Yorkshire terrier when can you walk outside with a puppy

When can you take your Yorkie puppy out for a walk for the first time?

It is advisable to start as early as possible. Walking for a small breed is needed:

The best way to walk your Yorkies before vaccinations is in your arms. It is necessary to introduce the puppy to the environment, first for 5 minutes. near the house, then move on. It can be taken out up to 5-6 times a day in good weather.

He must know that his owner is nearby, but there are other people and pets. It is important to accustom your puppy to harsh environmental sounds. Yorkies are often frightened by sounds from the street and fall from sofas or chairs and get injured.

Why you shouldn’t let a puppy out of your hands before vaccination: the main reason is to protect it from wounds and possible infections, since its immunity is not yet fully formed. Dogs carry piroplasmosis and fungi on their paws, ticks dig between their toes, and fleas live.

How often to wash your Yorkie

A Yorkie puppy needs to be bathed quite often. Up to 5 months, bath days are carried out once every 2-4 weeks. It is not recommended to wash your Yorkshire Terrier more often - the coat will lose its protective sheath and become dry, brittle and dull. Contaminated areas can be rinsed with warm water without using detergents.

Yorkshire terrier puppies older than 5 months are bathed once every 10 days. This is enough for the fur coat to always look neat.

In exceptional cases, it is permissible to increase the frequency to 1 time per week.

On a note. Yorkies with short hair are allowed to be bathed less frequently - once a month.

Some owners have a different opinion. They believe that it is not necessary to bathe dogs, since in their natural environment animals do not need additional procedures to keep their coat clean.

However, an unwashed pet becomes a source of dirt and germs. Sebum (sebum) accumulates in the upper layers of the epidermis, causing itching, irritation and thermoregulation failures.

In addition, the Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative breed that was bred artificially. Therefore, she simply needs additional care.

How long to walk a Yorkshire Terrier as an adult?

There are no time restrictions. After the vaccination and rehabilitation period, the pet is taken out as usual. It is important that you need to walk your Yorkshire Terrier not only in your arms, but also on a leash!

Dogs that are accustomed to constantly being near their owner become possessive, do not listen well, and are not socialized. They are afraid of the environment and can bully others.

There is no limit to the time of day when you can walk your Yorkshire Terrier. Due to their short legs and fragility, dogs cannot walk for long periods of time because they get tired. They can be picked up periodically.

How long to wait before your first walk

When can you walk your puppy after the second vaccination?

Of course, any owner who is concerned about the health of their pet is interested in the question of when can they walk their puppy. The first walks should start smoothly. It is important that the dog can get used to the street and not be afraid of the surrounding vegetation and other pets.

The first walk with the puppy should be in warm weather

You also need to know at what age the puppy can be taken for its first walk. So, with strong and healthy pets, you can go for a walk at the age of one and a half months. There are two conditions for such a walk:

  • the weather should be warm outside, that is, at least 10 degrees;
  • The pet must be held in your arms.

In all other cases, the optimal age is 3 months, when the dog has already received a course of vaccinations. Already at this age, the puppy can walk on its own, and not in the arms of the owner.

The age at which you can walk your puppy also depends on the breed. For example, large guard breeds need to be accustomed to the street from childhood, unlike short-haired representatives. Therefore, it is necessary to organize walks at the age of one month. Decorative breeds do not tolerate bad weather, so the best solution would be to wait until they get stronger and are vaccinated.

Important! The puppy should be taken for a walk in your arms, since its bones are still weak, and it is forbidden for it to move on stairs. This is especially true for the French bulldog breed, which is vulnerable to various types of severity.

Pet owners should find out if their pet's mother is vaccinated. If she has had all her vaccinations, then by the time she gives birth she has strong immunity, which means that the puppy is protected from infection for up to 3 months. In this case, you don’t have to hold him in your arms while walking.

Decorative breeds, Yorkshire terrier, chihuahua, pug, spitz do not need constant walking. Yorkies and other decorative breeds are considered pocket dogs for this reason.

Rules for walking a Yorkshire Terrier

By following simple recommendations, you can save him from many troubles. Dogs isolated from other pets and people become aggressive and take a long time to get used to Yorkies of the opposite sex when mated. Breeders believe that a pet that has not seen other people for up to 3 months will not be able to establish contact with its new owner.

How long should you walk your Yorkshire Terrier?

