How and what to feed a sterilized dog: feeding features and analysis of brand compositions

Features of nutrition of sterilized dogs

After the surgeon’s manipulations, changes occur in the endocrine system. Because of this, the dog becomes less mobile. This leads to obesity with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what to feed neutered dogs.

Possible problems after surgery requiring special food

After surgery, hormone levels are disrupted. Metabolic processes slow down, the animal rapidly gains excess weight. This provokes excessive stress on the internal organs, leading to disruptions in their functioning.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to adjust the diet. Otherwise, the dog will become obese. Subsequently, this will adversely affect her health: arthritis, joint dysplasia, inflammation of the pancreas, etc. may develop.

What not to give to a sterilized dog

The list of prohibited products includes the following:

  • Boiled and tubular bones. When the dog chews them, sharp ends may form. They will damage the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to internal bleeding. This pathological condition can cause the death of the animal.
  • Sugar-containing products. For example, chocolate, very sweet cookies, fruits, etc. They destroy tooth enamel and can trigger the development of diabetes.
  • Porridge as the main ingredient of the menu. Like boiled meat, they have no nutritional value. The dog's gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest complex carbohydrates; they come out unprocessed. Because of this, the pet looks thin with frequent and plentiful meals.
  • Salt and spices.

The listed products are not recommended for consumption not only by castrated dogs, but also by those that have not undergone surgery.

How to Avoid Weight Gain After Spaying with Nutrition

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To avoid problems after surgery, owners must know how to feed a sterilized dog. If the dog ate “table food”, then there is no need to suddenly switch him to finished products. Continue to give the usual food, but carefully consider the diet.

Eliminate from the menu the prohibited foods listed in the previous chapter. The diet should include meat, seafood and vegetables. Nutrition should not be oversaturated with proteins and fats. Otherwise, the animal will begin to have problems with body weight. You can check with your veterinarian about what to feed a sterilized dog using human food.

If your pet was eating food before the surgeon’s actions, this habit must be maintained. The only thing is that you need to switch to products for sterilized dogs. It contains a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, and fiber. Thanks to the last component, digestion improves and satiation occurs quickly. This is very important after castration, because... metabolism is disrupted, the pet cannot control the amount of food consumed.

Be sure to monitor your dog's weight and appearance. If necessary, adjust portion sizes, number of feedings, and foods consumed. With a properly selected diet, additional supplements and vitamins will not be needed. Only with the recommendation of a veterinarian, if the pet is sick or has a very weak immune system.

Husky behavior and character

Despite their modest size and cute face, these are far from lap dogs. According to one version, huskies appeared as a result of crossing domestic dogs with wolves, which largely explains their independent character and love of open spaces. If you take a representative of this breed to a city apartment, be prepared to keep him busy with frequent and long walks. A bored husky that does not receive adequate physical exercise can cause considerable damage to a home and drive all its neighbors crazy with its howling. If you pay enough attention to walking and training this dog, it will surprise you with its discipline and easy-going nature.

Huskies are accustomed to living in packs, so for the most part they get along well with children and other pets. However, if you are getting a dog for a child, be prepared to help him with walking, especially at the leash training stage. Huskies, as a sledding breed, tend to pull on the leash. In addition, they are hyperactive and freedom-loving, which often leads to escapes.

How to choose dry food for neutered dogs

Products are usually divided into classes:

  • Economy _ There is little useful in it. On the contrary, with prolonged use it can provoke various pathological conditions. This happens due to poor composition. There is no real meat, only low-quality offal. Most of the volume is occupied by budget fillers: corn, soy, wheat. These are certainly healthy products, but not for castrated animals. In addition, the dog is a predator. She doesn't need this, but meat. They also contain artificial flavors and taste enhancers. They become addictive, and then the pet refuses to eat anything else. It is better to refuse economy class and only give it in extreme cases.
  • Premium . There are by-products, but they are of higher quality. The ingredients also contain meat, although not much, only 25-30%. The main ingredient is rice. This food can only be given to adults. If you decide to choose this product, pay attention to the country where it was produced. Foreign ones are better in quality than Russian ones.
  • Super Premium . Well-balanced food, it contains a sufficient amount of meat (at least 1/4). If the ingredients include by-products, they are of very high quality and the packaging clearly states what exactly they mean. There are no flavorings or flavor enhancers in this class. They can be given to both adults and puppies. The cost for them is significantly higher than for the previously described types.
  • Holistics . According to reviews from owners and veterinarians, this dry food for sterilized dogs is the best ready-made food. The ingredients include exclusively meat, no by-products. Sources of vitamins: berries, vegetables and fruits. Holistics are the most expensive, but also the most useful.

