How pugs shed: duration and unplanned causes, as well as methods for eliminating them

Throughout its long history, the pug breed has remained consistently popular. The dog feels good next to a person, even in a small apartment. The dog is unpretentious to conditions, friendly, and easily adapts to the owner’s lifestyle. But there is one trait that future breeders should be aware of: Pug dogs shed a lot, even though their coats are not always identifiable. To prevent shedding from becoming a problem for the dog and its owner, it is worth finding out the reasons for heavy shedding and finding ways to minimize the “shedding” of your pug.


The most common type of dog shedding is seasonal. Seasonal molting occurs during the periods of autumn and spring, 2 times a year, with a duration of 2 - 3 weeks. The reason for this molting is one of the most harmless and natural, there is nothing special about it. During these seasons, the dog’s undercoat changes, and this happens in all smooth-haired breeds.

Shedding is often observed in winter and summer, but this only applies to completely indoor dogs. This happens because it is difficult for the dog to navigate indoors; it simply does not feel weather changes.

Is it normal to change fur?

Shedding is a natural process, normal for any dog, but if you compare pugs with other breeds, they will be in first place in terms of frequency and degree of hair loss.

Experts note that pugs with the “Fawn” color shed significantly less than their fawn-colored counterparts. This is explained by the presence of a second undercoat, while the undercoat of a fawn-colored dog grows almost continuously, and accordingly, their shedding does not stop.

Why in bitches during the end of lactation?

It is completely normal if, in this case, the dog begins to shed again. This happens for the reason that, being lactating, the bitch’s level of vitamins in the body decreases. You should worry if the shedding is on a larger scale, this indicates that the dog is not eating balanced food, that is, in an inappropriate way.

Her diet should be reconsidered. In such situations, it is recommended to add products of animal origin containing vitamins of categories A and B. Or, after consulting with a specialist, buy vitamins intended for dogs at a veterinary pharmacy.

When and how do pugs shed?

A dog sheds its first coat at the age of six weeks. Its first layer falls off and changes color. At nine months, due to heavy shedding, pug puppies change their coat to that of an adult. It is more rigid, brighter in color, and meets the standard.

After falling in age, regular seasonal hair loss begins. Most Pugs shed in the spring or fall. The process takes about two to three weeks and occurs for natural reasons: the dog’s body is preparing for a change in weather conditions: warming or the approach of winter cold. Pugs live in an apartment, it is difficult for them to understand how climate change is happening, so it happens that they begin to shed in the depths of winter or summer, violating the timing of the seasonal shedding.

During pregnancy and lactation, the bitch’s body lacks vitamins and minerals, most of which go towards the growth and development of fetuses and the production of mother’s milk. Because of this, the fur begins to rise strongly, fall off and crumble, as a result of which the female becomes partially bald. The problem can be easily solved by reviewing the diet and adding vitamins prescribed by the veterinarian to the food.

A dog can lose greatly due to pathological changes in its body. By observing the condition and appearance of the animal, you may notice unplanned hair loss and other symptoms of serious diseases, which should be reported to your veterinarian and treatment initiated.

Unplanned reasons

Frequent bathing

In addition to normal shedding, caused by natural reactions of certain processes that occur in the animal’s body, a dog can shed for other unfavorable reasons.
One of these reasons may be constant bathing . Particularly squeamish owners of this breed of dog very often bathe their pet so that it does not stink so much.

The dog, in turn, subsequently sheds. To understand how detrimental frequent bathing is to your pet, it is worth noting that the dog’s sebaceous glands begin to work harder, replenishing sebum. Thus, the skin is damaged and loses its resistance to external irritants, and also becomes vulnerable to mites and lichen.

To avoid excessive shedding, your pug should not be bathed more than once a month. It is recommended to bathe with a weak hypoallergenic shampoo.


Another reason for unscheduled shedding is temperature conditions , which may not be suitable for the pug. Therefore, it is best to keep your household at 26 degrees Celsius, or lower, but not more.

The appearance of allergies

Dog allergies can also be accompanied by unplanned hair loss . This may be caused by foods that trigger an allergic reaction. In addition, the environment in which the animal lives. Whether it is a city or a village, the entire ecological system is inhabited by many different plants and insects, some of which your pug may be allergic to.

Nutrition and vitamin deficiency

The body’s personal reaction to certain substances that it encounters throughout life. The same shampoo, medications, vitamins, flea sprays, collar, and even food.

You should review your pet’s diet and become familiar with the nutritional rules of this dog breed.

There is a risk of vitamin deficiency; this often happens when the dog eats natural food. If fed with high-quality food, which most likely contains all the necessary substances and vitamins, this risk is reduced.


Failure of thyroid hormones also stimulates the likelihood of shedding, and the coat takes on a very unkempt appearance.
A trip to the veterinarian at the nearest clinic and proper treatment will fix everything. The reason for unwanted molting in this case follows from the first point. Excessive and infrequent bathing subsequently increases the efficiency of the sebaceous glands, which also affects the weight, condition and health of the dog.


Dogs, like all living things, can be stressed . Changes in the environment increase the likelihood of unscheduled shedding . If some of them seem insignificant to a person, then to a dog, in turn, the same change can bring a nervous breakdown.

Skin diseases

A dog's skin disease can be recognized by its external signs and fur. Whether it's scabies, lichen, or infestation with mites and fleas. Nothing new, this problem can also be solved with a visit to the veterinarian and further treatment of the disease.


And how can we not mention deworming; this is the most common cause of this problem in pugs. Timely deworming can eliminate this source of the disease from the list.

