Chongqing - description of a rare Chinese dog breed with photos: character, care and maintenance, price of puppies, everything about the dog from A to Z, see here!

OriginChina (Chongqing Province)
Usagehunting, protection
Colorbrownish-red, mahogany color
Dimensionsaverage. Males up to 50 cm at the withers. Bitches up to 40 cm.
Lifespan15-20 years

When choosing a purebred four-legged friend, people always look for a dog based on its distinct characteristics. As a guard dog with genetically developed hunting instincts, the Chongqing dog is one of the most successful options. “Han Dog”, “Bamboo Tail” - the Chinese Chongqing dog breed has several names and is one of the rarest breeds in the world.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a miniature toy dog ​​breed that was developed in France several centuries ago. These very beautiful snow-white small animals, as a rule, went on trips with the sailors of Italy and Spain and were busy catching rats on the ship.

True, at the end of the 19th century, these dogs lost their former popularity and were even relegated to the status of mongrels. But after the end of the First World War, this breed again became a status breed. The cost of a Bichon Frize ranges from $500 to $1,500.

Proper care and maintenance

For a dog to develop properly, it needs proper care. The Chongqing or Chinese Bulldog is very active, so you need to walk him at least twice. During walks, he should be allowed to move as much as possible.

Advice: Do not expose your dog to frequent water procedures so as not to disturb the natural fat layer. Once every six months or less is enough.

When bathing, you should only use a special mild shampoo for dogs. It is necessary to take care of wrinkles on the skin, as dirt can accumulate in them.

Pets have their teeth brushed 2-3 times a month, which is especially important for young and older dogs. The veterinarian will remove tartar as needed. Approximately once a month, perform a shallow cleaning of the ears. There is no need to trim the claws; they grind down on their own. Contaminants from the eyes are removed with a small piece of cloth.

No brushing is required, the bulldog's coat is straight and hard, as in the photo. Simply wipe it with a damp cloth to keep your pet looking good. Usually the dog likes this procedure. Animals are vaccinated and dewormed as needed.

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed is considered one of the smallest breeds in the world and was developed in the late 19th century in Yorkshire in the UK. These are quite sociable and cheerful dogs with a wonderful character. Representatives of the decorative breed are very brave and energetic.

It is also worth noting that these animals are very loyal and get along well with all family members, and are also easy to train. The price of dogs of this breed varies from 800 to 2000 dollars.

Breeders' advice for buying a puppy

Since the breed is not widespread, purchasing puppies is not an easy task. Even in European countries and the USA, this is a very rare species of domestic animal.

In Russia there is a fan club and several owners of such dogs with experience in breeding. You can purchase a Chongqing puppy through him, or turn to foreign dog breeders for help.

The price depends on gender, age and other factors. On average, you should aim for 3-4 thousand dollars. On Avito, Chongqing breed puppies can be purchased at prices ranging from 120 to 450 thousand rubles.

Fact: Bulldogs from China are expensive dogs, so they are not very common.

When purchasing, it is recommended to contact a specialist; this will help avoid mistakes and deception.


The large guard shepherd dog, the Komondor, has been around for more than 10 centuries. Scientists suggest that the breed arose as a result of crossing wolves and ancient shepherd breeds. Komondors have a very unusual appearance: the entire large body of the animal is covered with long hair, similar to a fringe, which drags along the ground.

These dogs are quite smart, balanced, calm, but also brave. They are very loyal to their owner and easy to train. The price of dogs of this breed ranges from 1200 to 2000 dollars.


Representatives of the breed are completely loyal to humans. But this character trait, due to hunting inclinations, does not transfer to other animals. Chinese bulldogs exhibit zoo aggression to the fullest extent. And only proper education from puppyhood will help protect other pets.

It must be borne in mind that the Chongqing dog will mistake some small animals, for example, hamsters, for its rightful prey and begin to enthusiastically hunt for them.

The attitude towards children is diametrically opposite. The Chongqing dog is extremely loyal not only to its owner, who has earned respect, but also to the kids. But in this case, you will have to protect the dog from the child, explaining the rules of behavior with the animal. And under no circumstances should you allow manifestations of childish love in the form of tugging on sensitive ears or constant tight hugs.

