand meters does not frighten dogs. He can easily demonstrate such qualities as vigilance, agility, excellent instincts, long galloping and anger towards prey.

With taigan they take argali, goat, badger, corsac dog, fox, wild cat, and marmot. The golden eagle is often used for joint hunting. He holds the ungulates until the owner approaches with a strangling grip. The marmot manages to take it before it hides in a hole.

They don’t take the Taigan hare

Before the prey rises, the taigan walks at a leisurely trot; when pursuing, it moves into a quarry. In a dog that has developed speed, the movement of the legs is not visible. It gives the impression of a dog gliding above the ground.

Any adult taigan is capable of killing a young wolf. A seasoned animal cannot be poisoned by one dog - this is the certain death of the dog. Having caught up with the wolf, the dogs tear its tendons and jump away: the victim stops for a moment and the hunter can shoot. If there is no shot, then the taigans, having overtaken the animal again, tear the second tendon. After this, the hunter remains to finish him off, unless the dog himself rips the wolf’s throat with a lightning strike.


The Taigan dog, a photo of which can be seen in the article, is a very vicious creature. Representatives of this breed are distrustful of strangers. They have excellent protective qualities; they will defend their territory to the last.

Breeders of the breed note that Taigans are highly intelligent. So smart that they understand everything without training. This is what they say in their homeland - Kyrgyzstan.

This dog belongs to those breeds that know how to make decisions on their own. Taigan will not wait for the owner to give permission for this or that action. Especially when it comes to danger for household members or for the dog itself.

An energetic, very agile and strong breed. These are conquerors of the steppes, tireless leaders, active and very brave.

The Taigan dog breed can be safely left alone with children. These animals have a very pronounced hierarchical level; the dog perceives babies as members of its pack, who are lower than it, which means they cannot be offended. Needs to be cared for and protected.

If there is another dog living in the house, the showdown will be constant. As for cats and other animals, the taigan is a hunter. He may well strangle a cat, not out of malice, with a desire to play and hunt. Therefore, it is advisable to exclude communication between this representative of the breed and other pets.

Due to their high level of intelligence, Taigans are highly trainable. But as dog handlers note, training them is very difficult. The fact is that the dog is extremely independent and does not like it when people try to impose their will on it. Of course, the Taigan will not snap back. He will calmly listen to the owner and do it his way. But you can’t beat an animal, this will not only not force it to obey, but you can completely lose the taigan’s trust. Therefore, all training is done only through the affection and perseverance of the owner. We'll talk about this below.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the number of Taigans is relatively small, it is quite difficult to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. We can say with confidence that this breed is distinguished by its independent character. It is almost impossible to train her in the generally accepted sense. Thanks to its high intelligence, the dog successfully interacts with its owner, but always makes decisions itself. This independence can create serious difficulties as the animal grows.

Among the advantages of the breed are noted:

  • fearlessness of character;
  • tirelessness;
  • excellent speed characteristics;
  • a combination of qualities of greyhounds and hounds (the ability to follow a scent trail);
  • move without a voice - without the risk of scaring off the beast;
  • ease of changing directions of movement even at speed;
  • minimum nutritional requirements;
  • adaptation to different conditions of detention.

According to hunters, the Taigan is excellent for hunting animals and is superior to Russian greyhounds in terms of speed and quality of running. Today, their population is gradually forming in Russia, and the breed has good prospects for spreading outside Kyrgyzstan.


The Taigan breed (pictured) is highly trainable. But she doesn’t want to do this at all. As mentioned above, the intelligence of the representatives of the breed is simply unique. This is an independent dog that can easily make decisions without the intervention of its owner.

How to teach such a miracle? It’s worth starting with the fact that the Taigan is a hunting dog. And on a hunt, anything can happen. No one is immune from critical situations, and even the smartest and fastest dog can get confused, so it must know basic commands. Simply knowledge is not enough here; you need the ability to instantly respond to commands without thinking. If the owner shouts “come to me,” it means the dog turns around in a jump and runs to the call. Such obedience can save her life in one far from wonderful moment.

Taigan puppies need to be trained from a very early age, as soon as the animal appears in the house. All teaching is based on the patience and perseverance of the owner. The dog does not know human language. The owner demands that the pet rise to his level, but this cannot be done. Such training will result in nothing but disappointment and mutual misunderstanding. The owner’s task is to get down to the dog’s level and explain in a language that the dog understands. This is done with treats and praise, but not with hitting. If we were beaten at school, would we want to study with such a teacher? Hardly. It’s the same with a dog; you can win the Taigan’s favor and respect only through a kind attitude.

