Royal Canin dog food: reviews and composition overview

Royal Canin Dog Food Review

Royal Canin has been one of the most popular feeds in Russia for many years. It is produced in Russia (for the local market), France. The composition of the food produced in our country is similar to that of France.

Many dog ​​owners in their reviews praise the very good composition of this food; is this true? Let’s look at it in more detail below. Royal Canin is a premium class, which means it uses by-products in addition to meat, and the composition is not rich in vegetables, fruits, and berries.

Composition of Royal Canin dog food

Let's look at the composition of Royal Canin dog food using the Adult X-Small option (for small breeds) as an example. Rice comes first, a source of carbohydrates, followed by dehydrated poultry, a good source of protein. It should be noted that in many other options the main source of proteins is different.

For example, an option for large breed dogs: the first place there may already be either corn or “dehydrated animal proteins” - they are obtained from meat and offal.

Corn is a source of carbohydrates and many amino acids; animal fats - fatty acids; corn flour, corn gluten are sources of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. Next come “animal protein hydrolysate”, “vegetable protein isolate”, and then mineral and vitamin supplements.

The analysis stated 24% protein. Their main sources are dehydrated poultry, corn gluten, “hydrolyzed animal proteins” and “vegetable protein isolates”.

Pros and cons of Royal Canin food

The advantages of this brand of food include:

  • very wide range (for dogs of small breeds, large breeds, etc.);
  • availability of a medical (veterinary) line;
  • the presence of meat in the composition (but there is not much of it and is only available in some variants);
  • widespread, available in most pet stores;
  • good content of vitamins and minerals.

Among the disadvantages of Royal Canin food:

  • a lot of corn (but different feeds have different percentages of it);
  • the percentage of meat and other main components is not indicated;
  • antioxidant - propyl gallate (E-310), can cause allergies and stomach irritation (but, for example, it is not included in hypoallergenic flavors).

Which food should you choose for your pet?

And the plus and obvious “good” is that the brand produces both everyday food and veterinary lines.

Food for kittens every day

Please note that this line is graded by breed, age and baby's needs.

  • Mother and Babycat food (kittens up to 4 months).

Let us be glad that pregnant and lactating cats will also enjoy this dish. Scientists have found that it is by the age of 4 months that a kitten’s natural immunity begins to weaken, and MOTHER & BABYCAT strengthens the baby’s natural defenses due to the presence of prebiotics, antioxidants (vitamins B and C) in the food, and enrichment of the food with taurine and lutein.

By the way, with this food it is very simple and easy to switch from a milk diet to solid food. Read more about feeding cats after birth.

  • Mousse for kittens Babycat Instinctive (kittens up to 4 months)

And this position is suitable for pregnant and lactating cats. Not only does Babycat Instinctive make it easy to gradually wean off breast milk, but the nutrition also stimulates the production of antibodies.

  • Food for Persian kittens up to 12 months of age “Persian”

The developers included special protection for hair and hair literally from the first days of a kitten’s life. The food contains special fiber (for example, Psyllium seeds not peeled from the shell) and prebiotics.

Royal Canin dog food: reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Reviews of Royal Canin dog food, writes Anastasia. Good afternoon. I have been feeding my dog ​​Royal Canin for more than six years, almost from the moment she appeared in my house. During this time, I only tried once to switch to another, more expensive food, but it didn’t work and I decided not to experiment anymore.

Now prices have increased significantly, so you can’t buy super premium food anymore, it’s good that RK is suitable. In general, my dog ​​grew up on it, eats it all his life and has no problems, which means there’s nothing to complain about. By the way, the breed of the dog is the Brussels Griffon.

Tatyana writes a review about Royal Canin dog food. I have a Yorkshire terrier, anyone who knows this breed knows how picky it is in food. I bought a lot of different foods, but there were constipation, dryness and brittleness of the coat. The turn came to Royal Canin, within a couple of days it became clear that there would be no constipation (there was no problem with the previous one either), and by the end of the package, the fragility of the wool disappeared. In general, the food suited my Yorkie perfectly. Try it!

Review of Royal Canin dog food, writes Irina. We chose new food for our dog (Bernese Mountain Dog) at random (for some reason he began to eat the old one reluctantly), we took what was not too expensive and not outright bad. In addition to drying, we also feed porridge, otherwise you won’t be able to get enough ready-made food for a giant weighing half a hundredweight. The dog’s appearance is excellent, there were no health problems, which means the food is really good.

