Hmong or Vietnamese bobtail dog - character, maintenance and care

I’ll say right away - I’m a film-phobe, that is, a person who is pathologically afraid of dogs. As a child, I was severely bitten and scared by a huge mongrel. I stuttered for a long time and the fear of man’s best friends took root in my very heart, but it never went away with age. As a result, every two years I am bitten by dogs of different breeds and sizes. The last tragic incident occurred in Thailand in 2016 in the province of Krabi, when a pack of stray dogs tore my leg and I had to stay in Phuket for three weeks. My leg was stitched up, but no one canceled the rabies injections, and I diligently went to the hospital, where they treated my wound and injected me with an anti-rabies vaccine. Therefore, when friends started talking about an excursion to the Phu Quoc dog kennel, I refused.

I have a special relationship with dogs. I’m afraid of them, and at first I couldn’t take a single step in Fukuoka until I carefully looked around to see if there was an insidious dog thirsty for my flesh nearby. My friend is also afraid of dogs, perhaps even more so. This is our couple. And when we found suitable housing, the only drawback was that the owners of the territory had three medium-sized dogs.

At first it was scary, because two of the owner’s three dogs were Fukuoka Ridgebacks, with predatory mouths like a crocodile, and the third was a lapdog, with whom we subsequently suffered the most. Fukuoka dogs turned out to be pleasant animals, and during four months on the island we never had any problems with them. And then one day, with apprehension, but with great interest, we went to a kennel where dogs of the local breed are bred.

History of the breed

Outwardly, the dog is very discreet.
Very little is known about the history of the dog. The bobtail dog appeared on the territory of Vietnam many centuries, and maybe even millennia ago - even local dog handlers do not know when it was bred, at least approximately.

They were used for hunting in dense forests, so their ears and tails were often docked, making it easier to move through thorny bushes.
This has had a corresponding impact on the current appearance. For reference! According to the beliefs of Vietnamese breeders, a docked tail makes the dog more aggressive, and therefore a better hunter.


The main difference between the Fukuoka dog is the hair ridge on the back, running from the neck to the hind legs. The width of this unique path can be from 2 to 5 cm, the height up to 4 cm. The shape of the ridge also varies: in some individuals it resembles an arrow, in others it resembles a needle, a guitar, a sheet, while others have rounded curly lines. In a state of excitement, the “Mohawk” on the back straightens, giving the dog a brave and warlike appearance.

The Fukuoka Ridgeback breed standard has so far been established only within the country. The dog's head is flat and wedge-shaped. There are slight wrinkles on the forehead. The ears are straight and thin, the neck is large. The well-developed jaw has strong, pointed fangs. It does not have chewing teeth, so the animal tears off pieces of food and swallows them whole. Phu Quoc Dog has a slender, compact body with a slightly enlarged chest and thin belly. The hind legs are slightly lower than the front legs. The height of an adult varies from 45 to 55 cm, weight can reach 22 kg.

Dogs are in good health and can easily endure difficulties. Some publications claim that Fukuoka dogs have small membranes between their toes, which, coupled with long, strong legs, made the animals good swimmers. In the water they really feel calm and confident, but they cannot achieve the glory of Ichthyander; they did not have membranes or membranes on their limbs when they were born. Another remarkable quality of Vietnamese Balls is good jumping and climbing ability. This can be observed in the nursery, when some curious cute guy starts climbing the fence or jumping to a height of up to 2.5 meters.

Local dogs are not picky about food and easily adapt to new foods.

Features of character and behavior

In general, the Vietnamese Hmong dog breed is distinguished by excellent guard skills. Already at the age of 2-3 months, many pets understand perfectly well that there is a territory that belongs to the owner and it must be protected.

The character is strong, balanced - a real sanguine person. They treat strangers with suspicion, but do not show aggression in vain.

This color is also acceptable

Gao-Miao himself

Small, playful, puppyishly clueless. Gao-Miao lives in Tran Dinh Tao's house along with other dogs, with whom he doesn't get along too well - they don't understand what kind of upstart he is. In addition, dogs are not allowed to approach the master's table, and few people can get angry with the prankster Gao-Miao, so he begs for goodies. He also loves to pose in front of cameras, rightly believing that his happiness depends entirely on what kind of fame he gains, who likes him and who takes him for himself.

Photo source:

Photo source:

The most astute viewers noted that Gao-Miao is very similar to a Hmong dog, undeservedly forgotten by society. They are just like that, more like bears, which is what the puppy's nickname indicates.