Ready-made food should be low in calories, because... Metabolism after surgery slows down by 10%, and appetite increases by 50%.

Basic requirements for composition

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When choosing food, pay attention to the ingredients. It must contain the following:

  • Squirrels . Good products contain easily digestible substances. Feed should be made from ocean fish, chicken, turkey, and lamb. The ingredients contain L-carnitine to accelerate fat burning.
  • Lipids . They are the cause of obesity. Therefore, their number should be minimal. However, dogs need Omega 3 and 6. They are found in flaxseed, seafood, and vegetable oils. Therefore, the listed components must be present.
  • Carbohydrates . Fiber is needed to help you feel full and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is found in brown rice, oats, and barley. Wheat and corn are difficult for the body to digest and are not suitable for feeding animals that have undergone surgery. If they are included in the ingredients, they occupy the last places in the list of ingredients.
  • Additional components . Vitamins, minerals, prebiotics are needed. The formula of good feed includes substances that improve metabolic processes and prevent the occurrence of urolithiasis. Food for pets over 5 years old should contain calcium to strengthen the skeleton, chondroitin, phosphorus, glucosamite, biotin, B vitamins for healthy joints, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, and coat.

Super premium products and holistic food for sterilized dogs meet these requirements.

Acana Grass-Fed Lamb food dosage for puppies

  • 1.5 - 3 months - feed double the adult dosage for this weight;
  • 3 - 6 months - increase the feeding rate by 50% compared to the rate of an adult animal;
  • 6 - 11 months - increase the feeding rate by 25% compared to the rate of an adult animal.

Pregnant bitches from the second half of pregnancy need to increase the daily feed intake by 25-50%, in accordance with individual needs. Lactating bitches also need to increase the amount of food per day or provide free access to food.

Rating of food for sterilized dogs with analysis of composition

Not every company produces special ones, but still the choice of such products is quite diverse. Owners will be able to choose food for even the most picky pet.


Belongs to holisticists. Ingredients include:

  • 33% dehydrogenated meat and 30% regular. The latter, after heat treatment, loses approximately 33% of its volume. Approximately 40% remains in the feed.
  • Whole eggs 4%.
  • Lentils and green peas.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Healing herbs.
  • Chicken fat and herring oil.

A package of 11 kg costs on average 5350 rubles. It turns out that a kilogram will cost about 470 rubles.

Royal Canin

These are premium products. Has in the formula:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • carotene;
  • oils;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • cereals;
  • poultry oil;
  • proteins.

Contains a minimal amount of fat and is easy to digest. The pet will always be in great shape.

The cost of a package of 3.5 kg is on average 1900 rubles, and 10 kg - 4000 rubles.

Photo source The dog yearns for quality food


Premium products. Designed for overweight dogs and sterilized pets. The components include:

  • cellulose;
  • minimum amount of fat;
  • vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • Omega-3, 6.

The listed components improve metabolic processes and strengthen the skeleton. The dog will be strong and healthy. Prices for Proplan are approximately as follows:

  • 0.4 kg - from 290 rubles;
  • 1.5 kg - from 960 rubles;
  • 3 kg - from 1800 rubles;
  • 10 kg - from 4600 rubles;
  • sachets of 80 g - from 60 rubles.

The cost depends on the region of purchase and the store.


The manufacturer produces super premium food and holistic products (Farmina N&D). The components include:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus;
  • cellulose;
  • fatty amino acids;
  • antioxidants.

The combination of these elements improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The pet gets full, consuming a smaller portion than when eating regular food. A high concentration of protein improves muscle tone, thanks to this the dog will always be energetic. Fatty amino acids speed up brain activity and make the coat shiny and silky. Antioxidants help strengthen the immune system and slow down aging.


  • 0.8 kg - from 700 rubles;
  • 2.5 kg - from 1400 rubles;
  • 7 kg - from 3300 rub.
  • 12 kg - from 4500 rub.

The latter packaging is rarely found in stores.


Belongs to holisticists. Average price 270 rubles/kg. Components:

  • dehydrogenated diet fillet;
  • whole eggs;
  • brown and white rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • peas;
  • chicken fat;
  • sunflower oil;
  • rice bran.

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Refers to premium. There is a formula for weight correction that is perfect for neutered individuals (Metabolic). Components:

  • flour from poultry, soy, pea bran, maize gluten;
  • protein hydrolysate;
  • wheat;
  • corn and other useful ingredients.