It is necessary to take the pet both to the fields and to baiting stations. Without hunting, he begins to wither, and the seething energy turns from peaceful into a destructive stream.

Conditions for keeping

Keeping Taigans requires creating comfortable conditions for them. Life within the four walls of a city apartment is not for these freedom-loving dogs. Only regular free walking can give a puppy proper physical development. The best solution would be the courtyard of a private house, equipped with an enclosure for games and relaxation. Here you can place various shelters, obstacles, and set up a small training ground.

If a Taigan still has to live in an apartment, it is worth paying great attention to providing him with sufficient amounts of physical activity. You will have to walk the dog for 2-3 hours a day, in the mornings and evenings. When moving, it is worth changing the dog’s gait more often and using rough terrain to move.

The more varied the loads, the better for the development and maintenance of the good condition of the pet’s musculoskeletal system.

Pet care

According to reviews, the Taigan dog is not particularly demanding to care for. The only thing that is very important to her is space. The ideal place of residence for a Taigan would be a private house with fields nearby. There is no place for this energetic hunter in the apartment. He needs to run and walk for two hours in the morning and the same amount in the evening, and even in fields and forests. In the city, in this constant bustle, it is almost impossible to satisfy the animal’s needs for long walks.

What else is needed to fully care for your pet?

  • The pet's ears and eyes are examined every day. They are cleaned with a damp cotton pad.
  • The Taigan's coat is long and needs grooming. Brush the dog three to four times a week. Tangled hairs are not cut off, but carefully sorted out by hand. You need to bathe your dog at least three times a year.
  • Taigan's teeth are cleaned with dog toothpaste. This is ideal. But Kyrgyz breeders prefer to brush their pets’ teeth with apples or cartilage. A raw sugar seed with cartilage or a whole sour apple is given.
  • The claws grind down on their own. Or they are trimmed with special nail clippers. How often should I do this? As the claws grow.
  • The dog is often in the forest or fields. And it's full of ticks. After a walk, it is necessary to inspect the skin of the animal for the presence of these blood-sucking insects. You can protect your dog from ticks using a special flea and tick collar, drops or sprays.
  • Dogs are vaccinated twice a year. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to give anthelmintic tablets and make sure that parasites do not live inside the dog.

Vaccinations for Arabian Greyhounds

Vaccination is carried out against the following diseases:

  • canine distemper or distemper;
  • parvovirus enteritis - the causative agent is parvovirus;
  • infectious hepatitis - causative agent hepadnavirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.
  • At 2 months the first vaccination is carried out. After the injection, the puppy should not be washed, overfed or taken outside. Immunity after the first vaccine is developed within 12 days; this period becomes the most dangerous for the baby. A person needs to make a lot of effort to alleviate the puppy’s condition. After the first vaccination, puppies experience increased body temperature, general weakness and diarrhea.
  • After 3 weeks, the puppy is given a second vaccination, but with the same vaccine. As a rule, after the second vaccination the dog feels much better, but for 12 days it must be protected from other animals, from drafts and not taken out for walks. After this time, walks are allowed.
  • At 6 months of age, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies and a complex vaccine against several diseases. It is forbidden to vaccinate if the dog's teeth are changing. You need to wait until all the teeth are replaced, and then vaccinate the baby.
  • At one year of age, the dog is given a comprehensive vaccine.
  • Further, once a year the dog should be vaccinated with the same complex vaccine.

Only a qualified specialist should vaccinate a puppy.

Before vaccination, he must examine the dog, measure its body temperature, and only if everything is normal, give the injection. The vaccine is placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the dog. The entire list of vaccinations administered by the veterinarian must be recorded in the dog’s passport. It also indicates the date of vaccination; subsequently, the owner himself will know the expected date of the next vaccination.

Briefly about feeding

How to feed the Taigan dog breed? Just like any other. Either it is dry food or natural food.

If the choice is made in favor of dry food, then it should be super-premium or holistic food. No way to feed expensive formula? Then let the dog eat “human” food.

Taigans are hardly fed super-food in Kyrgyzstan. Breeders say that the dogs' diet consists of meat, vegetables and cereals. Fruits (apples) are given as “toothpaste”.

The basis of the diet is meat. Lamb or beef. Representatives of the breed are often fed with game.

Vegetables are added to the meat. Boil it, mix it with pieces of raw meat and give it to the dog.

Cereals are a must in an animal’s diet. This is either pearl barley or buckwheat.

Dairy products are given several times a week. In particular, kefir and cottage cheese. Adult dogs do not need milk. Taigan puppies are fed milk for up to 2.5-3 months, then this product is excluded from the diet.

