Hunting German Wirehaired Pointer or Drathaar

When hunting, everything doesn’t always depend on the person. Quite often, hunters have to use a dog as an assistant, and this animal must be durable and have the ability to smell prey over long distances. The Drathaar dog breed fully meets these requirements. She doesn't need to explain for a long time what is required of her.

Therefore, taking this dog with him on a hunt, a person can be sure that he will not return without prey. This dog is loved not only for its well-developed hunting skills. She will also become a wonderful friend for the whole family, whom even small children will love.

Drathaar dog

The article makes it possible to quickly find answers to a number of pressing questions that concern every owner or those who are just making their choice and do not know how difficult it can be with this breed. You should write your advice and personal experience in the comments.

Drathaar dog description of the breed, hunting or not, standard, history, appearance, features

The Drathaar is a hunting dog.
Its ancestors are German pointers, hounds and hunting dogs of Germany, Switzerland and France. The breed standard is a male with a height of 61-68 cm, a girl with a height of 57-64 cm. Color - brown, with hints of gray hair. The drathaar's head has a distinct mustache, beard, and eyebrows. The ears are medium-sized, usually not cropped. The dog's tail is saber-shaped and docked in individuals bred for hunting. The coat is hard and short.

The main feature of the drathaar is its versatility. The dog can be used in hunting large and small animals, as well as birds.

Drathaar dog breed character, characteristics, weight, height, dimensions

Male Drahthaar dogs grow on average to 65 cm, and their weight is about 27 kg.

The breed was bred for hunting purposes, and the drathaar fully justified the efforts of the breeders - the dog is capable of hunting not only birds and small game, but also larger prey - wild boar and roe deer.

The dog has a friendly character, however, it is a good watchman and security guard. Drathaar is smart, strong and resilient. He is easy to train and enjoys working.

Drathaar dog reviews, price, where to buy

Reviews from owners of Drahthaar dogs confirm the versatility of this animal. The main purpose of the drathaar is considered to be hunting, but the dog can no less efficiently perform guard duty and be a nanny in a family with small children.

It is more advisable to buy a drathaar puppy for hunting from a nursery. It is cheaper to get a representative of this breed as a companion dog through OLX and similar resources. The breed is quite common and there will be no problems finding the address of the breeders closest to you.

The price of a puppy with a pedigree is from $500; without documents, a drathaar will cost half as much.

Drathaar dog how to raise and train

It is necessary to raise and train a drathaar from the first months of its life, developing in the dog fearlessness in the face of impenetrable thickets, water obstacles, lack of fear of loud sounds and other qualities necessary for hunting.

Drathaar is very intelligent and intelligent, but training the animal to track prey and how to behave correctly when shooting may require the services of a professional.

Drathaar dog pregnancy and childbirth, health

It is believed that the health of a drathaar girl will not be affected if pregnancy and childbirth in a dog occurs no more than once a year.

In a litter of this breed, an average of 8 puppies are born, but there are also cases where the Drathaar managed to bear 16 cubs.

Drathaar dog maintenance, care and feeding

Drathaar is unpretentious in maintenance. Animals of this breed can be kept both indoors and outdoors without any problems. The drathaar's coarse fur has the ability to clean itself. The only thing is that the owner, especially those who keep an animal in the house, will have to comb their pet well once a week.

Feeding a dog does not affect its hunting qualities and will be equally beneficial for health, both when using dry food and when eating natural food.


Main indicators of the breed standard

Basically, the average sizes of drakhtaars are as follows:

  • the height of males is approximately sixty-eight centimeters, the height of females is sixty-three centimeters;
  • The weight of males is thirty-two kilograms, the weight of females is twenty-seven kilograms, respectively.

The color characteristic of wire-haired Drakhtaars in most cases comes down to brown or black speckling, and the presence of various spots or inclusions is also very often observed.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the following features of such an animal as the Drathaar hunting dog:

  1. The eyes are particularly attentive and their color is usually dark.
  2. The nose is the same color as the coat, but it is brighter and more intensely pigmented.
  3. The Drathaar description provides that the pet's body has clear contours that are not hidden under the cover of long, heavy fur. Although the weight of the coat can be quite significant.
  4. The dog's head is completely combined and in harmony with the entire body, the muzzle is quite elongated. As for the muzzle, this unusual breed of dog has thick shaggy eyebrows and a peculiar beard.
  5. The animal's ears have a certain hanging shape and are also very high.
  6. If the dog is hunting, then it is best to dock its tail. However, you can also leave it in its original form, which may cause some inconvenience for animals when they hunt in winter. Hunting with a drathaar is an indescribable pleasure.
  7. The animal's fur is very durable, and the undercoat is somewhat waterproof, which in some cases definitely complicates how I keep my pet.

