How much food does a dog need? Tips +Video

March 2, 2018
How many grams of dry food does a kitten need, how often to fill the bowl and how to tell if the baby is full - in this article we will try to answer the questions that worry many owners. And this is not surprising, because kittens grow quickly, and their food needs change just as quickly.

The owner needs to be well versed in the norms so that the baby receives the right amount of nutrition and does not lag behind in development. But first you need to understand whether it is developing correctly.

Determining the amount of food for a dog

Any food manufacturer writes food standards for your pet. Based on this information, we will further calculate the norm for your dog, but do not forget that each dog is individual.

These features need to be taken into account:

Age. This is an important criterion that should not be skipped when calculating the norm.

Weight. Before making the calculation, you need to weigh your pet in order to understand whether your pet is overweight, normal, or underweight. Physical movement and activity.

Count how many times you walk your dog outside and for how long, and does your dog like active games?

Diseases. If your pet has chronic or acquired diseases, you must remember them.

Your dog's condition . If your pet has undergone treatment for any disease or is a lactating female, be sure to take this into account when calculating the amount of food and feedings.


In the tables from the manufacturer, feed standards are overestimated. The manufacturer takes the general norm for dogs, and he does not know the characteristics of your dog.

In order to choose the right food for your dog : be sure to consult a veterinarian. The doctor can suggest a better brand of food than what you sometimes choose. And one big plus is that the veterinarian knows most of the characteristics of your dog, the diseases that the pet has suffered and contraindications.

List of medicinal feeds

  1. HEPATIC HP ST/OX HEPATIC HP . This food is prescribed for the following diseases: liver dysfunction, encelophalopathy, bile stagnation, inflammation of the gallbladder, excess copper in the liver. The food contains 28% proteins, 35% carbohydrates and 22% fats. Ingredients used in production: chicken protein, corn, corn flour, hydrolysate, animal fat, egg powder, chicory root, fish oil and minerals.
  2. DH ST/OX DENTAL HEALTH . Prescribed to maintain oral health and prevent dental diseases. Mandatory for diseases such as plaque or tartar and halitosis. Contains 35% proteins, 13% fats and 32% carbohydrates. Ingredients: corn, corn gluten, chicken protein, salmon protein, hydrolysate, animal fat, sucrose, glycerin, yeast and minerals.
  3. NF ST/OX RENAL FUNCTION . Prescribed for chronic renal failure. Suitable for preventing the formation of cystines and urates. Available in the form of spiders, canned food and dry food in 85 grams, 350 grams and 1.5 kg. Contains 26% proteins, 12% fats and 48% carbohydrates. The composition includes corn, rice, wheat, soy and gluten flour, animal fat, egg powder, hydrolysate, pea fiber, chicken protein, fish oil, yeast and minerals.
  4. DM ST/OX DIABETES MANAGEMENT . Prescribed for diabetes mellitus. Available in the form of spiders, canned food and dry food in 85 grams, 195 grams and 1.5 kg. Contains 50% proteins, 2.8% arginine, 17% fats, 17% carbohydrates.
  5. UR ST/OX URINARY. Prescribed for diseases such as: dissolution of struvite stones, urinary disorders, prevention of the appearance of oxalates and struvite stones. Available in the form of canned food and dry food in 195 g, 350 g and 1.5 kg. Contains 35% proteins, 13% fats and 37% carbohydrates. Ingredients: rice, corn gluten, wheat flour, egg white, corn, animal fat, salmon protein, hydrolysate, fish oil.

Reviews from veterinarians about ProPlan food for dogs

Veterinarians have different opinions about ProPlan food: some consider it good, others are dissatisfied with its composition.
Dmitry, veterinarian, 38 years old. Repeated studies conducted on the American brand ProPlan have confirmed one fact - regular consumption of food significantly reduces the likelihood of diseases, especially those associated with weight loss. In animals, blood pressure and blood sugar are normalized, and the load on the joints is reduced. Among the huge variety of ProPlan diets, there are several specially designed therapeutic diets, which is a huge plus. The food contains the optimal content of vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed at each age stage. Dogs with grain allergies should use food with caution, as most varieties contain wheat and corn. But even in this case, there is a way out - dietary food without wheat gluten, created specifically for a sensitive stomach.

Lyubov, veterinarian, 34 years old. Analyzing the recipe of the ProPlan brand, I come to the conclusion that the food is not high quality, and therefore I cannot recommend it. The food is based on plant components, which is unacceptable for the predatory nature of dogs. There is very little quality animal protein here. All meat products are hidden behind dubious formulations such as “dried poultry protein” or simply “chicken,” which indicates the presence of offal. There are more carbohydrates in the composition than there should be. Another significant disadvantage for super-premium food is the presence of taste and smell enhancers, as well as a list of products without specifying their origin.

