An amazing cross between a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua: description of the Pomchi breed and reviews from owners + photos of these dogs

Crossbreeding of small ornamental breeds in order to improve positive characteristics and reduce the negative effects of dwarfism genes has been carried out for many years. The result of crossbreeding is new breeds - designer or decorative dogs. These breeds are not recognized in the world of dog breeding as independent breeds and are a mixbred. In 1989, the Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix received an approved hybrid breed standard and was recognized in the United States.

Pomeranian and Chihuahua

History of the breed

A very successful hybrid.
The Pomchi breed appeared relatively recently - at the end of the twentieth century. Already at that time, crossing different breeds to obtain unusual mestizos was gaining popularity.

And this dog - a cross between a Spitz and a Chihuahua - turned out to be a pretty successful hybrid, receiving love from people all over the world.
For reference! The breed got its name from its ancestors - Pomeranian Spitz and Chihuahua.


Pomchi is a very young breed, its stable properties have not yet been formed, they largely depend on the genetics of the puppy’s parents. In general, the health of dogs of the Pomchi breed is quite strong; they did not receive all the genetic problems from their ancestors; rather, on the contrary, they lost some of them.

Due to their miniature size, pomchas are easily injured, especially when overcoming obstacles. Danger comes from high thresholds and going up and down stairs. When going for a walk with a dog, residents of high-rise buildings need to pick it up or use the elevator to protect it from falling or dislocating its limbs on the steps.


From the parent breeds, the Pomchi hybrid received a tendency to certain diseases:

  • tartar;
  • cryptorchidism in males;
  • joint dislocations;
  • eye infections;
  • heart pathologies;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Another problem for Pomchi dogs is weather dependence - babies experience anxiety, apathy, restlessness or aggression when weather conditions change.


Vaccination of Pomchi dogs is no different from prophylaxis for Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. Usually the first vaccination is given to puppies at 8-9 weeks, and after 14 days it is repeated with the same drug. At 6-7 months, after a complete change of teeth, the next vaccination is carried out and repeated at the age of 1 year. Every year your dog should be vaccinated against:

  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies.

General information and breed standards

Even an adult dog looks surprisingly cute. On the one hand, it is compact: the legs are strong, the chest is wide and developed, the neck is strong, and the back is muscular. On the other hand, the pet looks very cute and is light in weight, which makes it surprisingly popular.

A number of regional associations recognized the Pomchi as an independent breed in 1994. The IFF recognized it only in 1998.

The tail is strongly curled, even slightly curved towards the back. The head is rounded. The eyes are large and dark. The color of the nose often depends on the color of the coat.


The birthplace of the breed is the island of the same name, which belongs to Canada. It was there that it was formed, and later in England a selection was made and a standard was developed.

In the former USSR, they also did not ignore the beautiful dogs and tried to create their own breed called the diver. The idea failed: attempts to make the dog angry did not lead to anything good: Newfies did not see the difference between someone else’s and their own and treated their owner aggressively

All that remains of the breed is its name, which is still in use.

The Newfoundland has a truly golden character: he is kind, loyal, patient and absolutely not prone to aggression. He readily serves people, devoting himself to the task without reserve.

Just like the Komondor, the Newf can sometimes ignore an order if it considers it inappropriate. Therefore, you should not jerk the diver without a good reason. But if a dog sees that a person is in trouble, then he will not need any instructions: he will make a decision on his own and act according to the situation.

This breed has a real passion for water. Therefore, trips to various bodies of water are real happiness for the dog. This breed will happily make friends with other pets from cats and rats to birds and reptiles.

Innate tact and super intelligence allows the diver to accurately understand the owner’s mood. And if a person is not inclined to communicate, the dog will not bother him.

Newfoundlands are sometimes called man-dogs. They also get offended and withdraw into themselves for a while until the offense goes away. Therefore, you should only punish a diver if there are compelling reasons, and sometimes you may not find them.