When a Chongqing dog is adopted from a farm, this will be an excellent place to live for the dog. But the owner needs to consider measures to protect poultry, rabbits and other animals. Chongqing shows miracles of resourcefulness in terms of hunting, and gets to the prey by digging, gnawing through fences and other means.

English bulldog

A short-haired breed of dogs, the representatives of which are very pleasant and sociable, but at the same time, calm and phlegmatic. The breed was developed in England in the second half of the 19th century. - She is considered the national dog of the country. English Bulldogs have a strong personality: they are elegant and aristocratic.

This breed of dog requires special attention and responsibility. The price of a puppy is 600-2500 dollars.

Diet and feeding rules

A special balanced food has been developed for medium-sized purebred dogs. It should contain beef, poultry, and horse meat. Pork should not be given, as it causes intestinal obstruction. You can include by-products in your diet.

Healthy foods:

  • Buckwheat and rice porridges
  • Legumes
  • Raw and baked vegetables
  • Corn

Harmful products

  • Milk and cottage cheese
  • Flour products
  • Butter (for porridge)
  • Bread

Chongqing dogs should not be overfed, as this is dangerous to their health. Animals are prohibited from feeding raw meat, fish and bones. Puppies are fed up to 6 times a day, adding vitamins according to instructions.

King Charles Spaniel

This is a breed of small dogs that was bred by English dog handlers in the 16th century. At first, only English lords owned them, then they began to be owned all over the world. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their cleanliness and they are also very hardy.

King Charles Spaniels are very loyal and good-natured, in addition, they love children and are easy to train. The cost of dogs of this breed ranges from $800 to $2,500.

Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terrier - this breed of hunting dog was bred in the English county of Norfolk. For 100 years, Norfolk Terriers and Norwich Terriers were considered one breed, but in the 60s of the last century they decided to separate dogs with floppy ears (Norfolk Terriers).

Representatives of this breed are well built, very hardy and energetic. They have a calm, balanced and friendly character; these dogs get along well with children. The cost of puppies of this breed ranges from $1,000 to $2,500.

Appearance and disposition

Chongqing dogs, as in the photo, are medium in size. Males are more powerful than females. The weight of an adult is up to 25 kg, the height at the withers is up to 50 cm. The body weight of female representatives does not exceed 20 kg, and the height at the withers reaches up to 40 cm. According to the modern standard, three types of dogs are distinguished by height:

  • standard;
  • average;
  • miniature.

The height of the standard Chongqing breed is from 45 to 55 cm, the medium - from 35 to 45 cm and the miniature - from 30 to 35 cm.

The body of dogs is muscular, strong, elastic. The head is large with a flat nose and upturned forehead. Well-defined cheekbones give her a square shape. The eyes are round and medium in size. Their color depends on the color of their coat. The jaws have a scissor bite.

There is a moderate amount of wrinkles on the muzzle.

The hard, erect ears with pointed tips are set high and have almost no hair. The tail is of medium length and cone-shaped. The main type of coat is short and harsh, ideally with a glossy sheen. Some representatives do not have it. The color of Chongqing dogs is brown, but sometimes even black. The most valuable color is the red-brown coat. A small white mark on the chest is acceptable.

Chinese bulldogs are wayward; rudeness, violence and insults are unacceptable for them. The use of punishment can provoke aggression. They are distrustful of strangers and animals. With proper systematic education, there is no risk of attack. The Chongqing dog is calm and balanced.

Dogs treat family members kindly, but prefer one owner. They enjoy playing at home with the children. Children should be taught how to handle the animal.

Chinese Chongqing dog

Chongqing is a fairly rare breed that has almost disappeared today. It is believed that these dogs were bred in China. In the 20th century, many dogs of this breed were exterminated. According to some reports, only 2,000 representatives of this breed remain in China.

These dogs are very friendly, calm animals and love children very much. They are also long-lived - the average age of representatives of this breed is 20 years. You can buy such a puppy for $3,500.

Breed standard

There is no such standard. The FCI has not defined the dog's characteristics or general criteria by which it can be judged. In appearance, this is a medium-sized breed, males are up to 50 cm tall at the withers. Body weight – up to 23 kg. Females, due to sexual characteristics, are slightly smaller.

