Can I wash my dog ​​with regular hair shampoo? 10 popular questions about bathing dogs and their answers

Specialized pet stores offer a wide range of hair and skin care products for pets. It is difficult for a novice dog owner to independently decide on the choice of care products for their pet, so it is important to consult with a specialist.

Shampoo for a dog should be selected carefully, taking into account the breed characteristics, individual characteristics and physiological state of the pet. The composition of the product is also important.

Can I wash my dog ​​with human shampoo?

It is much better and more effective to use a specific shampoo for each dog breed.

Human shampoo has different pH values ​​and additives that can cause allergies on our pet's skin.

It's best to choose the right shampoo for your pet's coat and follow the instructions on the package. But if you bathe your pet with your shampoo, then there is no problem. However, you will have to wash your dog again after about 10 days for the cleaning to be effective.

How to choose dog shampoo

Is it possible to wash a dog with tar soap or laundry soap?

Nowadays, finding a suitable detergent for dogs is not difficult. Pet stores and veterinary pharmacies have a wide range of similar products.

The selection of dog cosmetics in stores is varied

To choose the right shampoo, you need to consider:

  • the dog's health status;
  • breed characteristics;
  • color;
  • age of the animal.

Today there are a lot of highly specialized detergents for dogs on sale:

  • from lice and nits;
  • from dandruff and itching;
  • antifungal;
  • for those prone to allergies and other skin diseases;
  • for frequent use;
  • from persistent odor;
  • for long-haired or short-haired dogs;
  • whitening shampoos for light-colored dogs;
  • tinted shampoos for dogs with dark hair.

After shampooing, experts advise applying conditioner, especially for long-haired breeds. It contains oils and fatty alcohols that prevent dry skin by maintaining the natural fat layer, add shine to the coat and make combing easier.

For your information! High foaming of dog shampoo is not an indicator of quality. This effect is achieved by adding chemicals labeled as SLS and EDTA to the composition. The right products do not contain harmful additives, but have a natural composition that prevents the shampoo from foaming too much.

For emergency cases, when it is not possible to properly wash the animal, special dry shampoos, sprays and powders have been developed. They are applied to the dog’s fur, and after 5-10 minutes. combed out along with dirt and excess fat. They contain natural ingredients such as boric acid, talc, starch. The downside may be dryness and electrification of the coat, so it is not recommended to use them often.

If choosing a shampoo yourself is difficult, you should seek advice from a veterinarian or an experienced groomer.

Is it possible to bathe puppies

Puppies get dirty much more often than adult dogs and end up smelling bad.

The truth is that there is no reason to deny them a bath before they have received all the necessary vaccinations. Just be careful with the type of shampoo you use, the temperature of the water and the environment because you don't want to let your puppy get cold. After the bath it is necessary to dry the wool well. The sooner we start bathing the baby, the better. This way the dogs will get used to the bath much faster.

Difference between special and regular shampoos

Shampoos for people contain one single active ingredient - (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium dodecyl sulfate, which effectively fights dirt and fatty masses on the skin or hair. They are highly not recommended for daily use because:

  1. greatly increase skin sensitivity;
  2. over time, they destroy the protective barriers of the skin;
  3. disrupt the function of the sebaceous glands, causing their blockage and inflammation;
  4. predispose the skin to allergic reactions;
  5. dry the skin beyond normal, which causes peeling.

In addition to this component, flavors, dyes, and fillers , creating a mass of shampoo. They do not pose any particular harm to humans; they are rather useless.

Do dogs love to swim?

Just because your dog likes to swim in the pool or dive into the sea doesn't mean he likes to swim. Dogs generally hate taking baths. When they swim, they do it freely and for themselves, and no one forces them to do it. Bathing is an imposition and something completely unnecessary from the dog's point of view.

It may also happen that our pet does not really like contact with soapy water and a towel. In addition, dogs perceive our stress. Therefore, it would be good to take a walk before bathing the animal and make this moment pleasant, with gentle and calm words in a friendly tone. Then our pet will associate bath time with something pleasant, and not with torture.

The best shampoos for hair care

Cleansers aimed at caring for the coat contain smoothing ingredients. They make the hairs more elastic, make it easier for your pet to comb and prevent the formation of tangles.

8 In 1 Perfect Coat White Pearl



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buyers recommend this product

Cosmetic shampoo for white dogs contains blue dyes and also binds copper and iron in hard water, preventing the appearance of yellowness on light colors. The product is available in 473 ml plastic bottles with a hinged cap.