Advantages and disadvantages

Before you go to the kennel, you should learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a dog that will live in the family for many years.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • unpretentiousness,
  • excellent guard skills,
  • calm, balanced character,
  • good learning abilities.

But there are also certain disadvantages. One of them is submission only to a strong, confident person. So, Hmong is clearly not suitable for beginners or teenagers. In addition, in old age they become very phlegmatic and can no longer fulfill the role of a watchman.

Where to buy and price

The average price of a puppy is 200-300 dollars. The Rhodesian variety is more common in our area than the Thai. A large selection of puppies of this breed can be found in the Tina Trading, Showline Melin's, and Ridge's Star kennels.

If you like an active dog who will engage in active sports and walks with you, it is better to choose a Rhodesian Ridgeback. It is important to remember that without a lack of attention, the pet will disappear. If you want a more balanced, calm dog, it is better to opt for the Thai Ridgeback. The external characteristics of the two varieties are similar, they differ only in size, color, and shape of the ears.

Attitude towards children and pets

The Hmong dog gets along just fine with children - they often play together and just have a great time. However, dogs do not allow unnecessary liberties - if he doesn’t feel well or is tired, he may well growl, which should be a signal that it is better not to interfere with the dog and let him be alone.

There are no problems with other animals. Hmong generally rarely show a desire for dominance. True, he is not a coward, so he may well respond to aggression from other pets in the same way.

For reference! The dog received its name from the Hmong tribe, in which it was first noticed.

About the name

For Russian dog lovers, Ridgebacks are an exotic breed. It got its name from the word “ridge”, which translated from English means ridge, ridge. Indeed, the animal has an area on its body where the hair grows in the opposite direction. It is clearly visible and can have different shapes in length, width, and the presence of curls. Even small puppies have a clearly defined ridge, which determines the breed. Dogs without such a bright detail are discarded and are not subject to planned mating.

Care and maintenance

Of course, it’s not enough to give your pet a name—it’s also necessary to provide appropriate care.


Hygiene consists primarily of the following procedures:

  • Combing - twice a week, so that the soft wool does not cover everything in the apartment with a thick layer.
  • Washing - only if necessary, with a special shampoo.
  • Examine your eyes daily.
  • Ear inspection and cleaning - once a week.
  • Trim their nails only if necessary (they usually grind their nails down just fine on their own during walks).
  • Teeth brushing - once every two weeks or less often if the dog chews toys and bones.


Hmong people love to walk, just like any dog. But they don’t need increased activity - two walks with a total duration of an hour will be enough.

True, during this time the dog should run around a lot so that he can just relax at home, and not think about what else he can chew or break. Therefore, when going for a walk, you should take a ball with you for your dog to run after.

There are individuals with docked tails

Training and education

Education usually goes smoothly - dogs are used to obeying, so they very rarely try to deceive the owner or cheat. The main thing is not to give unnecessary concessions - the dog will quickly get used to good things and it will be very difficult to wean him from some habits (for example, sleeping on the bed or stealing food from the table).

Training is quite difficult. Dogs need a firm hand and an experienced dog handler to master even the simplest commands - they really lack perseverance.

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Since then, when ordering meat, Slava was always worried that in budget cafes, instead of the ordered beef, they would not prepare him the remains of some dog. And the point is not only that we treat animals humanely, but that all the dogs that the Vietnamese sell for food are strays. That is, you can easily pick up an infection.

In general, living in a country where animal husbandry is rampant (and I’m not just talking about dogs) is very unpleasant. Of course, you can just not think about it or pretend that it doesn’t concern me. However, we cannot do this, turn a blind eye to everything and smile at people who are so ruthless.

These two dogs sit on a leash every day in one of the restaurants

Dog in a swimsuit store

In this regard, even if I met puppies at a cafe, I always wanted to give them my share of attention. Stroke it, hold it in your arms. After all, it is possible that the Vietnamese consider dogs to be livestock that do not need care and affection.

Life expectancy and major diseases

In general, dogs have pretty good immunity. A compact physique and low weight allow you to avoid many diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system.

But many representatives of the breed have serious problems with their skin and coat. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should contact a veterinarian so that the dog does not go bald or develop other health problems.

Unfortunately, there is no data on the life expectancy of this exotic dog.

For reference! In Vietnam, this breed is considered universal - used for hunting, guarding property and as a herder.

