Everything about bathing a dog: frequency, process, detergents

How many times a month should you wash your dog?

Is it possible to wash your dog often? Many veterinarians recommend bathing your pet only if he:

  • will become very dirty;
  • going to an exhibition;
  • for medical reasons;
  • before haircut.

This recommendation is suitable for owners of short-haired animals. If you have a pet with long, white hair, you need to bathe more often and pay extra attention to grooming. If you don't know how often you should wash your dog, ask the people who work with your breed.

Factors that determine the frequency of bathing

To determine how often to bathe your pet, consider the following factors:

  • The animal's activity level. If your pet walks a lot, frequent bathing is necessary. Especially if he likes to roll in the mud and regularly swims in the lake. In a body of water you can catch a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Timely bathing will prevent the problem.
  • Coat type. Long-haired and curly-haired breeds require more careful grooming to avoid tangles. They need to be bathed once a month, not forgetting to care for their fur daily and remove dirt to avoid tangles.
  • Skin type. If your pets have oily skin (cocker spaniels, basset hounds), they need to be washed more often.
  • Skin problems. Some animals suffer from skin conditions that may require bathing with a medicated shampoo. In this case, the doctor will tell you how often to bathe the dog.
  • Allergies in a family member. If you have an allergy to dog hair, regular bathing will help cope with the problem.
  • The dog sleeps on the sofa, bed. If your pet sleeps in the same bed with you, it needs to be bathed regularly.

Choosing a cosmetic product

An illiterate choice of shampoo can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions, and hair loss. It is impossible to recommend a specific shampoo for all dogs. You need to choose a shampoo taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog.

Important components for dog shampoo are egg yolk, lecithin, lanolin. Thanks to these components, it is possible to maintain the normal structure of the dermis and coat.

Attention: Anti-flea shampoos cannot be used for preventive purposes. These products contain toxic components.

What you need to bathe your dog

Before the procedure, make sure that you have clothes in which you will bathe your pet. When washing your dog, things will get wet, and you need to be prepared for this.

Prepare and take to the bath the supplies needed to bathe your dog. It’s better to do this in advance rather than trying to find missing items when your pet shakes off the water and wants to jump out of the bath.

To wash your dog, buy the following products:

  • Shampoo for dogs.
  • Comb and brush that match the breed and coat type of the pet. If you don't know which one to buy, consult with people who work with your breed or a breed similar to yours.
  • A dog hair dryer is usually needed for washing a long-haired pet. It's better not to use human ones.
  • Several terry towels that absorb water well.

The larger the animal, the more towels you need to take. One needs to be placed on the floor, the second - on the bottom of the bath so that the pet does not slide along the bottom. Alternatively, the fabric can be replaced with a rubber mat. You will need another towel to cover your wet dog immediately after bathing and between washes and rinses. The fourth one will be drying the dog.

Is it possible to wash a dog with shampoo?

The dog should be washed with shampoo that is designed specifically for dogs. Quality product:

  • Gives instructions on how to properly shampoo your dog.
  • Takes into account the acidity of dog skin.
  • Contains ingredients that are gentle on the coat and skin and do not dry out.
  • Easily washed off.
  • Neutral, odorless. Buy such a product, even if you have a question about how to wash your dog so that it doesn’t smell like a dog. When the fur dries, there will be no dog smell.
  • Contains moisturizing components that help the skin and coat maintain a healthy appearance and shine.
  • Does not cause tears if it accidentally gets into the eyes.

How often can you shampoo your dog? This should be done every time you bathe your pet.

Is it possible to wash a dog with human shampoo?

You can't use regular shampoo because it may cause skin problems. The fact is that the acidity of human skin is pH 5.5, while dog skin varies between 6.2 - 7.5. Therefore, human shampoo removes too much oil from your pet's skin, drying it out too much. It can cause itching, dandruff, and flaking, especially with frequent washing. It also makes the dog more vulnerable to fleas, ticks, and infections.

Washing with human shampoo is not recommended due to the smell. The owner may like the scent of strawberries, but the dog will not be happy and will do everything to get rid of it. For example, he will go out into the street and roll around in rotten meat. For this reason, the dog should be washed with a neutral, odorless product.

We should not forget about the composition of human shampoos. Even if you rinse the water very thoroughly, particles will remain on the wool. The dog can lick it off during daily hygiene procedures, which can cause allergies and other problems.

Is it possible to wash a dog with soap?

