How to train and raise a Beagle at home

Few people decide to bring home a large dog, but everyone wants to get an active, cheerful and good-natured pet. That is why many of the residents of our country prefer Beagle dogs. They are really energetic, very people oriented and great with older children. However, it should be understood that with all the advantages of this breed, these dogs have a hunting background, and therefore a difficult character. Only special Beagle training will help you control him. We will tell you in our article today how exactly to teach these dogs obedience, what elements make up raising a dog.

Beagle training: highlights

Motivation is the key to successful training

As we have already said, the name of the Beagle breed is practically synonymous with the word “active”. These dogs were bred in England and were given the honorable role of trackers on hunts.

Once upon a time, the beagle was an integral companion of the English nobility - a real hunter

Their task was to track prey. By the way, this also determined in detail the fact that these pets became very independent, because, in fact, it was they who decided where the entire crowd, consisting of:

  • hounds chasing prey;
  • fox terriers, who extracted particularly clever foxes from their holes;
  • the owners who carried guns;
  • the horses the owners rode.

The Beagle is not the easiest breed, so you need to learn how to train it.

Now such cruel entertainment as hunting has practically sunk into oblivion. We do not regret this, and even rejoice, but beagles still exist next to us, and the need for constant movement and active games, instilled by dog ​​breeders, has not gone away. Therefore, the owners have the task of providing dogs of this breed with quality training. What do they mean? Here are the main criteria:

  • intensity;
  • regularity;
  • sufficient duration of each lesson.

You will be surprised, but you need to conduct classes 2 times a day! This unexpected circumstance for many has become the reason that beagles have a bad reputation among dog lovers.

The Beagle is a very active dog, so buying one for children is a bad idea.

Very often, people buy such a dog for small children so that they can exercise with it, but no child can give a dog such a tough and intense load without the help of adults, hence various problems arise, such as:

  • damaged furniture;
  • messy bowel movements at home;
  • overly aggressive games with the owners;
  • anger at other pets, etc.

It is important to understand that the beagle is a working dog. Therefore, you need to train your dog often and for as long as it takes for the animal to learn a certain set of commands.

What is needed to conduct such training? Of course, your own motivation. Motivated owners can achieve not only perfect obedience from their dog, but literally anything they want. Preserving and cultivating this motivation is directly your task.

To raise a beagle, you need to establish a routine for literally everything: walking, training, feeding, sleeping.

So, for example, you can maintain motivation for training with your beagle using the following arguments:

  • a trained dog lives on average 3-4 years longer than one who spends his life aimlessly on the couch;
  • training allows you to achieve a greater understanding of the dog’s behavior;
  • regular training is a great way to gain the authority of a beagle and gain the status of a master in his eyes;
  • through training in various commands, you can achieve such convenient phenomena as giving slippers, bringing the ball directly into your hands, etc.;
  • training ensures the safety of your property and nerves.

If your pet gives his all during training, he will have no desire to damage property

If all of the above conditions are significant enough for you, I think there should be no problems with motivation.

How to train and raise a Beagle at home

Owners of this dog breed should know what proper beagle training should be like. With a step-by-step process of training your pet, the dog will be guided by the mood of the tone and the commands of the owner. The animal understands what is required of it and what is allowed.

The beagle is an energetic and cheerful breed of dog, however, before training a beagle at home, it is necessary to educate the dog, as this instills perseverance and obedience. How the dog will behave depends on well-organized education at the age of the puppy.

Either you or the dog: who will become the leader?

Authority is what you need in order to be able to give commands to your beagle that he will listen to. As we have already said, the hunting background of these dogs contributes to the fact that they consider themselves leaders always and everywhere. What does this confidence mean for you?

  • the dog will not listen to you;
  • the pet will run away from the site;
  • the animal may even pinch you with its teeth;
  • when you try to force someone to do something, you will hear a terrible growl from the dog.

Even a small puppy can most brazenly question the authority of its owner

As you can see, the danger that the dog imagines itself to be in charge is quite noticeable. Your task is to nip this in the bud, but not with physical force, but with encouragement and demandingness. The more firmly and calmly you insist that your dog repeat the same command, the faster he will understand that you are a wise teacher and respected leader, and not a nervous little man. If your pet flatly refuses to perform this or that action, use a trick and do this:

  • show the dog a yummy, dearly loved one;
  • motivating with food, force you to follow the command;
  • Give your dog a food reward and give him active praise at the same time.

