Doberman: Description of the character of dogs and features of the breed: Review + Video

Hollywood glorified the service qualities of Dobermans in a unique way: the image created by the cinema amazes with the fierce malice, aggressiveness and unbridled power of the magnificent German dogs. In horror films, “devilish killers” overtake and tear the victim to shreds, in “blockbuster shooters” fanged killers protect the life and prosperity of the main villain. PR one-sidedness has played a cruel joke on Dobermans; the breed is called the most aggressive and dangerous. Despite all the statements of professional dog handlers and managers of prestigious kennels about the merits of the breed, society recognizes only one aspect of lean service dogs: angry doberman, subverting all norms of morality, mercy and goodness.

Description of the breed

The Doberman is a medium-sized, deep-chested dog breed that is sleek and robust.
This breed is muscular and athletic, with tremendous strength and endurance. Dobermans are fearless, loyal and very intelligent. These qualities make them ideal police, military and guard dogs, but they also make excellent companions.

Well-trained Doberman Pinschers are often very good with children and perform well in a variety of social situations. They can make excellent therapy dogs. The breed's temperament is generally known to be docile, while being protective at the same time.

Doberman - interesting facts about the breed

Is the Doberman affectionate or aggressive and angry?

The Dobermann, which was first bred in Germany, has earned a reputation as a ferocious guard dog (which it certainly can be). However, the breed is generally quite gentle and not aggressive in nature.


  • The main character traits of a Doberman: female or male?
  • Doberman character
  • Basic commands
  • Raising a dog

In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in the Doberman. After studying this information about the temperament and disposition of a Doberman at different ages, you will get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

Characteristics of the Doberman

Attachment levelHigh
Child FriendlyAverage
Loyalty to other petsLow
Exercise needsAverage
Energy levelHigh
Learning abilityHigh
Tendency to barkLow
Shedding amountAverage


Dobermans are hardy and strong dogs, but even they have a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases:

Allergies. Dogs can suffer from allergies to mold, pollen and dust.

Heart diseases. An animal can be affected by coronary heart disease, tachycardia, heart failure, arrhythmia, etc. Health problems can be recognized by noisy and prolonged inhalations, difficulty breathing, loss of balance, and trembling.

Joint dysplasia (especially hip dysplasia) is a typical joint disease in large breed dogs.

Narcolepsy is a disease of the central nervous system in which a dog's sleep and muscle tone are disturbed. The animal becomes motionless, its eyes seem to be glass. This state can last a few moments or several minutes.

Gastric volvulus. This disease can be hereditary and develop as a result of poor nutrition.

Hypothyroidism is possible, but not common. If it occurs, it is accompanied by hair loss, weight gain or loss.

Sometimes Dobermans have congenital deafness or develop arachnoid cysts, cataracts, cancer, pathologies of the cervical vertebrae, and chronic hepatitis.

In order to prevent serious problems in the dog’s health, at the slightest alarming symptoms it should be shown to a veterinarian. Periodic preventative examinations will also not hurt.

History of the Doberman

The Doberman Pinscher as a dog breed originated in Germany at the turn of the 20th century. Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, after whom the breed was named, developed the breed in the desire to have both a medium-sized companion and a guard dog.

In addition to being a tax collector, Doberman ran a local dog shelter and had access to many dogs to use in his breeding program. The Doberman is thought to be descended from breeds such as the Rottweiler, Black and Tan Terrier, German Pinscher and possibly the Greyhound.

Why is the Doberman breed valued?

The Doberman is prized for its high intelligence, loyalty, and athletic ability. Over the years, this breed has worked well as a military and police dog, but has still remained a loyal companion for many.

When are Dobermans' tails and ears docked?

Dobermans traditionally have their tails docked soon after birth and their ears later cropped (surgically trimmed to make them stand up straight).

Is it necessary to crop Doberman's ears and tail?

Much controversy has surrounded the practice of ear cropping and tail docking in dogs, including the Doberman Pinscher. Some countries have actually outlawed these methods, but although they are still allowed in Russia, many people choose to leave the ears natural on their Dobermans.


A Doberman boy is much hotter and more aggressive than a girl. But all this can be controlled with proper training. It is important for a dog to understand that he obeys his owner, then there will be no problems with the dog. Males are also considered better hunters than females. Therefore, if your goal is to get an agile and active partner in the pursuit of prey, give preference to a Doberman boy.

Caring for a Doberman

How to care for a Doberman's coat?

The Doberman has a short, smooth coat that requires little grooming. You can brush it once a week or rub it with a damp towel. You don't need to bathe your dog often, only when he gets dirty or starts to smell.

How to care for Doberman ears?

If the ears are left natural (not cropped), then special attention should be paid to keeping the ears clean. Clean your Doberman's ears as they become dirty.

If you don’t know how to clean your Doberman’s ears, then read the article “How to clean your dog’s ears.”

Do Doberman Pinscher Nails Need to be Trimmed?

Trim your dog's nails monthly to prevent them from breaking or tearing. Dobermans do not really like this procedure, however, like many dogs, but you can read the article “The dog does not like to cut its nails, what to do?”.

How to care for Doberman's teeth?

Brush your teeth at least a couple of times a week to prevent gum disease and other dental problems.

If you don’t know how to brush your Doberman’s teeth, then read the article “How to brush your dog’s teeth.”

How to train a Doberman?

Most Dobermans have fairly high energy levels and require a lot of exercise to stay alert. Because of their natural athleticism, a few brisk walks or jogs every day will help keep the Doberman in tip-top shape.

