All the pros and cons of spaying and neutering a toy terrier: features of the procedure and reviews from owners

The operation to castrate a Yorkshire terrier is carried out either for medicinal purposes or to exclude the animal’s reproductive function. If in the first case the operation is necessary to restore the dog’s health, and in some cases can even save its life, then the second option completely depends on the decision of the pet owner. Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such an operation, and everything that is connected with it.

What is sterilization: all the pros and cons

Any dog ​​owner is faced with the issue of possible sterilization or castration of their pet. This issue does not avoid the owners of toy terriers.

The concept of sterilization is applicable to females (bitches) and is the removal of reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes).

The main purpose of sterilization of toy terriers, like any domestic dog, is the prevention of cancer, as well as the prevention of hormonal imbalances that lead to aggressive behavior of the animal, escapes and various diseases.

Another purpose of spaying a Toy Terrier is to prevent unwanted pregnancies in females. When sterilizing a toy terrier, partial removal of the genitals is possible.

For example, only the ovaries or the uterus with one ovary can be removed (to preserve sexual desire and prevent pregnancy).

Reasons why Yorkies are most often spayed

Owners of small terriers resort to sterilization in the following cases:

What is castration and why do it?

The concept of castration is applicable to males (males) and is the surgical removal of the testes. If the owner of the dog does not plan to breed the Toy Terrier breed, then it is considered necessary to neuter the male dogs.

This is done primarily for the purpose of correcting the behavior of the male. Under the influence of excess testosterone (male hormone), the dog sometimes becomes uncontrollable and refuses to follow commands during training ; a tendency to wander and aggression appears .

Castration of toy terriers is also used to prevent various diseases (prostatitis, testicular tumors).

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“If you are the owner of a female toy terrier and do not plan to breed the breed, the female definitely needs to be sterilized, and as soon as possible, before her first heat. Only with this condition do I give it to buyers. According to statistics, bitches that are spayed before their first heat are 99.5% less likely to develop cancer compared to unsterilized ones. According to statistics, the overall life expectancy of sterilized female dogs is 2 years longer. These are strong facts in favor of sterilization.”

How much does it cost to neuter a dog?

The cost of castration depends on the weight and gender of the dog, as well as on the city where the operation will be performed, and the “promotion” of the veterinary clinic. Prices vary significantly between public and private institutions. The cost of the operation includes the price of medications, anesthesia and related materials.

There are two main points in pricing:

  • Castration of females costs more than castration of males;
  • The larger the dog, the more expensive the operation.

Babies lighter than 5 kg can be castrated for 3000-4000 rubles, an average dog weighing from 10 to 20 kg - for 6000-7000 rubles, and the operation for a healthy dog ​​heavier than 50 kg - from 9000 rubles. An operation at home will cost more than in a clinic; usually they ask you to pay an additional 1,000 rubles for an out-patient visit. depending on the region.

History of the origin of the breed

Looking at these cuties, only one version comes to mind - this breed was carefully bred so that the dogs would delight high-ranking owners with their presence. Representatives of this breed are by no means natives of secular salons. And Yorkshire terriers also cannot boast of an ancient history.

According to reliable data, these dogs were bred by workers in the coal mines of the small town of West Rydenga, which was located in the Yorkshire-Nottingham coalfield. And the task before the Yorks was not an easy one - to destroy the crowds of rodents living in the mines, and to search for accumulations of ore gases. They turned out to be excellent rat catchers; bypassing the law prohibiting the appearance of animals in mines, they successfully entered there in the sleeves of workers.

But this turn in the history of the breed turned out to be short-lived, the cuties were noticed by ladies from high society and very quickly, leaving the coal mines, they became guests of salons and boudoirs.

In the 19th century, under Queen Victoria, it was bad manners to attend social events without a tiny pet in your arms. And the smaller the pet was, the more it was valued and aroused envious glances.

But the documented history of the breed began only in the 70s of the 19th century, when the English Kennel Club was organized and the Great Britain stud book appeared. The club officially recognized the breed only in 1986, when the dogs were called “Yorkshire terriers.” The adoption of the standard occurred later, after 12 years.