These stubborn dogs have won many hearts

Thus, you will reinforce the following association in the dog: following commands brings great pleasure. Nobody forces you to refuse rewards with food later in training, so you should use this trick endlessly. However, the amount of food should still be reduced, since overeating does not contribute to active exercise.

Raising a 2 month old beagle puppy

At 2 months old, your beagle puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is still not allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in familiar home conditions.

The first step is teaching the puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper . At the same time, it should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing, and when you see the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

The second important point will be to accustom the puppy to a collar and leash . Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but is already a familiar thing, and he can begin to explore the world around him, rather than trying get rid of an unknown object.

Training as a lifestyle

Many beagle owners mistakenly believe that timed training with the dog is enough to ensure that it obeys and obeys perfectly. In reality, this is not entirely true. For total behavior correction, training is needed, and the successes achieved should be constantly reinforced throughout the day.

Training for Beagle owners has long become a common pastime.

So, for example, you can train your dog to follow the command “Sit!” or “Give me your paw!” even before you place the bowl of food on the floor in front of her. You can also train your pet to always sit at crosswalks while you stand waiting for the green light. If the animal refuses to obey, you should not follow his lead, put a bowl of food or reward him with a treat. No, put the food back with peace of mind so that your pet understands that stubbornness works both ways. This approach completely deprives you of the need to be strict, because this, as we remember, only leads to a deterioration in relationships. In this case, we influence stubbornness with stubbornness. Gather all your will into a fist and be sure: the team’s next pitch will be crowned with success.

You can motivate your dog to exercise in different ways, for example, with a kind word or treats.

As for motivating a dog with treats, it is very important to understand that it can and should be transferred into everyday life. The main conditions when using this motivational tool are as follows:

  • do not overdo it with frequency, as the dog may get used to the chain “following the command = tasty” and will stop following instructions without such reinforcements;
  • Make sure the quality of the treats is really good and low in calories, otherwise you risk having an overweight, overfed and lazy dog.

As we have already said, training is a way of life for the beagle and its owner. Let goodies and kind words always be at your disposal, and after the dog has established a certain regularity in following commands, give him treats every 4-6 times.

Representatives of this breed are very, very energetic.

If you don’t want to spend money on purchasing goodies in specialized stores, then you can replace them with boiled, cut into pieces the following types of meat:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • chicken;
  • turkey.

However, if your pet has an uneasy appetite for some healthy vegetable, fruit, etc., you can make training mixes of reward foods.

Dog Treat Recipes

Socialization of a beagle puppy at 3 months

Three months is an important stage in a beagle puppy’s introduction to the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy.

At this age, the puppy’s nervous system is forming.

, so it is necessary to show him as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy and not frighten him.

It is also necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people.

so that later the puppy does not develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. And this is currently, unfortunately, not uncommon in the behavior of adult dogs, but a fairly common problem with which people turn to our specialists for help.

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • Now you can and should go to the toilet on the street, rather than steadfastly endure and carry everything home;
  • Not every new person or dog wants to communicate, so you don’t need to run headlong to meet everyone;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the owner’s hands.

Training a puppy follows the same principles as at 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age puppies develop conditioned reflexes quite easily, but they are also quickly forgotten, so you should not scold the puppy for not following commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but you should pay more attention to learning new things and repeating already learned material .

Regularity is a sign of mastery

We have already mentioned above that one of the parameters of high-quality training is its regularity. So, beagles have more than enough energy and, believe me, if the dog does not let it out on time, training will not work, because the animal will decide that the most optimal activity for it now is running, and not listening to its boring owner. That is why before training or at other times it is necessary to give the beagle a good run. However, this can be done during walks to ensure that the dog goes to the toilet. It is best that such a walk lasts at least one hour. This way the pet will not only do all its business, but also:

  • will spend the energy accumulated during the night;
  • At the same time, it will increase attentiveness to your teams.

An excellent option would be a game of throwing a stick or a ball.

