How to make friends between a cat and a dog - recommendations from breeders on how to properly and successfully make friends between a cat and a dog

Reasons for enmity

The difference in habits is due to different worldviews, which is manifested in relationships with humans, relatives and animals of various species.

Cats and dogs act differently in many situations because they think differently and act based on their emotions, which also manifest themselves differently.

Mr. Cat recommends: tips for first meeting

Even before meeting, pets should be taught to adequately perceive representatives of another species. So, when walking, you need to scold them for barking towards cats or reward them for being friendly. In the future, the success of reconciling pets will depend on following the following tips:

  • It is necessary to teach your pet the “Near” and “Sit” commands as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to control him.
  • Cat's nails should be trimmed regularly.
  • You cannot physically punish your pets.
  • At the first signs of friendship between pets, you should not rush to arrange for them to live together. Animals left alone can quarrel and fight.
  • When choosing a puppy in a shelter, it is important to find out from the workers which of the wards reacts calmer to cats.
  • The most aggressive dogs towards cats are hunting dogs. Owners of such breeds should think carefully before making such a serious decision.

This is interesting: Smells that repel cats

Sociability of dogs

As they say, a dog is man's best friend, which is fully justified by the quick attachment of dogs to their owners. Socialized dogs constantly need company.

  • On a subconscious level, they strive to gain approval from the owner and can even set self-restraints in order to please and receive the coveted praise.
  • There are often cases when a dog provides selfless help to a person, for example, when a child is drowning in a pond.
  • The animal's instincts are triggered, and it immediately strives to help.

Therefore, dogs are trainable and quickly learn certain behavior patterns.

Loneliness and arrogance of cats

Cats are antisocial by nature and prefer privacy in particular. But, despite their asociality, cats know how to regulate their instincts and, in necessary situations, can be active and sociable. During the spring period of sexual heat, cats become especially proactive.

  • Marking territory, inherent in cats, also indicates a desire to delineate personal space and allows you to protect your territory from competitors.
  • It is known that even cats living in the wild and having the opportunity to unite in packs avoid such aggregations for a long time (except for the mating season) and lead a solitary lifestyle.
  • But we must not forget that some cat breeds are very sociable by nature and will not tolerate indifference towards themselves. Even the most avid solitary cats sometimes need human attention.

Cats can often appear to be arrogant animals due to their natural tendency to be isolated. But this kind of “arrogance” is only the result of the evolutionary process.

Introducing an adult dog to a kitten

As a rule, dogs have a positive attitude towards each new family member and are the first to get to know each other. Your task is to control the dog’s enthusiasm, since he may simply not calculate his strength and scare the kitten half to death (this especially applies to large dogs).


During the first days, it is advisable to keep the animals in separate rooms and allow them to gradually get closer to each other. Initial meetings may only last a few minutes. The main goal of these meetings is not so much to get to know each other, but to be able to assimilate the smell of a “partner.” Animals can react negatively to the smell of a stranger; this detail of behavior is very clearly manifested in hunting dogs. Getting used to the smell of a kitten will allow the dog to significantly reduce the degree of aggression, if any.

Getting used to the smell of a newcomer is the most important stage in animal acquaintance.

By the way! In order for the dog to quickly get used to the new “tenant”, even before bringing the kitten into the apartment, you should let the pet sniff some of the kitten’s things so that he becomes familiar with the smell of the newcomer in advance and does not perceive it as a potential danger.


Animals must be fed separately. If you have a multi-room apartment, it is advisable to give your pets food in different rooms. If animals have to get along in a studio apartment, place bowls in different corners.

Separate feeding will relieve pets from increased interest in each other's bowls

The food should be given to the older animal first, following a hierarchy that is important for both dogs and cats. The kitten should learn that his desires will not be satisfied primarily due to his age, and that in this “pack” everyone is equal.


Each pet should have their own place where they feel safe. If you try to combine the sleeping and resting areas of both animals, then expect a response in the form of clarification of the relationship between them.

Not only cats, but also dogs need their own house

By the way! Play complexes are perfect for a kitten; climbing on them will put him out of reach. Such complexes, in addition to creating comfort for the pet, will promote claw sharpening and muscle development.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of growing anxiety in a cat in time in order to stop the manifestation of aggression towards a defenseless puppy. The information below will help you understand what type of anxiety your pet is experiencing. You can read more about aggression in cats on our portal.