Thus, we can summarize that the Drathaar breed standard provides for a powerful, beautiful animal, which is distinguished by thick, coarse hair and pronounced body features. However, keeping a drathaar can be complicated due to the fact that the dog's coat is very thick and dense, which can cause a lot of difficulties during the bathing process.

A German Drahthaar is in heat

The first heat of a female German Drahthaar occurs at 6 – 12 months. It takes place twice a year (there are exceptions) and lasts from 7 to 28 days (on average two weeks). At this time, the drathaar bitch can become pregnant.

The cycle is experienced in 4 stages:

Males during this period are interested in females, but without reciprocity.

The bitch becomes favorable to the representatives of the “stronger sex”, conception is possible. If you touch the lady's tail, she moves it to the side and lifts her pelvis.

The bitch stops letting males in. At the beginning of this period, false pregnancy is possible.

Ovarian activity decreases. There are no significant external signs.

Pregnancy in a German Drahthaar

German Drahthaar females are allowed for breeding (according to the rules of the Belarusian Canine Association) from 20 months, males - from 18 months.

“Pregnancy is for health” is one of the most dangerous myths of many owners!

Pregnancy is not a healing process. This is a lot of stress and strain on the immune system and internal organs. Therefore, only a perfectly healthy dog ​​should give birth.

Typically, a German Drahthaar's pregnancy lasts 63 days. The maximum difference is from 53 to 71 days, in which case the puppies are born viable.

1. At an early stage (the first 3 weeks after mating) it is impossible to determine whether the bitch is pregnant.

2. At the 4th week, using ultrasound, you can estimate the approximate number of puppies.

3. At the 5th week, the sides become more convex (sometimes the sign is absent until the 7th week), the skin of the nipples becomes lighter.

4. At the 6th week, puppies can be palpated. After this, the size of the fruit increases, the nipples become softer and larger.

It is better if the palpation is carried out by a veterinarian; you can damage the fruit yourself

During pregnancy, the dog should move, but not become overtired. The expectant mother should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary, take long trips by car or public transport, or be kept in a noisy, cramped room. If during pregnancy your dog's condition suddenly changes, he begins to refuse to eat, his temperature rises, or there is discharge from the genitals, you should consult a veterinarian.

The second half of pregnancy may be characterized by minor mucous discharge. The discharge becomes abundant, yellowish or greenish - this means that labor is approaching. 1–2 days before giving birth, the dog begins to worry, whine, lick the genitals, and scratch the walls or floor. Pulse, breathing, and urination increase. The dog refuses food and drinks constantly.

False pregnancy in the German Drahthaar

False pregnancy is common in dogs of all breeds, including German Drahthaars. This is the name for the psycho-physiological state of a bitch that has not been fertilized, but still shows signs of pregnancy. In this case, the dog diligently arranges a “nest” and may even experience something similar to contractions. As a rule, false pregnancy is observed in dogs with irregular matings and is associated with hormonal development disorders.

If a dog is sterilized, false pregnancy does not occur!

If the bitch begins to show signs of a false pregnancy, it is necessary to remove the toys. Self-licking of nipples increases the symptoms of false pregnancy. This can be prevented by putting a collar and blanket on the dog. Limit your protein intake.

If the bitch is showing aggression, extreme agitation, or developing physical problems (such as mastitis), medication will be needed. Contact your veterinarian.

False pregnancy may be a symptom of a disease (hypothyroidism or liver dysfunction).

If there are frequent strong manifestations of false pregnancy, you should contact the clinic for examination. Most likely, you will be asked to donate blood for biochemistry and hormones.

History of the origin of the breed

The first specimens of the Drahthaar breed were bred in Germany in the 19th century. Then the breeders set themselves the goal of creating a purebred dog with hunting skills that could maintain strength for a long time. To obtain the required look, several breeds had to be crossed: Stichelhaar, Pointer Poodle and Shorthaired Pointer . And the breeders made the right decision when they decided to take such a step - they managed to create a completely new breed with unique hunting skills, which has been highly popular in many countries for quite a long time.