How to train a Doberman?

The Doberman is very intelligent and learns quite easily. Proper training is absolutely necessary for this breed to ensure good behavior. Socialization is equally important to ensure that the dog is not too fearful or aggressive.

Should a Doberman be kept on a leash when walking?

It is best to keep your dog on a leash during walks. They can be aggressive towards other dogs that are not part of their family and protective if they think you are under threat. This type of behavior is not acceptable at the dog park. Additionally, many people are afraid of this breed and feel more comfortable if the dog is on a leash.

How to arrange a yard for a Doberman?

The yard should be securely fenced so that your Doberman has room to roam and play.

Does a Doberman get cold in winter?

However, this breed can freeze. In cold weather, do not leave it outside for a long time, the animal may freeze and get bored. Your dog wants to be part of your family, not alone on the outside.

Does the Doberman like to play?

Although many people consider this breed to be a serious dog, they can actually be a bit silly and rambunctious (especially as puppies). They will get along well with children and enjoy playing together as long as the child is old enough to treat the dog with respect.


Needless to say, the reputation of Dobermans is not flattering: they are angry, cocky, with an unbalanced temperament. However, this opinion is not entirely true. The breed is not prone to unmotivated anger or attacks on people and animals. Breeders deliberately worked to soften the character of the Doberman, improve its socialization and consolidate a number of qualities such as observation, endurance, and devotion to people.

Education, teaching discipline from a very early age and competent training will help to form a healthy psyche in a dog. Trained Dobermans carry out commands religiously - the need to realize their career potential is inherent in them at the genetic level. By the way, in some nurseries, a mandatory condition when purchasing a puppy is that the owner undergoes special UGS (controlled city dog) courses.

Dobermans are very attached to their owners and are constantly looking for contact, getting bored without them, which is expressed in endless barking and howling. In order not to irritate the neighbors, the dog must be taught to calmly tolerate the absence of family. They unconditionally recognize the person who is considered a leader, but are friendly and sociable with all family members.

The attitude towards children is rather neutral, but leaving the Doberman alone with children is not recommended, since a dog that patiently endures all childish fun can turn into an aggressive animal in an instant.

Dobermans are wary of strangers, and in some cases they can become aggressive. For example, a stranger should not tempt fate and try to pet the dog. Most likely, the dog’s innate protective instinct will kick in, which can lead to an incident. When in the company of a Doberman, you should never forget about his lightning-fast reaction, excitability and desire to protect the territory entrusted to him and himself from danger at any cost.

Diseases of the Doberman that you should remember:

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle becomes enlarged and does not function properly.
  • Von Willebrand disease: A deficiency of a certain protein that helps blood cells known as platelets clot properly.
  • Caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy (also called wobbler syndrome and cervical instability): a neurological disorder that affects a dog's spine near the neck.
  • Gastric dilatation-blister (GDV): Commonly referred to as gastric bloat or torsion, a condition in which a dog's stomach twists around a short axis.


The pet can be fed both natural products and feed. If we consider the second feeding option, then it is worth adding sauce or yogurt to the food, and you can also add pieces of meat and cheese to it, since Dobermans are very picky.

When feeding regular food, do not forget that an adult dog needs about half a kilo of meat. Also in his diet should be present porridges such as buckwheat, wheat, rice and oatmeal, always cooked in vegetable or chicken broth.

What and when to feed the Doberman?

Dobermans should be fed twice a day, three and a half cups of dry dog ​​food per day. The amount your dog needs will depend on size, activity level, age and other factors.

Having two small meals instead of one large meal can help prevent CVD, in which gas leads to bloating. In this case, emergency medical attention is needed if the stomach twists to cut off the blood supply.

Be sure to monitor your dog's weight, as obesity can shorten your dog's lifespan and contribute to the risk of other diseases. Discuss your dog's nutritional needs with your veterinarian to get specific recommendations for your pet.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a Doberman puppy is a responsible matter. It is advisable to make a purchase from a nursery with a good reputation, where they will issue a puppy certificate for the dog, provide information about the parents, and inform you about vaccinations and feeding habits.

You can also try your luck at specialty shows to communicate with breeders and see dogs. You can buy a puppy there inexpensively, since the breed is not very popular, so the price even for high-quality litters is quite adequate.

Prices for purebred puppies range from 20,000 to 90,000 rubles. You can buy a baby without documents for 10 thousand rubles, for example, on the market or through an ad on the Internet, but in this case you cannot be sure that the puppy is healthy.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its behavior and appearance. He should be energetic, active and inquisitive, moderately well-fed, with healthy shiny fur and clear eyes.


This dog needs constant activity.

The Doberman Pinscher will, with equal zeal, accompany its owner on a hunt, save people from rubble, follow a trail, or babysit children.

Dobermans are versatile dogs, they are used for:

— protection of important objects and private territories;

- police and customs services;

— search and rescue operations.

The Doberman Pinscher is well suited for agility , traveling, and playing with children.

But if adults do not plan to raise a dog, then the Doberman Pinscher is not the best choice of a pet for a child.

Dogs are distinguished by: courage, loyalty, attentiveness and fearlessness. They become strongly attached to their owners and protect them in any conditions.

For those who are not ready to devote a lot of time to raising this dog, there is a wonderful alternative - the mini Doberman Pinscher.

This is the name of the miniature pinscher. And although these are completely different breeds, they have a lot in common in appearance.

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