Signs of anxiety in cats

Various origins

Cats and dogs have long been classified as different types of predators. The so-called “canines” have always united in packs, since in such conditions it was much easier to hunt and obtain food. In the process of uniting in packs, dogs developed natural sociability and a desire for the company of their relatives, and in the process of domestication, for people.

Cats, on the contrary, at the dawn of their appearance, preferred loneliness. A solitary lifestyle did not at all impede access to food, since felines acquired agility and speed, which are indispensable when hunting.

Differences in habits

A cat and a dog have different attitudes towards the society of their own kind. Since ancient times, cats have been distinguished by their independent character and value peace and solitude. Dogs are more likely to seek constant company. Previously, the ancestors of the canine family gathered in packs.

Cats are inherently antisocial animals. In their natural habitat, they hunt alone and jealously defend their territory. Representatives of the cat family converge with other individuals exclusively during the breeding season. If the owner did not help the pets when introducing them, it will be difficult for them to get along in the same apartment in the future. You can find out which dog is best to have in an apartment in this article.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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This is not to say that all cats are selfish. There are many breeds whose need for communication is as high as that of dogs. If there are already animals in the house, it is recommended to pay attention to these species, which are distinguished by their good-natured disposition.

Different languages ​​of communication

The nonverbal signals of both animals are similar, but have completely different meanings. For example, wagging a dog's tail indicates a playful and high spirits, while in cats, the same tail wagging indicates aggression and readiness to fight.

The purr of a cat, which is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords, speaks of his calmness and tranquility, and the vibration of the dog's vocal cords, which causes a growl, indicates his readiness to attack.

It is the above-mentioned differences in perception that constitute a serious problem in the question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in the house.


Jealousy is a very vivid destructive feeling that can push not only a person, but also an animal to the most terrible actions.

  • Cats are more jealous than dogs, and some types of cats are also very vindictive by nature.
  • Jealousy can be recognized by the following behavior patterns: The animal suddenly began to hide in hard-to-reach places and disappear from view, which indicates its desire to encourage a person to search.
  • It is also a sharp manifestation of aggression towards another pet when it is in the arms of the owner, and refusal to eat and defecate due to stress due to jealousy.

Raising a kitten and puppy

Kids will inevitably adopt each other's habits. This means that if the kitten loves to sleep on the sofa, then the puppy will soon discover that this is the most comfortable place to sleep in the house. If one of the pets chews shoes or furniture, then the second one will begin to sharpen its teeth or claws on these objects. For this reason, it is important to raise all pets to the same standard.

If you forbid the puppy to whine and beg for food from the table, then the kitten should understand that he is not allowed to beg. At the same time, it is important that each of them sees why the other is being punished. When bringing two small animals into your home at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will require twice as much control.

Likewise, it is important to try to give an equal amount of attention to each baby. Otherwise, pets may become offended and stop respecting and obeying their owner. At the same time, “equal” does not always mean “the same,” because every pet needs affection from the owner and other family members, but its manifestations can be very different from what another pet expects from the family.

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Fight for food

Even if the bowls of each of the pets are always full and there is enough food, the process of eating will most often be accompanied by new conflicts and rivalries. The root of the problem lies in the instinct of self-preservation inherent in both animals.

Competition for food increases even more if food bowls are close to each other and if feeding occurs at the same time.

Introducing an adult cat to a puppy

Puppies cope more easily with adults and do not need special protection. Cats show open aggression only in cases where the puppies become importunate and begin to pursue the self-sufficient pet everywhere. If you see this behavior, try to separate the puppy from the cat and engage in some kind of games, since the manifestation of importunity is nothing more than a lack of attention.

In rare cases, cats are able to adopt puppies and raise them along with their kittens.

A puppy raised in the company of a cat or cats does not show aggression towards them and is not prone to conflicts. However, this rule applies only to cats of his “pack”. If this dog meets any other feline, it will be quite difficult to predict his reaction, so there is no point in experimenting.

Otherwise, the rules for getting a puppy used to a cat are exactly the same as in the case of a kitten and a dog. Let the animals get used to each other's smell, divide the apartment into non-intersecting zones in which the pets will rest from each other, and feed them separately, without giving additional reasons for aggression.

Cats are supportive of puppies, except in cases when they begin to actively impose themselves and bother them.