Usually as long as he needs to go to the toilet and get some fresh air.
You shouldn’t neglect him and let him constantly go to the litter box - he’s still a dog and can be trained. It is recommended to use the tray in extreme cold, when the pet simply freezes in the snow, or when the owners are not able to take it outside regularly - at least 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes. You shouldn’t burden a miniature dog with long walks and too active games. It is ideal if the pet has the opportunity to play with its brothers.

Security requirements

The place where you are supposed to walk must be free of holes, broken glass, and other dangerous objects. You should not let go of your Yorkie near large breeds. Where there are no large dogs, the terrier is walked on a special leash, which is attached to a harness. A regular collar will not work in this case - the breed has a too fragile neck.

They should not jump from hands or from any height - they have a small and sensitive skeleton, a tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and dislocations.

Recommendations for walking with a Yorkshire Terrier:

Walking a Yorkshire Terrier dog at different times of the year

Miniature breeds feel uncomfortable at low temperatures. Then they need special clothes and shoes, because without them they freeze and catch colds. Raincoats are also used to keep the coat in good condition.

In hot weather, Yorkies are offered water to drink and are not left in the sun to avoid sunstroke and heatstroke.


When can a Yorkshire Terrier walk outside with a puppy?

Walks are an important part of any Yorkie's life. Here they get a boost of energy, exercise, get acquainted with the world around them, make friends and show themselves in all their glory.

Watching how small furry pets enthusiastically rush along the street, curiously sniffing everything that comes under their paws, it’s hard to believe that they are all afraid of walks and at first the owners have to work hard to accustom them to them.

Any dog ​​requires care, the Yorkshire Terrier needs intense attention - due to its miniature size, Yorkies face many dangers on the street. Stray or large dogs, cars, passers-by, bicycles, garbage, all kinds of poison - all this can cause irreparable harm to both the physical and psychological health of the baby, so walks should only be on a leash. You can let your Yorkie out without a leash only in those places where there are guaranteed to be no uninvited guests and only if your dog is well-mannered and familiar with the “come to me” command. However, it seems that we have gotten too ahead of ourselves, because at first cute terriers are terrified of the street. A pet should be accustomed to the street from childhood, that is, puppy “infant” age.

Of course, under no circumstances should children be taken outside and allowed to swim freely. To begin with, they are carried out in their arms and held there throughout the entire walk. The actual stay on the street begins with 10 minutes and gradually increases to half an hour. Of course, all this only applies if it’s warm and the sun is shining outside – walking puppies in winter is tantamount to killing them.

A full walk for a puppy begins immediately after vaccination and the end of quarantine. If, when leaving the house, the dog begins to shake and tremble in horror, there is no need to panic. If not all, then many Yorkies, who are naturally cowards, do this. At first, we only carry it in our arms and don’t go far from home so that the puppy gets used to it and stops perceiving the street environment as hostile. If your pet is afraid of walks and can’t get used to them, try walking with him in quiet places away from the main streets, for example, in parks.

If in the future you plan to completely accustom your dog to the outdoor toilet, then you need to go out for a walk with him 5-6 times a day, each time waiting until the baby relieves himself. Don't forget to praise him for this with treats and words of encouragement, as well as stroking and other manifestations of tenderness.

For every independent step and progress in “street relationships,” the Yorkie should be encouraged - a favorite cookie or piece of fruit will be a well-deserved reward and incentive to continue. Another quite effective option is to find a good-natured friend for your four-legged friend to walk and play together. The dog should be brought to the dog park when it has become a little more comfortable being outdoors. And the main thing is to carefully protect your pet from large dogs, since not all of them have a positive attitude towards their dwarf relatives.

And, probably, not the least important question: is it worth dressing for a walk? In the winter season and cold weather, the answer is clear - dress, preferably warmer. While a shepherd dog or a diver can cope with bad weather perfectly with the help of their own natural heat reserves, the fluffy and soft fur of a Yorkie is intended for exhibitions and hairstyles, but not for keeping warm. This is more of a decorative accessory; a warm overall, fur coat or jacket should keep the dog warm. In the summer season, owners are given much greater freedom, since they can do without ammunition. However, do not forget about overheating and sunburn, which can come from walking in extreme heat in the open sun.


