False pregnancy in dogs: all about false pregnancy + useful tips for the owner

Causes of false pregnancy

This condition is common in dogs and other mammals. It has a special trigger mechanism, developed by nature over millennia of natural selection. To ensure the survival of the pack, maximum pup survival is necessary. To do this, the bitches had to give birth at the same time, so that if the nurse died, the puppy would have a replacement “mother” who could feed him.

Over time, even those bitches who were not pregnant began to show signs of pregnancy until lactation. If necessary, they could take the place of the mother and feed the puppy, ensuring the future survival and very existence of the pack.

The mechanism of formation of false lactation

This phenomenon can be observed within a couple of weeks after mating. Neither the age of the animal nor the breed matters. In addition, this anomaly occurs after estrus, without the participation of the male dog.

To explain why milk is produced, we need to remember that lactation occurs under the influence of hormones: estrogen, prolactin, oxytocin, progesterone. The latter is called the pregnancy hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, a gland that forms after ovulation. Progesterone and prolactin stimulate the enlargement of the mammary glands, regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred or not. These 2 substances are the main “culprits” of false pregnancy.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, the corpus luteum produces lactogenic hormones in excess. As a result, progesterone levels increase, signs of pregnancy appear and false lactation develops. The corpus luteum lives and produces the hormone for 60-70 days, maintaining the appearance of pregnancy.


Signs of false pregnancy occur approximately 4–9 weeks after the last estrus. In this case, the animal may not even participate in mating.

Owners are especially embarrassed by the manifestation of the condition after mating. They find out very late that their bitch did not become pregnant at mating and there is no need to expect puppies, because by all signs they think that the dog is “pregnant.”

The main signs of the condition are the following:

  1. Enlargement of the loop, possible discharge.
  2. Swelling of the mammary glands, their increase in volume.
  3. Change in color of the mammary glands.
  4. The onset of lactation, that is, the release of milk.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Behavior change.

The last symptom especially clearly characterizes the level of changes in the bitch’s body. She can begin to create a nest, collecting various objects into it, mainly toys representing her non-existent puppies. The dog's behavior changes dramatically.

She can become aggressive, capable of even biting the owner if he approaches the bed, or falls into a depressive, depressed state.

First aid for a pet

In the absence of stimulation of signs of false pregnancy, the phenomenon may gradually “fade out” without treatment. To speed up the restoration of the dog’s normal state, do the following:

  • prescribe diet therapy;
  • limit drinking regime;
  • increase physical activity.

During the period of the pathological condition, it is necessary to exclude from the bitch’s diet foods that enhance milk production. When feeding, remove protein foods - meat, fish, poultry. It is mandatory to exclude dairy and fermented milk products.

To stop lactation, the dog is switched to porridge cooked in water and vegetables. Some breeders recommend having fasting days and limiting the drinking regime to a minimum. Such strict methods of stopping lactation will help reduce the risk of developing mastitis.

Less radical methods of stopping milk synthesis include compresses from cabbage leaves, tying with an elastic bandage and preventing the dog from resolving it. To prevent the bitch from sucking milk, you can use special collars or collars made of cardboard. You can't express milk. This method gives the opposite result and stimulates lactation.

To normalize the dog’s mental state, you need to switch its attention to active games and long walks. To prevent the creation of a den-nest, you should try to change the environment - for example, transfer the animal to another room.

If such methods do not give the expected result or the symptoms of a false pregnancy are too pronounced, then drug therapy may be required.

Treatment method and prognosis

This condition must be treated, but medication is not always necessary. To begin with, you can try to cope with simple measures:

  1. Limit water in the dog’s diet, switching it to natural products.
  2. Stop giving dairy.
  3. Remove all toys from the house.
  4. Increase physical activity - lengthen walks, make jogging more intense, go to the training ground more often.
  5. Limit the bitch's contact with puppies of other dogs.
  6. Reduce food portions.

If your dog is leaking milk, you should not express it, this will stimulate its constant flow and prolong the problematic condition. Prolonged stagnation of milk can cause mastitis, so the dog should be given medications prescribed by a veterinarian that will speed up the disappearance of false signs.

These can be hormonal drugs or homeopathic drugs. Choosing and giving such medications on your own is very dangerous!

If false pregnancy is very difficult or becomes a common condition with every heat, it is better to sterilize the animal.

