Why does my dog ​​have red paws - find out the reasons

The dog's fur turns red. This problem is faced not only by owners of snow-white four-legged animals, but also by red and even black pets. It’s just that on white barbs this becomes noticeable almost immediately, and the owners quickly begin to sound the alarm.

Several years ago we had to face such a problem. During the winter season, Jack's fur on his thigh began to turn red intensely. Moreover, the skin was absolutely clean. Only the hairline changed color.

So what causes red fur in dogs? What is the reason for this phenomenon? Let's figure this out together.

Why does my dog ​​have red paws?

Have you seen that your dog has red legs? There are dogs that are more susceptible to skin problems than others, but there are also areas of the body where any dog ​​can easily experience irritation or other skin problems. For example, it is common to see a dog have red feet, although the possible causes vary.

Whenever you see any changes in the coat, it is best to take your dog directly to a veterinarian. However, we inform you in answer to your question “why does my dog ​​have red paws?” In any case, only a specialist can tell you whether it is an allergic reaction, a wound, a fungus or another problem and give you the best treatment.

Hair loss and the appearance of sores after a change in diet

American Stafford breed. I noticed changes when I started feeding my dog ​​food. She ate porridge since childhood. I thought that I should switch her to food - it’s convenient. A month later, the dog’s hair began to fall out, the dog itched periodically, and sores appeared. I started feeding her porridge again, I thought it would go away on its own. I bought drops, vitamins, and began washing with tar shampoo. It got worse. It doesn't look like lichen. Yes, and it is immediately transferred to the owner, but I don’t even have a hint. Tell me what to do, please?

Answer 3

Wool acts as a natural protector. Hair protects against temperature changes, excess moisture, solar radiation, mechanical damage and more. The condition of the hair reflects the dog's health. A pet that is bursting with health is the owner of shiny, smooth fur.

Loss of healthy looking hair indicates illness. Deep-rooted problems are accompanied by hair loss. The animal becomes lethargic and painful. The skin deteriorates.

Such processes are typical for those with weak immunity. The body's protective functions weaken. Viruses and infections are winning. The flow of internal processes is disrupted.

There are many reasons that cause baldness. The overall symptoms will help determine the source of the disease. An attentive owner will help the doctor figure it out. The veterinarian conducts examinations and tests.

Poor nutrition

A poor diet can cause a weakened immune system. The consequence will be problems with hair, skin, and the functioning of internal organs.

An unbalanced diet causes a lack of minerals. The body requires vitamins. A lack of B vitamins leads to the destruction of hair follicles. A review of the diet is required.

Dry food does not contain enough essential nutrients. A sudden transition from wet to dry nutrition (or vice versa) can cause stress. There will be a hormonal imbalance. The animal may become poisoned.

Vitamin deficiency leads to baldness, flaking of the skin, and hyperpigmentation. Oversaturation can poison. The preparation of a food menu should be accompanied by the recommendations of a veterinary nutritionist. Macronutrients must be consumed in certain percentages.

It is beneficial for four-legged animals to eat fresh white meat. It is valuable for its content of amino acids that help absorb fats. The percentage of fat is strictly regulated. Dogs benefit from fiber-rich vegetables. A veterinarian should be consulted before consuming new products. Doctors prescribe mineral and vitamin supplements that stimulate the immune system.

Diseases, parasites

The acquisition of neighbors by a dog leads to damage to the quality of the hair coat. Fleas, lice eaters and lice eaters are guilty of this. Parasites live in the area of ​​the third part of the back and hips. They are discovered during a detailed examination of the dog.

Regular washing and vaccination do not eliminate the risk of catching a parasite while walking. The change is carried by other dogs. By carrying household items, a person becomes a carrier of parasites - fleas travel on shoe soles, in closets, and clothes. Having settled in, the insects attack the quadruped.

Hair falling out and breaking off, accompanied by red spots, are symptoms of ringworm. The source of the disease is microspores. The disease is dangerous to humans. Urgent medical attention is required.

Sick animals are prescribed a course of antibiotics. The vaccination procedure is carried out. The home is cleaned and treated for parasites several times. Nutrition changes.

Other reasons

Thinning hair and blotchy skin are also symptoms of allergies. A sudden change in diet can cause such a reaction in the body. Dry food is a specific product and is not suitable for everyone.

The change of food products is agreed with the attending physician. Changes are made smoothly. The new product is gradually being introduced in parts. A sudden change will cause a strong reaction.