If you don’t know how to wash your dog at home, never use soap, including laundry and tar soap. Like human shampoo, the product washes out too much oil from the skin, making it vulnerable to environmental influences. In addition, the soap is difficult to rinse off; the residue dries out and turns into dandruff. If it gets into the eyes, it causes lacrimation.

How to prepare your dog for a bath

  • If your pet has long hair, comb it before bathing, otherwise it will become tangled and tangles will appear.
  • Place cotton swabs in the dog's ears to prevent water from getting inside while washing. This is especially important for animals with straight ears. After swimming, don't forget to take out your tampons.
  • Place shampoo and towels near the bathtub so that you don’t have to run to the other end of the apartment to get them after you start washing.
  • Place one towel on the bottom of the bath, otherwise the slippery surface will alert the dog and he will try to jump out.
  • Cover the drain with a bath strainer to prevent hair from going down the drain and clogging the drain during washing.
  • Heat the water to the desired temperature, it should not scald. For long-haired large breed dogs, the cooler the better, otherwise they may overheat. There is no need to adjust the temperature during washing, when the dog is already in the bathroom. A sudden stream of boiling water will turn him away from the procedure.

How to properly wash a dog at home

When you wash your pet, speak to him in a calm, soothing voice. Praise your dog constantly and give him a treat at the end. If the dog does not want to bathe, you can put a leash on him, but it is better to lead him to the bath, encouraging him and treating him with treats.

How to bathe a dog correctly

  1. The dog must be bathed under running water; there is no need to draw a bath.
  2. Place your pet in the bath on a towel or rubber mat.
  3. Wet the animal completely, right down to the skin.
  4. Squeeze shampoo onto your hand.
  5. Start washing from the neck, gradually moving to the tail and toes. A soap barrier at the base of the skull will prevent fleas and ticks from escaping into the ears.
  6. Do not rub your dog too vigorously, otherwise tangles may appear.
  7. You should wash your hair last. Proceed carefully, making sure that the foam does not get into your eyes and ears.
  8. When every inch of the dog has been treated, rinse off the shampoo. If it dries on the skin and fur, it can cause dermatitis, itching, and dandruff.
  9. After this, rinse your dog with water several more times. This will allow the dog to remain clean for a long time.

Drying wool after bathing

At the end of the procedure, throw one towel over the dog like a blanket. Blot the wool well so that the water is absorbed to the maximum. Wipe your back, stomach, paws at the very end. Change towels when they get wet. When water stops flowing from your pet, leave the fur to dry naturally.

After washing, the dog is shaken a couple of times, which allows it to get rid of 70% of the water. If your dog is in the room, remove the carpets or take him to a room without them. Otherwise, she will happily wipe herself on the soft surface. For the same reason, keep her away from sofas and beds.


If your dog is not afraid of a hair dryer, you can use the device. Blow cool air at low speed. Keep the device at a distance of 25 cm. Dry the body with a hairdryer, avoiding the muzzle and paws. At the same time, brush your pet. Do not keep the device in one place for a long time, otherwise the dog may get burned.

Don't forget to praise your baby while drying. If your pet is afraid of a hair dryer, dry it in the traditional way.

Features of washing large breeds

Large dogs are much more difficult to bathe than small dogs due to the large amount of fur. To wash large animals you will need a huge container, a lot of water and about 15 minutes of time.

Large dogs usually love water, so problems with washing arise only at the stage of accustoming them to watering cans, shampoos and brushing. Start training and developing pleasant emotions from hygiene as early as possible, from 2-3 months. Wash your dogs completely often in the warm season, less often in winter due to the high risk of colds.

If the dog is shaggy, comb it before taking a bath and cut off any tangles. Wet the wool generously so that the moisture penetrates all the way to the skin.

First, wash your back, stomach, paws with shampoo, then your chest and head. Monitor the water temperature and the direction of the stream. Try not to get foam into your pet's mouth and eyes . This can cause burns to the mucous membrane and poisoning.

Keep the shampoo on the coat for another 5 minutes after massaging, then rinse with clean water 3-4 times. To dry the body of a large pet, prepare several bath towels, one for blotting, the other for natural drying.

In summer, it is more convenient to bathe large dogs outside.

Do not stop the dog from shaking itself, this is a reflex. If you use a hair dryer to dry the coat, brush your dog with a soft brush, otherwise tangles will form.

To eliminate the unpleasant dog odor, use special shampoos. You can prepare your own rinses: a decoction of burdock, wormwood, or a mixture of both herbs. It is better to buy plants at a pharmacy or collect them away from highways.

Immediately after bathing, praise your pet for good behavior and give him a treat. This will help develop a positive association with the procedure.