Conditioner particles and aloe vera extract in the composition are responsible for moisturizing, softening and shining the coat. Urea gives the product protective and regenerating properties. The composition is easily washed off and leaves behind a rich coconut aroma.


  • low consumption;
  • pleasant coconut aroma;
  • removes yellowness of wool;
  • moisturizes and softens;
  • reasonable cost (about 300 rubles per package).


  • doesn't foam well.

The formula does not contain foaming agents, so it does not whip into a fluffy head. However, this does not affect consumption.

Biovax for long-haired dogs



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Biovax is an inexpensive shampoo for long-haired dogs. The soft formula gently cares and smoothes. Burdock extract has a bactericidal effect and prevents allergies and other dermatological diseases. Lanolin balances the functioning of the sebaceous glands, makes the coat shiny and elastic, and improves its structure.

Dog owners note that after the first wash, the coat becomes more manageable and easy to comb. The unobtrusive aroma with notes of barberry is felt for a long time on the pet. The product is sold in bright plastic bottles of 355 ml with a flip top.


  • Available at most pet stores;
  • improves hair structure and smoothes fur;
  • prevention of skin problems;
  • light pleasant aroma;
  • makes combing easier;
  • affordable price (110 rubles for 355 ml).


  • high consumption.

The manufacturer recommends diluting a little shampoo in a liter of water in advance, rubbing the mixture in your palms until foam forms, and only then applying to the coat. This will significantly reduce product consumption.

CLEANINE “Untangling” for dogs



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Universal shampoo for breeds with long or medium hair smoothes, facilitates combing and prevents tangles. Wheat extract provides strength, firmness and elasticity, and also deeply moisturizes and nourishes your pet's skin. Lavender oil improves hair structure.

Dog breeders note that after washing, the coat becomes more manageable and soft. The product removes dirt well and is easily washed off. For maximum effect, you need to leave the composition on the animal’s fur for a few minutes and only then rinse it off. The product is available in 270 ml bottles with a hinged cap.


  • makes combing easier;
  • improves coat structure;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis;
  • low price (about 150 rubles per package).


  • not everyone likes the smell of burdock;
  • The lid is too tight.

Breeders do not recommend the composition as a pre-show shampoo - it is more suitable for hygiene procedures for pets.

Blow dry your dog?

How we dry our dog after bathing depends a lot on the weather. If it's summer, we can let the dog dry in the open air, after removing excess water with a towel.

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A Brazilian travels 36 km by bike every day to take his loved one home.

In winter it is advisable to use a hairdryer. The first step is to dry the fur with a towel, and while we are drying the dog with a towel, it is necessary to gradually pass hot air through the cloth so as not to accidentally burn the animal’s skin. Avoid directing hot air towards the eyes and muzzle.

Using other detergents to bathe your dog

A variety of specialized products for animals has appeared relatively recently. Just a few decades ago, no one thought about the harmful effects of conventional cosmetics on dogs. Many dog ​​breeders, out of old memory, suggest using detergents not intended for four-legged dogs.

Baby shampoo

Is it possible to wash a dog after vaccination: after how long is it allowed?

People who have a child at home often reason like this: “My little princess washes her hair with baby shampoo, she has silky hair and no allergies, which means it will suit the dog too.” This is a fundamentally wrong conclusion. High-quality children's care cosmetics are indeed less aggressive than adult ones, but they do not take into account the characteristics of dog hair.

Note! The mild action of the shampoo simply will not reach the roots, which means it will be ineffective.

Soap, shower gel

The soap remains on the animal’s fur in the form of a coating, which neutralizes the effect of bathing. In addition, its composition, like gels, contains a high content of sodium sulfate, which is irritating to dog skin.

Dish detergent

Sometimes it is suggested to use dishwashing detergent as a bathing agent. Its main function is to dissolve grease and dirt. Such aggressive influence is harmful for dogs. But occasionally there are organic solutions that are used to make dog shampoos at home.

Exposure to harmful substances on the body is dangerous for the animal

Is it possible, after the above data, to doubt that it is necessary to wash a dog with a specialized shampoo, without using cosmetics designed for humans? Even if at first glance there are no substances in any detergent that are particularly harmful to dogs, it is better to exclude their use or limit it as much as possible. After all, shampoos are made taking into account the physiological characteristics of those for whom they are intended.

Important! Dry skin in dogs is not always a reaction to improper bathing. The reason may be a lack of nutrients in the body. In this case, you need to consult a specialist, adjust your diet and add vitamin complexes.

How often should dogs bathe?