Training this good-natured bear is a fairly simple task. Just remember that there is no need to give orders without reason, for the sake of interest or in a raised voice. The Newfoundland is a highly intelligent dog and requires a calm and reasonable owner.

Video: Newfoundland

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about this crossbreed Chihuahua and Spitz, then first of all we should highlight the following advantages:

  • good health,
  • no need for long walks,
  • bond well with their owners,
  • Due to its small size, it is suitable for a small apartment.

They love to run and play.
But there are also disadvantages, for example:

  • heavy shedding,
  • complex nature,
  • fragile bones that are much easier to damage than they seem
  • Problems may arise during childbirth.

Therefore, you should seriously think before getting a Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix.

Character of dogs

This breed, like most small dogs, is a good and loyal friend for humans if they have the appropriate upbringing and training. If this is not the case, then the dog may grow up to be aggressive and disobedient.

By nature, these are very kind dogs, attached to people. They love to socialize, play, and interact with people and other dogs.

Because of their sociability, Pomchis cannot tolerate loneliness. If they are left alone for a long time, it can completely change their personality. They will become secretive, withdraw into themselves and stop trusting people.

Also, these dogs do not need much physical activity. They equally love walks and playing at home with their owner.

Pomches love to be held and have other human contact. They like it when all the attention is directed at them, so it is important not to let the dog become proud. We need to show her who's boss.


Failure to demonstrate character in establishing a relationship with a pomchi can lead to the pet beginning to manipulate the person. Dominant traits are clearly identified in the Pomchi's temperament.

Color variations and appearance

Appearance is one of the advantages of the breed. Therefore, it will be useful to learn more about him.


The coat of a mestizo is shorter than that of a Pomeranian, but more luxuriant than that of a Chihuahua. The undercoat is thick and strong, so you need to brush it regularly to get rid of dead hair.


Color can vary significantly - almost all colors that are the norm for the ancestors are acceptable. Therefore, you can find dogs of such colors as: black, orange, gray, white. Intermediate shades are not considered defective either.


Strangers, children and other pets in the house cause them discomfort and dissatisfaction. Intensive early socialization will correct the situation. When meeting family members and pets, Pomchis need the support of their owner. The puppy needs to be calmed, stroked or even picked up. It is preferable for the pet to gradually get used to its surroundings.

If the puppy is left alone for a long time, you can take a second dog, but the gender and breed must match. Pomchi, who grew up alone, strives to dominate those who are smaller and weaker and tries to get rid of competitors. Therefore, it is advisable not to take new pets when the dog is already an adult, as this can cause jealousy and worsening behavior.

Attitude towards children and pets

The relationship with children is simply ideal - the Pomchi will become a wonderful playmate and together they will spend many wonderful months and years. The main thing is for the child to remember that the Pomchi dog breed has a rather weak skeleton, so you can’t squeeze them.

Relationships with other animals are not the best. Pomchi does not tolerate competition and wants to receive all the love of his owner - the little dog will definitely not want to share it.

The only exception is if Pomchi puppies grow up with other animals from childhood. True, even in this case they will treat the new arrivals extremely negatively.

Owner reviews

People who have a pomchi at home as a pet note its balanced, flexible character, with an increased sense of self-esteem. The hybrid has powerful intelligence and curiosity. Pomchi is full of contrasts, he is playful and energetic, like a Pomeranian, but at the same time reasonable and capable of insisting on his own, like a sneeze.

According to reviews, some individuals express their emotions violently and loudly, like their Spitz ancestors, but for the most part, Pomchis are not idle talkers. Despite its touching appearance, the dog needs training, since its disposition is by no means sugar.

The iron will and stubbornness of a pomchi can easily dominate a person with a soft character, as breeders and owners of this breed say about mestizos. And then you will receive a royal person at home, whom you will faithfully serve, fulfilling the slightest whim of the little despot.