Health and illness

For thousands of years, being under conditions of strict natural selection, where the fittest survived, animals have maintained good health and lack of susceptibility to diseases. Their diseases are associated with structural features. These include the most common types:

  • eczema, dermatitis;
  • dermoid sinus;
  • colds, hypothermia;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

In addition, dogs have a tendency to be overweight, which can lead to heart disease.


Possessing excellent health, dogs live for 12-13 years . With good natural characteristics, balanced nutrition, good maintenance and care, individual individuals can live up to 16 years.

Nutritional Features

They are quite unpretentious in nutrition. They can live their entire lives on dry food if it is not possible to feed them homemade food prepared especially for dogs.

True, in this case it is advisable not to feed cheap food - the dog should receive meat, and budget food usually contains only soy. But, in principle, it is not necessary to pamper him holistically.

Attention! If the dog is fed self-prepared food, vitamin complexes should be given periodically.

How to buy a Fukuoka dog

Related breeds of Rhodesian and Thai Ridgeback puppies are expensive. For a purebred kitten you will have to pay almost 2 thousand dollars. You can buy a Fukuoka representative of this species on the island much cheaper. Here, in the kennel, they will offer you the dog you like. All that remains is to pay for vaccinations and a veterinary passport, and settle all issues of moving across the border. For export you will have to obtain a special permit. According to dog handlers, the problem may lie in the animals’ adaptation to new conditions. Accustomed to living in rural, spartan conditions, dogs have difficulty getting used to a different lifestyle and a colder climate.

Every year, a flower exhibition is held in Ho Chi Minh City on Nguyen Hue Street. Along the entire length of the street there are bright flower beds, which are decorated with figures of the zodiac calendar. In honor of the Year of the Dog (2018), it was decided to choose the Fukuoka Ridgeback as the holiday mascot. It seems that the time is not far when Phu Quoc, smart dogs, will be included in the official lists of the International Canine Federation.

I’ll say right away - I’m a film-phobe, that is, a person who is pathologically afraid of dogs. As a child, I was severely bitten and scared by a huge mongrel. I stuttered for a long time and the fear of man’s best friends took root in my very heart, but it never went away with age. As a result, every two years I am bitten by dogs of different breeds and sizes. The last tragic incident occurred in Thailand in 2016 in the province of Krabi, when a pack of stray dogs tore my leg and I had to stay in Phuket for three weeks. My leg was stitched up, but no one canceled the rabies injections, and I diligently went to the hospital, where they treated my wound and injected me with an anti-rabies vaccine. Therefore, when friends started talking about an excursion to the Phu Quoc dog kennel, I refused.

I have a special relationship with dogs. I’m afraid of them, and at first I couldn’t take a single step in Fukuoka until I carefully looked around to see if there was an insidious dog thirsty for my flesh nearby. My friend is also afraid of dogs, perhaps even more so. This is our couple. And when we found suitable housing, the only drawback was that the owners of the territory had three medium-sized dogs.

At first it was scary, because two of the owner’s three dogs were Fukuoka Ridgebacks, with predatory mouths like a crocodile, and the third was a lapdog, with whom we subsequently suffered the most. Fukuoka dogs turned out to be pleasant animals, and during four months on the island we never had any problems with them. And then one day, with apprehension, but with great interest, we went to a kennel where dogs of the local breed are bred.

How to choose a puppy

Catdog is an Internet star
When choosing a pet, it is very important to pay attention to its behavior. Puppies should be curious, moderately timid and friendly. That is, to react adequately - when a stranger approaches, run away, but over time, having gotten used to it, go into his arms.

Dogs that are too cowardly or aggressive are not the best choice. The former will not be able to serve as watchmen, and the latter often grow up to be overly embittered.

Be sure to pay attention to the appearance. There should be no bald spots on the fur, or strange discharge in the area of ​​the eyes and nose.

Vietnam. Phu Quoc hunting dog.

Phu Quoc Island has gained great popularity among tourists for its beautiful white sandy beaches and emerald sea. But among dog breeders, the island is known as a breeding center for the ancient Phu Quoc hunting dog breed.