Walking is a biological need for dogs

Having decided on the time of walks, you should decide on the frequency. How many times a day should you walk an adult dog? In principle, you can be satisfied with two “outings” a day, between which no more than 12 hours should pass. Physiologists believe that such a break between the exercise of natural needs is the maximum permissible without harm to the health of the animal.

However, everything is individual: some owners find it more convenient to take the dog out for a short time in the morning, instruct a relative at home to do the same during the day, so that in the evening they can have a quiet dinner, relax and go for a long walk with their beloved pet.

An extremely important question is not only how much to walk, but also how. We talked about this in detail in this article.

The dog’s need for long walks is due to its characteristics as a biological species. Remember the saying “The feet feed the wolf”? In nature, canines actively move in search of prey, allowing themselves to rest only after a successful hunt.

If you are sure that the domestic dog is the product of a long evolution that has taken it far from the wolf, then watch stray dogs. They are always running somewhere.

So, figuratively speaking, if birds must fly and fish must swim, then dogs must run. This is a biologically fixed instinct that inexorably demands its satisfaction.

What happens if you neglect it? Of course, the dog will not die, but those numerous behavior problems that owners so often complain about will arise. Have you probably seen on the Internet a collection of photos clearly depicting the “invasion of Mamai” into an apartment in the absence of the owners?

And this is far from the only consequence - an unrealized instinct leads to many behavioral disorders. After all, only on walks does a dog have the opportunity to meet and build good relationships with other representatives of its species, as well as learn to be indifferent to strangers around.

With the help of walks, the dog learns about the world around him, develops both his senses and his intellect. This landscape is always the same for us. For a dog, there is a huge difference between the usual route yesterday and today.

She reads an open book of smells the way we read a fascinating novel, with an abundance of characters and plot twists. This is why dogs love long walks so much, and it is cruel to deprive them of this opportunity.

  1. And when your back hurts, you can't get comfortable or sleep - your pets can settle down calmly and pleasantly anywhere. Especially if this place is located near you.
  2. And they don't understand anything. When Yorkies are confused, they look at you like this.
  3. Also, cunning people know how to look at you when they need something from you. Little manipulative devils... Their every expression brings them what they want, and you love them more and more because of it.
  4. They love to lie in bed. Comfort is a part of their life.
  5. When it's windy outside, these dogs look ridiculous. Imagine Chewbacca in a storm... Or something like that.

At what age can you walk a puppy?

Many new owners who have no experience with a dog do not know when to walk their puppy. Based on the benefits of walking, some of them naively believe that the first time outside is allowed soon after birth. But in fact, getting to know the outside world too early is very dangerous.

Before vaccinations, the baby is maximally vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. It is protected only by rare antibodies inherited from the mother through colostrum. As they grow older, their number constantly decreases, so at 2-2.5 months all pets receive their first vaccination against the most common and dangerous infections.

Quarantine lasts 2-8 weeks, which means that the first exit will take place at 3-4 months of age.

At what month can you start walking your Yorkie?

The article will discuss what it means to “walk” a Yorkie and when you can do it.

Before answering the question “At what months can you start walking with a Yorkie,” let’s find out what is meant by the word “walk” and why walks are needed at all.

Walking your Yorkie makes a huge difference. This is not only training a Yorkie puppy to use the toilet outside, but also socializing the Yorkie. Socialization of a dog is so important that it is difficult to overestimate its importance. It has been established that if up to 3 months a puppy of any breed does not see people other than his breeder, then he will never be able to establish close contact with the owner and establish friendly relations with other people and, especially, with children. If a small Yorkie does not communicate with his fellow breeders and with dogs of other breeds, then he will never be able to establish correct relationships with other dogs. Moreover, a Yorkie who did not play with his relatives in childhood cannot always act correctly in relationships with the opposite sex. A puppy who has grown up in isolation from his own kind and from the world around him becomes dull and angry or, conversely, too melancholy. At what months can and should you start walking with a Yorkie so that he gets to know his own kind in time, sees and understands that in the world, besides himself and his owner, there are other people and dogs? Yes, as soon as possible. As soon as you have a Yorkie in your home, you should immediately take him for walks.