Royal Canin dry cat food - reviews


I know many animal owners and breeders who have been feeding Royal for the past ten years and have had no problems. I also know many whose animals suffered from diarrhea, itching, and whose liver and kidneys failed. Different animals, different organisms. okrm is suitable for some, not for others. Yes, and Royal is imported, and there is one that is produced in the Moscow region. According to those who feed Royal, the difference is huge. Imported is much better. Medical royal is good, effective, always imported. PS I buy Royal ONLY medicinal lines and then very rarely, because I prefer to do WITHOUT medicinal diets (purely in my opinion). I don’t buy everyday and won’t buy, because... I know that my animals will react negatively to it.

Kis@ Murys@

At one time I fed my cat French-made Royal Canin, everything was fine, the only thing I wasn’t happy with was that the output was too much, and this indicates that the food was poorly digested. Then we switched to a higher quality, grain-free one, which suits us much more. Once I accidentally bought a Russian RK without looking, the cat vomited for several days, there was a loss of strength and fever. A British friend had the same situation with a Russian RK. Russian-made Royal Canin is equal in quality to Whiskas and Ketitket, since it is produced by Mars LLC. It is very easy to distinguish French Royal Canin from Russian, at the bottom of the package, next to the barcode, either RU or FR is written, then I think everything is clear. Buying food in bulk is extremely dangerous; in order not to buy expired food, it is best to buy it in packs and be sure to check the manufacturer and date. But if there is such a problem with the food, then of course the best of these Royals is premium food; it wouldn’t be classified as super premium, it contains too much vegetable protein and not enough animal protein. In your case, I recommend feeding a good natural diet, balanced and prepared separately for the cat.


Pros: Price, beautiful packaging.

Disadvantages: Composition.

A long time ago, I knew almost nothing about food. And I mostly bought food in magneta and peterachka stores. And then one day I accidentally went into a pet store and saw such an interesting food for kittens. I didn’t have kittens then, but I had two cats. I thought for a very long time, because the price was simply terrible for me at that time. Then I bought it. 165 rubles for 400 grams was terrible for me (now pennies). Came home. I started calling my princesses. The cats attacked. They ate and ate, and I was happy. So I transferred them to Royal Canin. Once a week I went and bought something. So two years passed. And only then did I start studying food. I was in shock then. What did I feed the cats?! Royal Canin is all corn and fat. I don't recommend it! Bad food!


Advantages: has an attractive taste for cats, prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis, is physiological for castrates

Disadvantages: *high price, the food is not filling, the specific meat of the bird is not specified, discharge has appeared from the eyes and ears, composition, little meat

I am the owner of a 2.5-year-old Scotsman diagnosed with chronic renal failure and urolithiasis. We treated urolithiasis for more than six months with the help of Royal Canin medicinal line food and other drugs. Chronic renal failure is incurable.

Royal Canin Young male dry food was prescribed as maintenance therapy after medicinal food, so as not to aggravate the already deplorable situation with the urinary and kidneys.


For those who understand food and their compositions, it is better not to look here. You won't see super healthy supplements here. The food is rich in complex carbohydrates, which a carnivore does not seem to need in such quantities. But it’s good that at least meat comes first, albeit in a strange form (dehydrated).

Due to the high carbohydrate content, the food is not filling . If my cat had his way, he would have eaten a hundred grams in one sitting and asked for more. In my opinion, this food is not for open access, i.e. There is no need to give the cat the entire daily dose at once - this is an unnecessary temptation, and there is a high probability that the food will not survive until the evening.

Again, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, there is a load on the pancreas. Cats don't produce many enzymes to digest that much fiber. In general, there may be problems.



  • the food did not cause the formation of new cystine crystals
  • the stool became more formed, without a strong odor
  • There are fewer crusts in the corners of the eyes
  • allergies disappeared, bald patch on head healed


  • objectively high price, there is nothing in the composition that would cost 29 dollars for 3.5 kg
  • the composition is so-so, polysyllabic carbohydrates, because of this there is a load on the pancreas
  • does not maintain urine pH in its original form
  • there is vomiting of food
  • the food is not filling at all, the cat does not eat enough, constantly begs for food
  • crusts in the eyes, greasy dirt in the ears that were not there before

Despite the abundance of shortcomings of the food, I still recommend it. But with the caveat, if a doctor prescribes it for you. I would never buy it on my own, because the composition leaves much to be desired.

