Belcando dog food: composition overview, food line and reviews

The German company producing dry and wet food for pets, Belcando, has long established itself in the global market. Belcando's balanced dog food, which belongs to the super premium class, supplies the animal's body with all the necessary elements from natural high-quality raw materials. Today, more and more owners of four-legged pets prefer this brand, trusting German quality.

Composition of Belcando feed

The undeniable advantage of Belcando food is its high protein content of animal origin - more than 80%. Thanks to this, the food is perfectly digested and absorbed, and the animal’s body is saturated.

German dog food Belcando belongs to the super premium class and is available in dry and wet versions.

The composition includes not only poultry, but also veal, lamb, pork and fish (all meat components in dry form).

IMPORTANT. All feed ingredients are produced exclusively on local German farms, subject to strict controls in accordance with European regulations. And high-tech gentle processing allows you to preserve all the nutritional properties of the products used.

Sources of carbohydrates in diets include rice, oat seeds and oat flakes. The bird's liver supplies the animal's body not only with protein, but also with folic acid, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Flax seed contains high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber, which improves digestion. In addition, the food recipe includes a large number of medicinal herbs and plants: nettle, chamomile, fennel, caraway, yarrow, blackberry leaves, yucca extract and others.

The coat of a dog that eats Belcando food is strong, healthy and shiny.

Another component of Belcando's diet is brewer's yeast, which not only normalizes metabolic processes and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, but also improves the condition of the pet's skin and coat.

In the production of food, all kinds of soy products and by-products, artificial preservatives, dyes, flavors and GMOs, which negatively affect the dog’s digestive system and the body as a whole, are not used.

Vitamin E and rosemary oil act as essential antioxidants. In addition, vitamin E helps strengthen the body's defenses, and rosemary oil has a beneficial effect on the bones, joints and teeth of the animal. Another wonderful antioxidant in the diet is grape seed extract, which is superior in its properties to vitamins C and E.

Pros and cons of Belcando food

Belcando super premium food is of high quality and has many undeniable advantages:

  • a sufficient amount of real meat;
  • rich and balanced composition: there is the necessary vitamin-mineral complex and healthy fatty acids;
  • an extensive range of feeds that does not put the buyer in a tight frame;
  • absolutely transparent composition: all ingredients and their percentages are described in detail on the label;
  • affordable price, lower than many feeds of a similar class.

Among nutritional deficiencies, only a low prevalence can be identified, which makes purchasing difficult. In small towns, you may have to order through an online store.

Why is this food better than others?

Dog food manufacturers rarely specify the ratio of animal and vegetable protein in their diet. On the Belcando food label you can see a clear indication of the percentage of animal proteins - about 80%.

Belcando food contains no preservatives or artificial flavors.

In such foods as Bosch, Yozera, Arden Grange, one can only guess about the amount of protein of animal origin, which is much healthier than vegetable protein.

Belcando food does not contain artificial antioxidants or preservatives. Extracts of natural origin with a high content of tocopherol are used as antioxidants. For example, Fitmin dog food uses preservatives and antioxidants of dubious origin, since the manufacturer does not specify these components.

Another advantage of Belcando food is the presence of a complex of medicinal herbs in the recipe, which is not found in many advertised brands. Thus, the super premium dog foods Barking Heads, Almo Nature, Yozera and Eukanuba do not contain such phytocomponents.

IMPORTANT. At first glance, medicinal herbs may seem like useless weeds. However, in fact, they have a powerful healing effect: nettle and blackberry leaves cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances, cumin fights bloating, and chamomile has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Basic diet

The first ingredient in the composition list looks like this: “Fresh lamb meat, liver, lungs - 30%.” It is quite obvious that it contains not only muscle meat, but also lamb by-products. By-products are also a good source of animal protein, but the manufacturer does not tell us exactly how much meat, and how much liver and lungs are in this third of the feed. In general, we oppose the idea of ​​combining different types of ingredients into complexes of this kind: this allows manufacturers to list sources of animal protein at the top of the list and confuses consumers.

Following the meat mixture, 17% of amaranth is indicated - a rather rare component that is successfully used in the manufacture of gluten-free products, including for human nutrition. In this case, it is obvious that it replaces cereals.

In third place on the list is potato starch. Its share in the Belcando Adult Dog Finest GF Lamb food is not exactly written on the label, but you can get your bearings by looking at the shares of neighboring components. Starch in this product can range from 17% to 11.5%. This is a fairly high dosage for an additive, which in essence should be a technological component - giving shape to feed granules. We discourage large amounts of starch in dog and cat food.

The fourth place belongs to dry poultry protein (11.5%). This is a highly processed component, and its raw materials are not entirely clear (neither the type of bird is known nor where the protein was isolated from - meat, bones, etc.). However, the manufacturer clarifies another detail: the isolated proteins have a reduced ash content. You can see what it is in our ingredient guide.

