What are tangles, what is the reason for their appearance, how to comb or untangle matted hair on a dog

The vast majority of owners of dogs with long or coarse hair are faced with the problem of mats. The easiest way to get rid of them is to cut them off. However, this will spoil the appearance of the pet. To avoid such measures, you need to know why they form, how to comb out mats on a dog, and how to protect your pet from forming new ones.

Shampoo for dogs and puppies of breeds: Spitz, Pekingese, poodle, husky, sheltie

  • The shampoo is suitable for dogs of long-haired breeds.
  • It has a thick consistency and pleasant aroma.
  • Effective and non-addictive.
  • It does not contain dangerous sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate - you will envy your pet!
  • Contains only safe components.
  • Has a premium packaging design.
  • Perfectly restores hair structure, damaged ends, and moisturizes the coat.
  • The shampoo helps get rid of mats in dogs and makes it easier to comb their hair.

Recommended retail price

360 rub.

Where can I buy

How mats harm a dog

The matted hairs stretch the skin when walking, causing pain in the animal. The resulting nodules lead to diaper rash - this attracts bacteria and external parasites, and also increases the likelihood of developing dermatitis or seborrhea.

When itching occurs, the dog scratches intensely, damaging the skin. The resulting wounds are an open gate for infections. Even if vaccinated, your pet can catch the virus.

Shampoo for cats and kittens of breeds: Maine Coon, Persian, Siberian, Angora

  • The shampoo is suitable for long-haired cat breeds.
  • It has a thick consistency and pleasant aroma.
  • Effective and non-addictive.
  • It does not contain dangerous sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate - you will envy your pet!
  • Contains only safe components.
  • Has a premium packaging design.
  • Easily washed off.
  • Gives wool silkiness and shine.
  • Removes the static effect.
  • The shampoo helps get rid of tangles in fluffy cats and makes hair easier to comb.

Recommended retail price

360 rub.

Where can I buy

How to remove mats from a dog

You can untangle and comb out your dog’s tangles either manually or using special tools. The method of eliminating the formed nodules depends on the cause and location of their occurrence.

It is also important to consider the value of the pet. Trimming or shaving the problem area is not suitable for show-class representatives who actively participate in exhibitions. This may negatively impact their evaluation.

Untangle by hand

Fresh tangles can be easily untangled with your fingers after moistening with a special spray that increases the elasticity and smoothness of the hairs. After the time indicated on the spray package, gently grab the base of the hairball. Place your fingers into it and smoothly turn the bundle in different directions. At the end of the manipulations, comb the dog with a flat comb, moving from the back to the paws and belly in the direction of hair growth.

More complex plexuses can be pre-pierced with the sharp end of a comb, moving from the base of the hair follicles. This will create additional holes for the fingers.

Bathing is carried out strictly after the procedure. Wet hairs are easily damaged, so to moisturize, use any products that act similarly to conditioner.

Cut your hair

If the fall is severe, you will have to use scissors. They are useful for working in areas with fine hair: the groin, armpits and area behind the ears.

Trim the fur by positioning the scissors strictly perpendicular to the skin. Parallel cutting can lead to bald spots.

Please note that this method involves making cuts rather than completely removing the hairs. After manipulation with scissors, the tangled lump lends itself to the manual method.

Don't forget to sprinkle baby powder on your freed hair and comb it through with a comb. This will prevent further confusion.

Remove with a tangle cutter

If none of the above methods help, use a tangle cutter. Be careful as the sharp blades can easily injure your pet.

Grab the tangled clump by the base and carefully cut it into small strips using a sawing motion, with the blades pointing straight down. After this, use the manual method or a flat comb. Straighten any unevenness with scissors.

In advanced cases, shave the dog

Hairballs located close to the skin will have to be shaved off. This is the only effective solution for such an arrangement, an abundance of confusion, detection of parasites or dermatological diseases.

Using a razor slows down fur growth and is often accompanied by mechanical damage, which is unacceptable for show animals. Contacting a groomer who can restore a presentable appearance with a minimum of losses will help you save your career.

Shampoo for dogs and puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

  • The shampoo is suitable for Yorkshire Terrier dogs.
  • It has a thick consistency and pleasant aroma.
  • Effective and non-addictive.
  • It does not contain dangerous sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate - you will envy your pet!
  • Contains only safe components.
  • Has a premium packaging design.
  • Does not cause allergies or irritation.
  • The shampoo helps get rid of dry hair on Yorkies and restores its structure.
  • Enhances the shine of your Yorkie's coat and makes combing easier.

Recommended retail price

360 rub.

Where can I buy

How to properly wash a puppy or adult dog of this breed.

Prepare a bath for your pet - set a comfortable water pressure in the shower head and temperature (31-32 degrees), lay a towel or rubber mat on the bottom of the bath so that the dog does not slip and fall. Prepare a baby wash sponge, shampoo and conditioner. Shampoos should be diluted with water in small bowls in a ratio of 1:15. It is most convenient to dilute the conditioner in a plastic half-liter bottle, shaking it thoroughly so that the conditioner dissolves in the water.

For everyday care of Yorkshire terriers, beavers and biros, I recommend cosmetics from the Spanish company ARTERO. You will need “basic” ARTERO Basic for the first wash and “moisturizing” ARTERO Hidratante for the second wash. Conditioner ARTERO Protein Vital.