What should the owner do?

If you understand for sure that your pet is undergoing an imaginary process of gestation, then you should quickly find out how to help your dog with a false pregnancy. If no action is taken, the female's condition will worsen and serious complications may begin.

First aid and care

Under no circumstances should you scold your pet for trying to “build a nest” or for being too affectionate. It is best to spend as much time as possible on her: stay close to her longer, stroke her more often, scratch behind her ears. You need to understand that it is very difficult for your girl right now - and she still faces the difficult realization that she will not become a mother.

Make corrections in maintenance and feeding. It is worth walking outside more often, giving the dog increased exercise in order to distract it from its suffering. It is better to remove all toys that are on the floor so that the bitch does not mistake them for puppies.

If first aid is not effective, then use medications recommended by the veterinarian. You can give a mild herbal sedative. To stop lactation in small breed pets, use Lacto-Stop. The drug contains wormwood alkaloid, which inactivates the hormone prolactin. There are other medications, including hormonal ones, but in no case should you choose them yourself - only a veterinarian will tell you what to give your four-legged patient and in what doses.

What not to do

Some actions can only worsen the already poor condition of the pet. What veterinarians do not recommend doing:

  1. Scold the dog and rudely take away its toys, which it mistakes for offspring. This will provoke a nervous breakdown or an attack of aggression.
  2. It is unnecessary to pet the animal and indulge its instincts. It is best to switch your pet’s attention during “attacks” of maternal instinct to play or treat.
  3. Allowing the nipples and loop to be licked - the bitch thereby stimulates the production of milk and hormones, which aggravate the situation. Usually, a collar is put on her during the treatment period.
  4. Give “human” sedatives: motherwort, valerian and more serious medications.
  5. Expressing colostrum will only stimulate lactation and aggravate the situation as a whole.
  6. Leaving the condition unattended in the hope that everything will go away on its own. False pregnancy in dogs can develop into a serious illness - mastitis or inflammation of the reproductive organs.

A caring owner must support his pet in every possible way and do everything so that she can quickly return to her usual and fulfilling life.

What to do at home

At home, the dog needs to be provided with a calm atmosphere, moderate nutrition and care to increase its physical activity and occupation. She should not be left alone all the time, which contributes to depressive changes in behavior.

If the pet drags into the den all the things that remind her of puppies - from plush toys to pillows and personal belongings of the owners, she needs to limit access to other rooms, and from the one where the dog is, remove everything that could even remotely be mistaken for offspring .

Owners must understand that the animal is not responsible for its actions - it is nature and instincts. Punishing a bitch for changing behavior would be the height of cruelty.

Etiology of false lactation in dogs

Pathology is caused by the following reasons:

  • hyperestrogenism - high levels of estrogen, the female sex hormone;
  • psychological factors;
  • physical inactivity;
  • abundant high-calorie food;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs;
  • hypertrophied maternal instinct.

Even sunlight can cause pseudolactation. Sometimes the owner himself contributes to the development of the anomaly if he allows irregular matings or gives pills to disrupt estrus or pregnancy after an unwanted mating with an outbred male. For this, nature seems to be taking revenge for the missed opportunity to reproduce.

Despite the fact that the provoking factors are known, it has not yet been possible to reproduce this pathology artificially. And this is also the mystery of false pregnancy.

Possible complications

It is believed that too often repeated false pregnancies can lead to “hormonal swings” that can provoke serious health problems, including cancer.

Some bitches in a state of pseudo-pregnancy become very aggressive and can become a threat to other domestic and street animals, people and even their own owners.


If the owner believes that his dog is clearly showing symptoms of a false pregnancy, it is necessary to confirm this condition by contacting a veterinary clinic for advice.

“False pregnancy in dogs can cause serious complications for their health, as well as harm the dog’s psyche,” explains veterinarian Lyubov Bogdan. “Therefore, it is very important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner.

To determine whether an animal is suffering from signs of false value, dogs undergo ultrasound (1) and blood tests to determine hormone levels. If studies confirm that the dog has a false pregnancy, she will be given treatment if necessary. As well as preventive procedures that can alleviate this complex physiological and psychological condition.

By the way, frequent false pregnancies in dogs can lead to mammary cancer (2).

How does falsehood begin?