This food also contains 10% lamb protein (component No. 6). Its exact name is Lamb Protein, Dried, so the Russian translation on the label “lamb protein” is a clear exaggeration: it is not at all a fact that it is obtained specifically from the muscle tissue of lambs. Fifth place is occupied by pea flour - this is a legume component that complements amaranth and potato starch.

Belcando food line

The Belcando food range includes dry diets, canned food and first foods for puppies. Dog owners will also be able to choose nutrition for aging pets, overly active and sedentary dogs, those suffering from obesity and stomach sensitivity, as well as for sporting dogs.

The Belcando food line includes food for adult dogs and puppies, for active, obese or allergic animals.,

Wet food in the form of canned food contains an increased amount of protein and contains several types of meat. The recipe is supplemented with vegetables and grains, and in some versions there are berries and noodles. The manufacturer took care of the preferences of each dog and developed many flavor solutions:

  • turkey and rice;
  • meat and liver;
  • meat and noodles;
  • meat and vegetables;
  • hen and vegetables;
  • lamb;
  • veal;
  • duck;
  • beef.

Food for adult dogs

The elements contained in Belcando diets for adult dogs saturate the body with essential nutrients and maintain normal pet health. The food line for adult dogs is distributed for different breeds, age categories and lifestyle of the animal.

For example, Belcando Finest Grain-Free is designed for small and medium breeds (West Highland White Terrier with photo, description of the Havanese Bichon breed), Adult Grain-Free and Adult Dinner are suitable for allergic pets, Adult Light is for overweight dogs, and Adult Aktiv – for active pets of large breeds (East European Shepherd with photo, Alaskan Malamute sled dogs).

Puppy food

Belcando Junior food contains all the necessary substances for the full growth and development of a puppy.
A special complementary food has been developed for puppies, characterized by small granules. The purpose of this diet is to gently wean the baby off mother's milk. With Belcando complementary food, the puppy receives all the necessary vitamins for full growth and development.

Several nutrition options have been created for children:

  • Puppy - a food based on poultry, rice and eggs suitable for all breeds;
  • Junior – menu for puppies with a predisposition to allergies;
  • Junior maxi is a high protein diet rich in calcium for large breed puppies.

Medicinal and dietary feeds

The food line includes a special dietary food, Finest-Lite, for aging pets, which helps maintain normal weight and improves the overall tone of the animal. A menu has also been developed for dogs suffering from allergies and obesity, which are serious causes for concern. Many pets are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (see symptoms of enterocolitis), so Belcando offers special diets based on easily digestible foods such as rice and oats.


The manufacturer offers products in three lines. Two categories represent dry dog ​​food, the third - canned products .

  • Classic Belcando Classic diets are presented as diets for dogs of varying sizes and ages. A special feature of the line is the availability of food for puppies up to four months.

Also food for dogs with sensitive digestion, overweight and high energy value, recommended for search and sled dogs. This diet is perfect for feeding hunting dogs, as well as animals during heavy physical activity.

Grain Free Grain Free (GF) is a food that contains potatoes, amaranth, legumes and vegetables instead of grains. They are hypoallergenic and help normalize the animal’s digestion.

Belcando Mix it is a food additive for frozen and canned food. It, like the previous line, does not contain grains.

  • Wet diets

Belcando wet food is pouches with five different flavors, packaged in bags and canned food in jars. Pets are offered several options made from chicken, beef, horse meat, lamb, kangaroo and salmon.

The products are made from the highest quality meat and are suitable for consumption not only by adult animals, but also by puppies.

A separate direction is Belcando pouches and canned meat, which contain one type of protein. This food is intended for pets suffering from food allergies.

Veterinarian reviews of Belcando dog food

Julia, veterinarian, 36 years old. The peculiarity of the German Belcando dog food is that it not only contains high-quality ingredients, but is also carefully dosed in their proportions. This takes into account not only the protein level, but also the amino acid complex. Belcando contains the percentage of real meat necessary for healthy life, as the main component of a predator’s diet. There is no place in the food for all kinds of artificial preservatives and synthetic additives, as well as soy, which cannot be digested by the body. The food is very good, its composition is balanced, it contains all the substances necessary for a dog’s body. Therefore, I recommend this food for daily nutrition.

Peter, veterinarian, 60 years old. Belcando food belongs to the super premium class, and this already says a lot. It contains a sufficient amount of meat necessary for a carnivorous dog. In diets for large dogs there is more of it, for small dogs - correspondingly less. Another important aspect of this diet is the absence of questionable by-products, synthetic flavors and taste enhancers, which can greatly undermine the health of the pet. The food ingredients are of high quality, so you can safely feed your pet Belcando diets.

