What not to give to dogs - TOP 20 most harmful foods according to dog experts!

If you have chosen a natural way of feeding your beloved four-legged dog, then you should definitely know what you can and cannot feed your dog.

Earlier, when touching on the issues of proper feeding of a dog, I mentioned the names of products that can and should be given to your pet. But today I want to dwell in more detail on which products should be included in the “black list” and try to completely exclude them from the animal’s diet.

Everyone knows that even under the primitive communal system, our distant ancestors ate only what they could catch or collect. And this, as a rule, was meat, fish, eggs, poultry and vegetables. They did not know any excesses in the form of sweets, salt, carbonated drinks and other products that are now produced industrially.

Over the course of many centuries, the human body has developed the ability to assimilate and digest any food. And today we can recycle everything we throw into ourselves without much harm to our health.

But with dogs everything is different. Dogs are the ancestors of wolves. For centuries, wolves have eaten and continue to eat small and large wild and domestic animals. They do not miss the opportunity to eat a clutch of eggs, chicks and even frogs and large insects. Very often, wolves also eat plant foods - various greens, wild berries and fruits. In the steppes they raid watermelon and melon fields in order to satisfy their thirst.

Dogs are domesticated wolves. When taming a wolf, a person gave it everything for food that it was used to eating in the wild. To this day, all experienced dog breeders try to follow this principle of nutrition. Unlike humans, the dog’s body is not accustomed to excesses and has not developed the ability to digest certain foods well.

Of course, eating most of the foods listed below will not immediately harm your pet's health. And nothing bad will happen if your robber steals a piece of a tasty but harmful product from the table. The main thing is that the use of these products is not regular, since the dog’s body, which is unstable to harmful components, may fail over time.

List of strictly prohibited foods for dogs

All products can be divided into:

  • Strictly prohibited;
  • Prohibited in large quantities;
  • Wrongly prohibited;
  • Basic food products.

Here is a list of foods that should absolutely not be given to dogs.

General Products

  • Spicy - everything that contains hot and hot peppers, vinegar. These products include marinades, sauces, and ketchups.
  • Smoked - sausages, cheeses, fish.

These types of food can cause severe gastrointestinal pain, volvulus, and diarrhea.
  • Salty foods disrupt the water-salt balance, kidneys shrink, and blood pressure rises.
  • Aromatic seasonings impair the sense of smell.
  • Fatty foods cause dysfunction of the pancreas and liver, which is fraught with obesity, against which other equally dangerous diseases appear.
  • Sweets also lead to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

What not to feed

We have noted those products that should become the basis of a puppy’s diet. There are foods that are strictly prohibited from being included in his diet:

  • sweets and sweet pastries, bread. Glucose in them will cause fermentation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, obesity;
  • salt and spices;
  • tubular bones. They are dangerous due to their fragments, which can pierce the intestines;
  • pork, which is a source of trichinosis, which is difficult to cure;
  • cabbage and legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • River fish;
  • raw chicken;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • sausages and anything that contains preservatives.

Photo: pixabay.com

It's just like people

Chocolate - theobromine contained in it causes bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia, convulsions, and in large quantities can be fatal.

Dogs love chocolate very much and, if the owner is irresponsible, can find and eat the treat on their own. And to remove this toxin from the body, you will need a lot of money and time spent on repeated trips to the veterinarian.

  • Alcohol leads to nervous convulsions, heart failure and death.
  • Baking with yeast leads to fermentation in the intestines, resulting in abundant gas formation, which, in addition to an unpleasant odor, causes pain in the animal.

If a dog eats raw dough, it can cause intestinal volvulus, which can be fatal.

Tea and coffee - the caffeine they contain leads to rapid heartbeat, aggressive behavior, and increased blood pressure.

Dangerous sweets

Most children and adults' favorite treats are all kinds of sweets and confectionery. Even your four-legged pet will not refuse these treats. Many dogs enjoy eating pastries, sweets and cakes, and do not refuse sweet soda. These products are dangerous for animals and can cause a lot of harm.

Just like in humans, eating sweets disrupts the acid-base balance in dogs. But for animals this violation is more dangerous. A person can rinse his mouth, brush his teeth, restore balance. The dog does not have such an opportunity. Eating sweet foods leads to increased proliferation of carious bacteria and damage to teeth.

The dog’s body is not designed for such food, it is poorly digested, glucose levels increase, and metabolic processes are disrupted. Regular consumption of desserts will certainly lead to an increase in fat mass, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and diabetes.