Important! The greatest difficulties occur when two adult individuals get to know each other. If possible, avoid starting a relationship this way, as mature pets already have certain experiences and behavioral characteristics that are very difficult to correct.

Fight for territory

Even in an incredibly large territory inhabited by two different animals, wars for territory take place, since one individual can oppress the other.

Cats especially show themselves in this regard:

  • They value their personal space very much, and in the wild they always set boundaries by marking.
  • An overly sociable dog can simply cross the outlined boundaries, which will provoke aggression from the cat.
  • Therefore, when the question arises of how to make friends with an adult dog and cats, you need to focus on separating personal spaces.

Dog breeds that quickly get used to cats

When wanting to introduce a dog to a cat, the owner must take into account the likelihood of their initial compatibility. It was previously mentioned that some breeds will behave hostile towards cats due to a heightened hunting instinct, regardless of the owner’s efforts. Now we will look at the breeds that are most loyal to felines.

Miniature breeds tend to bond with cats more easily.

Table 1. Dog breeds that are related to cats

Golden retrieverRetrievers are distinguished by their friendliness and gentleness. Their gentle disposition allows pets to get along with both children and any other animals. These dogs are calm even towards strangers when they do not see a direct threat coming from them. Separation from family is experienced very painfully because they quickly become attached to members of the household
PapillonCheerful and full of energy, Papillons are not prone to aggression towards anyone. Getting to know representatives of the breed is easy even for the most inaccessible and reserved individuals. With proper upbringing, the Papillon is calm and balanced, and at the same time he does not lose the characteristic enthusiasm and love of life characteristic of this breed
PugBalance and calm are the main character traits of a pug that immediately catch your eye. Representatives of the breed are not interested in conflict situations; they try to avoid them and solve all problems peacefully. Even a beginner can cope with a pug - these animals have such an easygoing disposition
Basset HoundDogs of this breed are sociable and willing to be the first to make contact. Despite the fact that Basset Hounds are natural stalkers, they are not interested in cats as potential hunting targets. When introducing a basset hound to a cat, do not forget to please him with treats, which are the best rewards for this breed
Bichon FrizeThanks to their gentle nature, Bichon Frize quickly find a common language with all members of the household, without exception. It is difficult to get bored with representatives of the breed, and they themselves are always ready to meet new people with any animals. Lust for power and dominance are concepts very far from the Bichon Frize, who are not prone to hierarchical relationships
German boxerDespite their impressive size and well-developed muscles, German boxers are friendly and accommodating. They can be cocky towards their unfamiliar relatives, but aggression towards household members is prohibited among representatives of the breed. The main thing is to give the boxer a timely outlet for his energy, often taking him for walks.

How to make friends with pets

There are no favorites here! If the owner has decided to have a cat and a dog in the same house, then there is no room for separation of animals based on the principle of who is liked more and who is more obedient.

  • Pets feel everything.
  • The attitude should be the same.
  • You should correctly and equally distribute time for communication and play with each pet.


Of course, if a cat has been living in your house for many years, she is used to considering it hers. And, of course, the appearance of another animal on the territory that previously belonged only to her can cause serious aggression. This is what happens: when a puppy appears, the cat often hisses at it, hits it with its paw, attacks and otherwise shows dissatisfaction. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that puppies pester cats: due to their age and temperament, they want to play and frolic, to which an adult cat can respond aggressively.

In this situation, you can influence a lot. Start by dividing the space into “cat” and “dog” areas - the sleeping, feeding and toileting areas of the cat and puppy should be in different parts of the living space. Ideal if you have a house and the puppy can live in an outdoor enclosure.

You should also protect the puppy from possible injuries. To do this, trim the cat's claws and treat them with a file - this way it will not cause painful wounds to him.

“No” to punishments and emotional pressure!

Animals should not be punished in the presence of other animals. This may hurt their situation. For example, a dog defecated not in the designated place, but on the floor in the middle of the room.

Under no circumstances should you scold or make sudden movements in front of your cat. There are many other ways to help overcome such “embarrassments.” And these methods are much more effective.

The question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment will never be resolved if one of the animals has been scolded or punished at least once in the presence of the other.

Spending time together

Playing together is necessary for friendship between animals. Pets together in equal quantities will be satisfied with the attention of the owner and will be able to get rid of jealousy.

  • And you should always encourage animals in any success, especially in relationships.
  • A peaceful and calm approach to resolving misunderstandings is the most effective.

Photos of friendly cat breeds

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