Genera of the German Drahthaar

It is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance. The “birthing room” should be warm, ventilated and calm, as well as comfortable for people - you will spend quite a lot of time there. A week before the expected birth, move the bitch to the “delivery room”, she should get used to this place.

Prepare a box for newborns (special beds are available for sale). You will also need: infrared heating lamp, disposable diapers, heating pad or plastic bottle with warm water, cotton wool, cotton rags, towels (8 pieces), hand wash, thermometer, milk replacer, bottle and pacifiers, muzzle, collar, leash, glucose solution.

Keep your veterinarian's phone number visible.

A day before the event, the dog refuses to eat, and the body temperature drops. The bitch becomes restless, tears up the bedding and makes a nest.

When labor begins, call your veterinarian and let him be on call just in case. Put a collar on the bitch. Next, your task is to sit quietly and not fuss. You can do yoga or meditate.

Stages of birth of the German Drahthaar

The cervix relaxes and dilates, mucus comes out, contractions without pushing, the temperature is lowered

The dog is worried, often changes its position, looks back at its stomach, breathing is rapid, vomiting is acceptable

The amniotic fluid recedes, the temperature returns to normal, the abdominal walls are tense, contractions are combined with pushing, puppies emerge from the birth canal

The dog stops worrying, breathes quickly, lies down in one place, strains, after the fetus comes out, breaks the placenta and licks the puppy

The afterbirth comes out from either the placenta or the baby part of the placenta. Usually, after the birth of a puppy, the placenta comes out within 10-15 minutes. Sometimes several come out, after 2-3 puppies.

The bitch tries to eat all the afterbirth, do not allow her to do this. One or two is the maximum, otherwise there may be intoxication (diarrhea, vomiting).

The puppy is born in a “package” - a transparent film called the afterbirth. Usually the bitch tears it herself and eats it. Don't be alarmed - this is normal, she won't eat the puppy.

Do not allow the bitch to eat the afterbirth if it is greenish-black in color with a putrid odor.

Keep track of the number of afterbirths, there should be as many as there were puppies. Sometimes the afterbirth may remain inside and only come out at the end of labor.

A German Drahthaar puppy can be born while the bitch is standing. It falls to the ground, but it's usually harmless. Intervention is only justified if the mother is in shock, ignores the cubs, or attacks them. In this case, call an experienced breeder - he will tell you what to do.

Something went wrong…

If the mother tries to attack the puppies, muzzle her and move each pup out of earshot. Remove the film, wipe the puppy with a towel, remove mucus from the mouth and nostrils with a syringe. If the puppy is not breathing, try rubbing him with a towel. Sometimes artificial respiration is necessary - gently breathe air into the puppy's mouth and nose. The chest should rise at the same time. Repeat the breath every 2-3 seconds until the puppy begins to breathe on its own. Place the puppies in a cardboard box with a heating pad. Make sure the kids don't get burned.

Remember that the dog is in a state of shock, talk to it kindly, calm it down.

After the birth is over, when the German Drahthaar bitch has rested and drunk milk with glucose, try introducing the puppies to her again. Lay the mother on her side, hold her head, stroke her. A second person can hold the puppy to the nipple. If the bitch has accepted the puppy, you can carefully place the rest. But keep holding it.

Even if everything is fine, you should not relax. After feeding, clean the puppies and wash their butts. If your dog is comfortable licking the puppies, you can choose to risk leaving them in her care or take the box away and return it for the next feeding.

Sometimes in the first hours after giving birth, due to shock, the bitch ignores the puppies: she refuses to feed, wash or stay with them. Here you will have to force the bitch to feed the puppies, but you will have to wash the babies yourself. Massage (clockwise) the perineal area with a cotton swab soaked in warm water to stimulate the release of feces and urine.

Sometimes a bitch tries to kill her offspring. But it’s still better to force her to feed the puppies. Put a muzzle on her and secure her in a lying position. One person can hold it and the other can apply the puppies to the nipples. Artificial feeding is not a substitute for breast milk, so use it only as a last resort.

As a rule, sooner or later the German Drahthaar bitch does accept puppies. Cases when hatred turns out to be persistent are extremely rare.

Warning: Whatever happens, even if the bitch eats all the babies, don't blame her. The birth of the puppies was your idea, and it was you who forced the bitch to give birth. She doesn’t understand what she’s doing; hormonal imbalances and shock force her to behave in a way completely unusual for her.

