Mongrel (dog): description of mongrel terriers

There are many homeless, useless dogs, called mongrels, running around the city streets. They are the most numerous representatives of the mongrel breed. For the most part, these are crosses of different breeds. They are often disliked, feared, and persecuted. Animals freeze outside, starve or eat garbage. A yard dog is often similar to one breed or another, which is evident from their appearance. There are very beautiful mongrels whose exterior may be the envy of their titled relatives.

What is a mongrel, origin of the breed

Any breed of dog is the result of selection, with the help of which certain qualities inherent in this breed are achieved. Over the years, these qualities have been improved and consolidated. A mongrel dog - this can also be said to be the result of selection, which took place without human participation. Not only stray animals take part in it, but also domestic ones, whose owners do not really bother themselves with proper care for them.

The most numerous breed

Here, the breeder-selector is nature itself, natural selection; it is impossible to trace the pedigree of such pets. Not all people are indifferent to the fate of homeless animals. Shelters are organized and money is collected for their maintenance.

Monuments to mongrels were erected:

  • In Mexico City. Peluso the mongrel calls for compassion for homeless animals.
  • Florence. The dog waited for 14 years for his owner who died in the war.
  • A monument to the homeless dog Jock has been erected in Krakow.
  • In Moscow, dedicated to the stray dog ​​Boy.
  • Vologda - a dog peeing on a lamp post.
  • Tyumen - a piggy bank dog helps collect donations for the needs of stray animals.
  • In Kemerovo, with the money of the townspeople, a monument was erected to a stray dog ​​resting on a manhole cover.

Monument to the mongrel Peluso in Mexico

How to measure a German Shepherd puppy correctly?

To determine the growth of puppies, several rules are followed:

  1. They do not use a tape measure or a tailor's meter, but a rigid measuring bar.
  2. Make at least three measurements and calculate the average value.
  3. The dog is taught to take a stance in advance.
  4. The measuring instruments are applied tightly to the animal's body, but are not pressed into the skin.

Measurements are taken to the withers, the highest point on the dog's body. It consists of five vertebrae located between the shoulder blades. Height at the withers is the distance from the fulcrum to the point where the shoulder blades and neck meet. Height is not measured from the nose, since head position differs from dog to dog and may give distorted data.

Differences between mongrels and purebred dogs and mixed breeds

Saarloos Wolfdog: detailed description of the breed

Work on breeding a particular breed is aimed at the specific character of the animal, its temperament, and service qualities. Each breed has its own unique characteristics, which are strictly controlled. Animals that do not meet the goals are discarded. Over the years, the special characteristics of a dog are fixed in this particular breed.

Mixed breed dogs are the result of crossing dogs of different breeds or purebred dogs with mongrels. The combination of genes of such dogs is unpredictable. Usually, mixed-breed puppies inherit the appearance of their ancestors; the positive aspects of both parents predominate in their character. Knowing the breed of a dog's parents, you can predict what difficulties you may encounter when raising it.

Beautiful and curious baby

A mongrel dog is special, you don’t know what to expect from it. Her ancestors cannot be traced, so her behavior is unpredictable. Small mongrels can be a mixture of several different breeds of all sizes. Description of the Dvorterrier dog:

  • different sizes - large and small;
  • with different coats – short and long;
  • with different ears - standing and hanging;
  • different colors - white and black, brown and multi-colored.

Important! A black mongrel dog can give birth to puppies with red or white fur, and a white mongrel dog, on the contrary, can give birth to puppies with dark fur.

It all depends on the genes of these dogs. It is very difficult to classify them. Dogs of the same height and color can have different skeletons, characters, and abilities.

Appearance of a mongrel

General impression

Numerous photos of mongrels show the diversity of their exteriors. Therefore, despite the lack of pedigree and any noble origin, courtyard terriers are deservedly popular among dog breeders.

You can see dogs of different sizes, differing in skull shape and body structure. The coat can be of any length and thickness. There are no standards for eye color or ear shape. However, among the mongrels there are often real handsome men.


The colors of mongrels have almost no restrictions, so among outbred quadrupeds it is quite possible to find a very spectacular individual, which in appearance will not be inferior to the breed representative. However, most animals look inconspicuous. The most common colors include:

two- or three-color;

with different types of stains, specks, and scorches.