We bathe daily, but dogs should do it much less frequently. Their skin has a layer of protective oil that can become damaged if we bathe them too often. Veterinarians recommend doing this once a month.

The frequency also depends on other factors such as physical activity, breed, food and lifestyle of each animal. There are pets that need a bath every two to three months, while others require grooming every 20 or 30 days.

Making dog shampoo at home

Has your four-legged friend been playing around in the mud and needs water treatments, but there is no suitable remedy? Is it possible to bathe your beloved dog without using human shampoo? Even in this situation, there is a way out - make your own detergent.

You can make shampoo at home

The main ingredients for dog shampoo are baking soda and vinegar. Castile soap is also used - a mixture of olive oil and glycerin. Sometimes a little baby shampoo or eco-friendly dish soap is added to bind the ingredients. The recipe is chosen depending on the desired result or the availability of ingredients.

Flea shampoo

The ideal flea shampoo for sensitive skin is a homemade one. Cannot be used on dry skin.

Composition for large breeds:

  • water - 1 l;
  • apple or table vinegar - 1 glass;
  • baby shampoo - 200 ml.

For small dogs:

  • water - half a glass;
  • vinegar - a quarter glass;
  • baby shampoo - a quarter cup.

Note! The solution is applied using a sprayer. Use a brush to distribute it evenly over the fur, combing out fleas. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Dry shampoo

Used when it is not possible to bathe the dog.


  • soda - 1 glass;
  • corn starch - 1 cup;
  • lemon or lavender essential oil - a few drops.

Distribute the mixture over the dog's fur with massage movements and comb out with a comb.

Shampoo for dry skin

The product can slightly reduce itching.


  • water - 1 l;
  • baby shampoo or dish soap - 1 cup;
  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • glycerin - a third of a glass;
  • aloe vera gel - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Shake before use.

Important! The product should not be used on the ears or near the eyes.

Oatmeal shampoo

Suitable for dry skin, has a deodorizing effect.


  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup.

Pour water over the flakes and leave for 15 minutes. Pour the mixture into a sock and apply it to the dog's fur using rubbing movements. After 5 min. wash off.

Note! Homemade shampoos consist of natural ingredients and are therefore not intended for long-term storage. It is better to make them for one procedure, taking into account the size of the dog.

Is flea shampoo effective?

If your dog has fleas, the shampoo should be supplemented with another anti-parasitic method recommended by your veterinarian. Bathing must be repeated several times for this product to take effect.

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Shampoo for dogs and horse gel for joints: is it dangerous for people to use animal cosmetics?

Every family's life has its own source of anxiety and inspiration, which brings a fresh spirit to life and pushes them to risky and amazing adventures. You can’t relax when communicating with these people, otherwise you’ll suddenly find yourself in some stupid story, and even in the role of the main character. In our family, this is the wife's friend. Her fashion advice more than once evoked my loud laughter and the close, thoughtful attention of my wife and daughter. This time we were talking about horse cosmetics. Having rushed into our house like an avalanche and presented everyone with gifts from the capital, Snezhana stunned my wife with a question: where does she buy horse cosmetics - shampoo and gel for hooves?

“What, you still don’t know anything? - the friend raged. - All normal people have a terrible boom in horse shampoos! They are selling out quickly, and all beauty salons have them! Lord, what village are you from? Yes, Sarah Jessica Parker herself from “Sex and the City” advertises them! Where is your internet? Let Sobchak show you how she recommends horse shampoo! I’ve been washing my hair with dog shampoo for a long time now, but now I want to try it with horse shampoo. And I also want to find a gel for hooves - they highly recommend smearing your nails to keep them healthy and strong. These are the most natural remedies!”

Gathered around the monitor, our whole family actually watched a clip in which Ksyusha Sobchak assures that many Russian stars use horse shampoo, and ends the advertisement with the slogan: “We are all a little bit of a horse.” The advertisement affected the family as usual, that is, in completely different ways. I began to laugh like crazy, and my girls thought intently, and my daughter, as always, said: “Oh, you don’t understand anything!” Obviously, out of love for family traditions, I began to give out logical arguments, which (also according to family tradition) no one would listen to.

And animals have it better!

A man talking about cosmetics is always a bit of a voice crying in the wilderness. When in the editorial office at a planning meeting I told my home epic as an anecdote, my colleagues, instead of laughing, burst out with recommendations, advice, the experiences of their friends and various rumors.

