How to cut a Yorkie's hair: beauty secrets with step-by-step instructions

Yorkshire Terriers have long and thick hair, which gives them a special charm. This beauty requires care: the dog should be brushed and trimmed regularly.

There are a large number of model haircuts for Yorkies that will give your pet a unique look. You can get your Yorkie cut at a grooming salon; a professional groomer will help you choose a style that is suitable for the dog.

A more budget-friendly option is to trim your Yorkie yourself. To do this, you need to learn some grooming rules and practice a little.

How to choose a haircut that suits your pet and how to properly trim your Yorkie at home will be discussed in the article.

General rules for cutting Yorkies

Whether a Yorkie should be cut or not is up to the owner to decide. Many people value the breed precisely because of its beautiful long coat. To maintain a neat appearance, your pet's coat should be washed with shampoo and combed regularly.

If this is not done, the Yorkshire Terrier will become covered in tangles. And this is a question not only of aesthetics, but also of the dog’s convenience. Therefore, many owners prefer to give their pet a short haircut.

Important. Even if the owner wants to keep long hair, the pet still needs a hygienic haircut. An uncut Yorkie is a very depressing sight, because its hair can reach a length twice its height.

Why do you need dog grooming at home?

Not every owner of a four-legged friend can afford to have their beloved dog groomed in grooming salons. And often this is connected not with finances, but with time. Ordering a technician to come to your home will solve a lot of problems, including:

  • time spent traveling and waiting in line for an appointment;
  • stress for the pet associated with a change in environment;
  • possible problems with other animals in the cabin.

On a note! At the moment, many salons that provide hairdressing services for animals offer their clients dog grooming at home at the same price as in the salon.

This approach is very beneficial for owners who can provide their pet with quality care without overpayment. All procedures are carried out by professional craftsmen, so the result of cosmetic procedures is virtually no different from a salon procedure.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier: at home or at the groomer?

You can trim your pet yourself, or you can trust a professional. Each option has pros and cons.

Professional Yorkie grooming is a guarantee of quality. The salon has all the necessary equipment, and the master knows how to trim the animal correctly. In addition, such places are specially equipped to make both the dog and its owner comfortable.

There are other options: invite a specialist to your home or bring your pet to his home. Disadvantages: this is by no means a cheap pleasure, and you also need to adapt to the master’s schedule.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier yourself is budget-friendly. In addition, you can choose any time convenient for this. Of the minuses: you will have to learn all the intricacies of the process, as well as buy tools.

How to cut a dog's hair yourself?

Any haircut is based on neatness and symmetry. Different zones have their own cutting characteristics and require the use of certain tools.

The haircut pattern looks like this:

  • ears . Trim a third of the ear into a triangle shape using a trimmer or clipper with a 2 mm nozzle, then trim the edges with scissors and get rid of excess hair, maintaining the triangular shape. The fur from the inside of the ear must be removed;
  • claws _ Using a guillotine nail cutter, you need to carefully trim the claws, maintaining the natural angle of grinding, and then file them with a nail file to avoid delamination;
  • back . To shave the hair with a clipper down to 1 cm or 7 mm, in order to eliminate all excess hairs, you need to go over the same place with the clipper several times, without going beyond the line between the ears. If there are no plans to maintain the "skirt", then the hair on the stomach should also be shaved;
  • neck . Trim excess hair with a clipper without touching the head and ears. The nozzle must be at least 3 mm. The hair at the front is cut to the beginning of the lower jaw;
  • breast . Holding the dog by the head from below, in short, jerky movements, walk from the middle of the chest with a 7 mm nozzle, and then change it to a smaller one;
  • belly _ If the dog has a “skirt”, the coat needs to be trimmed using scissors; if the belly is shaved, use an attachment with a wide knife;
  • paws _ Carefully comb the hair on the limbs, then use scissors to trim it down to 5-10 cm. If you plan to shave the hair from the paws, you will need a nozzle of at least 3 mm;
  • head _ Comb the hair on the head and gather it into a ponytail on the top of the head, and if there is no tail, then the regrown hair on the forehead, between the ears and above the eyes must be shaved with a clipper with a 6 mm nozzle. Cut the bottom edge into an oval shape, align the hair under the chin and align the edges with the edges of the coat that was trimmed earlier;
  • cut the hair on the paw pads and between the toes with a clipper to a length of 5 mm;
  • remove hair under the tail and in the groin area using a machine with a 3 mm nozzle;
  • carefully and thoroughly trim the hair in the armpit area with a clipper to 2 mm.