How to choose the right food class?

To decide what kind of food you will use, you need to understand what classes of food there are and what energy value they contain:

  • Economy class. Energy value is 250-300 kcal per 100 g of feed. This food consists of grains and corn. There are also undesirable components in the composition: dyes and food additives. In order for your dog to get enough of this food, you need to eat a lot of it. Such food includes the following brands: Chappie, our brand, about the tail and others. Since there are no vitamins in this food, they must be added to the dog’s diet. It is not recommended to give this food to your dog on a regular basis.
  • Premium class. The energy value is higher than the previous one: 300-350 kcal per 100 grams of feed. The composition contains more than 20% protein. It is made from meat production waste. The composition is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and also contains fiber. It is necessary to take into account all the individual characteristics of your pet and if there is not enough mineral complex in the diet, then be sure to add it. This class of food includes Royal Canin and others.
  • Super premium . Energy value is 360-450 kcal per 100 g of feed. This class of food is considered balanced. It practically completely replaces grains with meat, up to 75%! Another big plus of this food is that it contains a full course of vitamins and minerals necessary for a dog’s daily diet. An excellent food option for daily feeding. Brands of this class: Akana, Grandorf, etc.

And there is the last class of food - Holistic. The energy value is the same as Super-premium. There is one big difference: all food ingredients are approved for human consumption. Your pet will get maximum nutrition from this food. This class includes the Landor brand and others.

Remember! If you thought that you could add more granules and your dog would eat in economy class, you are deeply mistaken! Satiety will come when the dog eats a certain amount of calories.

Dry dog ​​food: how much to give, how to calculate

The daily norm is individual for each dog and depends on its weight, health, activity, etc., moreover, during the life of the animal this norm changes. Professional complete dry food is convenient not only because it includes the entire necessary set of nutrients and vitamins for a dog, but also because manufacturers always indicate on the pack the amount of dry dog ​​food per day.

To begin with, it is important to know how much the dog weighs; if you have accurate scales at home and the dog is small, then you can weigh it at home. This is done very simply: you take the dog in your arms, step on the scales, and then subtract your weight from the resulting result. If it is impossible to perform such a procedure at home, then you can measure your dog’s weight at any veterinary clinic.

By the way, experts recommend constantly monitoring your pet’s weight; this will help regulate its nutrition, as well as prevent possible health problems.

Daily intake of dry dog ​​food: table

Below is an example of how food calculations should look on the packaging depending on the weight and activity of the dog. Let us immediately note that if, for example, with the determination of weight everything is quite clear, then with such a parameter as activity, difficulties may arise.

Here you should focus on the following regime: if a dog walks for a total of more than an hour a day, and even more so if it lives outside in an enclosure, then such a dog is considered active and should receive the appropriate amount of food, but for a pet that spends the whole day indoors and walks for less than an hour, you need to stick to the diet for low-active dogs.

An example of recommendations for feeding adult dogs of different sizes with ready-made dry food with relatively low and high activity levels is given in this table:

Dog weight g/day with low activity g/day with high activity
1 kg 20-35 30-40
3 kg 45-55 50-70
5 kg 75-90 80-120
10 kg 175-200 190-240
20 kg 220-260 250-300
30 kg 280-350 330-400
40 kg 380-440 430-500
50 kg 450-525 520-590
60 kg 520-605 600-670
70 kg 580-680 670-770
80 kg 650-750 740-850

How to independently adjust the daily intake of dry dog ​​food It is important to understand that the daily intake of dry dog ​​food indicated in the table requires individual adjustment and may vary in different foods. Therefore, it is best to check the packaging or, if for some reason you do not have it, for example, you bought the food in bulk, then go to the manufacturer’s website. It is also important to remember that the norm for puppies is very different from the norm for adult dogs.

As mentioned above, changes in the daily norm depend on several factors. An upward adjustment is possible for the following categories of cases:

  1. Working and active dogs that live outdoors and exercise a lot need increased nutrition. You can increase the rate at your discretion and the condition of your pet.
  2. A pregnant or lactating dog should receive more food, because she eats not only for herself, but also for her puppies. The daily norm can be increased by one and a half times.
  3. Like people, dogs can have individual metabolisms, and if the dog remains too thin at standard food rates, the portions can be increased slightly. Again, it is necessary to increase nutrition if the dog is exhausted for some reason. At the same time, it should be remembered that excessive thinness may be associated with some kind of disease, so, first of all, you need to check the dog’s health.

