How to measure 50 grams of dry food for a puppy without scales

Dry pet food, due to its low water content, is a concentrated product whose consumption rates are very different from the wet food we are used to. Therefore, it is very important to know how to measure dry food within the daily or single portion, otherwise there is a high risk that the pet will overeat or not receive enough nutrients.

Is it possible to measure dry food without a scale?

There is no way to accurately measure dry food without a scale. All the options offered on the Internet either involve the need to make scales yourself, which is easy in words only, or the use of complex methods that exploit Archimedes’ laws (immersing weights in liquids). The latter, of course, has not been canceled, but in everyday practice you will get tired of conducting experiments.

Therefore, if you feed your pet dry food, we advise you to purchase electronic or even mechanical kitchen scales, whose cost is very low. But until you do this, it is best to go to a pet store and ask for a measuring cup for Acana and Orijen food, which have marks on them that allow you to measure the amount of your chosen diet. We remind you that it does not make sense to use measuring cups from other foods: the pellets of different diets vary greatly in size and density, and you will not get an exact figure.

In case your store doesn’t have a branded measuring cup, take with you a plastic bag of dry food and another empty one, and ask them to measure out the daily amount for you. You can weigh yourself in any other store, since each of them has check scales freely available to customers.

By pouring the weighed amount into any container and putting a mark on it, you can use it as a measuring cup. It is very convenient to cut the plastic cup according to the mark - this will allow you to quickly measure the required portion.

How to weigh your pet?

Weighing the dog is a standard procedure during any visit to the veterinary clinic, which is required to prescribe the correct dosages of medications. Therefore, if you have recently visited a veterinarian, then you know how much your pet weighs. But this procedure can be performed completely free of charge during a routine visit to the veterinarian, for example, for vaccination, so we advise you to take advantage of this opportunity.

The owner of a relatively small dog can try to weigh it himself using floor household scales. To do this, you need to pick her up and stand on the scales, then do the procedure again, but lightly. The difference between the obtained values ​​will be the weight of your dog.

What if the whole is divided into parts?

As a last resort, you can measure the required amount of dry food in small packages by making simple mathematical calculations and dividing the weight of the package by the recommended daily allowance. Thus, you will receive a figure reflecting how many daily doses are included in the package you purchased, and you will only have to scatter its contents into the appropriate number of identical containers in approximately equal quantities.

Of course, this method will not provide “pharmaceutical” accuracy, and you will have to spend a fair amount of time, but in an emergency it will help you determine the amount of dry food for your dog or cat.

Feeding standards are not an empty phrase

Well, the worst thing you can do is pour dry food into the eye, and even worse if you do this regularly. Compliance with feeding standards is a prerequisite for proper nutrition of dogs and cats, and given that our brain is accustomed to evaluating much larger volumes of food than dry food, it will definitely err on the side of increase.

By constantly overeating, your pet will sooner or later become obese and be at risk for many diseases. Feeding rates are indicated on each package of Acana or Orijen food, and you can also view them on our website.


Calculation of diet according to the table

As an example, let's take a look at the table of feeding norms for the complete product Acana Wild Prairie Dog with chicken, turkey meat, rainbow trout, fresh egg and pike perch.

As you can see, there are two versions of the diet - for dogs with increased and decreased activity. If you walk with your pet for less than 1 hour a day, and he spends the rest of the time on the sofa, take the numbers in the “Reduced activity” column as a guide. For example, a small 10-kilogram dog that doesn’t move much will need 90 grams of food per day. While its relative of the same weight, but with high activity, needs 150 grams of this product, which is about 70% more.

Animals that engage in physical exercise for one hour or more per day are considered active. Moreover, exercise includes not only training sessions, but also jogging next to the owner, outdoor games, and so on. Dogs living in outdoor enclosures or unheated premises in the autumn-winter period can also be considered active “by default”: in any case, they move more than those kept in the house, and also spend a lot of energy on heating their bodies.


If the previous methods did not work for you (there are no scales, no store nearby, and the total weight of the pack is unknown), and find out the volume of dry food - how much is 50 grams? - important right now, try to remember laboratory work in physics. The volume of liquid being pushed out is equal to the volume of the body being immersed, so theoretically, you can throw a tightly closed plastic bag or small container of food into a container filled to the brim with water (previously placed in a basin) - and then measure the amount of water spilled over the edges.

If you also don’t have a measuring cup, you can measure water in tablespoons or cups (use the table of measurements on any culinary website). As you know, 1 ml of water is equal to 1 gram. Therefore, the resulting volume of water will correspond to the grams of food in the bag that you submerged (provided that you filled it to the brim, releasing all the air).

