How long do Yorkshire terriers live and how to extend their life?

How long do Mini Yorkies live?

So how long do mini Yorkshire terriers live? Their average life expectancy is 7-9 years. They are small, they do not have such a strong body as larger dogs.
They are slightly more susceptible to various diseases. Take the Attention Test! Find 10 differences! (click right here!)

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The figure 7-9 years is possible when we are talking about natural death. Now let’s remember how many accidents there are in minis. They are naturally endowed with fragile bones and a weak body. They require extra attention: they can dislocate or even break a leg just by falling off the sofa.

They can easily be crushed or pinched by a door without being noticed under your feet. They should not be bought for a family with small children. He may accidentally damage them just by playing.

What affects the number of years lived

All the above figures are statistics, because no one can know how long a particular puppy will live.

We must not forget about the influence of genetics, the conditions in which the puppy grew up, and what characteristics it has.

However, we must not forget that there are also various mechanical damage, accidents and genetic inconsistencies - all of which will affect life expectancy. It can be increased only by giving the dog proper attention and care.

Yorkshire terriers standard sizes

Regular Yorkies have good health.
Individuals of this species live on average 12-15 years, some even live up to 20. Information assistance from nursery workers.

The kennels are often staffed by people who have devoted a significant part of their lives to studying dogs. Therefore, based on their experience, they will be able to evaluate all the information about the Yorkie and make an assumption about its possible life expectancy.

At the nursery you will be able to obtain the following information:

  1. Parents of the puppy. Their genes primarily determine how well the baby can endure various adversities. If the parents were strong and tenacious, then the children will be the same. And vice versa, weak, frail parents will give the same dog.
  2. How the puppy grew up. In the nursery, the puppy will be able to receive care that will protect him from various troubles. Puppies raised by private owners receive less care or receive it incorrectly. It is sometimes believed that since a dog is small, it does not require the same care as larger species. Not at all, sometimes small dogs need even more care. At the nursery you will receive all the information about feeding the puppy and the conditions in which he grew up.
  3. Puppy details. People working in the nursery evaluate the animals they have many times, and therefore can tell how the puppy is developing. How does his weight and height change? By assessing these characteristics, nursery workers will be able to tell whether the pet is developing correctly or whether it is lagging behind in development.

Breed Features

Dogs of this breed are the sweetest creatures that fill the everyday life of dog owners with happiness and fun. To prolong the life of a pet, it is important to know how to properly care for it. And in order not to do the wrong thing, you need to know the characteristics and description of the breed in advance.

Yorkie is a small indoor dog, not intended for protection, but most likely an object of admiration. Pets themselves require protection and protection from the owner. They are very playful, especially with small children, and will never cause harm. Before you get a Yorkie, you need to know the external measurements, habits, and preferences. Life expectancy directly depends on the breed’s exterior. After all, if a dog has any pathologies or developmental abnormalities from birth, it means it will live much less:

  • the average weight of the breed varies within 3 kg;
  • The breed is characterized by an imposing posture, but at the same time excessive mobility;
  • The beauty of Yorkies is their long, silky coat, which, with proper care, shines in the light.

These features are important to consider before getting a Yorkshire Terrier.

Possible impact on the lifespan of Yorkshire Terriers

  1. Balanced diet. If you change food suddenly, they may experience allergic reactions. High protein content leads to obesity. They should not be given fatty fried meat.
  2. Pay attention to the eyes. They need to be washed daily with chamomile decoction, using a cotton pad for this purpose. After rinsing, use drops, which should be purchased at a specialty store. If your dog's eyes are festering, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  3. Carry out a course of vaccinations. A veterinarian will help you draw it up.
  4. Grooming. Grooming does not directly affect longevity, but a Yorkie whose coat is not properly styled will exhibit significant anxiety.
  5. Eliminate risk factors. This is especially important for Mini Yorkies as they can be crushed. When purchasing, arrange their home so that they cannot harm themselves or fall under the hands of a person.

Causes of premature death of a dog

Accidents, poisoning, and existing pathologies of internal organs lead to the sudden death of animals. Negative consequences are difficult to predict, however, it is preferable to know what potential dangers threaten your pet.

Common causes of premature canine death:

  • poisoning;
  • heart disease;
  • pneumothorax;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • congenital abnormalities;
  • expansion, volvulus of the stomach;
  • ulcer;
  • splenic tumor rupture;
  • foreign body entering the throat;
  • heatstroke;
  • injury.

Dogs often suffer from poisons intended for rodents, poisons distributed to exterminate stray dogs. During a walk, be sure to keep an eye on your pet; if the dog does not respond to the command “ugh,” put on a closed muzzle so that the dog does not try questionable “food.”

Heart diseases can manifest asymptomatically, but if a young dog gets tired quickly, is weak, or is breathing heavily, you need to visit a veterinarian for a diagnostic examination.

Air accumulation in the peripulmonary space (pneumothorax) occurs due to injuries to the sternum leading to damage to the emphysematous bladder or existing tumor on the lung.

Tracheal collapse is more common in small breeds, is expressed by a sharp cough after active mobility or the manifestation of strong emotions, and sometimes occurs as a complication of past infections.

A congenital pathology that leads to tragic consequences is the displacement of the cervical vertebrae as a result of insufficient development or defect of the ligaments. An accidental jolt to the problem area can cause pressure on the spinal cord and be fatal.