The founder of the breed is considered to be P. Eden, an expert on various dog breeds. He acted as an expert at various dog shows, where the first representatives of the breed were presented. He was also the owner of a Yorkie named Albert, who was the first to be included in the Stud Book of Great Britain. The dog turned out to be an excellent founder of the family and passed on excellent character traits and beautiful fur to many of his descendants. Albert was a prize-winner at various exhibitions 74 times.

When is the best time to breed girls?

You should not breed female Yorkshire Terriers during their first heat. They are not yet ready for pregnancy, childbirth and feeding their offspring, either physically or psychologically. The optimal age for breeding Yorkies is one and a half years, during the onset of the second or third heat. Earlier pregnancies have a negative impact on the health of the bitch and her babies.

To prevent mating from occurring earlier than planned, the dates of onset and completion of estrus should be noted in the diary. A female should be mated to a male on the 10th-14th day of heat. The girl is ready to mate if she allows males to approach her. You can check it using a test - run your finger along the loop or the skin of the perineum. The bitch stands with her legs spread wide and her tail moves back, which means she is ready for mating. Routine tests can be used to detect glucose in the urine. When vaginal discharge is applied to it, the strip turns green, which means the Yorkie is ready for fertilization.

Dog handlers advise allowing Yorkies whose weight is 2-3 kg to be mated. For smaller girls, pregnancy in most cases ends with a caesarean section. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the representatives of the breed. The first pregnancy must occur before the Yorkie reaches four years of age. There may be further complications.

Pros and cons of the procedure for males and females

The positive aspects of castration and sterilization for toy terriers are::

  • reducing the risk of cancer in both sexes;
  • reducing the risk of hormonal imbalances;
  • absence of unpleasant odor in the house, since the pet stops “marking the territory”, reduction in the number of cleanings;
  • absence of unwanted pregnancies;
  • increasing the life expectancy of a pet;
  • improvement of character, behavior, suppression of aggression;
  • the pet will not run away from the owner in search of a “groom” or “bride”.

However, the castration/sterilization procedure also has its negative aspects, here they are:

  • possible increase in animal weight;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure (for example, the presence of heart disease);
  • possible complications before and after surgery.

Optimal time

The operation to castrate a Yorkshire Terrier can be performed at any time, but Yorkies have a certain age when the likelihood of developing cancer is minimal.

So, it is best to castrate a female dog of this breed before her first heat, that is, from four to six months. If you decide to have surgery on your bitch immediately after giving birth, then you need to wait until lactation stops.

For males, it is best to undergo such an operation before they are one year old, or better yet, from seven to ten months, until they have formed the habit of running away from the owner after the bitch or marking territory.

The main advantages of tiny animals

Firstly, from the amazingly sharp minds of these graceful kids, who are easy to train and can easily remember and perform even the most complex tricks. Yorkie owners note the fact that their pets are not just smart, but intelligent. They are characterized not by the usual memorization of commands, the standard response to intonation, but by a clear understanding of words. If a Yorkie wants to go for a walk or play, he will definitely indicate this to the owner by bringing him the necessary attribute.

The advantages include the modest size of the breed. Their weight does not exceed 3 kg, but inside they have a big loving heart beating, full of tenderness and awe towards their owners. They are excellent companions, showing attention and sensitivity. A small Yorkie will not claim a huge amount of personal space, so a pad in a secluded corner will be enough.

Easily transportable. He will be able to keep company on any trip, and this eliminates the problem of who to entrust to look after the pet while he is away. Yorkies feel great in transport and can even handle long distance trips without any problems. Moreover, to transport it, it is not necessary to have a special carrying bag for dogs; these couple of kilograms of happiness will feel very comfortable in an ordinary handbag or just in your arms.


What time can the procedure be performed?

Russian veterinarians advise castrating toy terriers after puberty, this occurs at the age of 6-12 months.


Surgery is not recommended for puppies under 6 months of age, as this can trigger the onset of chronic diseases.

