Golden Retriever: breed characteristics, dog care

Golden is one of the best options for a family. The breed adapts very well to apartments and dachas. He loves to play with children. He is distinguished by his balance, calmness and love for people. They just don’t know how to bite and bark idlely, only during play. Many goldens retain their puppy-like cheerfulness into old age.

Golden Retrievers are very active dogs that require 40-60 minutes of vigorous exercise each day for both their muscles and mind. They enjoy obedience training, agility, and other canine activities that will be a great way to give your dog physical and mental exercise.

Goldens shed a lot, especially in spring and fall. Brushing daily will get rid of dead hair, preventing it from settling on your clothes and throughout the house.

The friendly and tolerant nature of this breed makes them excellent pets, and their intelligence makes them very capable for a variety of jobs. These retrievers are excellent at fetching game for hunters, tracking, and detecting contraband and drugs. Golden Retrievers are often used as therapy dogs. They are also natural athletes and excel in canine sports such as agility and Frisbee.

Origin of the breed

The history of the origin of the golden retriever dates back to England in the 19th century. At that time, representatives of the English and Scottish elite had a hobby of hunting ducks in local forests and marshes. They were always accompanied by hounds, but there were enough of them who were able to find a shot trophy in the dense thickets or pull it out of the water.

The Scottish Lord Majoribanks Tweedmouth spent about 50 years developing the Golden Retriever breed.
The result of his work was a new breed of Golden Retriever. The dog received recognition after winning one of the competitions in England, where it outperformed its fellow dogs according to several criteria. The information was published by the editors of various magazines and newspapers. Additional Information. For a long time, it was a secret for everyone - whose genes were inherited by the golden retriever.
From the Lord's records it became clear that representatives of water spaniels, Labradors, Blandhounds, smooth-haired retrievers and setters took part in the formation of the breed. The goal was not only to gain hunting and swimming skills, but also to breed a gold-colored breed. Puppies were first officially registered in 1868. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed became widespread in the United States, and in the late 80s it came to Russia.

Famous owners

Golden retrievers are distinguished by their attractive appearance, kind and cheerful disposition, and friendliness. It is not surprising that many celebrities preferred this breed.

Golden was the favorite dog of US President Gerald Ford. The dog's name was Liberty. The President adored his pet and even threw parties at the White House in honor of his birthdays. Ford was often criticized for this in the press.

Famous film actor James Belushi had a golden dog named Memo for fifteen years. Celebrities such as Bradley Cooper, Pamela Anderson and Jackie Chan also own golden retrievers.

Description and breed standards

Golden Retrievers are larger than average in size and stature, have a well-developed body, a pretty appearance and a golden coat.

Breed standard

The Golden Retriever has the following generally accepted characteristics:

  • body height of males at the withers – 50-60 cm, females – 50-55 cm;
  • boys’ weight is from 26 to 40 kg, girls’ weight is from 25 to 35 kg;
  • the body is developed with a muscular neck and a wide chest;
  • the head is proportional to the size of the body, with a wide forehead and a slightly elongated muzzle;
  • black nose with large open nostrils;
  • the eyes are brown, set wide apart;
  • triangular-shaped, hanging-type ears;
  • legs are straight, muscular with rounded paws;
  • straight, long tail;
  • average life expectancy is about 12 years; dogs that have lived 16-17 years are considered long-livers;
  • by character – obedient, amenable to training;
  • good character does not allow dogs to be guards.

Coat and its color

Golden Retrievers have a long and thick coat. Wool is quite tough, with water-repellent properties. The thick undercoat is waterproof. The longest hair is found in the area of ​​the ears, chest, back of the paws and tail. Externally, the cover looks a little wavy.

Different colors of golden retrievers

A distinctive feature of the breed is its color - all shades of gold and cream. A small white or silvery patch on the front of the chest is acceptable. Among the representatives there may be a white retriever. Brown and red-red shades are not allowed.

Additional Information. Due to their cute appearance, proper physique and kind look, Golden Retrievers have gained maximum popularity in photos on social networks.


The genetics of the colors of such a dog can vary from classic golden shades to cream and almost white. The coat color of dogs of this breed can take on different shades of the above colors, with the exception of ginger and red.

The color of such dogs is usually uniform throughout the body, but many representatives of the breed may have small spots on the chest. Genetics and the correct content of vitamins and fats in the diet are responsible for the color characteristics of dogs. The intensity of the color is influenced by rufus polygenes, and if the dog has an overly light shade, this indicates that the color was influenced by another gene - cch.

The Golden Retriever is often confused with the Golden Setter due to their similar colors, but they are two completely different dog breeds.

The black retriever and mixed breed of this breed are not recognized by the international standard; professional breeders and elite nurseries sell such puppies several times cheaper.

Golden Retriever Diseases

To maintain health and prevent diseases, you must strictly follow the rules of caring for your pet. Violating the Golden Retriever's diet can lead to food allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, or obesity. Obesity, in turn, can trigger arthritis.

The occurrence of many diseases is explained by the genetic predisposition of retrievers. This applies to cancer or hip dysplasia. Golden retrievers also have diseases such as diabetes mellitus, atopic dermatitis, and retinal degeneration.

Golden retriever at the veterinary clinic

On a note! Regular visits to the veterinary clinic and proper care will help avoid many diseases in your dog.


The popularity of Goldens overshadowed its true purpose, because the breed was bred to search, select and serve shot birds. In addition, the duties of the dogs included finding the shelter of the game and lifting the bird onto the wing. Today, hunting with the Golden Retriever is not common. There are at least a dozen breeds in the world that are sharper, more temperamental, hardy, unpretentious, or, to put it simply, more suitable for hunting.