Patterns on the coat can be located on any part of the body, creating a unique pattern. Crossbreeding of yard individuals leads to the appearance of characteristic features in puppies of one area or territory. Otherwise, there is no pattern in the appearance of the mongrel.


The appearance of outbred individuals is always unique. But there is a pattern in the appearance of street dogs depending on the region and time period.

Thus, on the streets in the 50s of the last century in the Moscow region, domestic representatives predominated, in whose exterior one could discern the features of huskies and hounds. This was due to the active breeding of these breeds in nurseries in Moscow and the Moscow region.

At the end of the last century, mongrels that resembled shepherd dogs became widespread. Nowadays it is almost impossible to predict how a courtyard terrier puppy will grow up.


Mestizos are a special type of dog that cannot be classified as purebred or domestic dogs. These are animals produced from parents of different species. Crossing occurs as a result of the conscious work of breeders - or due to an oversight of the owners of the male or female.

Character and temperament of a yard dog

Dog Milo (breed like in the Mask): history and description

Each mongrel dog, be it a black mongrel or another color, is unique in itself; you will not find another like it. In her blood you can find the genes of both large shepherd dogs and small pykinesis, maybe even wolves. Large mongrels gather in packs, each of which has its own leader.

Note! Dogs with an admixture of wolves are the most aggressive, they are capable of attacking a person.

In addition, white, red, and black mongrels are endowed with a rebellious disposition. They grew up on the streets, where they were hungry, could freeze, no one cared about them, they were used to relying only on themselves in life. You can tame a mongrel only with affection, care, and show that all the residents of the apartment are happy and love her.

Additional Information! Animals from the street become very attached to the person who picks them up. The pet is unable to survive a change of owner, perceiving it as betrayal.

Character of the mongrel

According to reviews from owners of mongrel dogs, the character of the mongrel is not at all capricious. They quickly get used to their new place of residence and new family. Pets adapt to different conditions and withstand any difficulties.

In general, the characteristic features of a mongrel are the following:

flexibility and devotion;

playfulness and sociability;

Experienced owners say that only East European Shepherds are more sociable than mongrels, and in playfulness, courtyard terriers are ahead of even Giant Schnauzers and Rottweilers. Outbred pets will take great pains to return a stick or ball to a person.

Mongrels get along well with other pets. Often, abandoned kittens or puppies are placed next to a nursing female, which she feeds and protects. Mutts also get along well with children: the dogs happily participate in their games and pranks.

Training and security qualities

Schipperke (dog): description of the breed, character

Many mongrels have a high degree of intelligence, often surpassing the mental abilities of a purebred dog. They are easy to train and remember memorized commands for a long time. They are not limited by fixed instincts; they can be molded into anything at their discretion.

First, you need to familiarize the new pet with a permanent place of feeding and rest. The baby will quickly remember his nickname and will respond to it. Then simple commands follow: sit, lie down, come to me, ugh. The owner's persistence and patience will turn a stray dog ​​into an intelligent noble dog.

Mongrels can be excellent guards and excellent watchmen. They are often taken to country houses for these purposes, where they live in enclosures or kennels, because they are hardier than their purebred brothers, have strong immunity, and can easily withstand bad weather and temperature changes.

You can have fun alone

How to deal with the rebellious nature of a mongrel?

The character of some outbred individuals clearly shows rebellious behavior. For example, a mixed breed descended from a Stafford and a Labrador may not see a leader in its owner and often attack. Using the example of this rebellious puppy, we will find out how to deal with this behavior.