How can you go for a walk if you haven’t had all your vaccinations yet? And it’s very simple - in your hands. Take your pet in your arms and go with him for his first walk. It is imperative to show him people, children, other dogs. “Introduce” the elevator, the rattling garbage chute, the slamming door. Bring him closer to the cars, and you can put him in your own, let him sit on the seat, take a little nap, look out the window. Then it will be easier for you to accustom your dog to travel. You can take a short, literally five-minute, test drive around the house. In your arms, the puppy will feel safe and later, when he walks on his paws, he will not be afraid of the elevator or the screams of children on the playground. During a thunderstorm or fireworks show, go out onto the balcony with your Yorkie in your arms, let him get used to the noise, explosions and flashes of lightning. If you don’t do all this in very early childhood, but wait until the veterinarians allow you to walk on their paws, then you may encounter a situation in which the Yorkie becomes afraid of something, so much so that then he simply doesn’t want to go outside at all. .

At what months can you start walking your Yorkie the same way you walk older dogs? Only after the primary vaccination and revaccination have been done, and you still have to wait a couple of weeks. It turns out, one month after the first vaccination. Since everyone gets their first vaccination at different times due to various reasons, your Yorkie can only start walking like adults at 3-4 months. Time will be lost, and the consequences of isolation will be very difficult and not always possible to correct. If you want to raise an intelligent, friendly Yorkie who knows how to get along with strangers and dogs, then start walking him as soon as he appears in your home.

How to keep your puppy healthy?

To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

  • the puppy is completely healthy;
  • he has received all the necessary preventive vaccinations;
  • quarantine completed.

Sometimes a dog owner gives his pet his first vaccinations when he is two months old. After vaccinations, the dog must remain at home for a two-week quarantine, during which it is strictly forbidden to walk outside. After quarantine, you can begin to accustom your dog to the street. It turns out that there is no specific age when a dog is ready for walks, the main thing is that the above conditions are met. You just don’t need to delay the first vaccinations, and the sooner they are done, the faster the dog will get used to going to the toilet outside and the fewer problems the owners will have in the future. The veterinarian will tell dog owners about the timing of vaccinations.

At first, the baby needs to go outside several times, over time the number of trips can be reduced, because the dog will learn to endure. Do not expect that the animal will immediately become accustomed to using the toilet outside; it will take time for her to get used to it.

The importance of quarantine after vaccinations

It takes time to develop antibodies, so immediately after vaccination the pet is not yet ready to encounter viruses and bacteria. Before being introduced to the outside world, he is vaccinated against distemper, enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis and rabies.

In addition to the main vaccination, repeated or revaccination is carried out. It is necessary for the formation of the maximum possible number of antibodies. The second vaccination is given 21-28 days after the first. After this, the doctor explains when you can start walking the puppy.

In most cases, quarantine is exactly 2 weeks. During this period it is necessary:

Slight lethargy and fever in the first 3 days after vaccination are absolutely normal. The help of a veterinarian will be required only for breathing problems, seizures, frequent vomiting and blue mucous membranes.

First walk

Before taking your puppy for the first time outside, you need to take care of equipment and training. Memorizing basic commands can be done right at home, since they do not require much space to perform them.


During quarantine, start purchasing the necessary things and raising your little four-legged animal. To do this you will need:

Conduct the lesson in a playful way so that the four-legged dog does not get bored. The best reinforcement at this age is tasty treats, so don't skimp on treats.

When can you take your puppy outside?

It is better to take a walk before eating or at least half an hour after feeding. Otherwise, your pet will be very lethargic and will not be able to concentrate.

During the daytime, go outside immediately after your baby wakes up, and in the evening, try to go out shortly before he goes to bed. Such a walking schedule will help develop the correct regime that excludes activity at night.

Duration of walking

At first, you need to walk your pet 6 times a day for 10-15 minutes. If you have the opportunity to go out more often, do it. Frequent walks make toilet training easier, so ideally walks should be done every 2-3 hours.

As you get used to the street, try to increase the duration of your walk. Ultimately, it should be 1.5-2 hours - depending on the breed of the animal and your capabilities.

How to increase time and range

At first, the baby will be very afraid, so do not oversaturate him with impressions. Walk away from busy streets along the same route until the puppy adapts to the new sensations. This may take about 3 weeks.

Increase the walking time and distance gradually. A new territory should arouse interest, not fear, so be sure to supplement your walks with outdoor games. Motivation is stimulated by your sincere praise and affection.

How long does it take to walk your Yorkie outside?

The question is relevant for all Yorkie owners walking their pet. Let's understand the nuances.

