How humane is medical euthanasia of animals?

Methods of euthanasia - from carbon monoxide to decapitation

In world practice in the 21st century, animals are killed in a variety of ways:

  • beheaded (decapitation);
  • use electric current;

poisoned with carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide;

  • air embolism is used (air is introduced into the circulatory system);
  • electrocuted.

None of the listed methods can be considered humane, although in America gas is used on fur farms and to kill stray animals.

International human rights organizations consider the agents used for anesthesia to be the most suitable for euthanasia of pets.

The humane and painless euthanasia procedure occurs in 2 stages:

  • Once you and your pet are ready, a small injection of anesthetic is given under the skin using a “fine needle” that most animals cannot feel. Within about 5-15 minutes, your pet will gently fall asleep.
  • Once the animal is completely asleep, the final injection is administered. It does not experience any pain from its administration, but will only begin to fall into a deeper sleep, the heart and breathing will begin to slow down, and the pet will calmly leave within another 10 minutes.
  • Removal and cremation of an animal - how to do it?


Muscle relaxant with depolarizing action. In veterinary practice it is used to immobilize animals. In the Russian Federation it is used to euthanize stray cats and dogs.

Should be used only after the animal has previously been put into medicated sleep. In the Russian Federation, it is often used independently - this is an inhumane method that causes severe suffering. Stopping breathing occurs when the animal is fully conscious.

For euthanasia, you can always contact our service in Moscow!

The drugs Listenol and Arduan have a similar effect to Ditiline. They are used in the second stage of euthanasia.

If your veterinarian suggests euthanasia using Dithiline or similar products, you need to make sure that your pet is put to sleep first.

Euthanasia of animals

First, the veterinarian examines the animal and discusses treatment options with the owners; if there is no hope for a positive outcome of the disease, then they begin to euthanize the animal. Depending on individual factors and the condition of the animal, euthanasia may take from 5 to 30 minutes. Euthanasia of animals consists of several stages (the stages move from one to another and can be a single intravenous injection). In the first part of euthanasia, the activity of the central nervous system is suppressed for the purpose of pain relief. There is no pain or adequate reaction to stimuli, but reflexes are usually preserved. In the second part of euthanasia of animals, inhibition of nervous activity increases until breathing and heart stops or the respiratory and cardiovascular centers are blocked. Usually, the breathing function stops first, and after 3 - 25 minutes the heart stops, but it can be the other way around, but after the heart stops, breathing disappears very quickly. Sometimes, when clinical death occurs, the agony continues for 10 - 20 minutes - while the animal does not feel anything - the brain does not work, but due to the automaticity of heart contractions, rare respiratory movements continue, and there may be convulsions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent such events and influence them, because the automatic abnormal functioning of the heart does not respond to any medicinal substances. One thing is certain - animals do not experience suffering and do not feel anything at all - the brain is dead.

How to choose a good veterinary clinic

For personal peace of mind and painless euthanasia of your pet, it is necessary to choose responsible, qualified doctors. Look for information on forums, if you have friends who have gone through this, consult with them. Don't go to the first clinic you come across.

Choosing a veterinary institution:

  • collect information about his reputation;
  • find out if there is a certificate for carrying out such activities;
  • inquire about the level of training of doctors.

During the decision-making process, you will have time to search for information, devote it to an informed choice of a veterinary clinic, talk to doctors, and do not hesitate to ask uncomfortable questions.

Indications for euthanasia

Carefully read the main indications for the procedure. This will help you avoid a fatal mistake and really help the animal.

The first in the series of indications is old age. Often, in old people, along with the general deterioration of the body, chronic diseases manifest themselves more acutely, and sometimes new ones develop (for example, a malignant tumor). However, the age of a dog or cat in itself does not oblige the owner to terminate the pet’s life. This should only be done if, based on the results of the examination, you see that the animal will not tolerate treatment.