Table 4. Causes of bad dog behavior

Poor behavior in a puppy: reasonsWhat to do?
RiotThe puppy does not agree with the role of a subordinate; he will look at the owner with a challenge, as if checking how he can respond. With this behavior, you need to strictly repeat the already assigned command
Puberty and the desire to dominateDuring puberty, the dog becomes overly self-confident, the dog tries to take on the role of leader. He may refuse to carry out the command altogether or do it without much enthusiasm.
The owner's shoutsThe owner's screams will only complicate the situation. The owner’s main weapon is strong character and self-confidence
The riot continuesYou need to look firmly straight into the dog's eyes for it to understand that the person is not afraid. When the rebel's emotions begin to leave his face, the command must be repeated again

If the rebel managed to be brought under control and he calmly follows the orders of the owner, half the battle is done

Another unnecessary habit is the desire to bite a person, and it does not matter what is caused by it - the desire to play or to show one’s leadership qualities. There are several ways to help stop your dog from biting:

  • grab the puppy tightly by the nose and do not let go until his excited state passes;
  • grab the dog's lower jaw when it tries to bite and apply gentle pressure on the tongue with your thumb;
  • if the puppy begins to bite during the game, immediately stop it and express your dissatisfaction: the method works flawlessly;
  • some owners bite the dog a couple of times as punishment, but this method can be dangerous: animals react instantly and can harm a person;
  • If the puppy does not respond to the command “Fu!”, during the first lessons you can discreetly spank him on the backside with a newspaper so that he understands that punishment follows an unfulfilled command.

A puppy who is treated with understanding and love will obey his owner unconditionally

The main thing in raising a puppy is to be patient and persistent. The dog must be taught discipline and good behavior skills, as well as develop a subordinate attitude in it. The owner must be a leader who resolves conflict situations not with shouting and beatings, but with confident moral superiority.

Care and feeding of the mongrel

Mongrels are not picky about feeding and do not have stomach problems. It is enough for them to give them warm porridge twice a day with a small addition of meat and sugar bones. Caring for a yard dog is not difficult. Need to:

  • brush the coat regularly;
  • monitor the condition of the eyes, teeth, and ears;
  • trim nails;
  • bathe when dirty or 3-4 times a year;
  • walk regularly.

If a disease is detected, immediately contact a veterinary clinic and get vaccinated against distemper and rabies.

Beautiful, picky mongrel

Basic colors

According to breed standards, the color of the Bull Terrier must be white.

In this case, skin pigmentation does not matter. However, other colors are also acceptable, the owners of which can also participate in exhibitions and win prizes.


White is considered the most common and preferred color, with the standard allowing for spots of a different color on the face, head, neck or ears. Even in this case, the color will be considered white.

But, if there are spots on the body or legs, the color will be considered white with markings.


Red is considered a color in which the dog is completely covered with red hair. In this case, the shade can be anything, from dark brown to light red.

However, a very light color is considered fawn and is undesirable as it leads to lower points in shows.


A completely black color in a Bull Terrier is extremely rare; in most cases, such dogs have white spots on their paws, face or neck, but in this case, the color will be considered two-tone.

Two-color (bicolor)

The bi-colored Bull Terrier may have areas of white, and these may be located on the paws, tail, muzzle or chest.

The main condition is that white spots should not occupy more than 50% of the body surface.


This color may include:

  • Black.
  • Ginger.
  • White.
  • Brown.

According to the standard, a tricolor dog should have no more than 50% white. Other colors must be clearly distinguishable and can be of any proportion.


As a rule, in such pets the red color acts as the main color and is complemented by black stripes. At the same time, the standards allow black color as the main color with red stripes.

White markings are also allowed on the entire body except the muzzle. If white spots are present on the face, then the color is considered brindle-white.


This color is quite rare and, as a rule, is a sign of a non-purebred dog.

Animals of this color are usually not allowed to exhibit and do not participate in breeding work.


Brown color is considered one of the variants of red and can have any shades except fawn.

Fawn coloring is considered undesirable and such dogs are not allowed for breeding.

Health and characteristic diseases

The health of a nobleman's dog is usually much stronger than that of a purebred dog. To achieve certain qualities of the breed, close relatives are often crossed, which has a detrimental effect on the health of the future generation. Often a specific disease is detected in a strictly defined breed. For example, shepherds and Labradors are more susceptible to joint dysplasia, terriers have skin diseases, Pekingese have breathing problems, and boxers have hearing problems.

Mestizos are much healthier than their titled brothers, since they inherit all the best from their parents, including health. The mongrel breed undergoes natural selection, where the fittest survives. No one vaccinates them or takes them to veterinarians, so they have strong innate immunity, are less susceptible to various diseases, and rarely suffer from hereditary diseases.