When answering the question - how long does it take to walk a Yorkie outside? – it is necessary to decide on the age, characteristics of keeping the Yorkshire Terrier, as well as the time of year. At the same time, it is important to take into account the dog’s temperament, as well as some important components. Don't forget that a walk has several purposes: toilet, fresh air, entertainment, socialization.

As for age, before the age of 1 year it is best to take the puppy outside for 15-20 minutes so that he gets used to the street (but only if the puppy has had all his vaccinations). One walk a day will be more than enough. After a year, you can walk your Yorkie more often: 2-3 times a day. Being outdoors is very beneficial for a dog.

Depending on the time of year, the time allotted for a walk may be adjusted. So, in the summer, the time for a walk can be maximum and depend on your free time. At the same time, we would still advise sticking to a certain selected time period to which your Yorkie is already accustomed. This disciplines the dog. She manages to do all her chores in the allotted time. Thus, your pet’s internal biological clock also works. During the first half of autumn and the second half of spring, walks for an adult Yorkie can last 45-60 minutes. When cold weather sets in in the fall, or on fairly cold days in early spring, the time should be reduced to half an hour. In winter, we would recommend that you walk your Yorkie during the thaw period or if you have warm clothes. To have an idea of ​​what clothes to wear for your Yorkie depending on the time of year, we suggest reading our article.

How you keep your dog also affects the amount of time you give your Yorkie for a walk. Surely, owners who rarely walk their Yorkie have noticed how impulsively and chaotically the dog behaves on the street, how it reacts to people and what is happening around them. In this regard, if your Yorkie is a “lap dog” and is mainly kept at home, it is advisable to plan walks if you have enough free time. The dog needs to get used to the street before calmly enjoying what is happening, while doing all its important things. In this case, we recommend walking your Yorkie for at least an hour (taking into account the time of year).

To sum up our article and question – how long does it take to walk a Yorkie outside? - from more, everything is purely individual, and no one knows the dog better than the owner. There is no universal period of time. Walking time depends on many factors described above. Have fun!

Where can I walk my dog?

The success of the first walk also depends on the right location. Owners of puppies should have an idea of ​​how to walk them. The best places are where the baby will be protected from threats that may frighten him. He should not be taken to areas with adult dogs, they can not only scare your pet, but also infect him with some kind of disease. You should avoid crowded places, and it is also not recommended to take him for a walk near the roadway.

Walk in your own area

The easiest way to take a dog for a walk is for residents of the private sector or owners of country cottages. Only for this you need to remove in advance anything that he can eat or harm himself in any way, and also check whether the fence is intact so that he does not sneak away in search of adventure, or other animals do not sneak into your territory. Constantly being in the fresh air and moving, your puppy will get stronger physically.

But you should also not forget that you need to walk with him not only within your own area, but also on a promenade along the street. You need to make sure that the dog does not pick up anything from the ground; to do this, teach it the “fu” command. In order to accustom him to this command, try to seem moderately strict to him.

Walking outside

If you are an apartment owner, then you should walk your pet outside. To do this, going outside:

  • put a collar on the animal;
  • fasten the leash;
  • in case of cold weather, dress him in warm clothes.

If the puppy puts something in its mouth, respond with a stern “ew” and take it away. The voice should have a threatening intonation, and the gaze should be piercing.

Interesting: What is recommended to feed German Shepherd puppies?

During a walk, you can unfasten the leash or let your dog run freely with the leash so that you can easily catch up with him. Don’t forget to keep his attention busy with games, and also teach him to come “to me” on command. It is best to start teaching your puppy the simplest commands at one month of age. Training your puppy will help you raise an obedient dog.

When can a puppy walk outside without vaccination?

The availability of vaccination directly determines how many months you can walk with your puppy. If the baby has already been separated from his mother, but has not yet been vaccinated, then he is strictly forbidden to communicate with other animals and pick up objects from the ground. These conditions are easily met in the local area of ​​a country house. Before walking, the yard must be thoroughly cleared of debris and hazardous objects.

If you live in the city, take your pet for a walk in your arms. Make sure the weather is warm and dry before heading out. Otherwise, the baby may catch a cold and get sick.

Basic walking rules

When walking with your four-legged pet, you must remain clean and monitor the safety of others. All waste must be disposed of in special boxes or regular bins, so be sure to carry bags for cleaning up feces with you.

