Drops for dogs Inspector - full review of the drug

About the manufacturer

The drug "Inspector Total S" was developed and manufactured by the German company Neoterica GmbH, founded in 2010. Today it is a research organization developing innovative products for pets. Neoterica GmbH has its own production, scientific laboratories and representative offices in 13 countries. Important advantages of the company are the presence of patents for all medicines and compliance with European quality standards.

The product range is represented by 13 brands, including antiparasitic drugs, vitamins, feed additives, medicines for dogs and cats, and care products. In total there are more than 180 types of various products.

What are the Inspector drops for?

The drug has a complex effect and is suitable for the complete treatment of dogs against the following parasites:

  • lice, fleas and lice;
  • ixodid, demodectic mites;
  • nematodes and their larvae;
  • microfilariae.

The inspector is recommended for both preventive treatment and active treatment against parasites. The product is completely safe for the body of warm-blooded animals and does not lead to complications or negative reactions. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Side effects

As a rule, side effects are quite rare, but are often detected in cases of severe overdose or unreasonably frequent use of the drops.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are especially common:

  • Apathy develops, the animal hides in the most remote corner and comes out only to drink water. At the same time, appetite decreases or disappears altogether.
  • Hypersalivation (excessive salivation) is observed.
  • Severe muscle tremors (uncontrollable shaking).
  • In many cases, gagging and vomiting itself are observed.

Release form

Drops against ticks and fleas are available in different dosages, which is convenient when choosing a drug depending on the age and weight of the pet. Release forms:

Inspector Mini

Suitable for small dogs weighing up to 2 kg and puppies from 3 weeks of age. Does not contain fipronil.

For dogs weighing 1-4 kg

Recommended for decorative and dwarf breeds.

For dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg

These are 1 ml drops, recommended for mature animals.

For dogs from 10 to 25 kg

The pipette contains 2.5 ml of the drug.

For dogs weighing 25-40 kg

Treatment requires 4 ml of product.

The manufacturer also produces drops for giants (40-60 kg) in a 6 ml pipette. Before choosing a specific form of release of the product, you should weigh your pet correctly, and also carefully read the instructions on the package - the effectiveness of protection and the risk of side effects depend on this.

Inspector for dogs: pharmacological effects

The composition of the veterinary complex product includes: fipronil - 10% and moxidectin - 2.5%.

The mass fraction of the active substance is indicated for each ampoule or spray dose. The antiparasitic drug enters the bloodstream through pores in the dog’s skin.

It has a fairly pungent odor, which disappears within 2-4 hours and becomes unnoticeable to humans. However, the parasites continue to feel it. Pharmaceutical protection of the drug lasts up to 8 weeks. After the expiration date, additional processing is necessary. The product is effective against 14 types of microorganisms, fights cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, mosquitoes, fleas, lice.

How the drug works

The active substances of the drops affect the nervous system of parasites. They block receptors and also disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body, which leads to death due to paralysis 8 hours after application. In addition to its effect on existing internal or external parasites, Inspector Total provides protection for the dog for 14 days from the date of treatment. Two protective drop methods:

  1. Myoxidectin is absorbed into the animal’s circulatory system, so an attempt to bite leads to the death of the parasite.
  2. Fipronil remains only on the skin and fur; it has a local (contact) preventive effect.

Inspector Total is fatal only to arthropods; the active substances are completely safe for dogs. According to laboratory studies, the drug does not affect the immune system and fetal development in pregnant bitches and does not cause irritation, itching or redness of the skin.

Please note that the product is toxic to fish and bees. For effective protection, it is recommended to alternate the Inspector spray with other drugs to avoid the development of pest resistance to toxins.

Inspector for dogs weighing 10-25 kg against external and internal parasites drops on the withers 1 pipette

Detailed description

Features of INSPECTOR drops against external and internal parasites for dogs from 10 to 25 kg:
1. General information

1.1. Trade name of the medicinal product: Inspector Total C (Inspector Total C). International nonproprietary name: fipronil + moxidectin.

1.2. Dosage form: solution for external use. Inspector Total in 1 ml contains fipronil - 10% and moxidectin - 2.5% as active ingredients, as well as auxiliary components: isopropyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide.