One of the main enemies of dogs is chocolate. It contains large amounts of theobromine. This substance causes seizures in dogs and disrupts heart rhythm. Intoxication and even death cannot be ruled out.

Prohibited animal products

Not everyone knows which bones should not be given to dogs.

  • Chicken and fish tubular bones can injure the mucous membrane, or even get stuck and stuck in the teeth, throat, stomach or intestines and stay there for years, causing periodic vomiting and bloody stools. These symptoms can also be caused by other diseases, as a result of which the pet may be treated with a completely incorrect technique, because doctors are not gods and cannot always determine the cause of the symptoms.
  • Unleavened milk - the lactose found there is absorbed only by puppies, since an adult develops diarrhea, and the discharge may even have a bloody tint.
  • Raw eggs are dangerous for infection with salmonella, and in large quantities, due to the enzyme “avidin” found in the protein, a biologically inactive complex is formed, which suppresses the synthesis of vitamin B7.

How many times to feed

For each dog, upon reaching adulthood, the owner selects his own diet. However, there are general rules regarding the frequency and timing of feeding:

  1. Feeding is done at the same time, on the clock. From the beginning of life, the feeding interval is 2 hours, with age it decreases gradually;
  2. Evening feeding is best done at about 11 p.m., and morning feeding at 6 a.m.; the number of feedings per day will depend on age;
  3. If fed naturally, the food should be at room temperature;
  4. It is unacceptable to mix dry food with natural food;
  5. If you give raw meat, it is better to freeze it for three days. It is better to feed meat in the evening so that the puppy sleeps better;
  6. Natural food is crushed and the consistency should resemble thick sour cream; after feeding, you should not physically burden the baby;
  7. To avoid problems with the formation of the skeleton, feeding is carried out with a special adjustable stand, which “grows” with the dog.

Photo: flickr.com

Prohibited herbal products

  • Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples cause severe allergies, swelling of the mucous membranes, and rashes.
  • Avocado, the enzyme “persin” found in it, is a fungicide, which, due to its small amount, is harmless to humans, but very toxic to animals. This enzyme is found in both the leaves and bark of the tree.
  • Raw cabbage causes intense gas formation and colic in the stomach.
  • Broccoli contains isocyanate, which causes severe irritation to the stomach and intestines, which can be fatal in large quantities.
  • Potatoes – contain “hidden sugar” in the form of starch and corned beef, which is a toxic poison.

Corned beef is a complex plant poison that is found in all nightshade crops. It does not collapse during heat treatment. Due to its low concentration, it is safe for humans, but extremely dangerous for animals. Contained in fruits, leaves and roots.

  • Onions and garlic - in large quantities cause anemia due to the presence of 12 toxic compounds, including disulfides and sulfoxides. However, there is no antidote for them. At the first signs of poisoning, induce vomiting in the dog and take it immediately to a veterinary hospital.
  • Fruit seeds, pomegranates, peaches and “especially” persimmons can cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Beans and corn cause flatulence and increase blood glucose levels due to the starch they contain.
  • Sorrel and rhubarb contain large quantities of oxalates (salts and esters of oxalic acid). In the body, they form water-insoluble compounds with calcium, iron and magnesium and therefore accumulate in organs. Particularly dangerous is calcium oxalate, which forms kidney stones and is harmful for rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Hops - causes a sharp jump in temperature rise, up to 42º. If you don't get help in a timely manner, your pet may burn out.
  • Mushrooms - the content of a substance such as chitin in their shell causes severe poisoning in dogs. And in other animals (for example cats), no reaction is detected. A dog can eat cat feces and become poisoned. When walking your pet, do not let him grab something unknown from the ground.

Nuts are not digestible by dogs.

Prohibited drinks

Many dog ​​owners have noticed that their pets enjoy tasting alcohol on occasion. They are especially fond of wine drinks and beer. Don't turn treating your dog to alcohol into fun. This is very dangerous for the dog. Intoxication with a fatal outcome in an animal can occur suddenly. In addition, periodic consumption of alcohol will provoke heart failure and paralysis of the nervous system.

There is no need to treat your pet to your favorite tea or coffee. Caffeine and tannin contained in drinks do not pose a danger to humans. But for a dog they can cause dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and heart disease.

Prohibited foods in large quantities

There is a common belief that everything is medicine and poison, depending on how much you consume. So there is no need to reach the point of stupid fanaticism.

  • If you want to pamper your pet with something tasty, then give him a treat, but in small quantities.
  • But we must take into account that this does not apply to old, sick and allergic dogs.
  • Small breeds of dogs have a very vulnerable pancreas, so they also need to be protected from “treats”.