Beagle puppy training, when to start

Beagle puppy training must begin from the very first days

the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be, on the contrary, very useful, since it allows you to immediately establish contact

with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

List of required basic commands

Today, there are several basic commands that a beagle must learn in order to raise its overall level of obedience. They will, as it were, create a cage in his head that will take the pet’s uncontrollable temperament in a strong vice.

Untrained beagle = destroyed apartment

Teaching the command “Sit!”

Perhaps the very first among the basic commands that a beagle should learn. The animal is trained in the following way.

  1. Call your dog to you, showing him the treat you are holding in your hands.
  2. Let your dog sniff the treat but don't let him eat it, keeping the piece of food close to your dog's nose to keep him interested.
  3. Bring the treat a little higher, behind the dog’s head, and say the command “Sit!”
  4. You will figure out for yourself how to proceed in the fourth step:
  • if the dog sits down by inertia, watching the treat go behind the back of its head, then give it to it, praise the dog and repeat this several times;
  • if the animal does not sit, then, while still showing the treat, you should press on the animal's rump, firmly and gently sit her on the ground, and then verbally praise. Repeat the process several times, occasionally reinforcing the animal’s actions with food.

In both cases, you must pronounce the command “Sit!” so that the animal builds a connection between it, your actions and its actions.

Beagles follow the command “Sit!”

At first, you will need to practice this command whenever possible, that is:

  • before feeding;
  • when going out into the yard;
  • before starting training;
  • on walks;
  • at traffic lights;
  • when getting into a car;
  • before swimming, etc.

In this way, you will teach the dog that it must follow commands not only alone with you, in a cozy home environment, but also in cases where you are on the street and there are a lot of distractions around.

When the dog begins to carry out this command without misfires, stop rewarding it with treats. By doing this, you will let the animal understand that much more effort is required from him to earn a tasty treat, and perseverance must be spent precisely on satisfying the owner’s demands.

It takes a lot of effort to raise a pet correctly.

Teaching the command “Place!”

Before learning the command “Place!” , the dog must deal with the command “Sit!” You will need to proceed as follows.

  1. Give the sit command to your dog.
  2. Standing near a sitting animal, give the command “Place!” and extend your hand.
  3. If the animal sits still for a while, even just a few seconds, reward it with a treat.
  4. Move away a little and in the same way, showing the tasty treat with your outstretched hand, give the dog the command “Place!”
  5. Move further and further away, repeating the sequence of actions described above.

Your task in this case is to ensure that your animal does not follow you or the food, but remains sitting still. In this case, the following are very welcome:

  • firm voice;
  • emotional praise and treats.

It is important that the pet stays in place and does not run after you

Teaching the command “Come to me!”

The next step is to teach the dog the “Come to me!” command. It should be done as follows.

  1. Provided that you see in ordinary life that an animal is coming towards you, say loudly “Come to me!” When your dog approaches you, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat this procedure until the animal associates one with the other.
  2. If your dog doesn't come to you often, lure him in with a treat. As she approaches, also say the command we are considering out loud and praise her so much that she understands: the owner is very happy. Don’t forget to give her the treat that has become bait.

Do not rush the animal to follow the command. Give him time to get used to it and realize that the commands “Place!” and “Sit!” do not require any activity from the dog, but only maintaining the current position.

Don't scold your pet if he doesn't follow the command the first time

Under no circumstances should you scold a dog if it was unable to carry out the command immediately, since the animal will make its own association: the command “Come to me!” equal to punishment. Of course, it will refuse to fulfill it. It is best not to react to failures in any way, but simply demand that the dog follow the command.

Barking control

The next thing you need to do is learn how to control your dog's barking. Unfortunately, the breed we are considering can be classified as dogs that bark with or without reason, for example, if they are overexcited by something or want to play with their owner.

Unfortunately, only you and your family can identify a dog's active barking and understand what it means, while all of you will know that the dog is not aggressive and not angry. However, passers-by will not understand this, and even though the beagle is a medium-sized dog, it will scare them.

Learn to control your dog's barking

You can tell when a dog is ready to bark by the expression on its face. So, at these moments she usually becomes:

  • wrinkled;
  • tense and tense;
  • the dog's eyebrows frown;
  • lips begin to rise, etc.