At the same time, castration of older dogs is not prohibited by specialists, but you need to know that they will take longer to recover.

It is recommended to sterilize Toy Terrier girls before their first heat (approximately 6-7 months of age), since in this case it is easier to tolerate.

But even after offspring, the female can be sterilized to exclude further pregnancies and estrus without harm to her health.

Chemical castration

An alternative to surgery is so-called chemical castration. This method is reversible and involves administering a drug (capsule) to the dog that affects reproductive function. The production of sex hormones stops after a month. The effect lasts from 6 months to a year.

Chemical castration can be recommended for animals with intolerance to anesthetics, weak immunity, as well as for males of hunting, service and guard breeds to improve working qualities.

After the drug expires or the capsule is removed, reproductive function is restored. Chemical castration does not provide a 100% guaranteed result and is expensive, so it is almost never used in Russia.

Toy Terrier - review

Until I was 18 years old, I never dreamed of a dog, and generally considered Toychiks to be nasty, forever trembling creatures...brrr!! But then I had friends who had a bitch and a male toy terrier...

And then I fell in love! Small, cute, eternally happy, these dogs seemed to me the best creatures on Earth! I wanted a little friend for myself with all my heart!

When I found out that my friends were expecting a new baby, I immediately decided that I would buy a dog.

The puppies were born on February 8, 2022, and on March 8, 2022, I took the pre-selected girl for myself. She called it Vesta...

My review is based on my personal experience; I am not a veterinarian or a breeder. I simply described the life of a dog in an ordinary family)


The character of Toychiks is not sweet! A dog can be aggressive, then I leave it alone or scold it, it realizes everything and asks for forgiveness with its gaze. Sometimes Vesta flirts and can bite him a little painfully, but he immediately gets “change” and comes to his senses. The main disadvantage is that Vesta does not like small children, she growls and can scare them by barking, but she has never rushed. Perhaps it's jealousy.

Despite these shortcomings, the dog makes us happy every day. She is very attached to us and loves us, expresses this by wagging her tail and licking her hands for a long time) The dog is playful, active, runs around with toys all day long)

The dogs of breeders I know chew off remote controls, slippers, and tear off wallpaper. Vesta pah, pah, pah does not suffer from anything like that. She only chews on her rubber toys.


It is necessary to vaccinate your dog!!! I am not a veterinarian, I will not talk about diseases of unvaccinated dogs, read on the Internet. We vaccinated Vesta every month, then exactly 30 days later, then every six months, and the last one every year. We have completed all vaccinations. Now the dog needs to be vaccinated against rabies once a year in early spring.


From about two months we gave the dog hematology for puppies from VEDA, now we give vitamins for fur.


From the first days I started taking the dog with me to bed, she’s so cool, like a toy! (joke)

But now this toy has certainly grown up, she already sleeps wherever she wants, but this doesn’t bother me, I love her with all my heart, and I even cover her with a blanket when she falls asleep in a chair during the day)

If you don't want your dog to sleep with you, then NEVER take him with you. Even after just one time, she will already know that she can sleep with her owner, and she won’t even ask you!


When training a dog to go to the toilet, you need patience, patience and more patience... It’s cold in the Urals in March, it’s scary to take a month-old puppy outside without vaccinations, I decided to train the dog to go to the toilet in a diaper. As soon as the dog woke up, I carried her to the diaper, after eating, I again carried her to the diaper, and so on all day long... But my Vesta turned out to be a girl with character and did not get used to it, if you didn’t have time to take her to the diaper, she shit wherever she felt like it . It was, of course, horror, eternal puddles and scandals... This lasted until the summer. We live in a private house, in the summer the dog spent a lot of time outside and in small steps learned to go to the toilet outside, it got to the point that she came to the door and asked to go out. Then autumn came, a rug appeared in the house near the threshold and Vesta began to go to the toilet on the rug, because when she ran out into the cold, she flew home like a bullet. So she got used to going to the toilet on a cloth, in the spring I removed the rug, I laid a rag in the corner next to the door, and the dog began to go to the toilet on it!!! This was our victory!!! Now it’s May 2022, my News goes to the toilet strictly on a cloth, or on the street, if we’re walking))