Important! The mongrel can easily endure adverse weather conditions and temperature changes.

Most often, mongrels are susceptible to:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases.

Puppies under two months of age and older animals are more at risk of getting sick. A pregnant bitch can also infect puppies with helminths when she is carrying babies.

Mongrel dogs have a longer life expectancy, despite difficult living conditions, than their purebred counterparts. In general, the life expectancy of any dog ​​directly depends on the conditions of its keeping. But any animal, purebred or not, can become infected with parasites, skin diseases, distemper, and rabies.

Pathetic and proud mongrels

"Yard Terrier": benefits for humans

Dog service specialists claim that mongrels are inferior to their noble brothers in discipline and keenness of smell. Despite this, “yard terriers” can be of great benefit to humans. For example:

they show themselves well as search dogs for searching for drugs, missing things or a person;

Mongrel - search dog

  • are excellent dedicated guards, ready to protect their person in any situation;
  • As guards, many breeds of service dogs are passed ahead, but boxers and “Scots” are ahead of them.

Owners who expect their pet to perform narrowly focused tasks are still advised to give preference to purebred service dogs. However, outbred specimens show themselves no less successfully in the service of humans.

Mongrel bitches that have whelped are often used as nurses for orphaned babies of other animals.

How to choose the right mongrel dog

Seeing a homeless puppy on the street, your hand reaches out to stroke and caress it. Unable to leave a helpless baby alone on the street, people take them into houses, apartments and love them no less than purebred ones. Such a little rescued bundle will be grateful all its life for the shelter, affection and care provided to it. His affection for his owner and family members will be boundless; a more devoted friend and companion can hardly be found.

If you choose a guard for a country house among yard animals, you should pay attention to the baby’s mother, her height, character, and perhaps her qualities will be passed on to the puppy. An affectionate, playful, docile small puppy is more suitable for keeping in an apartment. True, when picking up a mongrel animal on the street, you cannot predict what it will grow into. With age, a newborn puppy can overtake its parent in size or, conversely, be smaller than her; its character is also unpredictable.

Myths about "yard terriers"

A certain set of stereotypes and characteristics has formed around mongrel dogs. And some of the qualities that people who do not know them attribute to a yard dog are nothing more than myths. They were listed and refuted by the writer Denis Dudinsky in his book “The Most Famous Misconceptions about Quadrupeds.”

Myth No. 1. Insufficient mind

A few dog handlers speak contemptuously of mongrels, claiming that they are completely stupid. However, this is far from the case: yard dogs can compete in intelligence with many noble dogs. Thus, 85% of the surveyed educators of mongrel dogs confirmed that their pets are ahead of their noble fellow tribesmen in terms of intelligence.

Mutts successfully perform in circus performances along with purebred dogs

Myth No. 2. Insufficient affection

It is believed that yard dogs show less sympathy for their owner than their purebred fellow dogs. In reality, this is not so: animals choose one owner for themselves and suffer greatly if the owner has to part with the pet. Their focus on people is higher than that of terriers or “Caucasians”. However, the experience of dog handlers shows that only wayward “Caucasians” are ahead of mongrels in terms of independent behavior. This independence of behavior affects the level of devotion: for example, mongrels are still not as attached to their owner as Dobermans, Rottweilers, collies, German shepherds, and boxers.

A devoted “yard terrier” hugging his owner

Myth No. 3. Street dogs have better training abilities

Mongrels train well and quickly remember commands, but still do not have the best training abilities among other dog breeds. Denis Dudinsky, already mentioned above, compiled a rating of the 10 most trainable dogs, which looks like this:

Table 2. Top 10 most trainable dogs

1 East European Shepherd
2 Collie
3 Doberman
4 Cur
5 Giant Schnauzer
6 Rottweiler
7 German Shepherd
8 Caucasian Shepherd Dog
9 Russian Terrier
10 Boxer

Thus, yard dogs occupy only 4th place in the ranking. They can be considered capable of training, but it cannot be said that they are the best at this.