Nutritional value: proteins - 28.4%, fats - 12.4%, fiber - 14.6%. A kilogram will cost about 550 rubles.


Belongs to the super premium group. One of the few companies producing special foods: Sterilized Dog, Daily Care Overweight. They include the following useful components:

  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • L-carnitine;
  • fatty acid;
  • calcium;
  • natural chondroprotectors.

The protein level is increased by 25%, the calorie content is no more than 8%. The average cost is 400 rubles. per kg.

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Is holistic. There are 4 options:

  • with lamb;
  • with Chiken;
  • with turkey;
  • with ocean fish.

Contains more than 25% proteins, lipid levels are reduced. For the health of the musculoskeletal system, chondroitin and glucosamine are added. There are Omega acids, prebiotics, mineral and vitamin complexes. The undoubted advantage of this brand is that it produces special food for dogs with kidney problems. Such feed contains a small amount of phosphorus. The average cost is 1000 rubles/kg.

Pro Pac

They produce premium feed. The company offers a wide range of:

  • for adults;
  • puppies;
  • elderly and sedentary;
  • allergy sufferers.

Despite the fact that these are premium products, they do not contain meat by-products, dyes, chemicals or other harmful ingredients. But there are:

  • meat flour;
  • chicken fat;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • beneficial amino acids.

Foods for large and elderly animals include glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate. These are substances necessary for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis.

The cost varies between 500-700 rubles. per kilo.


They produce premium food (Brit Premium) and super premium food (Brit Care). It has a wide range, thanks to which it satisfies the needs of the most capricious dogs.

Brit Premium is made from lamb. Also included are:

  • rice;
  • salmon fat;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • apples.

Brit Care is more expensive because it contains additional nutrients. In addition, it tastes better, as evidenced by reviews from dog breeders. The cost of Premium food is 150-280 rubles. per kg. Care — 300-650 rub. The price depends on the characteristics of the pet.

Acana Grass-Fed Lamb feed dosage

Because every dog ​​is unique, feeding guidelines may vary depending on age, temperament, activity level and environment. Feed your pet two to three times a day and provide him with constant access to clean, fresh water.

Dog weightHigh activity
1 hour or more daily exercise per day
Low activity

1 hour or less of daily exercise per day

2 kg40 g30 g
5 kg90 g60 g
10 kg180 g120 g
20 kg300 g200 g
30 kg400 g270 g
40 kg480 g330 g
50 kg570 g390 g

Use a standard 250 ml (120 g) measuring cup. Give the food dry or slightly moistened. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations. To keep the food fresh, keep the bag tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place.

Best Food for Neutered Dogs Based on Size and Condition

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When selecting food, the age, size and characteristics of the body are taken into account.

For neutered small breed dogs

Small pets need a special approach to their diet. They are very active, burn a lot of energy, and their stomachs are miniature and are able to absorb little food.

Nutritious food is needed, but low in calories. The following products are suitable:

  • Brit Care Mini Light & Sterilized - 600 RUR/kg;
  • Farmina Vet Life Canine Neutered - 550 RUR/kg;
  • Royal Canin X-Small Sterilized - 500 rub./kg.

Manufacturers carefully select the composition taking into account physiological characteristics. The granules correspond to the size of small jaws.

For sterilized medium breed dogs

The same foods are suitable as for large ones. When feeding, you must pay attention to the serving size indicated on the package.

For neutered large breed dogs

Lean meat is preferable. The presence of fiber and other elements that help digest fat is also important.

After castration, large breed animals often develop osteoporosis. To prevent this from happening, calcium is needed.

Suitable for large individuals: Brit, Hills, Akana. Manufacturers produce special lines for large animals. The cost varies between 350-720 rubles. per kilo.

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For older animals

The diet of individuals in old age corresponds to the diet of adult castrated dogs. Food must be selected depending on the size of the individual.

For allergy sufferers

For dogs with food allergies, choose grain-free products with a hypoallergenic protein source. Suitable foods include lamb, duck, turkey, and northern varieties of fish. Chicken and beef are contraindicated. They can provoke diathesis.

The most common cause of allergies is economy class food. This is another reason to refuse them. An undesirable reaction may also occur with premium food, but less frequently. It all depends on the characteristics of the body. Allergy sufferers can be fed super premium products:

  • Akana;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Innova Eva and others.

Holistics are hypoallergenic foods and extremely rarely cause dermatitis: Grandorf, Orijen, Canide, Brit and others. The price varies between 700-1300 rubles. per kilogram.

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