Downward adjustment:

  1. Certain breeds, such as Labradors, Rottweilers, French bulldogs and some others, are genetically prone to obesity; the weight of these dogs needs to be monitored especially carefully and if there is any upward fluctuation, the feeding rate should be reduced.
  2. In dogs of advanced age (from about 7–8 years old), their metabolism slows down, again they begin to move less and spend less energy; the diet of such a dog must be appropriate.
  3. Sometimes dogs that have undergone castration or sterilization begin to gain extra pounds, this does not always happen, but it will still not be superfluous to monitor the weight of such a pet.

Remember, it is very important how much dry food a dog eats and how much it meets the requirements of its body: excess weight, as well as exhaustion, are fraught with various diseases for the pet.


Price is one of the main advantages of food from the ProPlan brand. It starts from 300 Russian rubles, which is objectively low for premium products.

  1. Purina Pro Plan for puppies weighing 700 grams is sold for 300-400 rubles, depending on the additional component. Surprisingly, salmon costs the same as chicken.
  2. A dry diet for adult dogs with special digestive problems, skin problems, or ordinary dwarf animals is sold for 380 rubles. This is how much a pack weighing 700 grams will cost, but there are discounts when purchasing directly from the manufacturer.
  3. Dry food with beef, turkey or chicken from Purina Pro Plan Duo Delice for adult dogs costs 420 rubles or more. One pack weighs about 700 grams.
  4. A 1.5 kilogram pack of dry food for adult dogs with or without health problems will cost around 690-750 Russian rubles.
  5. Food for puppies, a pack of which weighs 1.5 kilograms, will cost the animal owner 790 rubles. But the feeding table suggests that food consumption will be small.
  6. Purina Pro Plan Duo Delice dry food for adult dogs of large breeds is sold in packs of 2.5 kilograms. One of these costs 1190 rubles.
  7. Food for adult and elderly dogs can be purchased at three kilograms. In this case, a pack will cost 1190-1390 rubles or more. A three-kilogram package for puppies costs about the same.
  8. Larger packs from the regular Pro Plan line weighing 7-14 kilograms with a variety of flavorings are sold for an average of 2790-4690 rubles.

Video: ProPlan dog food, its composition, as well as reviews about this food

Composition of ProPlan feed

ProPlan food sold on the domestic pet food market is manufactured primarily in Russia. Therefore, their recipe is radically different from the European or American ProPlan.

ProPlan food is produced by Nestle and belongs to the super-premium class.

The main component of the food is a source of animal protein - lamb, turkey, chicken, beef or salmon. Inexperienced dog breeders, seeing the ingredient “turkey” on the label, think about real meat. In fact, this formulation implies the use of not only meat, but also skin and bones. Another meat product is dried poultry protein. It is obtained from poultry waste, and its chemical processing leads to the loss of many beneficial properties.

Wheat and corn are the main sources of carbohydrates. They significantly increase the nutritional value of the food, but do not provide any particular benefit to the pet’s health. Rice is a higher quality and easily digestible carbohydrate, and corn gluten provides the body with cheap plant proteins.

The source of fat is animal fat, the origin of which is not stated. Therefore, such a component cannot be considered high quality. Dry beet pulp has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and digestion, and chicory root is a carrier of prebiotics that normalize intestinal microflora.

Proteins in ProPlan food are represented by lamb, turkey, chicken, salmon, and carbohydrates - corn and rice.

ProPlan food optimally combines Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune and nervous systems, normalize digestion and improve the condition of the skin and coat.

IMPORTANT. Despite the fact that the manufacturer positions ProPlan as a super premium food, its composition is closer to premium nutrition. It contains a lot of corn and little real meat. In addition, the recipe contains a certain flavoring feed additive - nothing more than a taste and smell enhancer, monosodium glutamate.

Portion volume

It is necessary to weigh the dog and find out the weight. Divide the number of kg by the number of meals. This will give you the serving size.

Food standards for puppies and adult dogs are very different. Standards for puppies are given below.

An adult dog should eat 2 times a day, and the amount of food depends on the class of food:

  1. Economy - 700 grams
  2. Premium – 500 grams
  3. Super-premium - 300-350 grams.

What's the difference in puppy food intake?

  • There is a big difference between the amount of food for an adult pet and a small puppy.
  • Puppies need to be fed little by little. The older the puppy, the fewer feedings, but the portion becomes larger.
  • If your puppy is 1-2 months old, he needs to be fed 7 times a day, 100-200 grams.
  • 2-3 months 6 meals of 150-200 grams.
  • When the puppy is 3-4 months old, the number of meals is reduced to 5, and the portion is increased to 250-450 grams.
  • The larger the puppy, the less often we feed him. At six months, your pet should eat 500-800 grams 4 times a day.
  • Up to a year he has 3 times 800-1200 grams.