Wrongly prohibited products

Raw meat. It is believed that raw meat should not be given to dogs because it contains helminths and pathogenic bacteria. And this opinion is erroneous, since when heated to 60º C, protein decomposes, which reduces the level of its bioactivity.

  • In order to kill helminths and bacteria in raw meat, it is placed in the freezer for three days, and then boiled for 5 minutes. The bulk of the beneficial elements will be preserved, and the risk of infection will be reduced to zero.
  • Lean pork can also be given occasionally. Unlike chicken and beef, it is hypoallergenic. It is necessary to get used to raw meat from an early puppy age.
  • And those dogs that are fed food should be fed at least 3 times a week with unprocessed animal products.

Raw fish

The content of thiaminase in some types of fish actually causes dysfunction of the nervous system. Other types contain trimethylamine oxide, which causes anemia. But in order for this to happen, you need to feed the animal exclusively with fish twice a day.

In small quantities, sea fish fillet is useful, as it contains vitamins A, D, B12 and the elements: phosphorus and iodine, which will have a beneficial effect on the dog’s coat, skin and joints.

But it’s really better to avoid river fish, due to the high content of bones and helminths in them.


Why should bones not be given to dogs? It is believed that it is not recommended to give bones to animals due to microtraumas, cuts and perforation of internal organs. However, the BARF system is based specifically on eating raw bones in the articular part.

BARF is a method of feeding dogs based on a raw food diet of natural products.

But it’s better to avoid boiled bones.

Prohibited drugs for dogs

Many owners, in an attempt to provide first aid to their pet, give medications intended for people, not suspecting that everything that is good for humans can be deadly for a dog.

What medications should not be given to a dog?

  • Nonsteroidal and phenol-containing and other painkillers.
  • Aspirin.
  • No-shpa.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Antiprotozoal drugs.
  • Sedatives.
  • Ivermectin.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Ointments containing benzyl benzoate.

In any case, you should not self-medicate, but seek help from a qualified specialist.


Many people are confident that dogs can decide for themselves how to eat and will never beg for or eat harmful and dangerous foods. It is not true. Animals cannot assess the degree to which a particular substance is needed in their body. If a dish or product has an attractive smell, the pet will try to get food in any way.

From the first days when the puppy appeared in the house, owners must strictly prohibit him from stealing from the table

Also, the owner of the dog and his family members must agree that no one will feed the animal from the table or from hand, out of pity for the “sad hungry eyes,” offering the pet forbidden food. Without handouts, the dog will feel healthy and live a long life, and even a small piece of chocolate can bring great grief to a family that has unexpectedly lost a beloved dog.

Proper diet for dogs (instructions)

The dog's daily diet should consist of:

  • Lean meat and liver;
  • Porridge and rice (oatmeal can be included in the diet of puppies; in adults it causes heartburn);
  • Sea fish;
  • Boiled chicken, quail and other eggs;
  • Whole bones with cartilage tissue;
  • Sea fish;
  • Boiled cabbage;
  • Carrots and pumpkin;
  • Fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
  • Greens - dill, parsley, lettuce;
  • Berries - currants, strawberries;
  • Fruits - apples, pears;

If the dog also eats dry food, then it should be divided - in the morning, food from natural products, and in the evening, balanced dry food. Fermented milk products should be given between main feedings.

Food made from natural products should be served warm. The dog does not chew, but swallows food. When hot, it can swallow and burn the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and stomach. If it's cold, it can cause indigestion.

Using the recommendations of this article, you need to weigh the pros and cons and correctly approach the problem of feeding your beloved four-legged animal.

What to give in moderation

There is a whole group of foods that dogs are allowed to eat, but in moderation. This group includes:

  • low-fat cheese;
  • milk. Over time, adult pets lose the ability to digest milk. Therefore, it is replaced with fermented milk products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir);
  • pasta;
  • peeled seeds (sunflower and pumpkin);
  • fruits and berries: apples, blueberries, strawberries, persimmons;
  • bread. Due to the high content of carbohydrates in large quantities, it provokes digestive disorders;
  • eggs (chicken, quail). You can also add eggshells to your diet;
  • walnuts and peanuts;
  • cabbage. In large quantities it can cause flatulence.

If you are unsure whether you can feed a particular food to your dog, it is best not to give it a treat until you are sure about it. Otherwise, you can cause serious harm to your pet's health.

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Photos of prohibited foods for dogs

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