Yorkshire Terrier: pros and cons of the breed, reviews from owners

Demand for tiny babies

Until recently, the presence of a Yorkie puppy indicated a certain status of its owner. Only a truly wealthy person could afford to own this miracle. More and more people who want to acquire them are not deprived of the opportunity to make their dreams come true.

I would like to believe that the financial condition of the majority of the population has improved, but the factor of change was that the population of representatives of this breed has increased quantitatively, and this has led to a decrease in the value of each individual individual.

Now even those who do not have a high level of income, but dream of a little friend, can get one.

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Diseases that shorten several years for a Yorkie

Regular (not mini) Yorkies are a disease-resistant breed; they can still have a number of diseases:

  1. Perthes' disease. This can be the cause of lameness, non-healing of the fontanel (common in minis), and irregular teeth changing.
  2. Patella luxation
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. Allergy
  5. Liver diseases
  6. Damage to teeth and gums
  7. Reaction to medications

Knowing how many years Yorkies live, you will be able to notice the onset of diseases in time and immediately contact a veterinarian who will guide you on the right path of treatment.

The advantages of tiny animals

Firstly, from the amazingly sharp minds of these graceful babies, who are easy to train and easily remember and perform the most difficult tricks. Yorkie owners note that their pets are not just smart, but intelligent. They are characterized not by the usual memorization of commands, the standard response to intonation, but by a clear understanding of words. If a Yorkie wants to go for a walk or play, he will indicate this to the owner by bringing him the necessary attribute.

The advantages include the modest size of the breed. Their weight does not exceed 3 kg, but inside they have a big loving heart beating, full of tenderness and awe towards their owners. They are excellent companions, showing attention and sensitivity. A small Yorkie will not claim a huge amount of personal space, so a pad in a secluded corner will be enough.

Easily transportable. He will be able to keep company on any trip, and this eliminates the problem of who to entrust to look after the pet while he is away. Yorkies feel great in transport and can even handle long distance trips without any problems. To transport it, you don’t need to have a special carrying bag for dogs; these couple of kilograms of happiness will feel comfortable in an ordinary handbag or just in your arms.

Possible disadvantages of miniature Yorkies

More than once we have to face the fact that an undoubted plus, under a certain set of circumstances, turns into a fairly significant minus. So it is with representatives of such a breed as the Yorkshire Terrier, when the dog’s sharp mind, recognized as a plus, turns into a minus for the owner, when the pet is not in the mood and wants to be capricious. At such moments, the Yorkie finds thousands of possible reasons for disobedience.

From banal attacks of poor health, lack of understanding of what they even want from him, to more sophisticated techniques. Showing enviable stubbornness.

The downside is the independent character of the dog, despite the all-consuming love for its owners, it tries in every possible way to prove its self-sufficiency, as if showing that it can do without their presence in its life. Another disadvantage, which originates from the undoubted advantage of the breed, is the modest size of the dog. Due to the natural fragility of this pet, it is easy to hurt, even without meaning to. From an early age, the Yorkie should be taught to sleep in a place allocated for him, which is located in the least visited part of the living space.

There is no need to leave it in the care of young children, who, while playing, without calculating their strength, can injure the dog. Despite his modest size, he considers himself a great hunter. Which is not surprising, since this breed was originally bred not as a decorative species, but as a hunting species. Feeling insulted or offended, without a twinge of conscience he can bite in revenge. Which once again indicates that adults should not allow young family members to torment or tease their pet, even playfully.

The downside is that Yorkies have an incredibly weak digestive system. It is forbidden to feed Yorkshire terriers from the “common table”. Special high-quality food causes severe stomach upset in babies. It is important to monitor whether the pet has overeaten or whether the food portions are too small.

The next disadvantage that I would like to talk about concerns the social spheres of life. Yorkies are incredibly active and make a lot of noise around them. They like to bark loudly and tastefully, which is not always to the liking of the residents of neighboring apartments. The dog, having a keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing, will react loudly to any extraneous noise, believing that it cares about the safety of its owners. On the street, a small bully may try to get into a fight even with representatives of large breeds, which is also fraught with inconvenience.

Yes, the breed is rich in both positive and negative characteristics. You can compare one with another ad infinitum. Therefore, those who want to get this pet should carefully weigh the pros and cons. By purchasing any living creature, not a new toy will appear in your life, but a family member.


Mini Yorkshire Terriers have a soft, affectionate, good-natured character that allows them to easily get along with other pets. They are energetic, active and inquisitive, prefer to be constantly on the move and love walks. These are not aggressive dogs, however, if necessary, they will selflessly defend their owner and their territory.

Mini Yorkies get along well with children, but you should not buy this dog if the child is very small - if he is careless, he can harm the tiny, fragile dog. Small representatives of Yorkshire terriers are attached to the owner as strongly as standard Yorkies and do not tolerate loneliness well, experiencing almost physical suffering when left alone. At the same time, they are less intrusive.