2. Pharmacological properties

2.1. Inspector Total S belongs to the group of complex antiparasitic drugs. Inspector Total C has a wide spectrum of antiparasitic action, is active against demodectic ticks (Demodex canis), sarcoptic ticks (Sarcoptes canis, Otodectes cynotis), ixodid ticks (Ixodes ricinus), fleas (Stenocephalides canis), lice (Linognatus setotus), lice eaters (Trichodectes canis), larval and mature stages of development of intestinal nematodes, including Tochocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis, and larval forms of Dirofilaria immitis.

2.2. Fipronil, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of phenylpyrazole compounds, the mechanism of action of which is based on inhibition of the passage of chlorine ions in the GABA-dependent chloride channels of arthropods and disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to the death of ticks and insects.

2.3. Moxidectin is a semisynthetic compound from the milbemycin group. Having a stimulating effect on the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid and binding to postsynaptic receptors, it causes disruption of muscle innervation, paralysis and death of ectoparasites and nematodes. Inspector Total S, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76): LD50 when administered orally to white mice is more than 1000 mg/kg, when applied cutaneously - more than 4000 mg/kg of animal weight ; has weakly expressed cumulative properties. In recommended doses, the drug does not have locally irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic or immunotoxic effects; well tolerated by dogs of different breeds.

3. Application procedure

3.1. Inspector Total S is prescribed to dogs for the treatment and prevention of entomosis, demodicosis, otodecosis, sarcoptic mange, in case of ixodid ticks, intestinal nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease), as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

3.2. A contraindication for use is the individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. Inspector Total C is prohibited for use in puppies under 7 weeks of age, patients with infectious diseases and convalescent animals.

Treatment of animals weighing less than 1 kg, pregnant and lactating animals should be carried out with caution under the supervision of a veterinarian.

3.3. The drug is used by animals by drip (“spot-on”) application to dry, intact skin. Before use, the top part of the pipette is broken off. The drug, by spreading the fur, is applied to the animal in places inaccessible for licking, directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck. When treating large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places.

3.4. To destroy ixodid ticks, fleas, lice and lice, animals are treated once, to prevent re-infestation - once every four to six weeks throughout the entire season of activity of insects and ticks.

3.5. In a comprehensive program for the prevention and treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas, Inspector Total is used once a quarter.

3.6. For the treatment of otodectosis (ear scabies), the drug is used once. During the treatment process, it is recommended to clean the ear canal of exudate and scabs, and in case of complications with otitis media, prescribe antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month.

3.7. For therapeutic purposes, for sarcoptic mange the drug is used 2 times, for demodicosis - 2-4 times with an interval of 28 days; in order to prevent possible invasion - 1 time per month.

3.8. Treatment of demodicosis is recommended to be carried out comprehensively using etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs.

3.9. To deworm animals with nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is used for therapeutic purposes once, and for prophylactic purposes - once a month.

3.10. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in regions unfavorable for the disease, the drug is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: before the beginning of summer against mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the pathogen D. Immitis) once, then once a month and the last time in the season no earlier than 1 month after the end of insect flight. Inspector Total C does not destroy sexually mature heartworms, but reduces the number of microfilariae circulating in the blood, and can also be safely used by infested animals. The drug should not be applied to wet or damaged skin; the animal should not be washed for 4 days after treatment with the drug.

3.11. Symptoms that occur during an overdose of the drug have not been established.

3.12. No specific effects of the drug upon first administration or upon its discontinuation have been identified.

3.13. In case of non-compliance with the established period of repeated treatments, the use of the drug should be resumed in the same dosage according to the same scheme.

3.14. As a rule, there are no side effects or complications when using the drug Inspector Total S in accordance with these instructions. In rare cases, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which resolve spontaneously and do not require the use of medications. If allergic reactions occur in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed off with soap and water and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of running water, and, if necessary, antihistamines and symptomatic agents should be prescribed.

3.15. Inspector Total S should not be used simultaneously with medications containing macrocyclic lactones.

3.16. Since the drug is intended for non-productive animals, the terms of possible use of products of animal origin are not regulated.