A serious injury that prevents you from leading a full, healthy life and cannot be cured is the second reason for euthanasia. Such injuries include broken limbs due to car accidents, falls from a height, as well as ruptures of internal organs due to a strong blow.

The third significant reason for euthanasia is congenital pathologies in a puppy or kitten, which with age will interfere with normal life and will not allow them to grow up healthy and happy.

Finally, the fourth indication for euthanasia is infection of the animal with a particularly dangerous disease, such as rabies.

Remember that no one but you can make the decision to euthanize or save life. Approach this issue responsibly. It is highly advisable to consult your veterinarian first.

Euthanasia of animals when it's time

One of the most painful moments is losing a beloved pet. We hope to help you make an informed decision with greater clarity. It's easy to feel guilty about euthanizing sick animals, but always remember that you took care of your pet to the best of your ability given the circumstances of your life. It was the moment that the pet was accepted into your family that allowed him to live a long and happy life, no matter how he lived it elsewhere. The circumstances of our lives push us to certain decisions - it is not a sin if the quality of life of a pet is poor. The reasons are different:

  • A weakened pet that is too large, making it difficult to handle and comfortably care for?
  • Is your work schedule too busy to adequately meet the needs of a weakened or sick animal?
  • Does your family's financial situation prevent the expensive treatment your pet needs? All reasons are compelling for considering the issue of euthanasia.

Where to perform euthanasia?

When you finally decide to have this operation, a whole new list of questions appears. Where to carry it out, by yourself or with outside help, whether you need to go to the veterinary clinic, how your pet will feel. The procedure can be carried out at home on your own, or by calling for help from trained specialists or within the walls of a hospital. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages.

Without the appropriate medical knowledge and experience, doing the manipulations yourself is out of the question. Such problems cannot be solved with a simple pill. You risk causing the animal additional suffering, in which it will die for a long time. Legally, this is considered animal cruelty. It will be even more difficult morally from the knowledge that you yourself are causing your beloved friend suffering.

If possible, we recommend contacting a veterinary clinic after inquiring about the intricacies of the procedure.

Antisocial behavior

The cat does not allow you to take a step - it watches you around every corner, attacks, grabs your leg with its claws and begins to tear the skin and meat, then uses its teeth, and while you are not at home, it rummages through the cabinets with enviable regularity and systematically hits everything, that can be broken. The dog constantly snaps, has already bitten hard more than once, and at every opportunity he tries to do it again and again.

The described situations are usually blamed on the owner - he did not raise the animal well. But a cat or dog does not always come into our home as a baby who can be taught good manners. Often we rescue an animal from the street, and then have to endure its antisocial behavior for many years. Such a pet cannot be corrected, so often suffering owners, experiencing a strong feeling of guilt, turn to the veterinary clinic with a request to be euthanized. And this is the right decision.

Serious illnesses

As for domestic animals, the reasons for euthanizing animals often come down to serious illnesses that can lead to severe pain or complete helplessness. Such diseases include oncology, loss of vision, hearing, and most importantly, sense of smell, diseases accompanied by painful convulsive seizures. In these cases, the decision to mercifully relieve the animal from pain suggests itself.

Whatever the reasons for euthanasia, it is always a difficult ordeal for the owners. Experienced doctors at our clinic will never recommend euthanasia if there is hope that the situation will change for the better. But if the decision is made, they will carry out a painless and quick euthanasia procedure. We will help you even when there is no hope left.

How to make a difficult decision?

Since we are legally considered the owners of the animals we care for, the decision to humanely euthanasia is up to us. A doctor is also involved in the process, providing a medical opinion on the need for the procedure.

When making a decision, the owner evaluates:

  • your ability to organize care;
  • the emotional state of family members next to the dying creature;
  • the prospect of continued suffering.

Veterinarians are responsible for objectivity:

  • data on the patient’s condition, the development of the disease;
  • chances of recovery;
  • information about care, etc.