Gastric dilatation and volvulus are more common in older dogs; both pathologies interfere with the normal blood supply to other organs and are considered deadly. Prevention of stomach problems is considered to be proper nutrition, adherence to a feeding regime and moderate exercise.

The premature death of the animal is caused by complications of peptic ulcer disease, expressed in the formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach or bleeding. A precaution is the proper nutrition of your pet.

New growths on the spleen (benign and malignant) are susceptible to rupture, which can lead to fatal loss of blood. Tumor rupture is possible even with minor damage caused by difficult bowel movements or increased physical activity.

Swallowing a foreign object risks suffocation or injury to internal organs as the swallowed object moves inside.

Heatstroke is caused by severe overheating of the body and often occurs in dogs locked in a car in hot weather.

A dog can be injured on the street (being hit by a car, fighting with other dogs, etc.), at home (falling from a height, electric shock, etc.), the danger of injury depends on the degree of its severity and the provision of first aid.

For what reasons do Yorkshire Terriers die prematurely?

There are several factors due to which Yorkies do not live to a ripe old age and die at a young age:

  1. Infectious diseases (distemper, parvovirus, lentospirosis) - affect puppies under one year of age that have not been vaccinated and quarantined; the source is often other animals.
  2. Injuries (fractures of limbs, bruises and severe injuries to the head and other parts of the body) - Yorkies receive them after jumping from a great height, careless handling, or collision with other animals.
  3. Oncological diseases (lymphoma, sarcoma, breast cancer) – if detected at an early stage, the life of a Yorkie can be significantly extended.
  4. ARVI - in older dogs, their immunity decreases; the lungs are affected by viruses and microbes.
  5. Congenital pathologies - epilepsy, liver shunt, body defects and others.

You should be as attentive as possible to your Yorkies in order to spot symptoms of problems with the dogs’ health in time. Among them:

  • inactive behavior;
  • weakness and constant desire to lie down;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • obvious external damage to the body;
  • increased thirst;
  • frequent and involuntary urination;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of consciousness and sensitivity.

Caring for an older dog

At home, an elderly pet should be provided with:

  • balanced food, following the feeding regimen;
  • monitoring the animal’s body weight and well-being;
  • maintaining hygiene (grooming, cleaning the mouth, eyes, ears, trimming nails);
  • prevention against parasites;
  • moderate physical activity.

Regular preventive examinations of the dog at the veterinarian will help identify diseases and age-related changes in the body, promptly take appropriate measures to treat emerging diseases and alleviate the pet’s condition.

Photo gallery

If your pet is properly cared for, then it will delight you and your family for many years. Look how beautiful these harmless faces are.

Diseases that shorten several years for a Yorkie

Regular (not mini) Yorkies are a disease-resistant breed; they can still have a number of diseases:

  1. Perthes' disease. This can be the cause of lameness, non-healing of the fontanel (common in minis), and irregular teeth changing.
  2. Patella luxation
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. Allergy
  5. Liver diseases
  6. Damage to teeth and gums
  7. Reaction to medications

Knowing how many years Yorkies live, you will be able to notice the onset of diseases in time and immediately contact a veterinarian who will guide you on the right path of treatment.

Baby face

In recent years, a variety of Yorkshire terrier called the baby face has gained great popularity. Their feature is a shortened muzzle and enlarged eyes, due to which a childish expression is achieved. With such a structure, the dog does not meet canine standards and is the reason for refusal to participate in exhibitions. In addition, baby-face Yorkies are prone to chronic conjunctivitis, breathing problems and snoring - the reason for this pathology is the structural features of the skull.

How to increase the lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier

There are many things you can do to help your pet live as long as possible. The care you give him from the day you meet him through adulthood will have a big impact on your dog's health and lifespan.

  • Vaccinations. Since infections are the leading cause of death in Yorkie puppies, it is important to keep up with vaccinations. Puppies should not leave the house for at least 2 weeks after they have received the necessary vaccinations.
  • Prevention of injuries. Trauma is a major cause of death for both puppies and adult terriers. The focus should be on creating a safe environment for the pet. Your family and everyone in the house should be aware that there is a small dog “under your feet.” Teach your Yorkshire Terrier all the basic commands. If he is in danger, then one of the teams will be able to protect her from possible injuries and injuries.
  • Oral hygiene. If an animal's tooth or gums begin to ache, and food begins to decompose in the mouth, tartar forms, and the infection can enter the body through the bloodstream, reaching the heart and brain. Dogs with poor oral hygiene, bad teeth may suffer from pain in various parts of the body, and older dogs with missing teeth may have difficulty eating. For these reasons, proper, regular dental brushing is important and can be an important step you can take to increase the lifespan of your Yorkshire Terrier.
  • Sterilization. For both males and females, despite some conflicting research, most veterinarians recommend spaying to increase lifespan. Dogs that are sterilized before 6 months of age live up to 20% longer than those that are not sterilized.


Yorkies retain the qualities of a true terrier - they are brave, inquisitive and active. They get along well with people and other animals and respond quickly to training. Yorkshire Terriers need attention, it is important for them to receive the owner's approval and play. They feel the mood of others and are able to adapt to it. To maintain health and increase life expectancy, high activity is a prerequisite for keeping Yorkies - games and walks in the open air are recommended.

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