How much dry food to give a puppy: feeding calculation

Puppies are actively growing and therefore they require a special calculation of the portion of dry food. The daily intake of a puppy under 7 months of age should exceed the feeding intake of an adult dog by 50%.

So, a large breed puppy will need from 600 to 900 grams of premium food or 900-1200 grams of economical food per day. A medium breed puppy needs 450-600 grams of high-quality food or 600-900 grams of economy class food.

Puppies of small dogs need 200-450 grams of premium food or 450-600 grams of economical food.

These numbers seem excessive for a puppy, but keep in mind that puppies are fed much more often than adult dogs. For example, if an adult Labrador retriever is given a portion of 500 grams of high-quality food once a day, then a Labrador retriever puppy at the age of three months distributes the norm of 750 grams into five meals of 150 grams each.

In this case, puppies must be fed with special food intended specifically for their age.

>Norms for feeding dogs with dry food - a table of the amount of food per day by weight, breed and age of the pet

Food range

When producing Pro Plan, all the anatomical and physiological characteristics of dogs at different stages of their life are taken into account. That is why the range of food for dogs from this company is so diverse. The line is expressed in three categories of dog food: for puppies up to one year old, for pets from one to seven years old, and also for aging dogs over seven years old. There are also special diets for animals with health conditions.

Puppy food

ProPlan is intended for feeding puppies. And when choosing food, it is important to consider what weight category the adult pet will belong to, as well as how things are with the health of the young animal. Small & Mini Puppy is used for feeding small breed puppies, Medium Puppy - for medium puppies, Large Puppy Robust and Large Puppy Athletic - Pro Plan food for large dogs. There are separate diets for animals with painful digestive tracts and skin.

Diet for adult dogs

The range for adult dogs from the ProPlan company is divided into series. This gradation allows you to choose food depending on the needs of the dog, its breed, size and health status. Adult diets are suitable for animals with a sensitive digestive tract (the required variety is called Proplan Gastro Intensive) or dermatological problems (Purina ProPlan is divided into several varieties depending on the specific problem and the size of the animal). Lines have been developed for sterilized overweight animals; for powerful, athletic dogs with large body weight and developed muscles.

For older dogs

The composition of dry food from the ProPlan company is hypoallergenic, so it can also be given to elderly dogs. It is only important to choose the right variety. There are three varieties for mature pets. The first is suitable for older animals from nine years of age and those belonging to dwarf breeds. The second is for small breeds over seven years old, and the third is for medium and large dogs over seven years old with problem skin.

The secret of Purina feed

Ralston Purina's experience in developing and producing nutrition for pet dogs spans decades. Deep knowledge about dogs and modern technologies allow the company to accurately guess which diets are suitable for four-legged pets.

The company is thinking about increasing the life expectancy of dogs - constant work is being done in the field of animal gerontology.

It is important that the dog lives a long time and is in optimal condition for as long as possible, which will allow the owner and dog to be together happily ever after.

The company's specialists study the physiological characteristics of dogs to create food that is ideal for animals that lead lives with an average level of activity or lower. It is important that the animal remains healthy and active.

Also, food developers try to ensure that all products are aromatic and very tasty. So that your pet enjoys food and is happy every day.

Do you need water and how much?

Every living being on our plane requires water in their diet. It helps to better absorb nutrients and forms proper metabolism. Let's look at some points that will help when calculating your daily water intake:

Weight and water intake are related. The more weight, the more water the dog needs.

For approximately 1 kg of an adult pet, 60 ml of water is needed. Puppies need to be given more water. About 80-110 ml kg weight.

If your pet only eats dry food, he needs more water.

Consider the weather conditions outside the window. If it is hot outside, change the water more often and give it in larger volumes.


Your pet's water needs to be changed several times a day. The water cup should be washed once a day to prevent plaque from forming.

Pro Plan for small breeds

For small breed dogs, protein is needed in the diet more than for large breed dogs; it must contain the daily requirement of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms.

Feeds presented by ProPlan:

  • Small & Mini Adult Optibalance Chicken and Rice food supports healthy gums, teeth and joints. The food is intended for adult dogs of small breeds;
  • Food with chicken and rice Small & Mini Adult 9+ Optiage, gives energy and activates brain activity. The food is intended for dogs over 8 years old;
  • Small & Mini Adult Sensitive Skin salmon and rice food is hypoallergenic. Does not contribute to the development of allergic manifestations, suitable for small breeds of dogs;
  • Food with lamb meat Small & Mini Adult Optidigest, does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, normalizes digestion, suitable for all breeds of dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews from veterinarians and the opinion of the majority of cat owners, the advantages of ProPlan food include:

  • variety of release forms (dry, wet food);
  • availability of a high-quality line of medicinal feeds;
  • the presence of a large amount of animal protein in the product (including real meat);
  • food includes vitamins, enzymes, minerals, probiotics, natural prebiotics, fatty acids;
  • not the highest prices;
  • popularity and availability of the product.