Real breeders may now be indignant when they read what my dog ​​eats...) But she really eats everything!!! Perhaps we made a mistake in our upbringing when we gave her treats from our hands as a little girl, now not a single meal is complete without a dog) Vesta eats dry food from Royal Canin, packaged jelly from Cezar, boiled chicken meat or hearts, sometimes we can give a piece of cheese or sausages. She REALLY loves peanuts and cucumbers!!! And of course SWEET, she hears the rustling of a candy wrapper from the other room. But I heard a story about how a toy terrier accidentally ate a chocolate bar and died, so Vesta eats sweets RARELY and LITTLE!

Estrus, birth and pregnancy

I crossed out the words childbirth and pregnancy because we didn’t have that. Vesta had her first heat in November 2022, we were really overwhelmed with grief... The dog became simply uncontrollable, she shit on the bed, constantly tried to escape, and these blood spots...

After this heat, we decided to sterilize the dog.


On February 1, 2022, I took my dog ​​to be sterilized. I was very scared, I was worried that I was hurting her, but at the same time I understood that it would be better for both me and her. Before the operation, I read all the pros and cons, there were more pros.

Having arrived at the clinic with the dog, we were given an injection, the dog vomited, they took it from me and told me to come get it in 2 hours.

I came for Vesta 1.5 hours later, everything was ready. For a couple of days the dog recovered from the anesthesia, was lethargic, and could not jump onto the bed. The stitch was made small, cosmetic, the threads came out on their own, we did not go to the clinic again. The seam healed completely after about two months, it is now almost invisible.

Sterilization did not affect the dog’s behavior in any way, the only thing was that her appetite improved. I don’t regret having my dog ​​sterilized.

PS: the photos have nothing to do with the headlines))

How many days does a Yorkshire terrier, mini and standard, go into heat?

Each phase of sexual heat takes a certain time:

  • proestrus lasts from 7 to 10 days;
  • estrus – from 9 to 16 days;
  • metaestrus – 2-3 months;
  • anestrus - from 3 to 5 months.

It is generally accepted that estrus in dogs lasts 20-30 days. At this time, the first two phases are included, when all signs of sexual heat appear, mating, fertilization and pregnancy of the dog are possible. The first time the condition of the precursor may be shorter than the specified period and last no more than a week.

During the transition to the phase of matestrus and anestrus, the Yorkie becomes calm, eats as usual, does not allow males to approach him, therefore they are not directly included in estrus.

When should you prepare your dog for surgery?

As soon as you decide to spay/neuter your toy terrier, you need to prepare for the operation in advance.

It is important to remember that this procedure is a surgical intervention and is performed only on healthy individuals . Therefore, it will not be superfluous to undergo a full examination by a veterinarian in advance.

It is further recommended not to give your pet difficult-to-digest or fatty foods 3-4 days before surgery.

Mandatory requirements are:

  • do not feed the toy terrier 9-12 hours before surgery;
  • do not give water for 3-4 hours.

Is it possible to castrate a Yorkie at home?

In the recent past, such a procedure was carried out exclusively within the walls of veterinary centers, which are crammed throughout Moscow. In Yorkies, this procedure requires a particularly delicate approach, given the small size of the dog. Veterinary doctors have all the necessary skills to ensure that even such an operation takes place without consequences for the little charming friend. Of course, after the intervention, new marks may appear on the dog’s body, and consequences in the form of a bump are possible. However, there is no need to be afraid of castration at home. Thanks to modern technologies, everyone has a unique opportunity to perform castration in a comfortable environment, with minimal stress for the pet.

Remember that before any surgical intervention it is necessary to obtain a consultation from a veterinarian, his approval for the intervention, and only then can you additionally call a surgeon, an anesthesiologist and carry out the necessary intervention in the comfort of your home. It should be noted that during surgery, doctors use the most modern drugs that have virtually no side effects on the puppy’s body, however, various individual reactions, such as allergies or heart failure, should be taken into account.