Possible complications

Caesarean section is the surgical removal of puppies when they cannot be born naturally. If you leave puppies within reach of a recovering bitch, she may kill them.

How to tell if a dog is pregnant or not

Signs of pregnancy appear in dogs 2-3 weeks after mating. These include:

  • nipple enlargement;
  • changes in eating behavior;
  • unusual aggression and isolation or, conversely, excessive attention to the owner;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased activity;
  • signs of toxicosis;
  • increased frequency of urination, incontinence;
  • clear vaginal discharge;
  • increase in abdominal volume.

If mating has occurred, and there are no signs of pregnancy within a month, the dog can be taken to a veterinarian who knows how to understand that the dog is pregnant. He will take a blood test and accurately determine whether your pet is expecting puppies.

Duration of pregnancy in different dogs

How long a dog bears puppies depends on the breed of the pet. The larger the breed, the more time it takes to form the fetus. On average, pregnancy lasts up to 60 days for small dogs, up to 65 for medium-sized dogs, and up to 72 for large dogs. The period is counted from the last mating.

The timing of how long pregnant dogs walk is approximate - the exact duration of gestation of puppies depends on the size of the mother, her diet, lifestyle, activity, and heredity.

Factors influencing gestational age

The duration of gestation of puppies depends on many factors.

  1. Number of previous births. The first pregnancy will be significantly longer than subsequent ones. The difference can be up to 7 days.
  2. Pet activity. If the dog is active, she will most likely give birth to puppies earlier.
  3. Age and size. Small dogs give birth faster than large ones. And animals aged 7-8 years bear their offspring longer.
  4. Number of puppies. The more puppies in the litter, the shorter the pregnancy. If there are few of them, they grow larger and take longer to form.


Drathaar is suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in an enclosure. If the dog will live outside all year round, the booth should be insulated, with a vestibule, and the enclosure should be spacious enough (about 4 square meters per dog). In an apartment, drathaars behave calmly, cleanly and obediently, provided, of course, that the owner provides the dog with an active walk. Drathars quickly adapt to changes in environment and easily endure travel. True, some dogs (especially young ones) can get carsick.

Exercise stress

Drathaar needs very good physical activity. At any age, free running with acceleration and deceleration on different terrain, as well as swimming, is important. From 1.5 years old, you can add running with weights or in a harness, and from 2 years old, you can teach strength exercises and wearing things in your teeth that imitate the appearance and weight of a hare, fox or bird. If the drathaar does not get enough exercise it can become restless and annoying.

Labor did not start on time

It may happen that the dog's pregnancy has already passed, but labor does not begin. This often happens during the first pregnancy and in older dogs. This option is also possible if pregnancy occurs with pathologies.

In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian who will examine the pet, determine its condition and, if necessary, prescribe induction of pregnancy. If this is not done, inflammatory processes may begin: then both the puppies and their mother will die.

How to care for a pregnant dog

In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the offspring to be born healthy, the dog must be given special care.


The feeding regimen after pregnancy will have to be adjusted, because now the dog must provide all its offspring with useful substances. But you need to change the diet only 3-4 weeks after mating and pregnancy - if you overfeed your pet, she may have a miscarriage, become obese, and worsen chronic diseases.

After the first month of pregnancy, the amount of food should be gradually increased. By the time of delivery, half the standard volume should be added to the serving size. If your dog refuses to eat, you should not force him to eat. It is better to carefully monitor her behavior and feed her as soon as her appetite awakens.

If your dog has a balanced diet, then there is no need to change it or introduce new foods. For animals on ready-made food, you need to switch to special mixtures for pregnant women - they contain all the useful substances necessary for this situation. For those who eat natural food, it is better to start giving special vitamins. They are prescribed only by a doctor.

During pregnancy, dogs often become thirsty, so you need to provide them with constant access to water. It is better to place several additional drinking bowls around the apartment, especially in those places where your pet most often visits. The water needs to be changed every 12 hours.

Walking and activity

A pregnant dog definitely needs to go for a walk to breathe fresh air, gain strength and relax. Because of their position, they get tired faster, so long hikes should be avoided. It is better to walk more often, but less time.

You also need to monitor the dog’s activity while walking. Most often, they themselves feel when they need to run less, but young animals can overestimate their position. In this case, it is better to take the pet home. Also, you should not allow your dog to play with other animals - they can accidentally harm it and even cause a miscarriage.