Among the shortcomings of the product should be indicated:

  • the presence of soy ingredients, corn and vegetable proteins in the feed;
  • presence of allergens;
  • low content of vegetable components;
  • not all ingredients are healthy, and some are even harmful to health (especially corn - in addition to the fact that it belongs to genetically modified products, of all cereals this is the most harmful for cats);

According to veterinarians, ProPlan can be classified as a fairly high-quality “average” product, but the price of the product is clearly overpriced. The basis of the product is corn and chicken by-products, hidden under various flavoring additives (salmon, duck, lamb, etc.). Of course, these additives are natural, but they are present in small quantities.

Duck meat

Despite the far from ideal composition of the feed, the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and various beneficial microelements (vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids) present in it ensure the best absorption of the product.

A clear advantage of ProPlan is its fairly good veterinary line, as well as the Junior series of food for kittens up to one year of age, which helps strengthen the pet’s immune system.

It is worth noting that for the most part, reviews of ProPlan food are positive, and this is not surprising, because this product has many more advantages than disadvantages.

Advantages of ProPlan

In order to finally draw conclusions about the quality of ProPlan food for small breed dogs, you need to consider its strengths and weaknesses.


  • The basis of the feed is animal protein;
  • a well-chosen vitamin and mineral complex;
  • wide range: food for large, medium, small breeds, as well as puppies with sensitive digestion;
  • the food contains natural meat and fish, albeit in small quantities;
  • a line has been developed that is distributed exclusively through specialized veterinary centers and hospitals, since they are intended for the treatment of specific diseases;
  • fairly high quality;
  • distributed in most pet stores not only in the USA, but also in Europe, as well as in the CIS countries.

The dog is not eating enough food, what should I do?

After your pet has eaten, does he beg for treats or food from your table? Do you think he's not getting enough food? Most often he is full. This is considered a bad dog habit that needs to be eliminated.

If you look at a dog, you can immediately understand whether it is eating or not by these criteria:

If your pet's ribs are sticking out, it means that he has lost a lot of weight and is not getting enough food. After feeding, the dog does not leave the bowl and continues to wait for his food. You can also examine the animal and determine by its fat layer whether it is receiving its daily feeding allowance or not. If the layer is thin, then no.


If your pet's ribs are sticking out and you have already increased the diet, you need to contact a veterinarian; perhaps the dog is either sick or has parasites in its body.

Types of feed

  • Food for regular consumption . Intended for daily consumption. ProPlan food for cats is perfectly balanced in all aspects: from the presence of the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals the animal needs to the energy value of the product. Due to this, while eating, the pet receives the right amount of everything it needs, and additional feeding is not required, and with normal portions it eats up and as a result does not gain weight.
  • Everyday food for special purposes - nutritional correction for cats with allergic reactions, for cats suffering from obesity or temporary digestive disorders.
  • Medicinal or dietary food . Designed for sick cats. Prescribed only as prescribed by a veterinarian, preferably after a visit.

Why is this food better than others?

Since the composition of ProPlan food is far from the quality of super-premium food, it is advisable to compare it with premium brands that have a similar composition.

A huge plus of the ProPlan brand is the availability of a wide range of nutrition (about 30 dry diets), including a number of therapeutic diets. Thanks to this, the dog owner can choose food based on the individual characteristics of his pet. For example, Purina Van food from the same manufacturer Nestle Purina is designed only for small breeds, and the Chicopi brand has only 11 types of dry food in its arsenal.

All ProPlan brand foods contain the optimal amount of all the vitamins and minerals a dog needs.

Another advantage of ProPlan food is its optimal vitamin E content - about 550 IU/kg. Vitamin E (tocopherol) takes part in the production of red blood cells, helps the absorption of fats, improves the condition of the animal’s skin, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes. The main role of vitamin E in dog nutrition is that of an antioxidant that slows down the aging of the body. Thus, Dog Chow diets contain about 155 IU/kg of this vitamin, and Probalance and RosPes feeds contain about 50 IU/kg.

If my pet won't eat dry kibble, can I soak it in water?