This is why it is so important to see all doctors, including a cardiologist, before any surgical intervention.

Experts' opinion

The Yorkshire Terrier is a miniature breed that gets along well even in the smallest apartment. What makes this breed even more convenient for urban environments is its ability to use a litter box. Many people hesitate to get a dog precisely because it will be cramped in the apartment and that there will be no one to walk with it. Reviews from experts unanimously agree that Yorkies are suitable for people who have decided to take a puppy into their home for the first time.

But in other respects, reviews vary - some dog handlers claim that these dogs are highly trainable, others note frequent cases of their disobedience. They note attacks of hysterical behavior, refusal to go to the litter box, and ignoring commands. Of course, most often this is individual, although many have noted that there are more nervous Yorkshire terriers among the mini subclass. Some veterinarians have argued against Yorkies because of their fragile bones and high susceptibility to injury. They need to be closely monitored, and mini Yorkies even need to be removed from the high sofa.

However, reviews from breeders of this breed and experienced owners tell a completely different story. They mention the wonderful character of Yorkshire terriers - their playfulness, good nature, activity, love of life and love. The disadvantages of the breed pale against the background of their advantages - lovers of these kids unanimously say.

To understand whether this dog breed is right for you, you need to objectively assess your financial capabilities and the amount of free time. Answer your questions: will you take care of the dog’s fur yourself or seek help from specialists? Will your Yorkshire terrier, and even more so a mini-York, be comfortable with you? Will your other animals or small children hurt him? If you have weighed everything well and realized that the Yorkie is your breed, congratulations! You will have a cheerful and loyal friend who will bring many happy moments into your life.

Signs of estrus, pet behavior

To independently determine the onset of heat in a Yorkshire Terrier, you need to carefully monitor the dog. Signs of sexual heat include:

  1. Change in Yorkie behavior - the female behaves restlessly, can be nervous and aggressive or, conversely, apathetic and indifferent to everything. The mood changes very quickly and often.
  2. Appetite - at first the Yorshik refuses to eat, and then, after the onset of menstruation, it begins to eat a lot.
  3. Urination becomes more frequent, the dog often “sits down”, leaves puddles behind, and marks the territory not only on the street, but also at home.
  4. The loop increases in size, swells, and the erk constantly licks it.
  5. Drops of blood can be seen on the litter.
  6. During a walk, the Yorkie tends to free himself from the leash and collar and run away.

During the first heat of the year, Yorkshire terriers have a hidden estrus - there are no visible periods, while the female is ready for mating. You can understand that she has entered the estrus phase using a test. The dog is pressed on the root of the tail. If she is ready for mating, she sits down on her forelimbs and moves her tail to the side.

Recovery period

The pet completely recovers from the effects of anesthesia after a few hours. The consequences of anesthesia can be nausea, dizziness, thirst and dry mouth, weakness throughout the body.

After the procedure, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications and tell you how to treat the suture.

As a rule, after 3-4 days the dog is shown to the doctor to exclude possible complications, and after 7-10 days the stitches are removed, and the pet is ready for a full and active life.

How many times a year does a female dog have her period?

Typically, Yorkshire Terriers come into heat twice a year. Most often these periods occur in spring or autumn. The first occurs at 9-12 months, the next - after 8 months. There may be a delay. If the time interval exceeds 9-10 months, this is a deviation from the norm and the Yorkshire Terrier must be shown to a doctor.

The number of estruses per year depends on the health of the dog, the use of medications, the conditions of its maintenance and diet. If menstruation occurs 3-4 times a year, the Yorkie needs to be examined and the cause of the pathology is found out.

Basic health knowledge

In order for your Yorkie to have every chance of avoiding most diseases, you need to monitor his health and feed him properly. For a dog of this breed, not only the correct balance in the diet is important, but also a sufficient amount of vitamins.