Each dog will have its own unique facial expression that will let you know that the animal is about to burst into a loud bark, and only you, as the owner, will be able to guess it. When you notice this exact expression on the dog's face, you will need to distract him with something. For example, it is very easy to do this with a toy that your pet likes so much. Lure your pet towards it, give him the command “Sit!” and praise her for being so obedient.

Distraction - favorite toy

By the way, representatives of this breed variety may be irritated by any specific phenomena, to which it will burst into loud barking. For example, sounds often become such phenomena:

  • doorbell;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • open tap;
  • knocking on doors;
  • the sound of your car engine;
  • the sound of an approaching garbage truck, etc.

You need to track what exactly makes the beagle bark, and try to distract the dog from this sound or other phenomenon so that over time it stops paying attention to it.

It is necessary to stop the beagle's barking not only without a reason in everyday life, but also that which is directed at other dogs that, whether you like it or not, he will encounter on a walk

To do this, proceed as follows.

  1. Put your dog on a leash and go for a walk.
  2. When your pet sees another dog, give the command “Quiet!” in a calm but firm voice.
  3. After giving the command, reverse the direction of movement.
  4. Once your dog has calmed down, essentially walking with his back to the teaser, turn around again, or, if possible, towards the other dog.
  5. When your pet starts barking again, give the command and turn in the direction where there is no dog, and repeat this sequence of actions.

After some time, your dog will understand that it is his barking that becomes an obstacle to playing with other pets. However, if you come across a particularly stubborn specimen, it would also be advisable to add “Quiet!” to the command. a firm but smooth pull with the leash.

Please note an important fact: the more nervous you are during training, the more nervous the dog will be, so it is best to remain calm when you see other tailed dogs in the area. This will help your pet cope with his nerves.

Try to be as discreet as possible when training your beagle.

Bite control

From the very first day you get your pet, you need to start stopping attempts to bite. If your pet gets playful and bites during games, then you should avoid such games and switch to calmer games or games where the object for biting is some kind of stick, toy, etc.

If you are playing with your dog and he suddenly tries to bite you, stop playing immediately. After some time, the beagle will understand that the bites are the reason why the beloved owner does not want to play with her.

Bites are a reason to stop playing with your pet

Provided that the beagle did bite you or some other person, then this probably happened because:

  • the dog is afraid of you;
  • the animal is confused or frightened by some external factor.

When a dog bites, it is most often in an altered state. At the same time, she does not become a dangerous wolf or an aggressive pet. Most often, beagles bite only during play, and it is up to you to train the animal not to do this according to the scheme that we have already become very fond of:

  • no swearing;
  • without an angry tone;
  • through temporary cessation of contact.

If the dog continues to bite and behave strangely, most likely he needs to see a veterinarian or a dog handler (especially typical for those dogs that came to you as adults), since it happens that dogs bite due to various diseases or simply bad Education.

If the dog is frightened, a bite may be a defensive reaction.

Control of jumping on people and dogs

It is very important to make your dog a social creature, as they say. Controlling the animal’s jumping on strangers will help us complete the task:

  • of people;
  • pets

You can still jump on other pets, but putting your paws on other people, dressed in clean clothes, complete strangers, is a dangerous undertaking

There are several very effective techniques that can help you stop your Beagle from jumping on people. If any of the methods help you achieve success, you will need to immediately praise the dog in a tone and give it a treat.

Table. How to stop a beagle from jumping on people?

IgnoringJust step aside and after a couple of minutes call the animal. When it comes up and doesn't jump on you, praise it
Using CommandsUse one of the previously learned commands to distract the dog from jumping: “Place!” and “Sit!” Reinforce the results you achieve with rewards in the form of a treat.
A trip to the dog handlerIf you think your dog is jumping on you or other people purely out of boredom, your best bet is to contact a professional dog trainer. He will help you more accurately understand the reason why the dog so zealously puts his paws on everyone, and will tell you how to correct this behavior

Only after studying the commands that interest us can we say with confidence that the dog is ready to move to a new level of training

Once you have taught your dog the basic knowledge from the table above, you can begin to do more complex things with him.

Bite control

Both very young and adult beagles can begin to bite when they arrive in a new home. Such attempts must be stopped from the very beginning. If this happens during play, you should change your activity to a calmer one or let the dog chew on a stick or ball. The game itself must be stopped immediately.