However, one should not downplay the working qualities of these dogs; they have a number of important skills:

  • Calmness and balance in any situation.
  • Soft mouth - the dog brings the game undamaged.
  • Lack of hunting game, which is typical for Setters. The dog does not get excited and is well controlled while working.
  • With a love of water and a waterproof undercoat, the four-legged dog will, without hesitation, rush after a wounded animal even into icy water.
  • The ability to work with a whistle and gestures, which greatly simplifies the hunting process.

Important! If you plan to hunt with a Golden Retriever, it is important to meet several conditions:

  • The baby's parents must be working dogs.

  • Your ward must prepare for field conditions from childhood, and this is specific training.
  • The dog must have breeding documents and pass working tests.

Features of character and behavior

The level of friendliness of the golden river is simply off the charts. A retriever is a dog that is ready to open up to anyone who wants to play with it or treat it with something tasty. A Golden Retriever dog can lift even the saddest mood. Sometimes communication with representatives of the breed is used as therapy to relieve depression.

Walking games

The Golden Terrier is not capable of aggression. In addition, he gets along well with other pets. A retriever puppy is ideal for families with children. The pet is very delicate and patient with the tricks of the kids. He will become the child's best friend.

If you need a dog with protective qualities for your home, then it is better to get a shepherd dog, since the too kind nature of the golden retriever does not allow it to perform this function.


In most cases, the first heat begins after the animal has completely replaced its teeth. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine a more precise period. Estrus is considered the final stage of development of canine organisms. The development of golden retrievers takes slightly longer, so the first heat can begin at 12 months.

It is not recommended to breed a four-legged pet during its first heat, since the body is not yet strong enough to bear and give birth to offspring. It is better to postpone this procedure until 2-3 estrus, when the female can fully bear puppies without deteriorating her own health. Mating can be carried out independently if the owner has experience and skills in breeding such animals. But if there is no qualification, it is recommended to enlist the help of a veterinarian or an experienced instructor.

Training and education

Thanks to good memory and developed intelligence, the dog easily remembers any commands. Training should be carried out regularly from an early age, and no concessions should be given, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. Training should begin with basic commands - sit, walk nearby, prohibition on picking up anything from the ground. For every success you need to praise and reward with a treat. You should not devote too much time to training, otherwise your pet may lose interest in it. Training should alternate with play.

Retriever training

On a note! If you can’t cope with training on your own, or you intend to teach the dog more complex commands, it is better to contact a dog trainer.

Exercise stress

Retrievers are very active, they need increased physical and mental stress. From the age of 2 months, the puppy is walked up to 6 times a day for 10-20 minutes. Over time, the number of walks is reduced and the load is increased. An adult retriever is walked at least twice a day. The first time is about 30 minutes, the second walk is a full walk, about 2 hours with games and training. Representatives of the breed are wonderful companions for a morning bike ride or jog.

If a dog does not receive sufficient physical activity, its character will not change for the better, and its behavior will often become destructive.

Pet care

The quality of care for your pet determines its health and life expectancy. Certain rules must not be broken.


The diet can be formed from dry food or natural products. Dry food is convenient because it has a balanced composition and contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Suitable natural foods for feeding include:

  • Lean meats - chicken, beef, turkey. They can be given either boiled or raw.
  • By-products – liver, heart, boiled lung.
  • Vegetables – carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, boiled or finely chopped.
  • Cottage cheese and kefir with a low fat content.
  • Sea fish.
  • Apples, pears, bananas.
  • Rice and buckwheat porridge.

It is strictly forbidden to feed the retriever flour products, sweets, smoked meats, pasta or potatoes, spicy or fried foods, and bones.

A cup of clean water should always be freely available.

Important! Feeding an adult dog should be no more than twice a day. Eating too large portions, snacking or poor diet can lead to obesity.


An important point of care is brushing your pet. This must be done at least 2-3 times a week using a special brush or mitten placed on your hand. During the molting period, it is advisable to repeat the procedure daily.

Dirt in the ears is removed using a cotton swab dipped in water. You can wipe your eyes with weak tea leaves or chamomile infusion. Teeth are cleaned with a brush or special treats. Nails need to be trimmed a couple of times a month.

You need to wash your dog as needed or before participating in an exhibition.


Dogs of this breed love active walks so that they have the opportunity to run freely, play and socialize with other dogs. Walks should last at least 2 hours a day.

Puppies need to be accustomed to the street gradually. First, they are taken for a walk in less noisy areas, in park areas. Gradually, it is necessary to move the walking places to crowded places so that the pet gets used to it and feels comfortable.

How to choose a puppy and its cost

The price of a puppy will depend on the pedigree of its parents, class, and gender. The most inexpensive puppy will cost 30,000-40,000 rubles. The difference in the price of puppies can be significant; there are specimens costing up to 1000 euros.[1]

Golden retriever puppies

When choosing a puppy, the future owner should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • full compliance with breed standards;
  • availability of vaccinations, brands and metrics;
  • detailed information about parents;
  • externally, the puppy should look healthy and well-groomed;
  • The puppy's temperament must meet the stated requirements.

If you want to have a kind, intelligent, obedient friend, you should choose the Golden Retriever breed. You can pick up a puppy in one of the nurseries after carefully studying the information about him and his parents. Caring for your dog involves maintaining a proper diet, hygiene procedures and daily walks. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, you need to periodically visit a veterinary clinic. Particular attention should be paid to caring for your pet’s long hair. Basic commands can be taught independently; the Golden Retriever is very smart and quickly remembers information.

[1] Prices valid for April 2022

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