  1. When the female is ready to mate, the level of estrogen and pheromones that attract males is increased in her body. If the rest of the dogs in the social group are ready for mating physiologically and morally, then individuals who do not want to mate are still subject to hormonal changes.
  2. During the mating process, fertilization of the uterus , after which the processes of “motherhood” begin. This is provided by nature by default. That is, the options in which the mating is interrupted, the puppies were born unhealthy and died, a miscarriage occurred or intrauterine death of the fetus are unnatural and do not interrupt the hormonal cycle.
  3. Dogs lack the part of their brain responsible for logical cause-and-effect relationships. First of all, it is controlled by age and seasonal instincts . She looks at the dogs around her and adapts to the circumstances.

REFERENCE! In case of hormonal abnormalities, injuries or death of the mother, her puppies begin to be fed by other, usually childless, females.

Drug therapy

Homeopathy has performed well in therapy, but only a veterinarian can select remedies. Hormonal drugs are often prescribed Naloxone or Nonestron. They help restore the functioning of the reproductive system organs. They are prescribed by a doctor. If the animal is very restless, then you can give it Fitex or other drops that will calm it down.

The doctor selects effective therapy after examining the dog and establishing a diagnosis. Moreover, pseudopregnancy does not always require drug treatment.

Possible dangers and consequences

  • Mastitis and purulent mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands due to accumulating milk; bacteria can be introduced from the outside, especially if the female licks the nipples; The disease manifests itself as thickening of the glands, hardening of the nipples, pain, and an apathetic state in the pet.
  • Pyometra is an inflammation of the cervix that occurs due to increased secretion of mucus and fluid, stagnation, and bacteria. The fallopian tubes become clogged and pus accumulates; the disease can be cured with medication only in the first stages; often, complete removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is required. If left untreated, the accumulated pus may leak into the abdominal cavity, and the animal will die from blood contamination and intoxication;
  • Endometritis is a milder form of pyometra, but only the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and there is no suppuration. The disease can easily develop into sepsis, requiring surgery and a strong antibiotic program;
  • Cancer of the genital organs, mammary glands;
  • Mental instability , the dog may go crazy.

Signs of false pregnancy

The syndrome appears approximately 5-8 weeks after the last estrus. It’s easy to determine by the following signs:

  • morning sickness: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal cramps. Possible constant hunger, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • change in appetite - the dog either eats a lot, or refuses to eat, or there is a change in food preferences;
  • weight – increases, milk or colostrum appears, mammary glands swell;
  • coprophagia - sometimes the animal begins to consume feces as food;
  • anxiety - by the time the cubs are falsely born, the bitch begins to feel short of breath, her behavior becomes agitated, and the animal refuses to go for a walk. If the owner begins to insist on walking, the false mother begins to “cry” and imitate abdominal cramps near the entrance door;
  • nesting - the bitch begins to build a nest, expressing affection for toys, slippers and other things that in her imagination play the role of puppies (brings them to the nest and protects them from others).

Pseudopregnancy is characterized by signs that are observed during real pregnancy. Accordingly, if the listed signs are detected in a bitch, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for a correct diagnosis.

How it manifests itself: the main symptoms of false pregnancy

The bitch feels like a puppy, behaves accordingly, her belly is rounded, her nipples swell. The expectant mother begins to nest, pulls out tufts of fur from her belly and prepares the den. He fawns over you or tries to hide. He looks for soft toys and fusses with them, anticipating the appearance of puppies.

She starts quarrels if you try to take away her favorite items and growls. Stops executing commands. She develops an appetite or, conversely, disappears. The dog is constantly thirsty. In the morning, the pet is capricious, like a woman who develops toxicosis during pregnancy.

After the whelping period arrives, painful contractions occur that do not lead to childbirth. Milk appears, but no babies. She takes the absence of puppies hard, becomes depressed, whines, goes out for walks reluctantly, and strives to return home as quickly as possible.

The situation becomes more complicated when there are cubs in the apartment - puppies of other bitches, kittens, infants. The dog takes a position for feeding puppies, climbs into the den of its fellow tribesman, feeds the cubs, and drags them to itself. Fights occur between the real and imaginary mother. Be careful and take measures to isolate the nursing dog from other animals.

During a false pregnancy, the female drags soft toys into the den, mistaking them for puppies.