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then you need to buy only high-quality food. Unlike cheap brands, these foods contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other vital substances.

If your Yorkie's diet consists of natural food, you should know what vitamins are contained in a particular product. Here are some examples:

  • vitamin A: apples, carrots, liver;
  • vitamin B: liver, yeast;
  • vitamin C: tomatoes, liver, kidneys;
  • vitamin D: cottage cheese, cheese, vegetable oil;
  • vitamin E: vegetable oil, olive oil;
  • vitamin K: lettuce, nettle.

In addition to natural foods, you will have to add multivitamin complexes to your food. “Trivit” with a high content of vitamins A, D, E is suitable.

But not a single animal is immune from any disease. Let's look at the most common diseases of Yorkshire terriers.

Yorkshire Terriers - owner reviews 5 (100%) 5 votes Valeria Hello, I constantly have a problem - animal hair all over my apartment. I'm already tired. Are there any shampoos to prevent hair from coming out?

  • Ira Try just using shampoo and conditioner for dogs.
  • Alexandra (Veterinarian) Hello. Irina, when hair comes out it’s natural and shampoo won’t help! Valeria, a special machine for combing wool has long been invented. By caring for your pet, you will rid yourself of fur in your apartment. The dog will be grateful to you.

Estrus phases

The Yorkshire Terrier's estrus consists of four phases:

  • proestrus (precursor);
  • estrus;
  • metaestrus;
  • anestrus.

At the first stage of estrus, the eric's loop swells, becomes tense, and bleeding appears. The bitch behaves nervously, does not listen to the owner, does not allow the male dog to approach her, and she urinates more often.

In the second phase (estrus, or heat), ovulation occurs, the discharge becomes lighter, turning from red to pink or yellowish. The loop increases in size and is no longer as tense as before. The Yorkshire terrier bitch is ready for mating and allows male dogs to approach her.

During metaestrus, the erka's sexual heat dies out. Menstruation becomes transparent, their number decreases significantly. The girl again shows aggression towards males.

The last phase (anestrus) is considered a period of rest between estrus. It is the longest, during which fertilization is impossible. The Yorkie's body is resting.

Caring for your dog after sterilization

There are several important recommendations for caring for your toy terrier after surgery.:

  • immediately after the operation, in the first hours, the owner should not leave the pet, since he has not yet fully recovered from anesthesia and can harm himself with rash actions;
  • it is important to show care and warmth, since the pet is excited and the body temperature decreases after the operation, the dog may experience tremors in the body, you can cover the pet with a blanket or cuddle it;
  • While the dog is still under the influence of anesthesia, you should close its eyelids with gentle movements so that the conjunctiva of the eye is not damaged, these actions should be carried out until the pet begins to blink on its own;
  • after the pet recovers from anesthesia, he will ask to eat, do not load the body with a large amount of food, you should offer about half the usual portion;
  • For several days after surgery, try to give your pet food that is soft for the digestive system;
  • After sterilization, daily treatment of sutures with an antiseptic is required.

Postoperative care

Immediately after the operation, the animals require special care. At the same time, males are less demanding in this regard, since due to physiology, castration is easier for them.

A good owner should follow several points:

  • The dog will be discharged from the clinic before waking up, but due to anesthesia, its heat exchange is impaired. In this case, veterinarians advise covering the animal with a blanket or blanket.
  • At home, the animal should be given a quiet place where it will not be disturbed. The dog can urinate on itself, and therefore it is necessary to prepare a moisture-absorbing diaper in advance.
  • You should not feed your dog for at least 4 hours after the procedure. For 2-3 days after this, it is worth keeping the animal on a gentle diet. If your Yorkie is on a natural diet, then it should be fed liquid porridge. If the dog eats dry food, it is recommended to soak it before feeding.
  • In case of systematic ailments, you need to go to the clinic.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the dog's condition during anesthesia. If he begins to have seizures, an increased pulse, or a fever, he urgently needs to return to the veterinary clinic. The dog should wake up no more than 6 hours after the end of the operation.