A pregnant dog’s hygiene needs to be monitored more carefully, since due to its position it is more difficult for it to take care of itself. It is better not to bathe her unless absolutely necessary - choosing the appropriate water temperature will be difficult, especially since not everyone can easily tolerate water treatments.

You especially need to monitor her genitals - clear liquid may be released from them. If the dog does not lick itself, then you need to wash it with warm water. This should not be done two weeks before giving birth.

How to choose a puppy

To choose a puppy for hunting, you should find a suitable kennel that offers purebred Drahthaars. Hunters who keep working dogs can easily distinguish a mestizo; inexperienced buyers can fall into the hands of scammers. Therefore, you need to approach the place of purchase responsibly.

To confirm the puppy's hunting instinct, breeders usually provide documents not only about the dog's identity. Valuable are certificates about parents: what achievements they have, awards, medals. Also, when choosing a puppy, pay attention to the condition of its coat, skin, appearance, activity, and manners.

Comparison of breeds and mixtures

Drathaars are often compared to other hunting breeds, over which they have a number of advantages. This question usually worries those who get a dog of this type for the first time. For example, drathaar and shorthaired pointer have a number of similarities and differences.

Shorthaired Pointers are more suitable for home life. If the dog is always among people, the hunting instincts gradually fade away, which cannot be said about the German Deutsche. Drathaars are also more hardy and are more often used for hunting elk, wild boars, and other large animals.

Mestizos are not particularly popular; sometimes only the following attract attention:

  1. Mixed bobtail and drathaar. They have an original appearance. Their hunting instinct is weakly expressed; special training is required to develop it.
  2. Sheltie and Drahthaar mix. Sheltie is a sensitive breed that has a desire to constantly be close to its owner, in the family circle. From the drathaar, mestizos take courage, endurance, and protective qualities.

The price of mixed breeds is usually an order of magnitude lower, but to get a real hunting dog, it is better to choose a drathaar.

Pathologies of pregnancy in dogs

Despite the fact that most often pregnancy and childbirth go smoothly, you need to be prepared for sudden situations.

Ectopic pregnancy

A pregnancy is called ectopic if one or more fetuses develop in the body rather than in the uterus. This is a dangerous condition that can threaten the life and health of both the mother and offspring. It manifests itself as severe toxicosis, pain, and a noticeable decrease in the animal’s activity. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian: he will be able to alleviate the pet’s condition, explain how to behave in this situation, and deliver the baby as safely as possible.

False pupishness

In this state, the dog behaves as if it were pregnant, but it is not expecting puppies. This can happen either after an unsuccessful mating or in the absence of sexual intercourse. Your pet should definitely be shown to a doctor: this is a sign of hormonal problems that can cause serious illness.

Frozen pregnancy

With this diagnosis, pregnancy begins normally, but for some reason the puppies die in the womb. If you do not get rid of them, the dog will become inflamed and die. Signs of fading include:

  • temperature increase;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • lack of movement in the abdomen.

If such symptoms appear, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If the dog paces

If labor does not occur 65-70 days after the last mating, you should consult a doctor. He will determine the reasons for the delay and, if necessary, stimulate the labor process. Under no circumstances should you try to provoke it at home, either with pills or mechanical force.


The muscles are well developed and are never hidden by fur.

The eyes are oval-shaped, slightly slanted. Dark, the darker the better. Ears are of moderate length and width. Set high, hanging.

The limbs are strong and muscular. The feet are round, with tightly knit toes and thick, hard pads.

The tail is not thick. In hunting dogs it stops. When calm, the dog holds it down.

This dog has a hard, coarse, rather close-fitting coat. Wool protects well from bad weather and injury. The fur is shorter on the chest, belly, head and ears. The undercoat is dense. On the head there is a beard, eyebrows, and mustache.

When to deworm a pregnant dog

It is not recommended to give deworming tablets to a dog in this position. It is better to carry out the treatment at least 14 days before mating. If this was not done on time, it is better to postpone the procedure until after childbirth. If worms cause severe discomfort to the animal, you can give her tablets no earlier than after the 40th day after mating. Under no circumstances should you buy the pills yourself. First you need to show your pet to a doctor: he will determine the need for treatment and select a special drug that will not harm the puppies.


Drathaar are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • Dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints.
  • Wobbler syndrome.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Gastric volvulus.
  • Sensitive digestion.