The body reacts similarly to taking hormonal drugs. Stress is caused by antibiotic use. A decrease in immunity provokes, among other things, a similar reaction. To clarify, it is necessary to undergo medical tests.

To find out the specific reason, you need to look at the whole picture. Losing fur is a serious signal. Veterinarian intervention is required. The specialist, with the help of the owner, determines the source of the disease.

How to care for your fur

It is prohibited to wash dogs with human shampoos containing harsh surfactants. Surfactants dry the skin. Dandruff will appear. The detergent must contain mild surfactants.

The washing procedure is performed with warm water. Long coats require monthly washing, while coarse coats require rare regular baths. Smooth-haired dogs are wiped with suede and damp rags.

Long hair also requires a combing procedure. Use a damp cloth to collect dust. Smooth-haired dogs are scratched with rubber brushes. They get used to it gradually.

Frequent bathing disrupts thermoregulation processes and weakens the immune system. Weakened defenses allow viruses to infect the animal. This is how diseases appear.

Red pads in dogs when in contact with irritants

Among the main causes of red feet in dogs, especially in pads, is contact with an irritating object. Sometimes some herbs or plants, such as nettle, can irritate dogs' feet due to their own substances, which they use as a defense, but herbs also have chemical products such as pesticides. These chemicals can damage the skin of the feet upon contact during a simple walk in the park, but if your dog is prone to chewing grass, redness may also appear on the face, especially around the mouth.

Also, at home, you have to be careful with the cleaning products we use and make sure your hairy friend doesn't step on the still-wet floor with those products. Dogs are very sensitive to cleaning products.

It is best to wash your dog's paws with a mild dog shampoo, such as oatmeal shampoo. Depending on the severity of the reaction causing the irritation, the specialist may need to prescribe some medication, such as an antihistamine or anti-inflammatory.

How to bleach?

The following types of shampoos are distinguished:

  1. Lightening. They are made on the basis of enzymes and are able to remove all yellow spots on the pet’s fur. It is recommended to use such products only in rare cases, since they have a harsh effect on the animal’s fur, removing the outer layer of hairs. As a rule, they are used together with expensive restorative conditioners.
  2. Whitening. Such products can restore the animal’s fur to its former whiteness, but if used incorrectly, they can cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

You can also use various whitening gels, for example, All Systems . Apply to dry animal hair with a brush or by hand.

It is removed after a few hours, but if desired, you can leave it on the dog’s fur for 2-3 days. The coat will become snow-white again after 1-2 applications.

There are a lot of means that can help your pet get its snow-white fur back, but you need to understand that this is not a cure . If you do not identify the reason that provoked the redness of the coat, then it will continue to change its color, and the use of cosmetics will only give a temporary result.

If you cannot independently determine the reason for the change in the color of your pet’s coat, you can always contact a veterinarian.

Source: puppy.plus

Mushrooms on dogs feet

Another of the most common causes of red feet in dogs is a fungal infection. If you only see some irritation and see your dog licking and chewing on his feet, this could be the beginning of an infection, but after a short time it can get worse and end up with severe itching all over his body and even injury from scratching.

Some fungal infections in dogs are candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida albicans, ringworm, of which there are various fungi that produce it, and infections caused by the fungus Malassezia pachydermatis. The latter and the first, candidiasis, are fungi that usually live on the skin of dogs, but in the case of ringworm, the fungus is external and is always produced by an infection.

If you suspect your pet has this condition, it is important to have it examined by a veterinarian. Therefore, you will be able to determine what type of fungus is present, and therefore you will be able to give the right medicine to your faithful friend. Additionally, some of these fungi, such as certain types of ringworm, are contagious to humans and, of course, highly contagious to other pets.


To successfully treat acral dermatitis in dogs, first of all, the veterinarian has the task of determining the trigger (cause) of the disease and prescribing primary and auxiliary treatment that will affect a speedy recovery or control of the situation.

The stage of collecting information about the animal plays an important role in this. Data about his life and illness allow the doctor to come to a conclusion about the primary cause. If, in addition to acral dermatitis, the dog has other dermatological problems or orthopedic abnormalities, excess weight, the fact of contagiousness (microsporia (lichen) photo 2, sarcoptic mange (scabies)), then these factors can play a leading role in choosing a treatment regimen.

Photo 2. Microsporia (lichen)

During the examination of the dog, the veterinarian pays attention to the weight, neurological status, condition of the skin and coat, and the presence of associated abnormalities.

Although acral dermatitis can be considered a psychogenic phenomenon, it is necessary to provide a complete diagnosis that excludes the main causes of chronic skin licking.