Myth No. 4. The mongrel is the kindest creature in the world

Many people associate a mongrel with the kindest dog who looks at a person with deep eyes full of devotion and would never attack his own kind. And, it’s true, most mongrels do not show strong aggression towards other animals without a breed. However, when compared with the characteristics of other breeds, it turned out that “yard terriers” behave more angrily towards other animals than East European shepherds, boxers, giant schnauzers and collies. A rating was also compiled based on the level of aggressiveness towards children. Mongrels were in 5th place, behind Caucasian and German shepherds, black terriers and Rottweilers.

Mongrels are generally peaceful towards children.

Myth No. 5. Yard dogs are bad guards

Many argue that mongrel dogs cannot be relied upon to protect your home from enemies. Experience shows that in mongrels the ability to immediately bark at an unfamiliar citizen is not well developed, as is the reaction to fussing outside the doors. The qualities necessary for a defender are less developed in the mongrel than in representatives of service breeds. Despite this, the qualities of guarding the territory and their owner are better developed in mongrels than in boxers, Dobermans and “Scots”. According to testing of yard dog owners, 23% of “yard terriers” have excellent bodyguard skills, and 47% are excellent guards of dachas, apartments or houses.

The mongrel protects his owner's property well

Which owner is it suitable for?

Many famous people and show business stars have mongrel dogs at home and are proud of it. The mongrels adopted from the shelter live:

  • Canadian actor Ryan Gosling, he often takes his pet with him to filming;
  • from the English film actor Orlando Bloom, with whom the dog goes shopping;
  • American actress Sienna Miller, who proudly walks two mongrel pets at once;
  • Svetlana Bondarchuk, a Russian model and TV presenter, has as many as three dogs taken from the street living in her country house.

Additional Information! The world-famous Belka and Strelka, who flew into space, were also mongrels.

After all, the main thing is not origin, but a devoted, loving, uncompromising friend. Live with it, not with the name of the breed. And it depends only on the owner how his pet will grow up. Any yard puppy can become a devoted, grateful, loving companion.

Sienna Miller with her mongrel pets


One of the theories of dog handlers says that stray dogs do not become attached to people and easily change their owner and habitat. Statistics tell a different story. Only shepherd dogs are more loyal than court terriers. If we take all the cases when an animal waited for years for its owners near the road, or a dog died of hunger at the owner’s grave, then many of the heroes of these stories are mongrel.

If a dog is adopted from the street by a person, it becomes very attached to him and has a hard time experiencing separation. When she is taken to another house, the mongrel runs away to her old place of residence, even if the food and living conditions there are worse.

Mongrels become very attached to their owners

Despite the harsh living conditions, when they have to hide from people, mongrels are friendly and trust people. They themselves come up to ask for food and trustingly go if they are taken by their flocks.

Advantages and disadvantages of mongrels

Mongrels, like any animals, have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • excellent health - they are rarely susceptible to hereditary diseases;
  • ease of learning and training - they do not have fixed instincts;
  • acute hearing;
  • good sense of smell;
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • sharp mind, instant assessment of what is happening, quick wit;
  • agreeableness;
  • not picky, easy adaptation to living conditions;
  • good nature towards people and pets.

Additional Information! Disadvantages include their aggression towards other dogs on the street.

Hunting with a German Jagdterrier


The breed is universal and works excellently underground, on land, in water, but all this is subject to high-quality training and baiting. It is believed that individuals from Soviet lines were angrier to the beast than their today's descendants, but in general the yagds retained the purity of hunting instincts and phenomenal viscosity. The German Jagdterrier is an excellent retriever of small game, and especially waterfowl. Representatives of the family are ready to dive for a shot bird into a body of water of any depth, without suffering at all from low temperatures. For example, there are cases when animals fished for a trophy even during ice drift.

If desired, the dog can be involved in gun hunting to search for wounded animals, as well as to bait wild boar. However, in the second case, a support group consisting of representatives of hound breeds will be required. But the real element of the German Jagdterrier was and remains holes. Moreover, it is not recommended to bring your pet to a direct fight in the hole. The yagd's task is to hold off the predator until the hunter arrives. If the dog gets too excited and tries to deal with the fox or badger on his own, he needs to be pulled out of the underground labyrinth by the tail.