How to cut the tail depends on the taste and desire of the owner.


Before you start cutting your Yorkshire Terrier, you need to watch how the master works and carefully study training videos on the Internet on this topic.

At what age can a Yorkie be cut?

A Yorkie's first grooming usually occurs at three months of age. However, there is one caveat. You can take your dog to a specialist only after 10 days have passed since the basic vaccinations. You can't cut your puppy's hair with a clipper for the first time. The baby may be frightened by unusual sounds and unusual surroundings.

In addition, his fur has not yet formed, like that of an adult dog. Therefore, the master does only hygienic treatment with scissors. Further, Yorkies can be cut at any age at the owner's request.

For your information. A hygienic puppy grooming is necessary. If this is not done, the hair in the groin and ear area may grow, which will cause discomfort to the pet.

Get to the point!

As with a regular haircut, tidying up your Yorkie requires care and attention. A hygienic haircut is considered basic, serving as the basis for any model and the initial stage of growing hair to show length.

Important! Wearing a white cotton robe will save your dog's hair from accumulating static charges.

Even before you start cutting your hair, you should deal with tangles - this is where a slicker brush will help; just don’t use it with all your might; if you can’t immediately untangle the hairball, it’s better to cut it off with short scissors. At this point, the terrier should be restrained and, ideally, someone else is keeping an eye on him.

Washing is mandatory both before trimming (so that the clipper does not break down from being overfilled with dirty hair) and after it is finished (otherwise the dog will be nervous and restless). Make sure that all the water is at room temperature, soap the animal from tail to nose, and rinse in the reverse order!

When bathing, drying and combing are finished, you can finally pick up the scissors.

Yorkie haircuts: varieties and what they are intended for

The owner himself explains to the groomer what result he wants to see in the end. And for this you need to understand the types of Yorkie haircuts.

The following types exist:

  1. Hygienic Yorkie haircut. This is a regular procedure that should be taught to your pet from an early age. Its goal is to maintain the health of the dog. The principle is to trim the hair in the groin, anus, near the genitals, tail, between the toes, ears and armpits, as well as in the eye area. In addition, the complex includes nail trimming. This procedure is especially necessary during hot periods.
  2. Cosmetic option. This is a type of exhibition haircut. It is regulated by the organizers of such events. Without it, the Yorkshire Terrier is not allowed to participate in competitions or exhibitions. A cosmetic haircut involves removing hair from the groin, armpits and a third of the ears. You also need to trim the hairs between your fingers. Everything else is kept in its original form, washed, combed and trimmed to length.
  3. Model Yorkie haircut. This is a more creative option, not intended for exhibitions, for which there are no rules or restrictions. Rather, it is the owner’s desire to show imagination and make the pet different from other Yorkshire terriers. This category includes schnauzer, puppy, chinchilla, Asian, and Korean haircuts. However, behind the riot of creativity, one should not forget about the comfort of the dog.

Grooming at home: features

Many dog ​​owners are afraid to groom their pet at home because they are afraid of a lot of hair.

Indeed, working with a machine or scissors is carried out mainly on dry wool, which is why it can fly far and quickly. But this can be avoided. The main thing is to prepare the workplace for the procedure.

Usually the issue is resolved by removing all carpets in the room while the groomer is working. After this, the cut wool can be easily removed from the floor. Being in your own environment will also work to your advantage. Not all dogs show their fear in a new place, which is fraught with suppressed stress and, possibly, a blow to the pet’s psyche. And the presence of a loving owner nearby will contribute to a calmer state of the pet.

Haircuts for Yorkie Boys

The haircut technique for a male individual is maintained in a strict style. The groomer creates straight lines, leaving short hair on the face. Owners do not strive to decorate such pets. Therefore, hairstyles for Yorkie boys are very short.

The most common option is shortened hair on the body, trimmed paws and no forelock.

Some owners like to add creativity and brutality to their pet's image. A good option for this is to imitate the haircuts of other, larger breeds. For example, a schnauzer hairstyle.

Possibility of styling the Yorkie's coat

Using model haircuts allows you to create an imitation of the appearance of a variety of breeds, shorten the coat for hot months, and give the dog a sophisticated look. The main thing is that the concept is thought out so that it emphasizes the external advantages of the animal and the individual preferences of its owners.