Walking in public places is strictly on a leash, regardless of the age, size and nature of the animal. Walking without a leash is allowed only in dog parks and outside the city, that is, in the most deserted places.

The requirements for wearing a muzzle are more flexible. It is mandatory only for representatives of certain breeds.

Points to consider while walking

A walk should bring joy to your pet. It is necessary to organize it competently so that it is exciting, active and, most importantly, safe.

There are a number of rules for walking that the owner should consider:

  • You need to start walking gradually, and you need to find out from the veterinarian at what age you can walk your puppy so as not to catch an infection.
  • It is recommended to go for a walk to a special dog park. If there is none, then you need to choose a secluded, quiet place and, most importantly, away from the road. For example, dachshund dogs especially enjoy walks near a pond.
  • It is necessary to accustom your pet to the route gradually. So, for 3-4 weeks you need to walk the same road to the place of walking.
  • The dog must be kept on a leash. You can let him off the leash, but only if the dog reacts calmly to people and other animals.
  • To be able to redirect your pet’s attention, you should take toys that can captivate him when going for a walk.
  • Gradually, the dog needs to be taught to follow commands. The best helpers in this case will be treats that you need to take for a walk.
  • While walking, you need to make sure that the dog does not pick up food from the ground.
  • Attempts at aggression towards other pets and people must be sharply suppressed.
  • The dog should be prohibited from relieving itself at the entrance.

In winter, some breeds need special clothing

When going off the leash, the owner needs to be prepared for the fact that people around will be unhappy with this. This is a natural reaction, since many people are wary of dogs without a leash or muzzle. It is worth taking care of the safety of citizens: either walk the dog away from people, or put a muzzle and leash on it.

In general, properly organized walks for pets will bring joy to both the four-legged friend and his owner.

York and winter walks

Winter time is good in its own way. However, owners of Yorkshire terriers perceive it as a real test. I have to walk the dog in the dark before work in the morning and after in the evening. The weather is often far from pleasant: wet snow and frost. However, despite all this, being outdoors and allowing your pet to perform its ritual is also mandatory. York and walking in winter: we look into the peculiarities of walking a Yorkshire terrier in winter.

Winter walks with a Yorkie: what to consider?

The first point that should be controlled in a special way is the temperature outside. The Yorkshire Terrier is a fairly heat-loving breed of dog. Their coat is beautiful and thick, but there is no warm undercoat. Some dogs may experience less discomfort in the cold. But a Yorkie, especially a short-haired one, will simply tremble even at temperatures around 0; not to mention negative values. What to do?

First, try to buy a warm jacket or overalls. Some people are good at making clothes themselves. The second point is the walking time. If in warm weather you walked for an hour, in cold weather be sure to reduce the duration of walks to 10-15 minutes (maximum). It’s better to go out three times during the day, two at a time. During walks, monitor the reaction and condition of the dog. She can signal to you by her behavior or in other ways (by the same trembling or tucking her paws) that she is freezing. In this case, you should not stay outside for a long time. Your pet may also catch a cold or even get sick.

It is also extremely important how the Yorkie behaves on the street. If he is choleric, constantly runs around and does not stand in one place, the risk of catching a cold or becoming seriously ill in sub-zero weather is much lower. More phlegmatic dogs are more susceptible to hypothermia.

What shoes are suitable for Yorkies in winter?

You can find special boots on sale that can protect your dog’s paws in the cold. They are also worn to protect paw pads and skin from salt and reagents that are sprinkled on the roads. Not all dogs respond equally well to appropriate footwear. It will take time to accustom your Yorkie to such walks.

What weather is critical for a Yorkie in winter?

Is it possible to train a Yorkie to go to the toilet in a diaper in winter?

On forums you can often find a recommendation that in cold weather they try to teach a Yorkshire terrier to go to the litter box or to use a diaper. The success of this event depends on the individual dog, its habits, habits and previous experience. It will be very difficult to accustom an adult Yorkie, who has never done this before, to a diaper only during frosts or winter. It is better to do this from the age of the puppy. Otherwise, the dog simply won’t understand where to go to the toilet, he will endure it, and end up urinating anywhere.

Be careful, follow a few simple rules, and your Yorkie will be cheerful and healthy on winter walks.

How to bathe a puppy

A Yorkshire Terrier puppy needs to be bathed regularly, even if the coat does not look dirty.

The baby must get used to washing in childhood, so that in adulthood the procedure takes place with minimal discomfort.