What to do if your dog is afraid to bathe

If the dog does not like washing, you need to analyze the reasons why the dog does not want to bathe and eliminate it. It can be:

  • The sound of water. To solve the problem, do not bathe your dog in the shower, but fill several buckets in advance and collect water from there.
  • Slippery bottom due to feeling of instability. A towel or rubber mat will solve the problem.
  • Shampoo smell that can dull the sense of smell. Buy a detergent without fragrance.

Treats and praise will help reconcile the dog with washing. Reward your pet every time he comes to the bathtub. When he stops being afraid, put him in a dry bath, without water, not forgetting to praise him and give him treats. Then you can move on to gently soaking with water, rewarding after the first drops hit.

A hairless breed dog does not need skin and coat care.

Representatives of hairless breeds have skin that gets dirty very quickly due to increased sebum production. Hairless dogs need serious care: cleansing and moisturizing, because their skin dries very quickly, at the same time acne and blackheads appear, so they periodically need peeling with special scrubs. Hairless dogs are frequent patients of dermatologists. There are special cosmetics for them; ozone baths are recommended for them in salon procedures: ozone deeply cleanses the skin. This procedure is often recommended by veterinary dermatologists. Such dogs must be dressed in winter, and in summer their skin must be protected from direct sunlight.

Let your pet be healthy and well-groomed!

The editors thank Alexandra Gil for the story and photo.

Dry bathing a dog

In some cases, you cannot wet your dog with water. Causes include ringworm, eczema, recent surgery, and old age. It is not advisable to wash your dog in winter, during frost, since the fat that protects it from the cold is washed off.

In these cases, dry bathing the dog will help. Pet stores sell special products that can be used instead of washing with water:

  • Cleansing sprays, foams (Pchelodar, Amivet) - wash away dirt without the use of water. To clean the fur from dirt, apply the product to the fur, comb, let dry, and wipe with a napkin. Cleaning spray is the answer to the question of how to properly wash your dog after a walk. It easily removes dirt from fur.
  • Dry shampoos (Showtech, Trixie) are a product in powder form that, after being applied to the coat, binds oil and dust. How should you wash your dog? Distribute the powder over the animal's body and rub in for 10 minutes, after which comb the dog.

Important points

Dogs are fairly clean animals, and in most cases they could do without taking baths.
They do not sweat, they lick themselves, getting rid of dirt and dead hairs. Representatives of a number of breeds have wool that is self-cleaning. But a dog sharing housing with people still needs to wash itself from time to time according to human rules - in the shower, with hygienic cosmetics. Water procedures help the dog get rid of fat, dust, exfoliated scales of the epidermis, and dead hairs of the undercoat that accumulate on its body and coat. It is this “garbage” that turns into a breeding ground for the development of various microorganisms. The animal becomes susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, and may develop fleas and other parasites. Such prospects are dangerous both for the dogs themselves and for their owners.

How to wash your dog's paws after a walk

On the street, the dog comes into close contact with dirt, dust, garbage, spittle - and if you don’t want all this to spread throughout the apartment, you need to wash your paws after every walk. Before washing your dog after a walk, buy a sponge and cleaning gel. You can also use dog shampoo.

How to properly wash your dog's paws with shampoo:

  • Place your pet on a towel.
  • Apply a little shampoo to the sponge.
  • Wash the front paws first, then the hind paws.
  • If your stomach is also dirty, wipe it.
  • Rinse the product thoroughly with water.

For convenience, you can buy a special paw washer, the design of which resembles a glass, inside there is a brush with silicone teeth. You need to pour warm water into it, put your dog’s paw in and press the button. If there is none, you just need to twist the glass. Dense bristles quickly remove dirt from your paws.

Buy hygiene products for dogs only in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. This way you will avoid fakes, and your pet’s coat will shine clean and healthy.

Using shampoos

There is no need to pour pure shampoo on your dog. It is diluted with water in a small container. The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  • the wool is well wetted;
  • paws and body are treated with a sponge dipped in soapy water;
  • The armpits, groin area, and area near the anus are thoroughly washed;
  • the head is raised up, washed, excluding water from getting into the nose, eyes, ears;
  • All areas are thoroughly rinsed with a shower to completely remove the soap solution.

Attention: The cleanliness of the wool is checked by pulling it between your fingers. When dirt is removed efficiently, it creaks and there is no slipping.

When washing, you can use conditioners and balms that provide protection from UV rays and prevent wool from matting. These cosmetics are also mixed with water.

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