What a Yorkshire Terrier looks like: breed standard and photos of popular dog types

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular and recognizable dog breeds in the world.

But not everyone knows that, in addition to the standard Yorkies, many more varieties of this breed have been bred, differing from each other in size and color.

And not all future owners of Yorkshire dogs with a standard color think about what a Yorkshire terrier puppy should look like and how its external differences from adult dogs are expressed.

What should a purebred Yorkie of any variety, gender or age look like?

Origin story

The Yorkie was not always a lap dog. At the dawn of the breed's history, these dogs, bred in Yorkshire, were working terriers: they destroyed rodents in houses and in mines.

Only later did they become a salon breed, and their popularization was greatly facilitated by the fact that Yorkshires were the favorites of Queen Victoria, during whose reign the breed was officially recognized.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of Yorkies was still small, but it was from this time that their spread throughout the world began..

The 1940s did not have the best effect on the breed, since during the Second World War people had no time for breeding dogs that had no practical value for the front.

But after its end, the number of Yorkies began to increase again, and the popularity of the breed began to revive.

By now, Yorkshire dogs are loved in many countries, including Russia . We can say that this is one of the most famous small dog breeds in the modern world.

Feeding the dog

Feeding a crossbreed follows the rules of feeding their purebred parents, that is, they can be given what they give to Yorkies and Toys .
But, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Yorkies have a stricter diet. Perhaps the stomach of a mixed breed will be stronger, but it is better to prevent possible allergic reactions and indigestion.

Given this fact, torks are usually fed the following foods:

  • meat: chicken, lean beef, veal;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, apples rich in iron are especially important;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese (exclude milk after 4 months).


Approximately 80 grams of food are required per 1 kg of dog weight.

The main thing is that your pet’s diet includes a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Breed standard

According to the breed standard, the height of a standard Yorkie should not exceed 22 cm at the withers, and its weight should not exceed 3.1 kg..

The head is relatively small when compared to its size with the body. The skull is not convex, but rather flattened, the transition to the muzzle is pronounced, but not too sharp.

The dog's muzzle is short. The lips are tight-fitting and black. The chewing muscles are not very well expressed.

The teeth are even and small, there should be no gaps or, especially, gaps between them . Only a scissor bite is allowed. The nose is small and has black pigmentation.

The eyes are medium-sized, set approximately at an average level, not too protruding. The pigmentation of the eyes is brown, the darker the shade, the better. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, alert, lively.

The ears are triangle-shaped, erect, set approximately at the height of the forehead, and not widely spaced. The ear cartilage is quite thin, but elastic. The outside of the ears is covered with short hair of a rich brownish-red hue.

The body is compact, rectangular in format, without looking stretched.

The neck is of medium length and graceful lines.

The withers are weakly defined, the chest is oval in shape, not very deep or wide. The back is short, strong, and not sagging. The abdominal line is moderately tucked.

Limbs are straight and even . Elbows and hocks are parallel, but not too pronounced. Paws are collected, round in shape. The claws are black, moderately curved.

The dog usually holds its tail no higher than the spine, and only when running it is thrown over its back in the form of a plume.

The coat is very long, flowing, completely devoid of undercoat, making its texture similar to human hair.

The standard states that Yorkies' hair should be of medium length; in fact, show dogs have hair so long that it reaches the floor. The photo below shows groomed pets in clothes.


The color of the standard Yorkie is based on the contrast of brownish-red and steel-gray shades, slightly diluted with golden ash on the chest and paws.

In this case, the head, including the ears, is rich red, and from the occipital protuberance and below the color should be gray.

The main difficulty in breeding show Yorkies is obtaining dogs with the most saturated steel-gray coat color .

Price range

The cost of a purebred Yorkie depends on its class.


A pet-class puppy can be purchased for 5-14 thousand rubles, the price for breed-class dogs starts from 15 thousand rubles, a show class representative will cost 15-70 thousand rubles or more.

Also, despite not meeting the breed standard, mini-Yorks are popular - such a puppy costs an average of 25 thousand rubles.

Briefly about character and temperament

Yorkshires are distinguished by their courage, balance and always good spirits. These dogs are affectionate and loving: they simply adore their owners and are ready to do anything to please them.

Yorkies are smart and quick-witted: they are willing to learn and train.

If it were not for their small size and fragility of build, it would be difficult to find a more suitable breed for sports, for example, agility: after all, Yorkshires are hardy and passionate, like all terriers.

It is the latter circumstance that makes them the “stars” of numerous shows and exhibitions: the Yorkie loves and knows how to show himself in the best light.

These dogs, if raised correctly, do not cause problems: they get along well with other pets and with children, but if necessary, they can also turn out to be good guards.

They also love to accompany their owners everywhere - from going to the store to traveling around the world.