Yorkie in a post-op blanket

Possible disadvantages of miniature Yorkies

More than once we have to face the fact that an undoubted plus, under a certain set of circumstances, turns into a fairly significant minus. So it is in the case of representatives of such a breed as the Yorkshire Terrier, when the sharp mind of the dog, recognized as a plus, turns into a minus for the owner, when the pet is absolutely not in the mood and wants to be capricious. At such moments, the Yorkie finds thousands of possible reasons for disobedience.

From banal attacks of poor health, lack of understanding of what they even want from him, to more sophisticated techniques. Showing enviable stubbornness.

The downside is the dog’s very independent character, despite the all-consuming love for its owners, it tries in every possible way to prove its self-sufficiency, as if showing that it can manage without their presence in its life. Another disadvantage, which originates from the undoubted advantage of the breed, is the modest size of the dog. Due to the natural fragility of such a pet, it is very easy to hurt, even without meaning to. Therefore, from an early age, the Yorkie should be taught to sleep in a place allocated for him, which is located in the least visited part of the living space.

You should not leave it in the care of young children, who, while playing, without calculating their strength, can injure the dog. Despite his modest size, he considers himself a great hunter. Which is not surprising, since this breed was originally bred not as a decorative species, but as a hunting species. Therefore, feeling insulted or offended, without a twinge of conscience he can bite in revenge. Which once again indicates that adults should not allow young family members to torment or tease their pet, even playfully.

The big downside is the fact that Yorkies have an incredibly weak digestive system. It is forbidden to feed Yorkshire terriers from the “common table”. Special high-quality food causes severe stomach upset in babies. It is important to monitor whether the pet has overeaten or whether the food portions are too small. The next disadvantage that I would like to talk about concerns the social spheres of life. Yorkies are incredibly active and make a lot of noise around them. They like to bark loudly and tastefully, which is not always to the liking of the residents of neighboring apartments. The dog, having a keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing, will react loudly to any extraneous noise, believing that it cares about the safety of its owners. On the street, a small bully may try to get into a fight even with representatives of very large breeds, which is also fraught with certain inconveniences.

Yes, undoubtedly, the breed is rich in both positive and negative characteristics. You can compare one with another ad infinitum. Therefore, those who want to get such a pet should carefully weigh the pros and cons. After all, when purchasing any living creature, not a new toy will appear in your life, but a family member.

Advantages of the operation

After castration, the owners of bitches can relax, since, first of all, all the problems associated with their pet’s estrus will disappear. Now you don’t need to constantly wipe away random drops of discharge that your baby can leave anywhere. Or run to the store for special panties.

The bitch will stop chaotically marking her territory in order to attract males with her scent, which she constantly did during the period of sexual desire. Now you can safely go for a walk - the males will not attack the bitch, and she will no longer suddenly run away in search of a random gentleman. The problems that pregnancy, childbirth and offspring entail will also disappear.

The owners of the male dogs will also be in for some pleasant surprises. After castration, their boy will stop intensely marking his territory and will not get into a fight with another male for the right to own a female. He will no longer run away from his owner as soon as he smells the smell of a female dog in heat. There will be no more sexual attraction in relation not only to bitches, but also to toys, to pillows and to people’s feet.

Now the male dog will not be distracted from training by a sharp jump in testosterone levels, which means the pet will become more attentive. The Yorkshire Terrier is a dominant dog, eager, like all terriers, to be first both at home and on the street. Castration can reduce his ardor, making the pet more obedient and adequate.

In general, castration has a beneficial effect not only on the psychological state of the Yorkshire Terrier, but also on the physical one, because this operation can significantly reduce the risk of diseases such as:

  • tumors of the genital organs;
  • cancer of the genital or mammary glands;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • hernia in the perineal area.

Castration will be an excellent prevention against many chronic diseases in dogs. For example, from renal pathology. It can also be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. For example, if the dog has injuries in the perianal area.

As can be seen from the above, castration can prolong the life of the Yorkshire Terrier. Despite so many advantages, castration is not without its disadvantages.

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