The main color of Chongqing is the color of mahogany of different shades, or brown. The pigment of the eyes usually harmonizes with the color of the coat, but the most common shade is “dark chocolate”.

A feature that attracts families with children and adults prone to allergies - this breed has dogs that are almost completely devoid of hair, or it is partially present.

External features, description of the breed:

EarsHigh rise, straight, tapered shape. Small size.
HeadLarge, flat forehead, upturned nose.
NeckPowerful, strong.
BodyRectangular format. Developed muscles. The relief is lean and elastic.
LimbsIdeal proportions in combination with the body.
BackStraight, short, but strong. The loin is muscular.
RibsClearly expressed.
Rib cage“Barrel-shaped”, wide.
BiteIdeally, scissor-shaped. A slight undershot is acceptable, but when the mouth is closed, the teeth should not be visible.
EyesThey are located widely apart from each other. The shape is round.
TailLong, sharp tip. The shape is cone-shaped. The Chinese Chongqing carries its tail either raised or parallel to the ground.


This breed is considered one of the oldest miniature breeds. It was developed in Germany at the beginning of the 17th century. Because of its external resemblance to monkeys (translated from the German “affe” means “monkey”) it received this name.

Representatives of this breed are excellent watchdogs - in case of any danger, they will notify everyone in the area about it. Affenpinschers are very active, playful and curious. The cost of puppies can range from $1,500 to $4,000.

From the history of the Chongqing breed

The species received its name from the province of Chongqing, where these dogs were first domesticated 2000 years ago. Chinese Bulldogs are an ancient population of natural selection without human intervention.

The first to believe in the ideality of the species were the Chinese. Man did not see the point in improving the breed, so no attempts were made to select species for domestic animals.

The privilege of maintaining Chongqing belonged to members of the imperial dynasty and local nobility. They were used as hunters and guards. Due to the fact that China was already a country closed from the world, and the transfer of animals outside its borders was excluded, the breed never received worldwide recognition.

The long isolation for Chongqing dogs did not pass without a trace. They retained their unique appearance, but due to mutation they acquired hereditary defects. It is believed that some of them destroyed the versatility of the breed - the dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Pharaoh Hound

Another of the ancient breeds of hunting dogs - they were bred about 5 thousand years ago! This is evidenced by images on ancient Egyptian tombs.

Representatives of this breed came to Great Britain only in 1920. In our country they are extremely rare. These dogs are distinguished by intelligence, playfulness, affection and kindness. You can buy a puppy of this breed for $1000-7000.


The dog needs maximum attention to its health. Regular examinations by a veterinarian are advisable.


This breed is prone to genetic diseases. They were caused by centuries-old mutations associated with a long period of isolation and inbreeding. One of the health benefits is resistance to viral diseases.

Individuals of this breed are susceptible to skin diseases; retinal atrophy, food allergies, knee dislocation, and flatulence often occur. Given the extremely sparse hair that some bulldogs lack, the animal is prone to sunburn and does not tolerate high and low air temperatures.


Chinese bulldogs receive vaccinations on a standard schedule, but not until they are two months old. Two weeks before the planned procedure, the animal is dewormed. The first vaccination is against canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, enteritis. At 13 weeks a rabies vaccination is given. Revaccinations are given on schedule, annually.

Lyon Bichon

The Lyon Bichon comes from France. These miniature decorative dogs have been known since the late 16th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, they lost a little popularity, and in 1960 this breed was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world. Subsequently, dog handlers began to actively breed them and they regained their former fame.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by intelligence, fearlessness, love and devotion. You can buy such a puppy for 2000-7000 dollars.

Health and life expectancy

Chongqing dogs are distinguished by good health, which was facilitated by the natural origin of the breed. On average, dogs live 18 years, and with proper care they can live longer.

Hereditary diseases are rarely transmitted in the population. However, external negative factors often cause skin problems. Dogs do not tolerate extreme heat or cold well. They can get burned in the sun.

Important advice: It is imperative to have your pets' vision checked. This is their weak point.

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