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What to do to increase milk supply for a nursing dog

When faced with the problem of insufficient milk production in a pet that has given birth, the owner should take the following measures to restore it:

  • Stimulate milk production by developing the mammary glands. The last pair of nipples is the most productive. If the litter is large, then the healthiest and tallest puppies should be placed near the first nipples so that they develop them and thereby increase milk production. The owner can also regularly massage the dog’s mammary glands on his own.
  • You can increase secretion production by including certain foods in your animal’s diet. First of all, the dog should be fed liquid food. It is necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed by the pet - water, milk. To stimulate milk production, experienced breeders give the new mother cow's milk and honey.
  • Walnuts have a milk-containing effect. They should be given one three times a day. The dog's diet should contain dairy products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt. According to experienced dog breeders, the use of biogenic stimulants, such as Apilac, has a good effect.
  • On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the animal may be prescribed hormonal medications. Oxytocin is most often used to activate the milk production process in obstetric practice. The hormonal substance stimulates the formation of milk in the dog’s mammary glands and relieves pain when puppies suck.

In some cases, the inclusion of calcium supplements in the diet helps to activate milk production. The mineral is lost by the mother's body during pregnancy and often leads not only to postpartum eclampsia, but also affects milk production after the birth of the offspring.


Natural reason for the occurrence of false lactation in dogs

The ancestors of domesticated dogs lived in packs, in harsh conditions. Males often died while getting food and protecting the community, so not all females got a male to mate with, given that they came into heat once a year, at the same time.

The number of pregnant females was small, and in order to preserve the few offspring, insurance was required in case of death of the whelping female or cessation of lactation. If this happened, her fellow tribeswoman, who had no offspring, came to the rescue and nursed the litter. False lactation seemed to protect the flock from extinction.

Domestic dogs live under different conditions, but genetic memory causes lactation after estrus or non-productive mating.

Symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases depend on the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence. One of the main symptoms that most clearly signals the presence of gastrointestinal diseases is pain.

The location of the pain may indicate the following problems2:

  • heaviness after eating or abdominal discomfort may be associated with a lack of digestive enzymes in the intestines;
  • pain in the upper third of the abdomen can be associated with inflammation of the walls of the stomach, intestines and lower esophagus or appear with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Additional symptoms of these diseases are nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium often signals inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium may be a sign of gastritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the pain is severe and girdling in nature, then during the examination the doctor pays special attention to the condition of the pancreas;
  • pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of appendicitis and intestinal infections.

Most gastrointestinal diseases are not limited to abdominal pain. A person may also be bothered by 2: Diarrhea. In chronic form, it may indicate hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and colitis; Constipation. Gastroenterologists call constipation bowel movements less than 3 times a week. This symptom often accompanies dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome; Flatulence. Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines and stomach can be associated with colitis, pancreatitis and dysbiosis; Nausea and vomiting; Frequent attacks of heartburn, which are caused by gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis with high acidity.


There are a number of methods to prevent the appearance of false pregnancy in a dog. It is especially important to follow preventive measures for animals that have already had incidents of similar pathology. Experienced breeders recommend marking each day on your calendar after estrus. Starting from 4-5 weeks, reduce the daily portion of food by 20-30%. In addition, observe the condition of the nipples, lubricate them with any natural oil if any changes occur. It is important to increase physical activity and engage in active training. Any intellectual, cognitive activity requires full concentration of attention and mental strength.

The most reliable way to prevent false pregnancy is sterilization. After the operation, hormonal levels are normalized, and the risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system is significantly reduced.

Photo: pixabay.com

What to do if you suspect pseudopregnancy

Since pseudopregnancy is not a disease as such, it does not require specific treatment. But it’s worth showing your dog to a veterinarian in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prevent the development of other infectious diseases. The owner can take a number of measures that will alleviate the pet’s suffering and help stabilize its condition:

  1. Excluding dairy products from the diet , reducing protein components, drinking regimen (sometimes females are switched from dry food to natural food so as not to stimulate thirst), this measure is suitable for preventing the occurrence of malfunctions, carried out 10 days before the start of estrus;
  2. Increasing physical activity (only after diagnosing a false pregnancy and the absence of internal pathologies);
  3. Cleaning the room from small decorative elements and toys that will remind the pet of children;
  4. Compresses from aloe, cabbage leaves, bread on swollen mammary glands.