  • It is best to consult with your veterinarian, he will answer all your questions, taking into account the characteristics of your dog.
  • There are small tips that will help you determine whether you need to do this or not. They are given below:
  • If your dog likes dry food, but soaked in water. Soak it for her.
  • If your pet has dental problems, soaked food will help avoid pain. It is very difficult for very small puppies to chew on such hard granules. It will be easier for them to eat soaked food.
  • If you know about digestive problems or have diseases of this system, then be sure to soak with water.

Feed line

As we have already said, Purina products have a fairly large assortment. Let's take a closer look at the features of the line of food for large, medium and small breeds of dogs.

For large breeds

  1. Sensitive Salmon. This food is intended for adult large breed animals, in particular for dogs with sensitive digestion. Sensitive Salmon with Rice and Salmon contains two main ingredients - 20% salmon and 11% rice. It also contains about 30% protein and 18% fat. This dry food is positioned by the manufacturer as hypoallergenic.
  2. Dry food Laj Robust Health. Dry food for adult pets of large varieties. This Purina line contains 14% chicken and 4% rice. As for vegetable proteins, they contain 26%, as well as 12% fat, which makes these products dietary. Often such a diet is prescribed by veterinarians as part of a diet.
  3. Laj Robust is another type of dry food line for adult animals of large and medium varieties. This option will be optimal for dogs with a strong build. The main ingredients are also chicken and rice, but only 10% rice.

For small breeds

  1. Purina Adult Small and Mini Digestive Comfort dry food with turkey is a good option for adult animals of medium and small dog breeds. In particular, this dietary option is suitable for pets suffering from digestive problems. Turkey contains 22%, rice - 7%. As for proteins, they contain 28%, and fat - about 17%.
  2. For adult dogs of medium and small breeds, the dry diet of Purina Small&Mini Sensitive Derma is also suitable. This hypoallergenic option is also suitable for those pets who have other food allergies. The composition contains salmon - 20%, rice - 10%, fats - 18% and proteins - 30%. The product is considered dietary and is suitable for pets of medium and small breeds that are prone to obesity.
  3. Another feeding option for adult pets of medium and small breeds is Purina Small&Mini Adult dry food. According to the manufacturer, this product has a positive effect on the brain function of adult representatives of medium and small varieties, whose age is more than 7 years. The diet is based on chicken and rice, as well as fats - 15% and proteins - 29%. Due to the low fat content, this option is also considered dietary.

For puppies

  1. Purina Small&Mini Puppy - designed for puppies of all small breeds. It contains about 4% rice and about 18% chicken, but in addition it also contains fish oil and colostrum. According to reviews, this option for puppies is optimal - because it contains a high content of fats and proteins, as a result of which it is nutritious.
  2. Medium Puppy Sensitive. This Purina option is designed for larger breed puppies. For sensitive organisms, the hypoallergenic version of Purina is recommended for puppies with skin or coat problems. In addition to the main elements, it contains soybean oil and chicory root. According to veterinarians, these ingredients, in principle, have a beneficial effect on young puppies.
  3. Puppy Large Brid Athletic is recommended for large breed puppies. This diet contains lamb meat and rice. By the way, lamb is generally well digestible, which is undoubtedly very beneficial for puppies. In addition, the composition also contains colostrum and egg powder.

Product release forms

The Nestle Purina PetCare company does not stop at just one thing, specializing and producing several forms of food at once.

  • Dry food . The range includes eleven types of products. The food of this company is divided into several categories and groups, which will be discussed later in this article.
  • Wet food . The product is produced in pouches (bags) and canned food. Both are the most popular and best-selling products among all the items presented. Manufacturers offer twenty different types. We have ranked the 15 best wet food.

Manufacturer and official website

Pro Plan food constantly takes leading positions in sales among its closest competitors. Purina has given dog and cat owners a wide range of products to choose from, and they also offer medicated foods.

Purina releases Pro Plan dog food in three varieties

  • Dry food.
  • Treats for oral hygiene.
  • Canned food pieces and pates (veterinary).

Note! The company's assortment includes hygienic treats for the prevention of dental problems.

The composition of feed varies depending on the purpose. The main ingredients are:

  • Lamb.
  • Beef.
  • Chicken.
  • Salmon.
  • Lamb and rice
  • Chicken and rice
  • Salmon and rice

Detailed descriptions for each product are provided by the manufacturer and the official Pro Plan website ( Note that the site has a more modest assortment than its counterpart in Europe.

Important! Most of Pro Plan food belongs to the premium (everyday) class. Only veterinary diets reach the super premium level.

Features of feeding in winter

The cold season is a difficult period for farmers. Short daylight hours, a decrease in the number of walks, and the lack of fresh greenery cannot but affect the productivity of laying hens. You should prepare in advance dried nettles, vitamin hay from herbs (clover, alfalfa), brooms from linden and birch leaves.