To be honest, this method seems to us quite labor-intensive and does not exclude measurement errors, so we still recommend using electronic scales.


Measuring table for flour, cereals, flakes (content in grams)

The product's nameGlass /250 ml/ (faceted glass to the brim)TablespoonTea spoon
Wheat flour1603010
Potato flour2003010
Buckwheat groats210258
Rice cereal230258
Pearl barley230258
Barley groats230258
Millet cereal220258
Wheat flakes6092
Potato starch2303010
Corn flour1603010
Ground crackers125155

Attention: do not compact the glass after filling it. When compacted, the weight in grams will increase significantly!

How to measure 50 grams of dry food for a puppy without scales

I have a dachshund: love. They can’t overeat, otherwise they will have problems with the spine:010:

Especially for you 30 granules-5 grams. About the plan for puppies salmon-rice.

Thank you so much. flower::flower::flower::support::s support:

I have the same dachshunds. But you still have a puppy, a lack of food at a young age is more critical than an excess. I always have water and a full bowl of dry food available, and I soak the food in warm water in another.

We simply won’t have a full bowl of food sitting around. such a swallow. 010:

We simply won’t have a full bowl of food sitting around. such a swallow. 010:

+1 that's for sure. ours will also eat everything, it will burst, but it will eat:065:

Girls, help, please. I have a small dog:008:, we bought her PRO PLAN dry food for puppies, the daily dose is written 50-90g. and how much is it: 016. I can't imagine:009. Maybe someone also feeds dry food or has a kitchen scale, tell me in tablespoons, at least in glasses, in whatever: 091::091::091. otherwise we can’t eat too much: wife. thank you :flower:

Write in a personal message, I’ll give you a glass for PROPLAN :)

Write in a personal message, I’ll give you a glass for PROPLAN :)

In order not to create more topics, I will raise this one.

The cat is sterile, the appetite has awakened, it needs to be regulated. The doctor said to feed him the same food as before, but give exactly as much as it says on the package.

Komim RK, I couldn’t find a measuring cup for RK in any store. :005:

I'm interested in the weight of feeds 27 (Indoors) and 21 (Skin+Hair). Who has an electronic scale or a measuring cup (specifically for Royal Canina), please advise how many grams of RA are in one tablespoon? :009:

Go to any pet store with your food and ask to weigh out the required amount. And at home, in any container, you will already make a note on this amount. After all, they have already given such advice.

If this food is sold by weight, you can buy your “norm”, pour it into a suitable container and mark it. Well, treat the street pussies with food.

Thank you! :flower: I will do so. :fifa:

the same question about Royal Canin for kittens Babycat 34. It says 60 g - the daily norm. I just have a very hard time imagining how much it is.

Measurement table for fruits, berries, vegetables (content in grams)

The product's nameGlass /250 ml/ (faceted glass to the brim)TablespoonTea spoon1 PC.
Red beetroot250-280
Dried apples70
Black currant18030
Dried plums25025
Rose hip206
Pine nuts140104
Sunflower seeds170258
Pumpkin seeds100158
Blueberries (dried)13015
Strawberry (1 berry)8
Bulb onions75-80
Cucumber (medium)100
Parsley root150

The most accurate way is weighing

The best way to figure out how much 50g of dry food is is to weigh it on a kitchen scale. You can also use check scales at any supermarket or ask the seller to weigh the food at a pet store. Then you can pour the measured portion into any convenient container, make a mark on it with a marker, and then use this “measuring device” to determine the daily intake of a particular food. For another diet, it will have to be made again or a different mark must be set.

How to measure dry food without scales

The only solution to the problem is to use a standard measure that allows you to determine the required number of granules by volume. As such a standard, you can use branded measuring cups that are produced for specific brands, because granules, depending on the composition, differ from each other in density, so the same weight for different diets can occupy different volumes. Acana and Orijen measuring cups allow you to measure the right amount of each food from our available dog and cat food lines.

If you have not yet acquired a branded measuring cup, it is not difficult to make a standard measurement yourself. When buying food, ask the seller to weigh the required portion and pack it separately. At home, pour the granules into a container of suitable volume or make a mark on a regular plastic cup with a marker. A good solution is to cut the plastic cup according to the mark - this will allow you to measure the required amount of feed quickly and quite accurately.

Another way is to take a small amount of food with you on your next trip to the supermarket. In almost any store, check scales are freely available, on which you can weigh the required portion of granules. As a last resort, you can divide the weight of the package by the recommended daily allowance in grams and, having received a figure reflecting the number of servings in the package, scatter the food into separate containers in approximately equal quantities. However, this method is only suitable for purchasing a small pack of food and is inaccurate.