The Phu Quoc dog is notable for the fact that it, in fact, lives only on this island. She was once wild, but then man tamed her. The dog does not have teeth for grinding food, only pointed fangs, so it eats like a crocodile - it tears food with its teeth and swallows. Despite such sinister devices in the mouth, the dog's disposition turns out to be very friendly, and, moreover, it is said to be one of the smartest breeds in the world. The second name I gave this dog is punk dog. I assure you, when you see her, you will know that this is the right dog. The fact is that the fur on her spine grows in the opposite direction to the rest of the fur. That is, everywhere it grows from the head, and a narrow strip of fur on the ridge grows towards the head. Therefore, the dog appears to have either a crest or a mohawk.

Appearance: medium-sized dog (up to the knee), short-haired, with a ridge (a comb of hair growing in the opposite direction of the main hair growth) along the back, well-developed muscles, ears pointing up, sharp tail. Dogs are distinguished by a “rare” gene, so only 40% of offspring have ridge.

Characteristics: Endurance, unpretentiousness, good adaptability, excellent jumping ability (1m60), loyalty and peacefulness.

Description: The Phu Quoc dog is a fearless hunter and watchman. The Vietnamese say about this breed: “they run fast like squirrels and swim well like otters.” Indeed, this breed of dog loves to swim, and thin “duck” membranes between the toes give them speed. When attacking or hunting, a dog's comb stands on end, due to which the dog's height visually increases. The devotion and fearlessness of dogs is shown by cases when, in a fight with a snake, they pounced on the snake, receiving the first fatal bite, thereby saving the life of the owner. Phu Quoc dogs are 4 times smarter than German Shepherds, so they can easily replace them as watchdogs. The advantage of Phu Quoc dogs is their fast learning ability - you can train them yourself without taking them to a dog handler. For this dog, it is enough to point with your finger so that it instantly understands the command.

Historical background: There are 3 breeds of dogs with ridges in the world - Vietnamese dogs from the island of Phu Quoc, African dogs and Thai Ridgeback. Some claim that the Phu Quoc dogs are a smaller variety of the Thai Ridgeback. But analyzes by Vietnamese researchers of the Phu Quoc breed show that the two dogs have different origins. It was proven that 400 years ago Phu Quoc dogs already existed on the island, but at that time, due to the poorly developed transport communications system, Thai fishermen were not able to reach the island, so hybridization with other dog breeds could not occur.

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Interesting Facts

There are some fun facts about the Hmong breed:

  • An Internet-famous puppy named Duy (aka catdog) is a dog resulting from crossing a Hmong dog and a corgi.
  • The ancestors of the Hmong dog are wild Indian dingo dogs.
  • The tongue may be pink or purple or have black spots.

Of course, for Russia, a Hmong dog is a very exotic sight. But by bringing such a pet from abroad and raising it correctly, every breeder will receive a reliable and loyal friend for life.

“Dog Cat”: a cat-like puppy has become an Internet star

A video of a puppy very similar to a cat is gaining popularity on the Internet, reports Reedus.

In these frames you can see a furry cub, which is presumably a crossbreed of the Vietnamese bob-tailed Hmong breed.

The simple video received almost 2 million views in just an hour of publication. Social media users nicknamed the puppy “cotops” and left many comments under the post:

“The only baby cat-dog in the world.”

“At first it seemed to me that the puppy was a computer.”

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Ridgeback Kennel in Fukuoka

As for the Fukuoka Ridgeback nursery, the road to it and the excursion program: this is a worthwhile place, unlike the crocodile farm. It is located literally 100 meters from the entrance to the Suoi Tran waterfall. The cost of visiting the nursery is 10,000 dong (0.5 dollar). For a fee you can feed the puppies.

The dogs are kept in separate large enclosures that appear to be very well maintained. There is a small show several times a day. These are impromptu dog races with an obstacle course, which, according to the owners, should show the advantages of the breed: agility and jumping ability. After the race, the trainer demonstrates the execution of commands by the trained dog. They are truly highly trainable and can not only perform the simplest commands “sit”, “lie down”, “fetch”, but also more complex ones. The guide assures that the dogs are very attentive, and they can even be trained to carry out a command based on an inconspicuous sign, for example, moving a finger or whistling in a certain key.

Due to the presence of an official international breed standard, Thai and Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies cost $1,500-2,000 apiece. Fukuoka Ridgeback will cost much less. The nursery offers to buy puppies for 150 - 200 dollars. But you will have to pay extra for vaccinations and an official veterinary passport in order to take him off the island. I don’t know how dogs endure the Russian cold, but the same guide said that our tourists actively buy puppies and take them home. If I were a heat-loving island animal, I would not at all want to live in a cold country in a cramped apartment, but who would ask a dog?

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