In winter, it is recommended to include in the diet rowan berries and crushed pine needles, fish and meat and bone meal, as well as pumpkin and carrots as a source of carotene, and beets (rich in nitrogen compounds). We should not forget about fermented milk products as a source of calcium. Be sure to stock up on gravel stones, which contribute to the efficient digestion of feed.

Modern industry offers various additives, which are also actively used in winter.

Find out what and how to feed laying hens correctly to help them lay eggs better.

Everyday food for special purposes

  1. HA ST/OX HYPOALLERGENIC . Prescribed to reduce allergic reactions of a pet or for concomitant diseases: malabsorption, hyperlipidemia, hypoallergenic diet, correction of allergies, enteropathy, lymphangiectasia, tolerance of food components, dermatitis. Contains 35% proteins, 10% fats, 37% carbohydrates. Ingredients: rice starch, soybean oil, hydrolysate, soy protein, red fat and minerals.
  2. EN ST/OX GASTROINTESTINAL . Due to its high digestibility, it is prescribed to patients with gastrointestinal disorders, namely: acute/chronic diarrhea, intestinal inflammation, intolerance to certain feed components, weight loss/vomiting, poor digestibility. Suitable for both adults and kittens. Available in the form of spiders, canned food and dry food 195 g, 400 g and 1.5 kg. Dry food contains 6.5% moisture, 40% protein, 20% fat and 23% carbohydrates. When wet - 77% moisture, 10% proteins, 7% fats and 3% carbohydrates.
  3. OM ST/OXOBESITY MANAGEMENT . Prescribed for the purpose of weight loss or obesity prevention. Also suitable for constipation. Available in the form of canned food and dry food 195 grams, 350 grams, 1.5 kg. Contains 48% proteins, 8% fats, 22% carbohydrates.
  4. PRO PLAN STERELISED. A specially developed brand of food for castrated and sterilized cats helps keep your pet in good physical shape. Properly balanced nutritious food saturates the animal for a long time, due to which it does not gain excess weight. The food controls the acidity of urine, protecting the pet from kidney diseases and related complications, including urolithiasis - the reduced phosphorus content is responsible for this. There is a line for both adults (1-7 years) and seniors (after 7 years).

Advantages and disadvantages

Food from the medicinal segment can be given to your four-legged friend only after permission from the veterinarian.

The advantages are the following factors:

  • contains animal proteins;
  • a good complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • large selection of products for different dogs;
  • Availability in pet stores.

Negative qualities include:

  • lack of information about meat quality;
  • the presence of allergens in the composition;
  • lack of information on preservatives;
  • the cost is quite high.

Disadvantages of PRO PLAN feeds

  1. The dubious benefits of some products in the composition . Products such as yeast and corn can cause gastrointestinal problems, coat problems, and allergies in some animals. It is important to pay attention to the ingredients from which this food product is prepared and to know what diseases your pet has.
  2. High price . Some pet owners consider food prices too high and switch to cheaper, and most often, lower quality products.

We advise you to pay attention to purchasing through an intermediary or in bulk - this usually works out to be a couple of hundred rubles cheaper.

Feed disadvantages

Disadvantages of ProPlan food for small breed dogs:

  • the origin of the meat components is unknown;
  • a large percentage of plant materials, as well as odor and taste enhancers, which can cause allergies;
  • no data on antioxidants and preservatives;
  • high price despite the fact that the composition contains fairly inexpensive components.

Useful tips

In addition to the already mentioned need to adhere to the regime and the obligation for laying hens to consume only fresh produce, there are some more nuances and features that farmers should know:

  1. Chickens periodically shed feathers - the so-called molting. This process requires large energy costs, since it normally occurs in late autumn, against the background of vitamin deficiency. During this period, you need to pay special attention to the nutrition of laying hens and their receipt of all useful substances.
  2. Grass, leaves and pine needles should be collected away from highways polluted with harmful emissions.
  3. The quality of litter is of great importance to the performance of chickens. Too wet litter is an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria. It is necessary to monitor the air humidity in the chicken coop, as well as the concentration of minerals in drinking water and feed (too much salt in the diet leads to excessive water consumption and, as a result, liquid droppings and deterioration of sanitary conditions).
  4. Excess salt in the diet and water also negatively affects the quality of eggshells, making them brittle.
  5. To get a yolk of a bright, beautiful color, you need to add corn, marigold flowers and other yellow pigments of plant origin to the birds’ diet.