On the Internet you can find many other methods on how to measure dry food without scales, but almost all of them are complex and very approximate. Since the health of the animal depends on compliance with the daily feeding norm, it is better not to experiment.


How many times a day do you feed a dog?

The frequency directly depends on the age of the animal. Puppies are given shorter intervals between feedings and a larger number of meals.


From the age of three weeks, puppies begin to be accustomed to solid food. The number of feedings reaches 5-6 times a day.

Once the puppy reaches two months of age, the number of feedings is reduced to 3-4, after six months of age - to 2. Animals one year old and older, depending on their physical condition, are fed twice a day.


An adult dog is fed twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to observe a strict interval between serving food - 12 hours - and not move it under any circumstances. The regime can be broken if you need to fast before tests or surgery.

For pregnant females, the frequency of feedings is increased only in extreme cases - usually an increase in portion size is enough.

Adult dogs are fed three to six times a day if they are on a diet to treat a serious illness. When the pet’s well-being improves, the pet is transferred to the usual two meals a day.

How to measure dry food?

The easiest way to measure dry pet food is to use a branded measuring cup or weigh the required amount on a kitchen scale. It is not for nothing that we are talking about a branded glass, since the external parameters of the granules (density, shape, volume), and therefore the volume they occupy, vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Moreover, you should not rely on measuring cups for sugar, flour, etc.

Where can I get a Royal Canin measuring cup?

Our measuring cups

can be obtained at points of sale of our products or at veterinary clinics.
Royal Canin
rations be stored ?

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How to measure dry food without a branded cup?

If you do not have a measuring cup or electronics for measurements, try going to a pet store at your local market: as a rule, they sell food by weight and can help you weigh the desired portion. All you have to do is pour the measured amount of “drying” into any transparent glass (or jar, whichever is more convenient for you) and draw a line with a marker. By the way, you don’t have to go specifically to a pet supply store—checking scales (most often electronic) are available in most grocery supermarkets; you’ll find them in the consumer’s corner.

How to measure dry food if you have no way to use scales? Divide the weight of the entire pack of food by the required number of grams. Reduce to the full number, and then find the same number of empty containers of the same size (cups, bowls, jars). Try to carefully distribute the dry granules from the packaging evenly across all containers. Each of them will end up with one serving. Measure the level of food on one of the containers with a felt-tip pen - this will be your measuring cup from now on.

After the measurement procedure, be sure to pour everything back into the packaging or sealed container for storing the feed; prolonged contact with air and exposure to sunlight has a detrimental effect on the quality of the feed. That is why, and also because of the need to look for identical containers, this method is only suitable for small packs of dry food - optimally up to one to one and a half kilograms.


How to Measure Dry Dog Food

A tailed friend has appeared in the house and the question arises of how to measure out dry dog ​​food. How much dry food should a dog get per day? Determining the volume of feed by eye is dangerous; a deviation of even 10 grams can negatively affect the amount of nutrients received. Let's consider options that are accessible and understandable to dog owners.

If there are no scales in the house

Haven't purchased a kitchen scale, but are planning to do so in the near future? Use the scale at your local grocery store. For example, in the fruit and vegetable department, scales are freely available. Or, when leaving the store, pay attention to the check scales. Next, grab dry food from home in a clean plastic bag. And, having measured the required amount on the scales, upon returning home, pour the food into a plastic glass. Don't forget to make the markings as in the first option.

Mathematical measuring of dry dog ​​food

If a package of food weighs one kilogram, and the three methods above do not suit you, then elementary mathematics comes to the rescue. For example, you need to measure 100 grams of feed. Divide 1000 grams by 100 grams and we get the number 10 - the number of servings of dry food in the package. Next, we measure the volume by distributing 10 servings of food into identical containers. You should get an equal amount. It is worth considering that the mathematical method is inaccurate and it is better not to be lazy and use the method with scales.

Follow the rules when measuring food for your beloved pet. Measure the required amount accurately, and not by eye. Excess or lack of food has a detrimental effect on the tailed family member. Every gram is important for the health and good mood of the dog.


Measurement table sugar, spices, nuts (content in grams)

The product's nameGlass /250 ml/ (faceted glass to the brim)TablespoonTea spoon1 PC.
Powdered sugar1802510
Coarse salt3603010
Fine salt4003111
Cocoa powder155
Ground coffee207
Instant coffee155
Lemon acid258
Gelatin in plates2.5
Gelatin mass155
Ground cloves153
Bay leaf0.2
Ground black pepper115.5
Ground red pepper1.5
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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