If this happens regularly, the animal will understand that it was the bites that caused the cessation of play and will stop biting. In general, a dog may bite for several reasons other than active play. First of all, it is fear, as well as a kind of protection. The main thing for the owner is to understand that a bite can be a random occurrence that does not indicate the pet’s aggression.

As for beagles, they do bite while playing. You can’t scold a dog, much less shout at it. Physical force should not be used. You just need to limit contact with the animal for a while.

If this does not help, you need to contact a dog handler or veterinarian. Bites can be caused by illness, and in adult dogs, by poor upbringing.

Teaching your dog to be clean

Accustoming your beagle to cleanliness inside the walls of the house in which you now live together is one of your main tasks. Start studying this issue the moment you and your puppy cross the threshold of your apartment or house. What do you need to do? First, you will need to allocate a place for him to use the toilet, marking it with a diaper, under which it is better to place a cat litter box, for example. At first, it will be enough to take the little puppy to this toilet until he shits there, repeating the procedure several more times.

Toilet training is also a kind of training, without which it is impossible to raise an animal.

If the puppy sits down to go to the toilet past the diaper, firmly tell him the command “Toilet!” and take him to the place where he went last time. All subsequent times the dog must get to the toilet itself. Correct her behavior at first, and then everything will settle down on its own. At first, you must definitely praise the puppy for going to the toilet in a diaper. You need to praise to the point of preparing treats that will indicate your satisfaction.

At first, keep your dog in only one room. When she gets used to the toilet (usually about 3 days), let her out of the room to wander around the house.

You need to teach your dog to be clean from puppyhood, because then it will be too late

When the age is right, after receiving the appropriate vaccinations, start taking your dog outside. According to the scheme that is already clear to us, after a successful bowel movement, praise the animal with your voice, stroking and treats. Repeat these actions until the dog begins to go to the toilet only outside.

At first, you will have to spend a large amount of your free time and take the animal outside to relieve itself every 20-30 minutes. On the street, try to consolidate the result in a way familiar to the puppy and initially place it in the same place so that it shits there.

The younger the puppy, the more often he should go for walks.

Let us remind you that the older the puppy, the less frequent the walks become, however, even at a young age, while he is just getting used to the toilet, you need to allocate several main exits for him, which are characterized by the longest duration, that is:

  • morning;
  • day;
  • evening.

While the puppies are small, play it safe and take them outside after each feeding. When your dog relieves itself outside, praise it very, very actively.

In fact, dogs belonging to this breed do an excellent job of following commands. You just need to train them correctly

Monitor your dog for any signs of behavior that may indicate he needs to go to the toilet. So, dogs that really need to go outside give the following signals:

  • whining;
  • restless pacing at the front door;
  • sitting at the door;
  • sniffing the floor;
  • moving in circles.

It’s better to take a leash and go outside with your dog, rather than wait until the last minute to find out whether you correctly understood your pet’s non-verbal language. There shouldn't be any doubts here.

Be mentally prepared for the fact that the dog will sooner or later shit at home. Here it is strictly forbidden to yell or hit the animal, since it did not do this on purpose. You just need to choose an enzymatic cleaner that kills the smell of urine and remove it completely from the flooring, otherwise the puppy may again want to visit the makeshift bathroom.

It is strictly prohibited to use household chemicals containing ammonia and chlorine when cleaning up after a beagle puppy.

Chlorine is very toxic to dogs, and ammonia is part of the urine of living creatures, and its smell, on the contrary, can attract a dog rather than repel it. However, it is very important to store these products correctly: it is better to do this away from the dog, otherwise it may get poisoned and die.

Second phase

In the second phase of training, there is a transition to more complex commands, that is, the beagle begins to develop certain training skills. It is necessary to begin training when the dog is already six months old. Now you must conduct certain lessons with your dog, devoting ten to fifteen minutes to them.

Beagles do not know how to concentrate on one subject for a long time, so they will not be able to devote much time to practicing one command. As a result, they will lose interest in learning and will not be able to learn the skill. A fifteen-minute lesson should be rich and exciting - teach the puppy while playing.