It is worth adding one more reason why hair falls out a lot, which can certainly be a sign of a problem. These are diseases of the liver and pancreas. Which can be detected using a blood test.

So as not to fall out too much

The following preventive measures will help you avoid severe, unplanned molting:

  • Regularly treat your pet with antiparasitic drugs.
  • Disinfection of all bowls, beds and clothes of the pug after detected parasitosis.
  • Carefully monitor your dog's diet. A balanced diet will help avoid shedding.
  • Supporting the animal's immune system.
  • Timely and complete vaccination.
  • Inspect the animal's skin after each walk.
  • During shedding, be sure to comb out the dead undercoat, otherwise inflammation and dermatitis may occur.
  • Avoid frequent bathing of your pug, as this will also negatively affect the condition of the animal’s coat.


A wonderful procedure that allows you to get rid of the hassle for both the owner and the pet. Grooming is done with special equipment, which is a trimming machine.
This operation can be performed only once every 2 months. But then you won’t have to constantly pick up scraps of wool from sofas and carpets.

As a result, we can draw the following conclusion. Like all domestic dogs of one kind or another, pugs require proper attention and grooming. For some, upbringing outweighs other aspects of care, for some it’s nutrition, and for others it’s shedding.

What vitamins should I give my dog ​​when shedding?

If pugs are given ready-made, high-quality industrial food, then all the necessary microelements and vitamins are already included in their composition. When feeding natural products, there is a deficiency of substances necessary for the body. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a veterinarian.

Vitamins for heavy shedding pugs are used to prevent hair loss or eliminate problems in the body. You can make up for the deficiency with the help of products that contain them:

  • retinol - found in the liver of sea fish;
  • carotene - in carrots;
  • biotin (vitamin H) - in spinach, organ meats, yeast, legumes;
  • vitamin D - in fatty fish;
  • vitamin PP - in meat, peas, beans, liver.

Some vitamins are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables that pugs do not like to eat. In this case, on the recommendation of a doctor, ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Best answers

Cynic Misanthrope:

Fuck, half the kingdom for a photo of a shedding pug!))))))

Polina Rebrova (Grigorieva):

Well, actually, it's shedding season. But go to the vet to rule out demodicosis.

Oksana Nazarova:

comb out and normalize the diet if shedding for more than 3 weeks. means look for errors in feeding

Nikolay Repalo:

TWO-hour daily, in any weather, ACTIVE with jogging, playing with other dogs TRAINING according to the “COMPANION DOG VN” program, etc. MOTION solves the problem of feeding a PUG - the smallest of the PUGS, a BIG dog in a small package.!. In addition to RAW meat, the PUG enjoys eating cottage cheese, kefir, and other fermented milk foods, grated RAW BEET and CARROTS, finely chopped parsley, and lettuce. But porridge and bread = - this is HEAVY food for a PUG, which is digested only in the intestines. See G. Zakharova, I. Milyukova, PUG” ed. “Triad-farm, 2006, p. 132. The feeder with food should be available to the Pug for no more than 20 minutes..

Dasha Ulianova:

My pug shed a lot last summer during the summer. We bought some vitamins at the pet store (I don’t remember the name) and added them to the food. Stopped shedding heavily. Now only in spring and autumn, but we still brush him every week.

Character Cons

It seems that pugs have just the perfect character, but there are still disadvantages. Although there are few disadvantages, the future owner should know them:

  • Kindness, trustfulness. A pug loves any person, so he can easily be offended or stolen. A stranger can lure the dog and he will happily run after him.
  • Stubbornness. Sometimes pugs show truly asinine stubbornness; it is difficult to force them to do anything against their will. Therefore, if you want your dog to follow commands, you need to teach it obedience from childhood.
  • Cunning. Pugs always try to achieve what they want, using charm to achieve this, pretending to be sick and unhappy. But it is worth showing firmness and being able to refuse, otherwise this may have a bad effect on the health of the cunning person.

Pugs do not tolerate loneliness well. If a dog is left alone for a long time, then out of boredom it may start doing small things. If from the first moment a puppy appears in the house you are involved in its upbringing, then these disadvantages can be avoided.

brief information

The homeland of these four-legged animals is China. The head is round, relative to the body it can be called large. The muzzle is flattened and has symmetrical wrinkles.

Pugs' eyes are large, slightly convex, and dark in color.

The ears are set high and fit tightly to the head; there are two types:

  • Rose – in this case they are small in size and fit tightly to the head, with an open inside.
  • Buttons are laid forward, their edges are pressed tightly to the head, the hole is closed.

The dog's body is short, stocky, with well-developed muscles.

Pug coat black fawn

The character of the pets is cheerful, balanced, the dog is devoted to the owner and the whole family.

Read more about what a pug looks like here.

Additional warning symptoms

If your dog starts shedding intensively and not according to schedule, this can be explained by dozens of natural reasons. If shedding began due to health problems, the pet will experience additional alarming symptoms.

The dog has dandruff

Contrary to popular belief, dandruff is not the same as flaking skin. Dandruff or something similar to it can be a symptom of:

  • Fungal skin infection.
  • Infections with skin parasites.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Improper functioning of the skin glands.

Unfortunately, the origin of dandruff is almost impossible to determine at home. Metabolic disorders mean several dozen abnormalities, the most common of which are:

  • Food allergies.
  • Flea dermatitis.
  • Non-food allergies.
  • Unbalanced diet.

If your dog has dandruff and its amount is constantly increasing, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The doctor will take skin scrapings and examine them under a microscope. Promptness is important because the dandruff you see may be the result of parasites.

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