Important! Yorkshire terriers should not be clipped. This will extremely slow down fur renewal and create a disgusting picture. The only exception is when the hair has been left without care for too long, and there is no other way to deal with tangles.

A standard haircut differs from a hygienic one in that the hair is shortened and straightened on the ears, beard, paws and bangs. Always consult with specialists when choosing an option, consider the type of animal's fur. The most universal is considered to be a perfectly smooth hair shape.

Model solutions are divided into:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • imitating other breeds;
  • creating the image of a small puppy (from the fur to the ground there should be exactly three centimeters);
  • classic;
  • original.

Weaving braids and fixing them with elastic bands is carried out at the request of clients. The classic format is quite diverse and allows you to embody creative delights of various kinds.

Haircuts for Yorkie girls

The owners of little beauties prefer to emphasize the tenderness and sophistication of their pets. Therefore, they are decorated with bows and hairpins.

A very fashionable haircut for Yorkie girls is the so-called “skirt”. For her, the hair on the sides and back is removed, leaving length on the tummy and tail.

No less popular is the Korean hairstyle, which has a doll-like look. The hairs on the body are shortened, but on the paws and muzzle they remain long. The bangs are braided so that they hang down the sides of the muzzle.

Another “squeak” is a Chinese Crested haircut for girls. The name speaks for itself.

Hairstyles for female Yorkies in the style of top notes and French braids are also very interesting. To do this, you need to cut the hair on your body, but leave it on your back and braid it.

One thing after another, what is important to consider

The sequence in which the hair on Yorkies is cut is as follows:

  • ears;
  • claws;
  • intercushion areas;
  • sub-caudal space;
  • armpits;
  • along the spine;
  • paws;
  • neck (to the lower jaw);
  • rib cage.

Each of these regions has its own nuances, for example, the outside of the ear is trimmed with a two-millimeter nozzle or the smallest trimmer, the edges are trimmed with scissors, making sure that the ear does not cease to be triangular. Split ends of hair are cut off in any case, even if it is not possible to maintain the intended length.

In addition to regular combs, a Yorkie owner’s arsenal must include a massage comb based on natural bristles, which improves blood supply to the follicles. After combing, before cutting, sometimes lubricate the hair with oils (preference for those that do not need to be washed off).

When cutting ears, they are conventionally divided into three fragments: only excess hair is removed from the top, and the rest is evenly placed in front of and behind the ear. To form a standard haircut, the wool is edged with thinning scissors. If you have the slightest doubt about your strengths and skills, it is better to turn to professionals.

Grooming Yorkies at home: step-by-step instructions

As mentioned above, cutting your hair at home has its advantages. There is no need to take your dog somewhere, adapt to the master and pay a lot of money.

The cost of a hygienic haircut for a Yorkie in Moscow is about 1,600 rubles. The exhibition or model version will cost more. Also, all masters have different price lists for house calls.

Therefore, cutting a Yorkshire Terrier with your own hands is a convenient solution. However, it is not as budget-friendly as it might seem at first glance.

To properly trim your Yorkie at home, you need to purchase special tools. And not just scissors. But, once you invest money in a purchase, you can use the tools for many years.

What you need to groom Yorkies

List of tools:

  1. Scissors for professional grooming. All dogs are different. And their hair may also have its own characteristics and differ in structure. One trimmed Yorkie can wear the hair for several weeks, while another will start growing it out in seven days. Therefore, scissors must be of high quality so that they do not have to be constantly sharpened. The model of the tool depends on the type of haircut desired. There are straight and curved scissors, mini (for legs and ears) and larger ones. It is also worth paying attention to the shape of the ends. Rounded ones are designed for cutting in vulnerable areas. At the final stage you will need thinning scissors.
  2. Yorkie clipper. It is worth choosing a device designed specifically for dogs. Human hair differs from animal hair in its stiffness. Therefore, a human clipper is not suitable for cutting Yorkies. Preference should be given to a device with replaceable nozzles. To trim the muzzle and genital area, you will need a narrow trimmer. It comes with many machines. There are also devices with plastic nozzles. However, they are not suitable for cutting. Plastic elements quickly fail and are significantly inferior in quality to steel ones. In addition, there is a possibility of causing discomfort to your pet, because hairs often get stuck in the plastic.
  3. Rug. Any bedding with a rubberized base will do. The Yorkshire Terrier should stand firmly and not slide on uncomfortable surfaces.
  4. File, tweezers and guillotine for trimming claws.
  5. Comb.
  6. Colt cutter.
  7. Bathrobe made from natural materials. Everything sticks to synthetics, so the owner runs the risk of collecting small hairs on his clothes that are not so easy to remove.