Preventative measures to protect your Drahthaar puppy

To keep your Drahthaar puppy completely safe, you first need to minimize his contact with unfamiliar dogs, especially strays. Therefore, you should not let your dog off the leash, as in this case it will become impossible to control its behavior and communication with other dogs. Since a dog can easily become infected with distemper from simply touching the nose of a sick animal. This disease can be transmitted to a dog through sniffing. Your dog can become infected with trichophytosis from contact with the lichen-affected fur of a sick dog. Naturally, it is impossible to completely exclude a dog’s communication with other dogs, since it must be socialized. Therefore, try to find friends with dog lovers who look after their animals. By adhering to this rule, you can eliminate the risk of pathogen transmission by 80%. You should walk your dog in places where there are no landfills. Since garbage very often attracts rodents, which in turn are very often carriers of various infections. Gray rats are especially dangerous because they carry such a serious disease as leptospirosis. You should not allow your dog to sniff other people's feces, as they are a source of worms. Monitor the drathaar's well-being. Pay attention to even the most minor changes in his behavior. For example, the dog may look lethargic, lose appetite or have a dry nose. Or you may notice that the dog is starting to shed, and this has nothing to do with seasonal shedding. If hair loss becomes excessive, this is the first symptom indicating health problems in your pet. And only you can help him

Therefore, it is important to take the dog to the veterinary clinic in time, where the disease can be overcome for sure. In no case should you ignore the symptoms, since advanced infections are much more difficult to treat, and sometimes even impossible.

If you start treating your dog, the disease can lead to his death or he will develop serious complications that will affect his hearing, vision, limbs and much more.

Termination of pregnancy in dogs

Sometimes the owners decide to terminate the pregnancy. This is used if the pet runs away during heat, if the pregnancy is not proceeding correctly, or in the event of a mating of a small bitch with a large male. The procedure cannot be carried out without a doctor’s prescription - this can lead to complications and even death of the animal.

The easiest way is hormone therapy. The veterinarian gives pills that prevent the fetus from implanting in the uterus, and abortion occurs within 7 days. The procedure is carried out only in the first month, it does not harm health and does not interfere with further reproduction. In some cases, surgery is performed to remove the fetuses. This is more dangerous and is most often carried out only for health reasons - in case of a frozen or large pregnancy.

Education and training

Whatever they say, in general, raising a drathaar is no different from raising any hunting breed. The animal needs an authoritative owner who will not allow himself to be manipulated, but will not use harsh methods.

Naturally, problems may arise for an unprepared owner. Throughout its life, Drathaar will try to challenge the authority of its owner, and if at least once a person gives in to him, the animal will begin to behave as it sees fit.


Even a very well-mannered dog will not obey someone it considers lower in status.

You need to start training from puppyhood. Curious kids are happy to remember every new rule.

The dog needs early socialization.

Perseverance and restraint are necessary qualities in raising a drathaar. The animal is more likely to react to a firm “no” than to rudeness and shouting. Physical punishment is generally unacceptable. By treating the pet with respect, the owner will immediately notice the desire to please.

You should definitely use the carrot method and reward your pet for completing the task correctly.

Drathaars do not like monotony, so it is recommended to keep classes short and interesting. It is best to diversify them with games and tasks to find objects in which drathaars can show themselves in all their glory. Representatives of the breed are often involved in search and rescue operations, where savvy hunters realize their search needs.

Representatives of the breed are ready to hunt from birth. A little specialized training is required to hone their natural prowess.

Those owners who are willing to spend time raising and training a dog will receive a manageable and obedient pet. But the dog is alien to servility; it will not blindly carry out every command of its owner.

Drathaars are very active dogs, capable of being on the move for a very long time. Not every person will be able to leave them a worthy company. The pet will quickly “roll” anyone and at the same time remain cheerful and full of energy.

Last days before giving birth

Before giving birth, the dog's behavior changes. She sleeps more, doesn’t want to go outside, and doesn’t move much. Animals often scratch with their claws, looking for a secluded corner to give birth to their offspring. At this time, it is imperative to arrange a comfortable place for childbirth and get used to it. Within a few days, the animals become calmer, and immediately before contractions, on the contrary, they become restless and nervous. The owner should be nearby, but not worry the dog or intrude. You should not force feed her or take her for a walk.

Pros and cons of the breed

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Hunting SkillsNot a decorative dog
High intelligenceDoesn't look attractive
Tolerates cold calmly and can live in an enclosure all winterNot suitable for apartment living
Not picky about food
We learn quickly, easily master different programs
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