The first baiting should be carried out no earlier than the animal is 8-10 months old. For this purpose, they use a “walking” fox that keeps a decent distance and does not fight back the pursuer. Remember that a puppy at this age has an unstable psyche, and aggressive game can discourage him from hunting for the rest of his life. You can build a hole for training yourself, or you can use ready-made designs for baiting stations. The main thing is not to put pressure on the dog and not push it into the maze. The Jagdterrier himself should become interested in the hole and dive into it.

The first to practice the skills of searching and pursuing the beast. The second stage is training in anger and grip, and it is recommended to “use” the latter skill on a raccoon. Unlike the fox and badger, this minke whale is not capable of causing serious injury to a pet. Some hunters bait jags on stray cats, but this method is not recommended because it teaches the dog to view domestic animals as potential game. By the way, among professionals, Jagdterriers are especially valued because they do not tear the animal to pieces, but competently dodge its claws.

Mud Dog Clubs

There are now purebred dog clubs in many cities. They hold seminars on training, raising and training mongrel dogs, and exhibitions where you can show your dog in all its glory, regardless of breed. Dogs are evaluated based on the following characteristics: what the dog looks like, how well-groomed, well-mannered, obedient, and manageable it is. Pets take part in a costume competition and perform circus acts.

On social networks on Facebook there are “Roxy Club”, “Companion” club, “Druzhok”, “Lyon”. They are located in Moscow. The purpose of such organizations is to gather and unite the owners of mongrel animals, to prove that a simple mongrel is no worse than purebred dogs and differs from them only in appearance.

By picking up a homeless stray court terrier from the street, a person demonstrates his concern for his smaller brothers. With its help, another living soul finds a warm home and loving owners, who in turn receive a devoted, loving, faithful friend.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Mutt puppies are usually purchased at poultry markets or selected online. Sometimes they are brought from the street or taken from friends. In order for the arrival of a new pet in the family to become a happy event, when choosing it, it is better to adhere to a number of rules:

Inspect the place where the dog lives. If the place is dirty and unsanitary, your pet may have serious health problems.

Assess the puppy's external characteristics. The baby's eyes should be clean, without purulent discharge, his nose should be moist, and his stomach should have no signs of bloating. There should be no traces of fleas or lice on the coat.

Monitor the dog's behavior. If a puppy shakes at the sight of a person and hides in a corner or runs away, then there will most likely be problems with his socialization.

Mongrel dogs that attack any stranger and try to grab his clothes are unlikely to be re-educated. You need to choose a dog as a family friend who greets a person in a friendly, albeit cautious, manner.

After just a couple of minutes of communication, such a puppy will approach a person and allow himself to be petted. He will wag his tail and lick his hands. Such an individual has an adequate psyche and will become an excellent friend.

Unusual and memorable ossipom

To create it, a Pomeranian Spitz was crossed with an Australian Shepherd. The result was a very beautiful and unusual dog with bright colors. Ossipoma has a very small size, a playful temperament and a constantly good mood. This pet is famous for its charm among other hybrids of different breeds. The Ossipom dog is capable of charming and making any person fall in love with it. The creature has received absolutely all the good features of a shepherd and a Pomeranian. Ossipom is valued for his flexible behavior, intelligence, and hard work, which helps him quickly learn various tricks. Already from puppyhood, this dog can perfectly demonstrate its skills in training.

Many owners of this dog hybrid note the amazing loyalty of their pet. He can sit at the door all day waiting for his owner to arrive. With it, he turns into a restless and happy bundle of energy.

Ossipom needs long walks in the fresh air. The animal will tirelessly run and play, enjoying physical activity. Therefore, everyone who wants a cheerful and cheerful friend will find him in the form of this dog.

History of the German Jagd Terrier breed

The breed was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, when dog breeders, fed up with show terriers, began to dream of working pets that could bring real benefits. By that time, European exhibitions were filled with representatives of the group with an exemplary exterior, but absolutely unsuitable for working on the animal due to muted instincts. After the First World War, German specialists began breeding a new, purely hunting variety of terrier, ideally working in a hole.