Don't forget to praise your child for doing the right thing. As a reward for your beagle, some kind of treat is suitable: pieces of food or low-fat cheese. You can combine a treat with stroking, verbal praise, gradually replacing one with the other. The dog will want to get something pleasant from you.

After six months, the beagle is taught the commands “near”, “barrier”, “forward”, “fetch”, “teeth”. They are also trained in basic tricks – “give me your paw”, “freeze”. Additionally, they perform physical exercises: running, swimming, walking next to the owner.

If you and your pet want to take part in dog sports, then you need to prepare for any category:

  • appearance exhibitions;
  • training competitions, for example, running along a track with obstacles - agility.


You may be surprised, but the diet for dogs is almost one of the most important aspects of training. The stricter you are about feeding, the healthier your dog will be. So, first of all, you need to understand that you cannot allow your dog to eat during the day. The food in the bowl should appear with the following frequency:

  • in small puppies 5-6 times a day;
  • for adults - 3-4;
  • adult dogs eat 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Treats are a great reason to reward your pet for following some commands.

The number of walks your animal needs depends on the frequency of feeding. Therefore, gradually, from a small dog to an older one, they are reduced, but at the same time the duration of each of them increases. Puppies can tolerate as many hours as they are currently months old. You need to remember this rule and plan your day in accordance with it. Adult dogs can tolerate 8 hours, but it is dangerous for them to tolerate more.

The amount of food must be calculated according to the following two characteristics of your dog:

  • age;
  • weight

If you feed him dry industrial food, there will be no problems with determining the dosage, since manufacturers of high-quality food always put a correspondence table on the side of the pack. When preparing food yourself, it is best to consult a veterinarian about the serving size.

It is imperative to feed your dog at the same time, based on the age and weight of the pet.

Raising a Beagle

The Beagle, whose upbringing and training is a rather labor-intensive process, is quite capricious. Within five months it is necessary to instill obedience in the beagle . Training puppies independently begins at the age of 2.5 months. After a new family member arrives in the house, he needs to be allowed to adapt for several days. The dog should be shown its toys, toe, and place to sleep.

The first months should be aimed at basic training of the dog. This includes cleanliness, learning to stay alone at home, and weaning off biting. To do this, owners need to understand the animal themselves. Her emotions are considered, rudeness is not allowed when the puppy makes a mistake. Soft and clear correction. If you ignore these points, the pet will begin to follow commands out of fear, and then learning the commands will become more complicated.

With proper training, a dog can easily be taught common commands within six months. But a person should not consider this a routine. Variety of learning through play, long periods of time, and frequent walks so that relationships become more trusting. The beagle is like a child, he very sensitively senses the mood of people, requires attention, as he understands almost everything. If each family member is involved in raising a dog, the result will be more fruitful, since training a beagle needs to be captivating and engaging.

Let's sum it up

Training is a multi-stage activity that lasts a lifetime, since without it, dogs quickly relax and begin to show disobedience again. This statement also applies to beagles, because they were former hunting dogs.

Remember: all teams are instilled through perseverance and kindness. By yelling at your dog, you won't achieve much, and you'll lose all respect along the way. Contrary to the prevailing opinion in our dense society, respect does not equal fear, and a dog that is afraid of you is unlikely to obey you. Considering that we are talking about a beagle, sooner or later this will lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

A Beagle can be a great family pet if you both put in the right amount of effort.

Love is the force that will help you move on. Remember this and concentrate all your efforts on training the dog. For this you will be rewarded with the love of your active pet.

The advantage of training

What can be achieved through training:

  • Training will strengthen the bond with the owner's dog. A beagle begins to obey only if it trusts its owner and recognizes leadership.
  • Training instills the skills of correct behavior and obedience. A pet that has learned the rules feels more comfortable and confident, since the owner is not distracted by constant tugging and scolding the animal for its faults.
  • Training saves and protects the dog. The breed has a pronounced hunting instinct, so while walking, beagles constantly sniff out something, looking for a “prey,” and when hunting for birds and other living creatures, they can get lost or run out onto the road.
  • For the dog, the owner becomes an authority. This is a great opportunity to bring animals and humans closer together.


Hygiene procedures are an important part of caring for a beagle at home. Proper content reduces the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

The Beagle is a real mess. He loves to dig, swim in ponds, roll in the mud, and carry garbage.