About company

Belcando dog food is presented by the German company BEWITAL Petfood GmBH, which has been known to breeders since 1963. A big advantage of producers is the ability to make products only from high-quality fresh meat from local producers. Raw materials are processed independently, which guarantees not only quality, but also safety.

Modern technology for processing raw materials and a unique recipe make Belcando products recognizable.

The Belcando brand is widely known in European countries. The high quality of the products allows them to compete with well-known brands.

On the Russian market, the company presents food for dogs of the Bewi Dog and Dogland brands, which is appreciated by both pet lovers and professional breeders.

Production, packaging and packaging of products is carried out in Germany. Raw materials are purchased exclusively from local producers and undergo strict laboratory control. The company has been cooperating with trusted suppliers for many years.

Reviews from dog breeders about Belcando dog food

Dog owners speak positively about Belcando food.
Alexandra. When buying a golden retriever puppy, the problem of choosing food arose, because this breed is very picky about food and often suffers from food intolerance. Since it was not possible to feed natural food due to the lack of free time for cooking, our experiments with nutrition began. After testing the next food, our baby began to lose hair, frequent gas formation appeared, the weight stood still, while the puppy defecated very often and in large quantities. After reading on one of the forums about the German food Belcando and analyzing its composition, I decided to buy it. The first feeding was unsuccessful - the puppy refused to eat, but now he has tried the food and eats it with pleasure. The hair loss has stopped, the baby has noticeably gained weight, and his mood is excellent and playful. Goes to the toilet regularly once a day. I would like to note that the puppy gets full quickly, which makes this food very economical. This food did not let us down, so I confidently recommend it.

Michael. I have two Alabai (a female and a male) and since childhood they have been eating Belcando food. During all this time there have never been any problems, the food is very good. Once, due to the lack of this food on sale, I had to buy Royal Canin, after which strange spots appeared on the male’s fur, and a week later he completely refused to eat it. I would like to give advice to those who complain about Belcando: introduce the new food gradually, in small portions, first mixing with the old food, and everything will be fine. Because this food is really high quality and time-tested.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order for you to understand what Belcando products are, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

The information you will find below is based on consumer reviews:

  1. Naturalness. One of the key advantages of such food is its naturalness. Of course, we did not conduct laboratory tests to confirm or refute this fact, but the manufacturer persistently assures us of this.
  2. Wide range of choice. Absolutely any dog ​​owner will be able to choose the necessary food for his pet from the Belcando line.
  3. According to the manufacturer, all ingredients used to produce food are tested by specialists in laboratory conditions. The presence of berries and cereals makes the food even more nutritious.
  4. Representatives of the manufacturer assure that their products constantly undergo quality checks by the relevant authorities in Germany. Moreover, the brand’s products are recognized not only by the German inspection, but also by many European authorities.
  5. Another advantage, according to official data, is the ability to maintain the dog’s body in excellent condition. Of course, if the pet consumes food regularly.

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Of course, like any other product, Belcando food also has its drawbacks.

In order not to confuse you with the official data provided by the manufacturer, the disadvantages are indicated in accordance with the reviews:

  1. First of all, some animals experience indigestion. And it can be caused by both dry foods and canned foods. We are not talking about hypoallergenic food, but about regular products for adult dogs.
  2. If a dog has a tendency to allergies, then it may well manifest itself as a result of using food from this brand. An allergic reaction can be caused by even one ingredient present in the composition.
  3. High price. Although the quality of Belcando products is high, their cost is quite high. For our consumers, this price is, to put it mildly, too high. As many experts in the field of dog breeding assure, if necessary, it is quite possible to find food that will be much cheaper than Belcando. At the same time, their quality will be at the same level.
  4. In some cases, it may be difficult to find food. Although Belcando feeds are of high quality, they cannot be found everywhere. For example, in the capital regions of the post-Soviet countries, you can find these feeds without problems. But if you live in a town in a peripheral region, you may well be faced with the impossibility of purchasing such food. Due to the fact that the cost of this product is quite high, many distributors refuse to buy it. Accordingly, the best solution in this case can only be purchasing via the Internet.
  5. There is a high probability of buying a fake. Since this product is quite popular among domestic buyers, there are many counterfeits on the market. If you do not check where the food is produced, then it is quite possible to buy a fake instead of the original. Please remember that original products are manufactured in Germany.
  6. Some dogs do not eat this food very well or even refuse to eat it.

Average cost of Belcando feed

Reviews of the German Belcando food are mostly positive; in rare cases, there are stories about incompatibility of nutrition with the pet’s body. The food has a carefully selected composition and is quite reasonably priced, which meets the “price-quality” criterion. The average cost of a small kilogram package is from 600 to 730 rubles, and for a large 15 kilogram bag the buyer will pay from 5580 to 7150 rubles.

We invite you to watch a video review of Belcando dry and wet food. We wish you pleasant viewing!

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