Remember. Show Yorkshire Terriers do not have their mats trimmed. Tangled areas need to be sorted out by hand, and then smoothed and leveled.

How to trim your Yorkshire Terrier's nails and paws

First you need to prepare the animal, wash it, comb it thoroughly and remove tangles.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The procedure begins with the limbs. You should carefully take each paw and trim the hair between the toes with a clipper. There is no need to rush: there is a risk of injuring the dog. You also need to take into account the structural features of the limbs. You need to bend the paws in the natural direction for the animal: the front ones - under the stomach, the back ones - back.
  2. Proceed with the claws. Take a guillotine and carefully trim the nails. The natural angle at which the Yorkshire Terrier grinds them down should be maintained. It is important not to touch the blood vessels. After the procedure, file the claws so that they do not begin to delaminate.

How to trim a Yorkie's face

When cutting your head, you also need to be careful, as this is a vulnerable spot. The dog may suddenly twitch in response to an extraneous sound. Therefore, it is important to take your time and do everything carefully.

The haircut of a Yorkie's muzzle is not easy to style, because you need to create a rounded shape, but at the same time maintain asymmetry:

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head. If it is undesirable to leave it, then the hair on the forehead, between the ears and between the eyes is shaved off with a clipper (6 mm nozzle).
  2. The muzzle is cut along the lower edge in the form of an oval. The hair on the chin and along the edges is cut to a straight line.
  3. To trim the muzzle to perfection, you should use scissors with rounded tips and refine the area around the eyes and on the bridge of the nose.

How to trim Yorkie's ears at home

Trimming a Yorkie's ears requires the same care as the head. It is necessary to hold the animal at all stages.

How to cut your Yorkie's hair yourself:

  1. Using safety scissors, the Yorkie's ears are first trimmed along the edges. It is recommended to feel the animal's skin with your fingers so as not to pinch off the edge. The result should be a visible corner.
  2. Comb the rest of the fur and trim the Yorkie's ears according to hair growth with a clipper. The end result should be a diamond shape.
  3. The inner side is processed directly. To trim your Yorkie's ears in this way, just carefully turn the ear out and remove all excess in the ear with a trimmer.

Important. When grooming a puppy, you should not forget about the positioning of the ears. It is recommended to moisturize the coat and shorten it as much as possible so as not to interfere with the natural process. If the ears are not raised at 4 months, they will need help.

Bathing a Yorkshire Terrier

After completing the procedure, it is recommended to wash your pet again. This will help him get rid of stuck hairs that cannot be removed with a comb. However, you should not bathe your Yorkshire Terrier more than once a week.

Otherwise, there is a chance of ruining the coat. Therefore, bathing and haircut schedules should be planned in advance.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier is an essential condition for keeping a dog of this breed.

If a pet participates in exhibitions, it needs a special hairstyle. If not, you can safely show your imagination and get model haircuts. However, the issue of hygiene and comfort of the animal should always come first.

What tools are needed?

To cut a Yorkshire Terrier you will need:

  • table. It is best to purchase a professional grooming table, otherwise you can groom the dog on a regular table, after laying a rubberized mat on it;
  • several types of scissors - straight, curved, long and medium length, small with rounded ends;
  • machine. It should be designed specifically for dogs; human machines are not suitable;
  • attachments for the machine. There should be several of them - 7 mm, 5 mm, 2 mm, etc.;
  • trimmer. It can be used to trim delicate areas of the body, such as the armpits or groin area;
  • various types of combs;
  • cleaver and guillotine claw cutter;
  • slicker brush - a special rectangular comb with metal teeth, used to comb out tangles.


The tangles of show animals cannot be combed out; they must be untangled by hand.

Host mistakes

Beginners, when starting to cut their hair for the first time, often make mistakes. You need to be careful about them:

  • Combs and clippers intended for people should not be used. Dog fur and human hair have different stiffnesses, so different tools are needed.
  • You should not start right away with complex and lengthy procedures - it is better to try with small cosmetic changes.
  • If you have a complete lack of experience, you need to watch how professionals work (preferably live, and not through YouTube), and if you have questions, ask them. Ideally, ask an expert to be present during the first haircut.

Having thoroughly studied the features of dog grooming, each breeder will be able to easily trim his beloved Yorkshire Terrier without causing problems for himself or him.

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