The pioneer in this matter was the dog breeder and part-time passionate fan of fox terriers Walter Zangenberg, who was later joined by Rudolf Fries and Karl-Erich Grunewald. The breeder began his experiments by taking four fox terrier puppies from the director of the Munich Zoo, Lutz Heck. Zangenberg was not embarrassed that the babies had a vicious black and tan color, since the breeder intended to develop hunting instincts in the animals, and not a glamorous appearance. As a result, the matured puppies were bred with black foxes, known for their phenomenal viciousness and tirelessness in pursuing prey.

Smooth coated German Jagdterrier

Wirehaired German Jagdterrier

In 1926, the first Jagdterrier club opened in Germany, and 12 months later Zangenberg’s charges began to be exhibited at an exhibition. At first, the breed was bred by inbreeding (inbreeding), which did not have the best effect on the health of the offspring. And only in the 20s did dog breeders begin to involve more distant relatives - Welsh Terriers and Old English Terriers - in training jags. After World War II, breeding of the breed was no longer as active, which was facilitated by the division of Germany into occupation zones. In addition, the breeders of the GDR relied on Zangenberg’s breeding research, that is, they continued to cross Jagd relatives with each other. As a result, the dog population quickly recovered, but the number of defective individuals began to grow exponentially.

International recognition came to the Jagdterrier in 1954, along with the receipt of the FCI standard. After this event, dogs began to be exported to North and South America, but the small and nimble jags did not make the right impression on the hunters of the New World. German terriers were brought to the USSR in the 70s, although unofficial sources claim that the first acquaintance of domestic breeders with the breed took place 40 years earlier. Of the manufacturers imported to the Soviet Union, Cherry von Rischebach, Dina von Hochlitzee, and Encke von Wolzi-Gersee are especially noteworthy. It was these individuals that laid the foundation for the first generations of Russian Jagd Terriers.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing two different breeds.

They do not differ at all in their characteristics from their purebred counterparts. But, at the same time, they can seriously differ in appearance and character.

When it comes to health and learning ability, mixed breeds are often superior to purebred dogs in these indicators.

The most common dachshund mixes:

  • Spaniel mix. The dog usually takes on the characteristics of both parents, but is more reminiscent of a spaniel, with the difference that such a pet has a longer body and a more explosive character.
  • A Jack Russell cross is not a large, very active dog, similar in color to a Jack Russell, and similar in body structure to a dachshund. The dog is active, devoted to its owner, and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • A hybrid with a Chihuahua has an elongated body structure, a miniature muzzle and widely spaced ears. This is a loving, active, sociable animal, easily trainable and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • The Yorkshire Terrier mix is ​​playful, active, and quick to learn. Such animals are very friendly, get along well with children and others and pets, have the appearance of a dachshund and the character of a Yorkie.
  • Spitz mix. In size and body structure, it is more like a dachshund, and its coat is more like a spitz. This dog is very mobile, active and fearless. At the same time, he is proud and stubborn, and is also difficult to train.
  • The pug cross has a strong body, many folds and an elongated body. The dog has a calm and good-natured character.
  • The beagle cross looks very harmonious, it has a slightly elongated body, medium-height paws and smooth fur. These dogs are active and good-natured.
  • Welsh Corgi mix. These pets are very cute and have a cheerful character.

Use of dogs by humans

Dog handlers often claim that “door terriers” are significantly inferior to their four-legged counterparts in terms of characteristics (discipline or keen sense of smell). Despite this:

  • they have proven themselves well as service animals for searching for missing people or things;
  • the four-legged guard is in no way inferior to his more eminent brothers due to his high devotion;
  • As watchdogs, mongrel dogs are slightly inferior to service dogs, but they are still better in terms of performance than collies or boxers.

For narrowly focused tasks, it may be worth thinking about purchasing purebred specimens, however, this does not mean that “door terriers” are not as good as their counterparts.

Dvorterrier intelligence

There are simply no equals to mongrels in terms of intelligence. More than 80% of surveyed owners of this breed claim that their pets are incredibly smart, are able to assess a situation in a short time, and also make important decisions with lightning speed, and understand how to behave correctly in certain conditions.

In terms of independent behavior, the mongrel is second only to Caucasian Shepherds, leaving behind all other purebred animals. Mongrels quickly master the rules of behavior in the house; only Caucasian Shepherds and Giant Schnauzers are ahead of “yard animals” in this matter.

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