Once everything is ready, place the dog in the bath and wet the fur thoroughly, right down to the skin, starting from the back and gradually moving towards the head. You should be careful not to let water get into your ears. Some people insert cotton balls into the ears before washing; I simply press the dog’s ears with my fingers to the head. You should also be careful that the stream of water does not hit your pet on the nose.

When the dog's fur is well wet along its entire length, take a sponge, moisten it with the shampoo solution and apply it to the dog. This method allows you to use less shampoo and not dry out your pet's skin and coat. After transferring the “base” shampoo solution onto your dog, thoroughly massage the entire body for a few minutes and rinse. Then apply moisturizing shampoo in the same way, lather the dog and leave the shampoo for five minutes. Afterwards, very thoroughly, “until squeaky clean,” rinse the fur and skin to remove any remaining shampoo.

Then apply the conditioner solution for 5-7 minutes and rinse. If we are talking about everyday washing, the conditioner should not be completely rinsed off, this gives additional nutrition to the coat and prevents tangling. If you have an exhibition coming up, then the conditioner must be rinsed off very carefully so that after drying there is no greasy effect left.

Grooming spray for dogs and puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

  • The spray is suitable for grooming Yorkies.
  • It has a pleasant aroma.
  • Effective and non-addictive.
  • It does not contain dangerous sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate - you will envy your pet!
  • Contains only safe components.
  • Has a premium packaging design.
  • The spray moisturizes the Yorkie's coat and protects it from drying out.
  • Grooming spray makes it easier to comb your Yorkie's coat and helps get rid of tangles.

Recommended retail price

360 rub.

Where can I buy

Balm conditioner with protein and mink oil

  • Conditioner balm with protein and mink oil is suitable for cats and dogs of different breeds and ages.
  • It has a thick consistency and pleasant aroma.
  • Effective and non-addictive.
  • It does not contain dangerous sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate - you will envy your pet!
  • Contains only safe components.
  • Has a premium packaging design.
  • The conditioner balm makes animal fur silky and shiny, and removes the static effect.

Recommended retail price

360 rub.

Where can I buy

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Proper care will help you never encounter such an unpleasant problem:

  • Rinse the fur thoroughly , but do not rub it too hard.
  • Use only special dog products : shampoos and conditioners, oils.
  • Brush your dog regularly with properly selected combs. Use furminators to remove excess undercoat. Remember, you brush only the top layers, leaving the lower ones without attention.
  • After brushing, spray with a special smoothing compound that prevents tangling. It consists of natural ingredients, so it will not harm, even if ingested.
  • Long fur needs constant attention , so carefully inspect the entire coat at least once a week. A newly formed tangle is easier to remove than a heavily matted strand.

Anti-matt products for cats and dogs

Mats appear in cats and dogs with long and soft hair. As a rule, tangles occur due to improper hair care. Long-haired breeds of cats and dogs need to be bathed and brushed in a certain way, otherwise their hair will stick together and form dense clumps. Sometimes mats appear due to an animal’s poor diet, which affects the condition of its coat. The main way to prevent the formation of mats is to regularly brush your pet's fur.

Various cosmetics for caring for the animal's fur and skin help prevent the formation of mats. Such preparations are intended for external use and include shampoos, conditioners and grooming sprays.

Anti-tangle cosmetics, when applied to a pet’s hair, smooth it out and make combing more comfortable. Royal Groom shampoos, conditioners and sprays are effective for unraveling existing mats in cats and dogs. To do this, you need to apply the product to the tangle for a while, after which it can be taken apart by hand or combed.

You can buy Royal Groom anti-tangle products in stores in your city. For more information on how to get rid of mats in dogs and cats, read the article.

What are tangles and the reasons for their appearance

What are mats? This is wool, knocked into a dense ball, similar to felt. Most often they form in delicate places with the thinnest hair: in the armpits, groin and stomach, on the chest, behind the ears.

What causes this unpleasant phenomenon? Mats can form due to insufficient, poor-quality care for the pet and, oddly enough, due to excessive care and increased attention to the pet’s coat:

  • Untimely combing. The dog should be brushed regularly, especially during the shedding period. The fallen fur becomes tangled, mats with living hair, and becomes a dense tangle.
  • Infrequent washing is also a cause. There is a natural protective fatty layer on the dog's fur that collects dust and dirt after walks. Small debris often gets tangled in it - thin twigs, burdock, around which a dense lump of matted dead hair forms.
  • The reason for the appearance of “felt boots” may be improper care after bathing, or not using a hairdryer. Hair that dries naturally becomes very fluffy, becoming tangled with each other and with the remnants of uncombed hair.
  • Washing too hard - during intense friction, dead hair does not fall out, but becomes entangled with each other and with living hair. If you don’t brush your dog after bathing, you are guaranteed to get problems.
  • Clothes can also cause matted fur. Too tight overalls or blankets, lining made of rough, low-quality fabric contribute to the fact that the wool becomes electrified and tangled, forming dense clumps.

Are mats dangerous for your pet? Matted fur does not pose a direct threat to the life or health of a dog. But discomfort, unpleasant and even painful sensations are quite possible. Large areas with very matted hair cause irritation on the skin underneath, inflammation, growth and development of pathogenic flora, and the spread of ectoparasites. If the mat is located very close to the skin, it can pull, causing pain to the dog during movement. Trying to get rid of these sensations, the animal may scratch the itchy area vigorously, scratching it until it bleeds. There is a danger of wound infection.

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