You cannot scold the animal; the owner must understand that the female is not herself, her mood and behavior depend on hormonal imbalance. Self-medication with medications is prohibited. It is unacceptable to express milk from the nipples; you can introduce infection or bacteria, which will trigger the development of mastitis.

We recommend reading the article: “Features of caring for a pregnant dog: what you need to know about it.”

Diagnosis and treatment

Since it is difficult to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one, it is important to conduct laboratory tests. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to take a pregnant female to see a veterinarian at least once every 3 weeks . First of all, the specialist will palpate the uterus; this method will not give a clear understanding, but at 3-5 weeks of pregnancy, the embryos can already be felt by palpation. You cannot do it yourself; if pyoderma (purulent inflammation) develops, you can disrupt the integrity of the uterus and provoke sepsis.

The next step is to analyze vaginal discharge, urine and blood for the presence of pregnancy hormones and their quantity. It is carried out using complex instruments, so its cost is high.

Most often, the veterinarian sends females for an ultrasound and x-ray. A computer study will show not only the development of possible embryos, but will also let you know about possible pathologies, tumors, and corrosion.

If maintaining psychological balance and the measures taken by the owner do not work, then the veterinarian prescribes a set of drugs. This treatment is expensive and complex; only a specialist can choose it.

There are two types of medicines used in cases of false pregnancy: homeopathic and hormonal. The first are aimed at “like with like” therapy. The drugs cause similar symptoms, which improves the pet’s condition. Hormonal agents help stabilize the functioning of the glands and the production of secretions. Such drugs often have contraindications and a lot of side effects. They are used with caution.

The prescription of treatment is regulated by many factors: weight, age, condition of the body (the reproductive system, in particular), whether there has been childbirth, whether subsequent pregnancies are planned, the severity of the pathology, the duration of symptoms.

How dangerous is an imaginary pregnancy?

The mother’s experiences are aggravated by the following diseases of the reproductive organs:

  1. Inflammation of the udder - mastitis develops due to the fact that the secretion accumulates in the milk tanks and does not find a way out. The organ swells, swells, becomes injured, becomes inflamed. If you try to help the unlucky mother by pumping, however, this leads to increased milk production. Do not treat the disease yourself, leave it to a professional.
  2. Inflammation of the uterus - endometritis. Although childbirth did not occur, the walls of the organ intensively secrete mucus. Since the cervix is ​​open, microflora gets inside, uses the secretions as a nutrient medium and actively multiplies. If the disease is not treated, endometritis develops, which becomes a life-threatening condition - pyometra.
  3. Malignant breast tumors after several false pregnancies.

If you wanted to compensate for the costs incurred in acquiring and raising a pet, you will have to refuse the sale of breeding puppies. A dog that has had a false pregnancy at least once is prone to relapses.

How to prevent it?

The only way to prevent pregnancy is to limit your dog's exposure to other pack members during puberty and adulthood. If a dog was adopted by people into a family as a puppy, and grew up without communication with other females, its instincts will be in an inactive state.

You can also perform HRT (hormone replacement therapy) , which involves manually adjusting hormone levels. But this method can have side effects and affect the dog’s health and future ability to have healthy offspring. In addition, the procedure is expensive and requires constant monitoring of tests.

Homemade breast pump

What should you do if you need to express milk from a dog, but there is no special device? You can, of course, use a female breast pump, but choosing a model that fits the size of a dog, especially a small one, is very problematic.

The second option is to make this tool yourself. In fact, the home breast pump is very similar to the one described above. It is a syringe that is selected depending on the size of the pet.

Instead of a needle, a plastic tube from a dropper is put on the syringe. The piston is removed, and a spray gun with a trigger is attached to the other end of the plastic tube.

The hole for the piston is pressed tightly against the animal's nipple. They press the nozzle (from a spray bottle, for example), and the milk is drawn into the syringe. And then they proceed as described above.

What can't you do?

If your dog exhibits typical symptoms of false puppyhood, it should absolutely not be scolded or punished. This can only intensify the course of the syndrome and lead to persistent neuroses. It is not recommended to express milk if it appears, or to tightly squeeze the mammary glands. It should be monitored that the dog does not suck out colostrum on its own (wear a collar, veterinary bandages on the chest).

It is believed that after a physiological (normal) pregnancy and whelping, the risk of postdiestrous syndrome decreases. According to statistics, this is observed only in 15% of cases and is not a reliable prevention of false pregnancy.

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