The affectionateness of Yorkies also has the other side of the coin: these dogs are very dependent on their owners and do not tolerate loneliness very well..

Read more about the character of Yorkies here.

Pet health

Yorkshire Terriers cannot boast of good health.

Diseases characteristic of the breed include:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • alopecia;
  • cataract and glaucoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • breathing problems;
  • hernias

Yorkies often experience eye injuries and the fontanelle not overgrowing.

Popular types of Yorkshire terriers and their descriptions

To date, three types of York have been bred, differing in size.:

  • Standard: from 2.6 to 3.1 kg.
  • Mini: from 1.5 to 2.5 kg.
  • Super-mini or micro: from 1 to 1.5 kg.

All three species have the same body structure, as well as character and temperament.

The following color variations of the Yorkshire Terrier are also now known:

  • standard;
  • beaver;
  • biro;
  • goldust;
  • choco;
  • white;
  • black.

Of all these varieties, only beavers have received official recognition. All other color variations, except for them and the standard, are considered a defect in the breed and are not allowed for exhibitions.

Baby-face Yorkies , which have a non-standard head structure and a shortened muzzle, are especially popular in the modern world .

Outwardly, these dogs look like a soft toy and can be not only standard, but also mini or micro. And the baby-face color can be any of the ones listed above.

Pets that are a cross between a toy terrier and a Yorkshire dog also look especially special . Read about this cross here.

Features of care


This gentle breed is a Yorkshire Terrier dog; it requires constant care. This is a professional grooming that includes clipper .

Bathe weekly with shampoo and conditioner and blow dry. Comb every day using balms, sprays, lotions.

Every two weeks, trim and file the claws.

In the morning, wipe your eyes with a damp swab.

To prevent hair from falling into the eyes and into the food bowl, it is pinned up at the top of the head.

After bathing, ears are cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in lotion.

The fur around the edges of the ears is cut off, and the inside is plucked.

Yorkies have no undercoat, so the dog gets cold - you should buy both clothes and shoes for it

Brush your teeth after each feeding with a toothpick, picking out any leftover food. Some Yorkies love toothbrushes. You should use them and toothpastes a couple of times a week.


The Yorkshire Terrier is an indoor dog, but it also needs to be walked. Walk for about half an hour twice a day.

Yorkies have no undercoat, so the dog gets cold - you should buy both clothes and shoes for it.

At home, train your pet to use the litter box. Immediately after sleep or after eating, take the puppy to the tray or diaper.

Accustoming will take some time and during this period you need to limit the territory (with a tray, toys and a sleeping place) so that he better remembers the location of the toilet.

Loyalty and friendliness, affectionate disposition and loud barking, incredible activity and visual attractiveness, independence and playfulness - all this is combined in the Yorkshire Terrier


Puppies should have 6 meals a day before reaching 6 months of age.

Then you can feed two or three times a day.

The norm is 2 tablespoons of food per kilogram.

Special food is produced for small dogs and specifically for Yorkshire terriers .

Here's what to feed from the table (cook separately).

You can give:

  • lean meat: chicken, beef, turkey – 50%;
  • porridge: rice, wheat, buckwheat;
  • boiled fish (a couple of times a week);
  • boiled egg;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog requires careful care. For example, after every meal she needs to pick out any leftover food with a toothpick. Some Yorkies love toothbrushes. You should use them and toothpastes a couple of times a week

You cannot give:

  • fat meat;
  • milk;
  • sweets, smoked foods, salty foods;
  • flour and pasta products;
  • bones;
  • raw fish;
  • potatoes, legumes.

Main types of colors


It has a bright, white-black-red color and a black nose, while the proportional ratio of colors can be any: along with beavers, which have a white color with small spots, there are also individuals whose main color could be called, rather, black.

However, it is the light-colored dogs that are most popular..


It is colored white-brown-red, the location of the spots and their size may vary.

There are also almost brown biros that have a slight tan and small white markings (shown in the photo).

The nose of Biro Yorkies is brown in various shades.


The main color of the coat is golden-fawn of various tones.

May be supplemented with small white markings.

Chocolate or choco

Its color can be any of the brown tones: from light brownish to dark chocolate.

There may be some small white markings and tan, but its color is not the deep red of the Biro, but rather a pale brown.


The color of his coat should be intense black.

Small white markings are acceptable, such as a white “tie” or “socks”, as well as a narrow blaze on the forehead.


Such dogs are very rare (shown in the photo).

Ideally should be snow white.

The eyelids, nose and edges of the lips are only allowed to be black, and the eyes should be as dark a brown shade as possible.

Baby face

Translated from English as “baby face”. These dogs have large, bright eyes and a small muzzle. Perhaps such a soft combination became the reason for its enormous popularity. It’s true, looking into those children’s, naive eyes, you want to hug the puppy close to you and hug for a long time.