Preparing for a swim

Yorkie puppies are bathed using the following accessories:

  • shallow plastic basin;
  • rubber mat;
  • a wide-toothed comb;
  • slicker;
  • a bowl for dispensing shampoo;
  • long pile towels;
  • hairdryer

Cosmetics will require shampoo and conditioner. To monitor the water temperature, it is recommended to purchase a thermometer.

The puppy is bathed in a warm room without drafts. If the room is cold, first turn on the heater for a few minutes.

Beforehand, the Yorkshire Terrier is thoroughly combed, otherwise the fur will become even more tangled in the process.

Bathing your pet

The following instructions will help you bathe your Yorkie puppy correctly:

  1. Place a mat on the bottom of the bath to prevent slipping, and place the basin on it.
  2. Pour some water into the container at a temperature of +36…38°C.
  3. The Yorkshire Terrier is placed in a basin and watered from a ladle or shower to wet the fur.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix shampoo with warm water in the ratio specified in the instructions. It is not advisable to use undiluted cosmetics, as they can cause allergies.
  5. The Yorkshire Terrier is lathered with the resulting mixture, starting from the back and ending with the limbs, distributed with massage movements, and then immediately rinsed with clean water. Then the process is repeated. The first application washes away the dirt; the second application reveals the caring properties of the shampoo.
  6. The head is washed separately, being as careful as possible so that the shampoo does not get into the eyes and mouth. The ears are pressed to the skull.
  7. Apply conditioner and leave for the time specified in the instructions. You can add a couple of drops of coconut or palm oil to it. Then rinse thoroughly, paying special attention to the armpits and groin. If makeup is left on the body, the skin may turn red and begin to peel.
  8. The clean wool is lightly wrung out with your hands, then the Yorkie is wrapped in a soft towel, which is preheated a little.


After the owner has finished bathing the Yorkshire Terrier puppy, it is necessary to remove moisture from the ears as quickly as possible. To do this, wipe them with cotton swabs or a paper napkin.

The wet towel is replaced with a new one, and the Yorkie is wrapped again. It is not recommended to rub the puppy - the fur will become even more tangled. If the baby is not afraid of a hairdryer, you can blow it with a stream of air at medium temperature. At the same time, the fur is brushed with a massage brush.

If a noisy device scares the puppy, drying is carried out naturally. The Yorkshire Terrier should not be held by force - it will develop negative associations, which will make it difficult to bathe the dog in the future.

It is better to accustom a Yorkie puppy to a hair dryer in a playful way:

  1. First, the Yorkshire Terrier is introduced to the switched off device. Shows that he poses no danger.
  2. When the puppy gets used to the device, turn on the minimum power and direct the air flow to a feather or piece of paper thrown on the floor. York is praised when he is not afraid, shows interest and tries to play.
  3. The lessons are repeated, gradually increasing the power to the required level.

If you act gently and systematically, soon your Yorkshire Terrier puppy will treat the hair dryer completely calmly.


The structure of the hair of adult Yorkshire Terriers is similar to that of humans, but puppies are covered with soft down, which often forms tangles. After bathing, the fur is carefully untangled, first with your fingers, then with a wide-tooth comb, starting from the middle of the back down on both sides. Then they go over the stomach, muzzle, neck, chest and tail.

The tangles are treated with a slicker, and what cannot be untangled is cut off. For hygienic purposes, the hair on the paw pads, around the eyes and genitals is shortened. You can go for a walk no earlier than 2 hours later, but it is better to bathe Yorkshire terrier puppies before bed.

For your information. When brushing, it is important not to hurt your Yorkie, otherwise he will avoid the procedure.

Taking an adult dog outside after vaccination

Having figured out when you can walk a puppy, it remains to mention quarantine for adult animals. After a year, the acquired immunity weakens again, so the older dog is given a new vaccination. Such vaccination does not cancel walks, but requires caution when communicating with other four-legged animals.

To avoid transmission of infection by contact, veterinarians recommend keeping other animals away from the vaccinated pet for 2-3 weeks after the vaccine is administered. Additional safety measures include reducing physical activity and avoiding swimming. When you return home, it will be enough to simply wash your paws.

The puppy's first walk is a very exciting and joyful event that requires some preparation. Getting to know the outside world is often scary, so be prepared to help your pet in difficult times and do not forget about his safety.

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