Such diagnostics include:

  • lumen diagnostics (examination of an animal's fur with a special Wood's lamp) to exclude microsporia (lichen);
  • multiple skin scrapings to exclude parasitic diseases - demodicosis, sarcoptic mange;
  • tweezing and trichogram (trichoscopy) to exclude demodicosis and dermatophytosis;
  • cytological examination to determine skin infection (bacterial, fungal), cellular composition and type of inflammation. This study can also provide an answer if a tumor is suspected;
  • biopsy and tissue culture for fungi and bacteria. They are carried out in case of insufficient response to the prescribed treatment;
  • if orthopedic or neurological causes of licking are suspected, additional diagnostics are required in the form of x-rays of the extremities, puncture of joints, CT, MRI, etc.
  • Blood tests and urine tests are carried out as necessary.

Other parasites on dogs' feet

There are a large number of parasites other than fungi that can cause red feet in dogs. The clearest and most common case of these parasites are hookworms, hookworms, or very small worms that usually parasitize the intestines.

Although they will always be found in a dog's intestines when they parasitize it, the way the animal is infected has much in common with other less common symptoms of this parasite, such as red legs. So, it is possible that the dog's skin is red because these hookworms entered their body through a small wound in that area, they don't need any more contact than that.

You will notice that your pet is scratching and licking his feet, that he has a small wound, but he will also show symptoms of intestinal problems such as diarrhea. Your veterinarian will help you treat him properly.

Red legs due to food allergies in dogs

Not only can contact allergies cause this problem in our furry companions, but food allergies can do it too. Dogs, like any other animal, can have many allergies to certain types of food, for example, allergies to grains or chicken proteins are common.

You will see more symptoms such as irritated skin in more parts of the body and itching, in addition to possible diarrhea and vomiting. The veterinarian will need to perform allergy tests to determine exactly what food is causing the allergy so you can avoid it. In addition, while the allergy lasts, you will have to be given medications prescribed by a specialist and even baths with a special shampoo.

Cocktails with Jägermeister

To prepare the Mirage , you need to take 10 ml of Jägermeister liqueur and 15 ml each of Cointreau orange liqueur, Baileys and Creme De Menthe mint liqueur. This cocktail is layered, so it must be prepared in a certain sequence. The bottom layer should be mint liqueur, then Baileys and Cointreau are poured with a cocktail spoon, and Jägermeister is added at the end. The drink should not be stirred, as the layered structure of the cocktail will be disrupted. You need to drink at once, in several sips.

Another very popular cocktail based on Jägermeister is “ Kukumber ”. Its recipe is quite simple. The ingredients of the cocktail are 50 ml of Jägermeister, 150 ml of Sprite, 150 grams of cucumbers and cubed ice. The cucumber should be finely chopped and placed in a tall glass. Fill the cucumbers with ice to the very top of the glass. Add Jägermeister and Sprite. After mixing, the cocktail is ready to drink.

Preparing the Black Blood requires a shaker. In a shaker you need to mix the following cocktail ingredients: 50 ml Blue Curacao liqueur, 20 ml Jägermeister, 25 ml lemonade and a few ice cubes. After mixing, the cocktail is poured into cocktail glasses.

Mad Dog ” is a cocktail based on equal parts of Baileys and Jägermeister liqueurs with the addition of ice.

Recipe for the low-alcohol cocktail “Jägermonster”: add 30 ml of Jägermeister, 30 ml of Grenadine syrup and 130-150 ml of orange juice to a regular glass.

" Alligator on Acid ". Mix 20 ml of Malibu liqueur and Midori liqueur, dilute with 40 ml of pineapple juice, then carefully add 20 ml of Jägermeister. The drink is shaken and poured into a glass.

The “ Submarine ” cocktail is prepared in a tumbler glass. Pour ice into a glass, then 25 ml of Jägermeister, add 30 ml of Red Bull drink and pour 25 ml of absinthe on top.

In order to prepare a cocktail with Jägermeister “ Grizzly ”, you need to beat 3 types of liqueur in a blender with ice - Amaretto, Coffee and Jägermeister - 30 ml each, then add 60 ml of milk and pour into a glass.

Wounds and bites on dogs' legs

Finally, bites and wounds are very irritating to the skin of your dog's feet. They will chew and scratch, which will worsen the injury and may become infected. From an infected insect bite, a broken nail to a small wound, even infection due to, for example, a plant, a thorn or a foreign body stuck in the skin.

Again, the veterinarian will be the one who knows best what to do in your case and can give you the best treatment other than basic medications.

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