A huge minus for the food for the price. Not only not objective, but downright inadequate. I am ready to pay the same price for the Canadian holistic Akana, where the raw materials are organic, there is no hint of corn, and the composition is all natural meat and vegetables. Here it is blasphemous to extort money from the buyer for nothing. If the doctor gives us the go-ahead to buy any other food of a higher class, then we will undoubtedly give preference to it.

The second big minus is that the food is not filling. Total 3 points.


Advantages: small pads, no problems with hair, no problems with stool, no recurrence of urolithiasis Disadvantages: high cost, dry food is not the best food for a cat

  • Use experience: one year or more
  • Cost: 1310₽ 2kg

Hi all!

Today I want to share with you a review of Royal Canin Sterilized 37 food. The cat Boston, or as we call him at home - Basya, appeared in our family 4 years ago.

An exotic and rare breed in Russia, the ragdoll (translated as “cat-doll”) is a gentle and kind creature. The breeder immediately warned what food to feed the kitten, literally everything down to the smallest detail. Having moved to our home, most likely from the stress of being torn away from his mother (although we adopted the cat at 4 months old) or due to a change in environment, the kitten refused to eat its usual food - it sniffed, licked, but did not eat. Thus began our and Basin’s search for the optimal food - well, let’s not return him to his mother...

In general, this is the first time I have seen a cat who would refuse meat - fresh and boiled, fish, baby meat/bird food and most wet food presented on the shelves of pet stores. I didn’t really want to give dry food to the cat, since it has a bad effect on the kidneys, and what kind of food is it... When the cat was one year old, the cat was diagnosed with urolithiasis. But there is nothing to do - the only food the cat eats is dry.

First, the cat was treated and given medicinal food for urolithiasis, and after castration, the veterinarian recommended a special series for sterilized cats from 1 to 7 years old. (As the veterinarian said, sterilization does not affect urolithiasis. The disease is hereditary due to the abuse of dry food)

We decided this - since the cat doesn’t eat ANYTHING except dry food - let him eat good food. Royal Canin food is certainly not cheap. We buy it at the Beethoven pet store closest to us, where it is often on sale. The cost of 2kg is 1300₽, 4kg is about 2000₽.

Feed composition:

They produce food in packages of 400g, 2kg, 4kg and 10kg.

The food is served in a plastic bag with a zip fastener. This is very convenient - the pads do not weather.

Basya is a strange cat, straight from another planet. If we compare it with my previous cat, who, when you poured food into a bowl, swept everything clean, then Basya will come up to the food, savor it, but not eat everything, take a walk, think and again peck a couple of grains from the bowl. Therefore, we do not need to pour in the amount of food recommended by the manufacturer - our cat knows how much and how to eat, he doesn’t need much. We do not need weight control after sterilization. To be fair, it’s worth saying that Basya is quite slender, it’s just not visible behind his thick skin))) If we talk about the chair, there are no problems with it. Everything is like a clock.

The fur is shiny, there are no problems with it or its removal. The pads themselves are not large - about 0.5 cm. It’s convenient for the cat to grab them; sometimes he’s so hungry that he swallows them whole without choking.

Basya's opinion.

The cat likes the food, but I'm afraid that this is more due to the flavors and flavoring additives.

Urolithiasis disease

After switching to Royal Canin for sterilized cats and a regular course of medicated food of the same brand against urolithiasis, the disease subsided. There were no more attacks in 3 years.


I am generally against giving dry food to a cat and I don’t want to recommend the food for this reason alone. But since there is no other choice - the cat does not eat anything, I advise you to take good, expensive food with a good composition. I hope my review was useful to you.


Advantages: everyone recommends Disadvantages: expensive and the cat doesn’t like it

The packages were small in volume - 400 grams each - the cat gobbled them up with a bang, it was simply too much to pull by the ears. But he completely refuses to eat the same food (according to the name and pictures on the packaging) in a 2 kg bag. Well, he just ignores that’s all! I became interested in the topic and this is what the saleswoman told me - that there is an original production (like France), and there is one under the same brand, produced by Russian enterprises. And for some reason cats eat this “our” food worse.