However, this can be quite funny, because the function of a decorative dog is to evoke positive emotions and fulfill a person’s needs in caring for someone.

The owners note in their reviews that the pet is non-confrontational and gets along well with other animals in the house. It has excellent contact with children, provided that it is small and, as a result, traumatic if handled carelessly.

Otherwise, the dog will try to avoid contact with children or begin to defend itself. Adults should remember this, as well as the fact that a dog is not a toy, but a living being.

It is worth noting that all reviews about Pomcha are extremely positive. There are no negative reviews.

Care and maintenance

It is not enough to know the description of the breed; it is equally important to have an idea of ​​appropriate care. There simply cannot be any trifles here - only with appropriate attention will the dog be beautiful and healthy.


You need to brush the coat twice a week, and every other day during shedding. To do this, it is advisable to use a wide-toothed brush to gently remove dead hair rather than pulling it out.


Pomches don't like to wash too much. Therefore, the procedure is carried out rarely - once every few months, only when necessary.

Attention! You should only use a special shampoo for soft, thick and long dog hair.


Pomchi, like any dog, simply loves to walk. But too long walks are not necessary - twice a day for 15-20 minutes is enough.


Tiny ears need to be examined every week. If dirt or accumulations of wax are noticed, they should be carefully removed using cotton pads. It is advisable to soak them in warm boiled water or hydrogen peroxide.


Inspect the claws regularly and if they are not worn down enough during walks, carefully trim them.


Clean your teeth using a special toothpaste once every two weeks.


Eye examination daily. If there is suppuration, wipe with discs soaked in chamomile infusion.

Training and education

Unusual mixed breed
Training usually does not cause problems - a Spitz crossed with a Chihuahua gave birth to very smart puppies. The main thing is to consolidate the result and do not forget to reward your pets with treats.

Note! Don’t allow too much in your upbringing, otherwise the cute dog will turn into a real tyrant. You need to be consistent and, if necessary, firm.

Physical exercise

Doesn't need any special stress - at most, run after the ball while walking, and even then not for too long.

Is it possible to keep in an apartment?

It is ideal for keeping in an apartment - it takes up little space and does not lead a very active lifestyle.

How to choose a Pomchi puppy

First of all, you should pay attention to the dog’s parents; they must be healthy and active; excessive aggression is not acceptable.

When examining the puppy, pay attention to its behavior. The puppy should not be lethargic or too cowardly. Healthy pups show interest in humans and the world around them from the first weeks.

The price per puppy may vary. It is possible to purchase a pomchi for 5-7 thousand rubles. And representatives of the show class breed can cost 70-80 thousand.

Nutritional Features

Ready for adventure
The resulting mixture from crossing a Spitz and a Chihuahua is not too fussy and eats dry food well.

The main thing is to buy a quality one, made from meat, not soy, like most inexpensive ones. Moreover, the little dog eats a little. Suitable brands include Essential Foods, Royal Canin Mini Adult, Grandorf Natural & Healthy or Acana Heritage Adult Large Breed.

Weakened body

If a dog has lost significant weight after suffering an infectious disease, then we can say with full confidence that this happened as a result of a weakening of the body. A dog's resources, like those of a person, are far from endless. If the animal has suffered from any infection, then a certain period of recovery is necessary. You need to give your pet vitamins and feed it well. Walks in the fresh air should be long, lasting at least 30-40 minutes.

If a dog is taken outside only so that it has time to relieve itself, then you should not be surprised at its unhealthy appearance. Daily walks with the animal are the direct responsibility of the owner.

Family life

These hybrids get along well with other pets and love children very much. To avoid injury, do not leave your child and puppy alone.

Find out which dogs are most similar to Spitz.

They love to walk, so they are suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle, but they can also adapt to the habits of older people.

When arranging space in an apartment, do not give preference to passage areas or corridors, so as not to step on the dog. They prefer to coexist in the room directly with the owner, then they do not feel lonely.

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