Based on standards, the baby face face is considered incorrect. Its length should be no less than the length of the skull, in our case, it is 1/3.

This type of terrier often suffers from conjunctivitis due to its large eyes. However, all representatives of this breed require special care for their eyes, since long hair often causes damage.

The shortened face promotes snoring of the pet, which is completely safe for its life. In addition, your Yorkie may make strange noises while running. They also pose no threat and pass quickly enough.

What do boys and girls look like and how do they differ?

Like other breeds, Yorkie boys look very impressive and impressive, while girls look more graceful and gentle, and are a pleasure to look at!

Also, their head may visually look somewhat smaller in proportion than that of males.

If in other breeds of dogs boys are usually larger, then in Yorkies this is ambiguous: even among individuals of standard size, a female can be larger than a male, which sometimes creates difficulties in breeding these dogs.


Quite a rare breed, sometimes called “white gold”. The dog's coat combines white-chocolate-golden color. The very unusual appearance of the dog attracts quite a lot of people, and some say with confidence that this is the most beautiful Yorkie in the world. That is why the dog is gradually gaining its popularity. Although acquiring such a miracle is not so easy, because in order to breed offspring, both parents of the same color are needed.

Goldust has a very friendly, playful and playful character. The baby's weight is no more than 5 kg, and his height is 20-25 centimeters. Like all long-haired animals, the puppy requires special care. For example, it is recommended to use special shampoos to wash it, although the fur itself is combed quite easily and does not tangle.

What do the puppies look like?

The color of a newborn Yorkie puppy is black and tan, like a Rottweiler, and the fur is about the same length (as the puppies in the photo).

But as they grow older, the color of the coat begins to change, and its length gradually increases.

A small Yorkie begins to bloom from the head, the color of which changes from black to golden-red, and an adult Yorkie should have no black hairs left on the head at all.

The color on the chest and paws changes in approximately the same way and, as a result, the fur there acquires a golden-ashy hue.

The steel color begins to appear first from above: on the neck, back and rump.

At the same time, the hair itself lightens unevenly: a grayish tint appears first at its base and only then drops lower, towards the tip.


The color is finally formed by the age of two or three, and it is not always the desired color.

Many Yorkies grow noticeably lighter in color, and in some of them the areas of contrasting colors do not have clear outlines.

With age, the texture of the Yorkie's coat also changes: from short and smooth at birth, by the time the pet is one year old, it becomes thinner, longer and silkier, as in the picture below.


Such a variety as the Biro Yorkie arose as a result of the mutation of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier. Biro Yorkies are also tri-colored, however, in their color the black color is replaced by chocolate brown, and the hair on the head has a golden tint. They are also slightly larger in size and weight.

Biro Yorkies cannot be called an independent breed, because the basic requirement for the concept of “breed” is not met: it is impossible to predict what the litter will be like, even when crossing two Biro Yorkies.

How to choose a pet?

This is not too difficult if we are talking about a pet: it is only enough that the puppy is healthy, liked by the owner and more or less meets the standard.

When a future champion is bought, then everything is much more complicated.

The main problem when choosing a standard-colored Yorkie puppy is that what its final color will turn out to be can only be guessed at..

As a rule, if the litter is well-grown and the puppies have good heredity, then they look almost the same, apart from some differences in size.

And even if the puppies differ in the intensity of their tan, this does not mean anything about their future adult color.

In this case, you can focus on what color the parents of the selected puppy have. Also, if this is not the first litter born from them, then it would be nice to look at the already adult brothers and sisters of the future pet.

If exterior characteristics are of paramount importance for the future owner, then experts recommend buying not a puppy, but a young dog after coloring, which may have already won the first of its show victories.

Of course, buying a promising adult dog is not a cheap pleasure.

But such a step ensures that the Yorkie meets the requirements of the standard and that no unpleasant surprises in the form of too light or unclear color are expected.

The Yorkshire Terrier is an amazing breed. He has a silky and smooth coat, completely devoid of undercoat, which no other dog in the world has.

Born completely smooth and black and tan, the Yorkie changes color to a contrasting fawn-steel with age, and its coat grows to the ground.

However, it is precisely because of this feature, called overcoloring, that it is very difficult to predict what the color of an adult dog will be. But, regardless of size and coat color, these dogs are loved and recognized all over the world.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment?

Yorkshire Terriers are sensitive to air temperature, so keeping them in an enclosure is unacceptable.

Despite their love of being active, these dogs don't need a lot of space to feel comfortable..

In addition, they are easy to train to a diaper or tray. All this makes Yorkies ideal pets for people living in apartments.


Biewer Yorkies differ from the standard in color. Standard Yorkies have a dark, bluish-steel coat, while Bievers have coats of black and white on their bodies and black, white, and gold on their heads. Beavers are also distinguished by better health, the absence of specific diseases and a strong musculoskeletal system.

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