I came and looked and it was, according to the barcode: Made in Russia. Well, what should we do, now we combine it with natural food, in a day the cat masters a small hill of this “canin”. Another disadvantage is that it is very expensive. 2 kg - 1066 rubles.


Advantages: Tasty (from experience that cats eat it well), contains a large number of useful components.

Disadvantages: The price for a pack of two kilograms is very high

The problem of feeding pets occurs in every family where these same pets live. These problems have not spared us. At first we fed the animals with chain food like Whiskas, then, after reading horror stories, we realized that this was certain death for our pets and began to look for other feeding options. Then we decided to feed them completely natural food, bought chicken breasts and gave them to the cats. It is worth saying that this feeding did not do us any good; the pets’ fur began to fall off in clumps. I started reading on the Internet myself and consulted a veterinarian, he explained that I needed to switch to better food that contained all the necessary substances and microelements. These feeds are also called premium and super-premium feeds. Here is one of the premium karms - Royal Canin Kitten food.

The food is packed in a tight bag and packaged in two kilograms. The cost of one such package reaches 1000 rubles. It all depends on where to buy. We usually buy food at one of the pet stores in our city. Confirms the packaging and the inscription on the pack itself.

Manufacturers claim that if you measure 70 grams, it contains 288 kilocalories. Our cats are already adults, but we buy them cat food, I’ll explain why. Kitten foods contain a large amount of meat. That's the whole secret. As I already said, the food itself is packaged in bags of different sizes; in the photo there is a bag with two kilograms of food. This amount is enough for our pets for 1.5 weeks. It is very convenient that the bag itself has a comfortable silicone layer. Which allows you to both open and close the bag of food for better preservation.

The dry food itself actually contains various useful microelements. This is confirmed by the composition on the pack of food itself. The composition of the food is written in several languages, including Russian, and this is good news.

The food itself is quite good, my cats eat it with great pleasure. Feeding occurs 2-3 times a day.

When using food, if your pets are still tiny, it is better to be guided by the feeding table. You can find it on the Internet or use the table that the manufacturer offers. It is published on a pack of Royal Canin Kitten food. The table is quite clear and does not require decoding. Depending on the age of your pet, choose the feeding schedule you need. Since our cats are already adults, this table does not suit us. They eat much more already.

So, about the advantages of food:

  1. The food is good, contains all the necessary components;
  2. The food is already ready, all that remains is to open it and distribute it into bowls;
  3. Can be purchased at any pet store;
  4. Suitable for both big cats and babies. There is only one minus, but a significant one - the food is expensive.

Conclusions about Royal Canin food

There are different reviews about Royal Canin dog food - there are many positive ones, there are also those for whom the food was not suitable, although there are still more of the former. In general, the “Dai Paw” website recommends consulting with a veterinarian before choosing food as the main one.

Royal Canin dog food price

  • Dry food Royal Canin 0.5 kg - from 250 rubles;
  • Dry food Royal Canin 3 kg - from 1240 rubles;
  • Dry food Royal Canin 10 kg - from 3200 rub.

In addition to the above packages, there are other packaging options (1.5 kg, 4 kg, 9 kg, 15 kg, etc.). The price depends not only on the size of the package, but also on the food option. The veterinary ruler is more expensive than the regular one.

Reviews of Royal Canin cat food

Vasilisa : “I bought a portion of Royal when I rushed to the pet store screaming for help - my pregnant cat refused to eat... that’s it! She turned her nose up at her favorite fish and chicken, at various foods and complementary foods, until she tried Royal. At first the cat was cautious, but then she began to eat it for her dear soul, eating it throughout the two months of pregnancy and the same amount after, when she was feeding the babies. I recommend this food to everyone."

Igor : “I don’t save money on my cat of the noble breed, so I buy him food designed specifically for castrated animals. He eats it slowly, but not with great desire. For now, we’re checking to see who has stronger willpower. I’m holding on because I know that it’s better to be patient and feed than not to feed and then treat,”

Svetlana : “The cat turned one year old and we ran to buy food for adults for his birthday! French Royal Canin inspired confidence, but I can’t say yet whether it’s justified. Yes, the chair is good, but the fur has become dull. While we are watching..."

Nadezhda : “We took the cat from unreliable owners who fed him anything. They immediately switched the mischief maker to ready-made food. This did not affect the activity of the adopted child. The food is probably a little expensive, but I’m willing to spend the money because it’s nice to see the appetite with which the cat devolves this food.”

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