4. Personal prevention measures

4.1. When working with the drug Inspector Total S, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines.

4.2. While working with the drug Inspector Total S, smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed. When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. You should not stroke the area where the drug was applied and do not allow the animal near small children for 24 hours after treatment Inspector Total S.

4.3. If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or in the eyes, it should be washed off immediately with a stream of water; if it gets inside, contact a medical facility. In case of poisoning with Inspector Total C, symptomatic treatment is carried out.



Indications for use

The inspector is appointed to control and routinely prevent dogs from parasites. They effectively cope with the following diseases:

  • demodicosis;
  • sarcoptic mange (subcutaneous mites);
  • otodectosis (ear mites);
  • acarosis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • dirofilariasis;
  • gastrointestinal helminths.

The drug helps cure up to 14 different parasitic diseases; before starting therapy, you should consult a specialist and undergo the necessary diagnostics. The advantage of the drops is that they cope with parasites at any stage of development, so after treatment the infected animal becomes safe for surrounding dogs and cats.

Treatment of otodectosis, demodicosis and sarcoptic mange

When treating otodectosis (a disease caused by ear mites), the outer ear canals are cleaned of crusts and scabs, then 3-4 drops of the product are dripped into each ear (it is necessary to inject the drug into each ear, even if only one is affected so far). The replacement needs to fold the auricle lengthwise and massage its base. The remainder of the drug is applied between the shoulder blades. Treatment must be carried out every 7 - 10 days 2 to 3 times. If the need arises, the course of treatment can be repeated after a month.

If the eardrum is perforated, drops are applied only to the withers of the animal

“Inspector” - drops for dogs, the instructions for which are presented here, which are also suitable for the treatment of sarcoptic mange and demodicosis. To do this, the drug is applied to previously cleansed affected areas of the body in a thin layer at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight. When applying, you need to capture a small area of ​​healthy skin. Treatment should be carried out 2 - 4 times with breaks of 7 to 10 days.

If there are too many affected areas, then it should be treated in two doses with an interval of one day. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not lick the drops during the first 20 minutes after application.

Instructions for use

Inspector Total is used by drip application to the skin. To process or treat, you need to carefully cut off the tip of the pipette and apply the entire volume of the medicine to the animal’s withers. Do not apply the drug to other parts of the body, as the dog may lick off the remaining drops. Recommendations for use:

  • the skin should be dry and intact, without visible mechanical injuries;
  • the procedure can be carried out no earlier than 48 hours after bathing or washing;
  • The drug can be applied to the withers, neck or base of the skull;
  • for large pets, Inspector can be applied to several areas for better absorption of the components of the composition (neck, area along the spinal column);
  • It is allowed to use only a hermetically sealed pipette; the use of expired or defective product is not allowed.

For dogs of long-haired breeds, the treatment procedure is best carried out with an assistant - one person with a comb lifts the hair, and the second at this moment applies drops. This allows you to speed up the absorption process of the substance.

Precautionary measures

It is important to take precautions when using any poisons. Inspector drops are classified as moderately toxic substances. If the instructions are followed, the drug should not have any negative effects on the body. The drug is used only with gloves if there are scratches or wounds on the hands.

Important! Inspector drops are acutely toxic to rodents, bees, fish and other aquatic life.

When working with drops, it is important to avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes. Use gloves and control your hands - do not touch your face or hair. After handling, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Used drop tubes must be disposed of in accordance with current legislation. Unused pipettes should be stored away from food and out of the reach of children.

Contraindications and side effects

Treatment with Inspector drops is not recommended in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • less than 7 weeks old (except Inspector Mini);
  • treatment with other antiparasitic drugs;
  • recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • recovery after childbirth.

Before application, consultation with a specialist is recommended to avoid unpleasant complications. If the rules of use are followed, side effects are rare. You should immediately contact a veterinarian if the following symptoms appear after treatment:

  • increased salivation;
  • trembling of limbs, loss of consciousness;
  • vomit;
  • skin manifestations - itching, redness.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to determine the exact volume of drops depending on the dog’s weight. An overdose of fipronil can result in unpleasant consequences.