History of the origin of the breed

Looking at these cuties, only one version comes to mind - this breed was carefully bred so that the dogs would delight high-ranking owners with their presence. Representatives of this breed are by no means natives of secular salons. And Yorkshire terriers also cannot boast of an ancient history.

According to reliable information, these dogs were bred by workers in the coal mines of the small town of West Rydenga, which was located in the Yorkshire-Nottingham coalfield. And the task before the Yorks was not an easy one - to destroy the crowds of rodents living in the mines, and to search for accumulations of ore gases. They turned out to be excellent rat catchers; bypassing the law prohibiting the appearance of animals in mines, they successfully entered there in the sleeves of workers.

But this turn in the history of the breed turned out to be short-lived, the cuties were noticed by ladies from high society and quickly, leaving the coal mines, they became guests of salons and boudoirs.

In the 19th century, under Queen Victoria, it was bad manners to attend social events without a tiny pet in your arms. And the smaller the pet was, the more it was valued and aroused envious glances.

But the documented history of the breed began in the 70s of the 19th century, when the English Kennel Club was organized and the Great Britain stud book appeared. The club officially recognized the breed only in 1986, when the dogs were called “Yorkshire terriers.” The adoption of the standard occurred later, after 12 years.

The founder of the breed is considered to be P. Eden, an expert on various dog breeds. He acted as an expert at various dog shows, where the first representatives of the breed were presented. He was also the owner of a Yorkie named Albert, who was the first to be included in the Stud Book of Great Britain. The dog turned out to be an excellent founder of the family and passed on excellent character traits and beautiful fur to many of his descendants. Albert was a prize-winner of various exhibitions 74 times.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Yorkie with long hair

Photo 2. Cute Yorkie with a mischievous face

Photo 3. Two Yorkshire Terriers with red bows

Photo 4. Mini Yorkie puppy with open mouth

Photo 5. Yorkie with sad eyes

Photo 6. Yorkshire Terrier on a white background

Yorkie color

More often they are blue-silver in color on the body and tail, and in the area of ​​the head and sternum the color of the coat resembles a golden tan, sometimes it is creamy-golden.

There are purebred representatives of other colors: their predominant coat is black, or a combination of black and fiery shades.

Puppies of this breed are born with black fur, and only on the face and paws there are small bright red spots. Multi-colored Yorkies are much more expensive, their coat looks luxurious, as if the dog visited the salon and came out with fashionable coloring.

Owner reviews

It should be noted that those who decided to purchase a mini-York are conditionally divided into two groups. The majority are those who are delighted with the character of their pet. Many different care manipulations do not bother the owners, and even give them pleasure. In the minority are those who do not like to spend a lot of time and effort on keeping their dog looking good. There are those who are not suited to the nature of this breed. As a rule, the second group includes people who purchased puppies as gifts for children or succumbing to a fashion trend.

Terrier care

When purchasing this tiny, affectionate creature, you should rely on your strength and have free time; the appearance of terriers requires careful care.

Wool is an important item in caring for a pet. Yorkies have a gentle, long, capricious look. It will be beautiful and attractive only with constant combing. If you can’t do this every day, you can cut your pet’s hair; fortunately, salons offer a lot of model haircuts for Yorkies.

The coat requires frequent bathing, this should be done every 7-10 days. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, avoiding the contact of elastic jets of water on the dog; this may frighten the Yorkie. It is better to use detergents; in extreme cases, you can use mild shampoo for children, but first dilute it with water. To improve the quality of the coat and make it easier to comb, you need to apply a balm or rinse for dogs to the coat, and then rinse it thoroughly. All actions should be carried out in the direction of hair growth.

After taking a bath, your pet should be dried with a hairdryer, wrapped in a towel or diaper. After drying, you should immediately take care of the hairstyle, combing your pet, and spray the fur with spray. If you wish, you can curl the strands with curlers.

The eyes require daily care; they should be wiped in the morning with a swab dipped in water and the fur should be combed down so that individual hairs do not injure the eyes.

Yorkies' ears are not so demanding; it is enough to inspect them once every 7 days and clean the plaque that has formed with a cotton swab and a special lotion or liquid. Care should be taken; penetration too deep will cause injury to the auricle. Hyperemia of the ear or the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the reason for contacting a veterinarian.

The nose of Yorkies, like other dogs, is an indicator of health. A healthy pet's earlobe is moist and cool. The formation of a white border or the appearance of copious discharge should alarm the owner.

How much does a puppy cost?

The cost of puppies depends on their size. The smaller the puppy, the more expensive it is. For example, in the capital, a one and a half kilogram baby can cost 25,000 rubles, but from private breeders it can cost less - 15,000-18,000. Larger babies in well-known nurseries cost about 12,000-15,000 rubles.

In provincial cities, the price of dogs of this breed is affordable. Depending on the size, color and title of the parents, the price of a puppy is from 7,500 to 20,000 rubles. Statistics show that Russia has the most affordable price for Yorkie puppies. This is due to the high demand and prevalence of the breed.