Therefore, timely hygiene procedures will save the owner from damaged carpets, dirty furniture and a destroyed apartment.

Bathing puppies and adult dogs

The Beagle's coat is short and does not require special care. It is enough to stroke the cover with a glove brush once a week.

Frequent bathing is prohibited; detergents lead to peeling of the skin and destruction of the natural environment of the dermis.


Proper eye care is the key to the absence of ophthalmological problems. You need to wipe your mucous membranes every day with chamomile infusion. Usually such care is sufficient. The accumulation of mucus or pus in the corners indicates the development of an infection or disorders in the eye apparatus. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian.


In the wild, wolves and predators remove plaque from teeth by gnawing on bones or chewing plants and branches. A beagle living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to chew on fibrous natural foods every day. Therefore, his incisors are covered with plaque, which over time turns into tartar.

It is recommended to brush Beagles' teeth at least once a week, using a medium-hard brush and toothpaste for dogs. You can give chewable treats designed to clean the mouth.


The beagle's ears are long and require serious care. While walking or hunting, they collect all thorns, weeds, and garbage (chewing gum, polyethylene).

The beagle literally sweeps the ground with its ears, lowering its head when searching for a new smell. Therefore, the owner should inspect the ears daily for contamination. Wipe them with veterinary lotion.


An active beagle living in an apartment wears its claws on the asphalt during walks. But this may not happen if the local area has predominantly soft soils. Therefore, it is recommended to trim your pets’ nails every 1.5–2 months.

Basic Rules

Spitz training at home for beginners

Beagle training should be consistent and systematic. There are a number of rules that must be followed to achieve success:

  • Do not start learning a new command until the previous one has been mastered.
  • Ensure that the command is compulsory, otherwise the dog will decide that it can evade obedience.
  • Classes should be conducted in an area that is familiar to the beagle, otherwise he will be constantly distracted and try to explore it.
  • The duration of training should be no more than 15–20 minutes for puppies and no less than 30 minutes for adults. You need to repeat classes twice a day.
  • The lesson should focus on rewards, as beagles do not tolerate punishment very well.
  • You can use treats, praise, or a toy as a reward for following commands.
  • If reprimand is unavoidable, it is recommended to show care or ignore the animal. You can only express disapproval in a loud but calm voice.
  • Punishment must follow immediately after the offense. After 3-5 minutes, attempts to correct behavior will be useless.

Puppy training should last no more than 20 minutes.

In addition to training as such, you need to set boundaries for behavior in the house for the dog. The beagle should not be allowed to sleep on the owner's bed or sofa, spoil clothes or furniture, or eat anything other than regular meals. You should also control the tendency to jump on people and bite them, even in a fit of joyful excitement.

Breed standard

Weight - from 8 to 11 kg.

Height at the withers is 33-41 cm. Males are slightly larger than females and more powerfully built.

Color may vary significantly. The classic three-color color black/red/white and two-color white and red are common. All colors can be spotted. The tip of the tail is white.

The coat is thick, smooth, lying close to the body. It protects well from bad weather without allowing moisture to pass through.

There are varieties of the breed. European beagle and American. The difference is in color, the American beagle is slightly larger than the European one.

Charming appearance, endless friendliness and patience

Mass entertainer

A hunter who has been carefully selected for centuries, in our years has retrained as a friend, a companion, a playful crowd-pleaser—an entertainer for your children. And, oddly enough, he is ideal for this role.

No matter what happens, believe me, he will always be at the center of things. This good-natured fidget will become a real favorite of the whole family, you will agree to tolerate his innocent pranks in exchange for the boundless devotion that this naughty pupil will reward you with - your one and only beagle.

What are social skills for?

There are many manuals on raising puppies for dummies. Of course, you can glean useful information from each source, but do not forget that each pet is individual, with its own characteristics, therefore, the approach must be individual.

Raising and training a dog are important stages in the life of the owner and the dog.

Before you figure out how to raise a puppy, you need to understand why an animal needs social skills. Social skills allow your pet to become an intelligent family member who:

  • will be a faithful friend and guard;
  • will relieve himself in the right place;
  • will calmly receive guests;
  • will not spoil things and steal food;

And so the list can go on ad infinitum.

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