Use for various diseases

Depending on the type of parasite, the technique or frequency of application may vary.

  • To treat ticks, lice, fleas and lice, Inspector must be applied once. As a preventive measure and maintenance in the summer, secondary use after 30-45 days is permissible. If infested with fleas, treatment is carried out once a season.
  • To get rid of ear mites, you should apply the product once. Before use, the dog's ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs, removing dirt, oil and mite feces. If the disease was detected in an advanced stage, after a month it is necessary to treat the ears again.
  • To destroy subcutaneous and scabies mites, the drug is applied twice, with a break of 30 days.


Only a doctor can increase the number of applications.

Pros and cons of the drug

Inspector drops for treating dogs are very popular in the Russian and European markets. Advantages of this drug:

  • complex effect;
  • possibility of treatment and prevention;
  • impact on external and internal parasites;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for dogs' health;
  • long-term protective effect.

In addition, there is a variety of release forms; the volume of the drug can be selected for a pet of almost any weight. The disadvantages include the high cost and the presence of fipronil in the composition, to which dogs are often intolerant and allergic. Also, treatment for worms requires taking a specialized drug.

Rules for working with the drug

Inspector drops for dogs, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette. But when working, you must follow safety rules with chemicals.

  • You cannot handle your dog in the kitchen;
  • After work, you should wash your hands well with soap;
  • while using the Inspector, you must not eat or drink;
  • Do not allow children to pet the dog for 4 days so that they do not touch the drug;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

Reviews from veterinarians

Ivan N.

“Inspector is a good prophylactic with fipronil in its composition. Suitable for both routine treatment against parasites and active treatment. It is important for owners to correctly calculate the dosage, because it depends on the weight of the pet.”

Nadezhda S.

“I often appoint an Inspector for seasonal antiparasitic treatment of dogs. The product is inexpensive and easy to use. Can be used for any breed."

Owner reviews

Julia K.

“In the summer we spend a lot of time in the forest, so we always treat our dog for ticks. We have been using Inspector drops for two seasons now. I’m satisfied with the cost and quality, I’ve never had a bite yet.”

Yuri T.

“Inspector drops for fleas and ticks were recommended by a veterinarian at a routine appointment. It’s convenient that the drug has a complex effect; you don’t need to wear an additional anti-parasite collar.”


There are many drugs available on the veterinary market for treating dogs against parasites. The most popular brands in the form of drops that can be used as an analogue of the Inspector:





Rolf 3D

Consultation with your veterinarian is recommended to determine the most appropriate antiparasitic drug for your dog.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Inspector Total S is a complex antiparasitic agent for dogs. Available in the form of drops in a pipette of different volumes.
  2. The two active components of the composition are myoxidectin and fipronil. They destroy parasites at any stage of development and protect the dog’s body from infection for 14 days.
  3. Drops can be applied independently by spreading them onto the dog’s withers or neck.
  4. The Inspector has contraindications and requires prior consultation with a veterinarian.

Have you used Inspector drops to treat your pet? Share your impressions about this drug in the comments.

pharmachologic effect

The product gets rid of many internal and external parasites. The effectiveness of Inspector Total is 95-100%.

The drug is effective against the following types of parasites:

  • mites: demodectic, sarcoptoid, otodectic, ixodid;
  • lice, fleas, lice;
  • various types of intestinal helminths at the stage of larvae and mature individuals, for example, toxocara, hookworms, roundworms;
  • heartworms at the larval stage.

After applying Inspector, there is no risk of the animal becoming ill again for 60 days.

When applied externally, it quickly enters the bloodstream and tissues. The withdrawal period is 28-30 days.

It is considered a moderately dangerous drug (class 3). If the instructions for use are followed, no toxic, sensitizing or irritating effects are observed.

If the re-treatment schedule is violated, treatment is resumed at the previously used dose according to the standard regimen.

The only restriction for use is age: the pet must be at least 7 weeks old (applies to regular drops). Inspector Mini can be used from the 21st day of life.

Treatment of females infected with parasites during lactation or pregnancy is allowed.

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