The Yorkshire Terrier is not a guard, bodyguard or hunter. This is a companion dog, a friend and even an equal member of the family. It is purchased for the soul and for pleasant company. But we should not forget about his terrier roots and the appearance of an aristocrat, which requires an investment of money and time.

Baby face

Separately, I would like to note one of the varieties of this breed - “baby face” (translated from English as a child’s face). They achieved great popularity thanks to their shorter muzzle and large eyes, all of which together gives the expression of their muzzle childlike features. If compared with the standards, the skull of the “face” is more rounded, the muzzle is shorter, the ears are set lower, the eyes are large and bulging with a surprised expression.

Baby faces are not used for exhibitions; they do not fall under any classic standard parameters. Due to their bulging eyes, “faces” suffer from chronic conjunctivitis and narrowing of the tear duct. In a dream, it can make a sound similar to snoring and grunt during active games. This is due to the shortened muzzle.

Feeding the dog

It is recommended to feed a puppy up to six months of age 4-5 times a day, and after that - no more than 3 times. Adult Yorkies eat 2 times a day. At one time, the animal is given food at the rate of one tablespoon per 500 grams of weight. The simplest and least troublesome type of food is industrial food (dry food and canned food).

It already contains all the necessary products, vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to choose high-quality and proven food that will not cause allergies and disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When choosing a natural feeding method, you should think about proper and balanced nutrition. To do this, your daily diet should include freshly prepared meals with added vitamins and minerals. To create such a menu, contact your veterinarian.

How to choose a mini and not make a mistake

In order to choose a healthy puppy, it is better to use the services of a nursery. The price of purebred Yorkies starts from 30 thousand rubles. for males and 36 thousand rubles. - for females. When buying babies secondhand, you may encounter unscrupulous owners and end up with a sick dog. Puppies are taken over three months old, vaccinated and healthy in appearance. There should be no abscesses, cracks or stains on their body. The living conditions of the parents deserve special attention. Dogs must live in a spacious room specially equipped for them and be fed well.

If a puppy is purchased with the expectation of participating in exhibitions, the nature of the color is of great importance: the coat will remain a monochromatic dark color. A purebred Yorkie should have some burn marks on its body. This does not apply to the head: lightening on the skull is considered a violation of the standard. The main criterion when choosing a baby is cheerfulness and activity. If the puppy is passive and does not participate in play, there is a high probability that he is not healthy.

After the baby moves to a new home, you will need to choose a name for the Yorkie. It is better to watch him for several days to find a suitable nickname. Sometimes the name is invented in advance or the one given by the breeders is left.

  1. Yorkie girls are called: Betty, Bonya, Vicky, Toffee, Candy, Mouse, Nyusha, Roxy, Fanny.
  2. Boys: Archie, Bagel, Harry, Marquis, Oscar, Ricci, Chuck, Chip, Chester.

A dog should not be scolded using a name until it is completely accustomed to it. This will cause negative associations, and the puppy will perceive the name as part of the punishment.

Basic health knowledge

In order for your Yorkie to have every chance of avoiding most diseases, you need to monitor his health and feed him properly. For a dog of this breed, the correct balance in the diet is important, with enough vitamins.

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then you need to buy only high-quality food. Unlike cheap brands, these foods contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other vital substances.

If your Yorkie's diet consists of natural food, you should know what vitamins are contained in a particular product. Here are some examples:

  • Vitamin A: apples, carrots, liver;
  • Vitamin B: liver, yeast;
  • Vitamin C: tomatoes, liver, kidneys;
  • Vitamin D: cottage cheese, cheese, vegetable oil;
  • Vitamin E: vegetable oil, olive oil;
  • Vitamin K: lettuce, nettle.

In addition to natural foods, you will have to add multivitamin complexes to your food. “Trivit” with a high content of vitamins A, D, E is suitable.

But not a single animal is immune from any disease. Let's look at the most common diseases of Yorkshire terriers.

Who to choose: boy or girl

Often, the future owner of a pet is faced with a choice of whom to get - a boy or a girl. Fans of this breed find their charm in both. Here are some nuances that you need to pay attention to before purchasing a puppy:

  • Boys love to dominate. They are ready to demonstrate their superiority everywhere and in everything. Males during puberty are prone to masturbation and often choose the human leg as a “victim”. In addition, males love to mark their territory everywhere, be it a street or an apartment. Therefore, if the boy is not planned for breeding, it is better to castrate him. Up to a year old, dogs have a violent temperament. After mating, contrary to popular belief, they do not become more obedient. During the period of sexual heat, the dog tries to run away from its owner while walking in search of a bride.
  • Girls are more obedient and calm. One of the characteristics of the breed among females is a tendency to false pregnancy. If the girl will not be used for procreation, it is better to sterilize her before the start of her first heat.

It is believed that Yorkie boys have more bad habits, while Yorkie girls are much smarter. These claims are refuted by most dog breeders. What kind of adult a dog will be largely depends on the mental health of the animal, its individual characteristics and upbringing.

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