To summarize, it should be noted that there are three fundamental points in keeping laying hens: comfortable temperature conditions, good illumination of the chicken coop and high-quality, well-chosen food. If you follow these rather simple rules, you can achieve maximum egg production throughout the year.

Feeding chart by dog ​​weight

To independently calculate the daily amount of dry formula required for your pet, it is convenient to use a table that indicates the required amount of the product. In this case, you need to know the energy value of a particular feed.

Royal Canin

The product belongs to the super premium category and is of high quality. The mixture contains all the ingredients, vitamins and microelements required by the animal. The manufacturer offers food for all breeds of dogs, as well as for puppies, nursing bitches, old and sick pets. Royal Canin formulations should be given to the animal in strictly limited quantities. To calculate the feeding rate, use this table:

Dog weightServing (g)
About 2 kg


Dry mixtures are produced by an American company. A distinctive feature of the product is its composition: Chappie contains brewer's yeast, which improves the pet's immunity. The rate of consumption of economy class mixture will depend on age, weight, lifestyle, and breed of animal. The average daily dosage can be calculated using the table provided.

Dog weight (kg)Daily serving (g)
To 10About 180
Up to 350
Up to 500


The company produces premium dry mixtures for different breeds, ages and sizes of dogs. It won’t be difficult to choose the right product, and to calculate the optimal daily portion, you can use the following table offered by the manufacturer:

Animal weight (kg)Daily feeding dosage (g)
To 10
Up to 200
Up to 270

Dog Chow

The product contains minerals, vitamins, oils and fats. About a quarter of the mass comes from whole grains and antioxidants, and about 15% is the meat component. Dog Chow is a high-quality, balanced premium dry product that is suitable for all breeds:

Energy value of feed

To properly create a menu for your four-legged friend, you must first find out which food to give preference to. Dry mixtures are divided into four main categories, differing in calorie content, nutritional content and composition (percentage of meat, presence of trace elements and vitamins):

  • economy class feed;
  • premium;
  • super-premium;
  • holistic.

When choosing the appropriate feed composition, do not forget that the higher the caloric content and nutritional value of the food, the less it is required by the animal. Thus, the most expensive foods are the most filling, so you need to give them to your pets in smaller quantities.

Economy class

Such food is produced from products of low quality; they have an energy value of about 250–300 kcal per 100 g. Food for economy-class dogs requires the mandatory introduction of additional vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet.

Premium class

This group of feed formulations contains various minerals and vitamins. Such industrial feeds, as a rule, contain a moderate amount of animal proteins (in the form of by-products and waste). The nutritional value of premium products is 300–350 kcal per 100 g.


Such foods are balanced and satisfying, from which the dog receives all the necessary substances. The mixtures contain high quality meat. The energy value of super premium dry food is 360–450 kcal per 100 g.


For the production of such mixtures, the highest quality products approved for the food industry are used. Holistic category feeds have an energy value of 360-450 kcal per 100 g of product. They are suitable for feeding pregnant and sick pets that require the most careful handling.

How much feed does a laying hen need per day, consumption rates?

Domestic chickens are quite active bird species. Laying hens are the fastest and fussiest. At first glance, it seems that they are always hungry, looking for something, and at the slightest deviation in their diet, the chicken immediately stops laying eggs properly. So, how much feed does a laying chicken’s body require per day? This is a complex question and there is no clear answer to it. The dose and composition of the mixture required for a young layer will differ from the diet of an adult due to differences in their physiology.

Video “An expert talks about Proplan”

In the video below, an expert who takes part in the creation of Proplan feeds will tell us about the products.

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What is forbidden to feed laying hens?

Owners of small family farms and household plots often consider the omnivorous nature of chickens to be a very good and beneficial quality for themselves. This bird (with the exception of some crosses, for example, the Hungarian giant and Hercules) is indeed unpretentious in nutrition as much as, for example, cattle, in particular dairy cows. However, for the healthy growth of laying hens and obtaining high-quality egg products, you need to know what foods chickens are strictly prohibited from consuming.

  • milk (not digested properly due to lack of necessary enzymes and causes intestinal diseases);
  • cheese, sausages, smoked fish (too fatty and salty foods);
  • alcohol (chicken livers are not able to process it);
  • sweets (the pancreas of laying hens does not produce enough insulin);
  • green potatoes (very toxic);
  • fresh white bread (swells in the intestines, it is better to give dried, ideally black);
  • a large number of apples and pears (hard to digest);
  • too hard food (potato peelings, watermelon peels, citrus peels, large pieces of vegetables);
  • stale, fermented, sour foods;
  • leftover food from the owners (usually heavily seasoned with spices and cooked in large amounts of oil, which is harmful to the digestion of laying hens).

Video: What not to feed chickens

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