How many times a day do you feed your pet? Adult dogs participating in hunting or competitions eat two to three times a day. Feeding puppies starts with six times and gradually reaches three.


Kyrgyz greyhounds do not have congenital problems with physical and mental health. These are hardy animals that are famous for their strong immunity. With proper care, they live up to 18 years without causing their owner any trouble with their health. Dog handlers and veterinarians only recommend that owners be more attentive to the skeleton. During active running, it is heavily loaded, so the owner must take the dog for periodic examinations and feed it food rich in calcium (cottage cheese, milk). Or buy food with a high content of this mineral. Sometimes Taigans experience eye pathologies and digestive problems, but this is usually corrected by a balanced diet and the inclusion of special additives in the menu.

hardy animal with strong immunity

Where to buy a puppy?

Is the Taigan dog breed for sale? It is very difficult to get a purebred dog. There are very few representatives of the breed, and all of them are mainly found in Kyrgyzstan. True Taigan lovers and breeders prefer to sell puppies in their own country, closer to them. This is done so that an adult animal can participate in breed selection.

If you are lucky and manage to find a puppy, its price will be 200-300 dollars. Adult dogs are many times more expensive, and it is almost impossible to buy them.

Pet cost

Since ancient times, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, the taigan was considered a valuable gift. He became the owner's friend, protector, companion and breadwinner, because he accompanied the owner on the hunt. And in the modern world, purebred puppies are highly valued in Asia. The Taigan population is small; the breed belongs to the exclusive category. On average, the price of a breeding individual starts from $600, in each case it is negotiated individually. There are nurseries only in Kyrgyzstan; they are few in number and can be easily found based on reviews on the Internet. Breeding individuals are often sold for breeding purposes. Do not buy a dog through advertisements at flea markets. They don't offer purebred puppies there.

In today's article we introduced you to a unique breed - the Taigan. These dedicated and active hunters are on the verge of extinction, so you will have to pay a considerable amount for a breeding puppy. The Kyrgyz greyhound named Sherkhan is the pet of Russian President Vladimir Putin, presented to him by the head of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov.

This is interesting

Interesting fact about the Taigan dog breed (pictured). In her homeland they say about her: “Taigan is running - blood is gushing from his ears.”

And one more fact: representatives of the breed are very tall and ferocious. The height at the withers reaches 70 centimeters in males. Bitches are slightly shorter, but also impressive - 65 centimeters at the withers. It is the females who hunt wolves; they are much fiercer and more agile than males.

Due to the fact that the breed is not widespread, there are no reviews from owners as such. Only reviews from breeders indicating the uniqueness of the dogs.

Historical reference

Due to its low prevalence and lack of recognition among greyhound lovers, I consider the Taigan to be a separate breed. In fact, the livestock was formed as an aboriginal group and a subspecies of the Tazy breed . The breed group of greyhounds has common roots, and it was formed in Asia.

This is interesting! The Taigan is considered an aboriginal breed bred in Central Asia, although historical information suggests that as a species, the Kyrgyz Hound originated in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan.

Although not known internationally, the Kyrgyz Hound is popular for its hunting skills. We can say that the Taigan is the only breed capable of hunting in the mountains . At an altitude of 2–4 km above sea level, many dogs can walk or even work, but only the Kyrgyz Hound can run and maneuver.

The Taigan was bred to work with medium game, but was actively used when wolf hunting . A group of 2–4 dogs independently pursues and kills prey and does not require human assistance or control. Quite often Taigans hunt together with a bird of prey. Due to its versatility, the Taigan is also adapted to hunting large-hoofed animals. The Kyrgyz hound can perform the function of a hound or deal with prey on its own (depending on training).

Note! Today, the Kyrgyz Greyhound is considered an endangered breed.

It has been established that no more than 1,000 breeding dogs remain alive in their homeland. Enthusiasts are actively involved in rescuing and restoring the breed. Not long ago, an interview appeared online with a positive forecast for the development of the breed. breeders believe that more people should know about the Taigan and then the breed will definitely have a chance for revival.

Look and morning

You can place your dog in an apartment, ensuring it has a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. The dog will require a lot of physical attention, without which representatives of this breed can show all the negative characteristics of their behavior, such as lack of hearing and restlessness. Walk in the place where you need to be on a leash, the fragments, submitting to their weak instincts, can control the watering on other relatives. If the dog is long-haired, then regular care of the coat is required. Dogs that live in the area need to have their nails trimmed. The breed is resistant to illness of any kind. However, problems with your eyes, eyes, and corners may arise.

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