Attention! Before taking this step, consult with several doctors. Trust those doctors who make a verdict only after examination and thorough research, and not based on one glance at the animal. Request a written opinion stating the reasons why euthanasia is recommended and stamped by the institution.

Medical reasons to consider euthanizing an animal at home:

If your pet has a progressive or debilitating disease and you are unable to control the situation physically, mentally or financially:

  • does not eat for a long time - extremely weakened;
  • vomiting and nausea, the situation cannot be controlled with medications;
  • his hind legs have become paralyzed and he can no longer stand up;
  • suffers from incontinence due to mobility problems;
  • experiences extreme pain and medications can no longer control the pain;
  • has breathing problems, you don’t want to see how his further condition worsens;
  • not aware of what is happening, confused, scared and disoriented;
  • epilepsy, which can no longer be controlled and occurs without warning;

If your pet has behavioral problems and his aggression becomes dangerous to other animals or other people, and behavioral interventions do not work. Other valid reasons.

Euthanasia - basic issues

  • Cats, dogs, rodents, birds are euthanized. As a rule, these are very old or terminally ill animals. In some cases, for example, the death of the owner, healthy pets have to be euthanized.
  • Euthanasia is carried out only by qualified veterinarians, in compliance with all the rules for the humane euthanasia of pets .
  • After euthanasia or in case of natural death, the veterinarian can take the animal’s corpse for general cremation; individual cremation is possible.


The death of an animal is always painful for itself and its loving family. If you live in a country house on your own plot, then this is usually easier, especially when it comes to a cat. Before dying, a pet usually leaves its home or finds a secluded place in the yard, hidden from prying eyes, where it dies calmly.

In an urban environment, in apartments, such a scenario is practically impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary suffering for the animal and psychological trauma for the owner, we recommend using the euthanasia service. But this decision must be deliberate.

Price for euthanasia of dogs and cats at home

Below is the approximate cost of euthanizing a dog or cat at home, depending on the size of the pet. Prices are relevant for large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.). The quotes indicate the price of animal euthanasia for residents of Ukraine. The cost of euthanizing a dog will be 20-30% less if you live in a small city.

Without a veterinarian visiting your home, the cost of euthanasia will be less. The visit of a veterinarian itself costs about 1000-1500 rubles. In addition, you will be offered additional services, such as removal of the animal's body for subsequent cremation. They can even return the ashes in a special vessel, but such a service will be much more expensive than general cremation.

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  • Why does a cat need a tail?
  • Chinchilla
  • Dog breeds
  • Urban dog breeds
  • Origin of the cat

By the way, many veterinary clinics include in the cost of their services the removal of the body to the crematorium and cremation of animals (of course, if the customer agrees). The price is lower because if you order cremation separately, it will be more expensive, since you will need to come for the body and take it away. After euthanasia, the body is taken away, when they go back and are taken to the crematorium for cremation. However, some veterinary hospitals may require additional fees for any other services other than euthanasia, so it is better to find out about everything in advance.

Dog weight:Euthanasia price:
Up to 10 kg1000-2000 rub. (200-300 UAH)
From 10 to 20 kg2000-3000 rub. (up to 300-350 UAH)
From 20 to 30 kg3000-4000 rub. (up to 350 UAH)
From 30 to 50 kg4000-5000 rub. (about 350-400 UAH)
From 50 to 70 kg5000-7000 rub. (up to 400-500 UAH)
Euthanasia of a cat:1000-2000 rub. (100-250 UAH)

Note. Prices for euthanasia of dogs and cats in rubles are very approximate and are more relevant for large cities in Russia. However, even in St. Petersburg, there are offers from veterinarians for euthanasia with a home visit costing 1,300 and up to 3,000 rubles maximum. Sometimes all services (visit of a doctor, anesthesia, euthanasia, removal of the body and cremation), even for euthanasia of a dog weighing 60-70 kg, will cost 5000-7000 rubles. The main thing is not to chase the price, but the professionalism of the doctors. Talk to your friends about choosing a good veterinarian in your city.

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