It turned out that animals are much more allergic than people, and therefore the compositions of their shampoos and other cosmetics are much more natural. That shampoos for cats and dogs are often more expensive precisely because the components of these shampoos are more gentle on the hair structure. There is no better nourishing cream for heels than cow udder cream, and that many old people and athletes have been using horse gels for joints for a long time, and this is not news at all.

“Write! - summed up the editor. - Interview experts, find pet cosmetics on sale, wash your hair with shampoo and rub in joint gel. And describe everything in detail! So that there are no more ambiguities!”

Where do they sell fashionable shampoo?

As it turns out, they sell horse shampoo and joint gel even in places where there are no horses in sight.

For example, a saleswoman in a tiny pet supply stall at one of the small regional markets, located 40 kilometers from the nearest stable, immediately showed me what I was looking for and immediately admitted that people had never taken horse cosmetics from her for horses. How do they explain it? Yes, that’s what they say – for themselves. Some also ask for advice, which shampoo is best for blondes? For foals or for experienced mares? In general, sometimes it is very difficult not to laugh.

“Fools, one word,” she sternly described her customers. “Of course, I’m not going to dissuade them from shopping, but if they are trying to draw me into this horse sect, I don’t hide my views in front of them.” A person needs to use human cosmetics! You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that the skin of horses is thicker, the hair in the mane is completely different than on the top of a human head, and in general, if such products were suitable for people, this would be written on them. After all, manufacturers are not fools; they will not refuse extra earnings. If they don’t write “Produced for Humans” on the packaging, then for some reason they can’t do it. They probably don’t fit into some standards!”

I managed to find horse cosmetics in other places. It was sold in city veterinary pharmacies, where the patient’s dog was never seen again, and in small pet stores, which even sold not all food, but only the most popular ones. Quite unexpectedly, it could be found in construction stores, small regional markets and large shopping centers. Seeing horse shampoos and joint gels there, I asked why there were so many horses in the residential area?

“Why horses? — the seller asked offendedly. — People buy it for themselves. Everyone is happy, no one came back with complaints. They say the hair becomes stronger and more voluminous. Anyone who has tried horse joint gels doesn’t want to hear about human ones. They are more expensive and not as strong.”

Introducing myself as a journalist, I asked again how legal it is to sell horse cosmetics to people. The result was very predictable: the seller immediately stated that he was not imposing anything on anyone, and he had no right to check whether a person had a horse or not. And even if a person tells him that he is buying it for himself, no normal merchant will refuse him to buy it. And in general, there is no law according to which a seller must dissuade a person from making an inappropriate purchase! Let the Ministry of Health warn - it’s more familiar to him.

And even in pharmacies

Feeling like an idiot, I hurried to call home and get involved in yet another pointless argument about human and equine beauty standards.

“I found out everything,” my wife told me categorically. — Horse shampoos are sold even in normal human pharmacies. If you don’t believe me, go and check.”

And indeed, on the pharmacy counters of one of the chains there were familiar bottles of gels and shampoos. True, they stood next to cat and dog flea remedies, and under the bottles there was an inscription: “Zoo medications.” The pharmacists behaved quite predictably. They showed the product, answered evasively about its benefits, that people did not complain, and offered to look at the composition, consisting of natural ingredients.

When your correspondent introduced himself as a journalist, the conversation immediately went in the direction that every person has the right to buy pet products and use them as they please. And what pet products are sold in the pharmacy, so what's wrong with that? A man came to the pharmacy to buy aspirin and at the same time took some drops for his cat to chase off fleas. Or shampoo for your favorite horse. And if he took the shampoo not for the horse, but for himself, then it is his responsibility, the buyer's responsibility. It says on the bottle - for horses.

It's all about the price

Not a single pharmacist in any pharmacy could clearly answer a simple question: whether these drugs are harmful to people or useful. Everyone nodded to their superiors, who nodded to the distributors of pet supplies, and they, in turn, referred to their superiors. So I reached the head of the veterinary pharmacy department of one distribution company, who turned out to be a biochemist by training.

“There have been no clinical trials to prove whether these products are beneficial or harmful to people,” she said. - Therefore, no one can guarantee anything. You can only rely on personal experience, and I, for example, have a positive experience with using gel for joints. You can evaluate the composition of the product described on the bottles: there is also nothing here that would be harmful to humans. I haven’t tried the shampoo myself, I don’t want to lie. But there is demand."

As for the question of why such clinical studies were not conducted, here, according to my interlocutor, everything is simple: cosmetics, and especially medicines for people, must go through a rather expensive registration process, and taxes on such cosmetics are higher. As soon as such a product becomes “human,” its price increases significantly and it loses its attractiveness to the buyer.

It turns out that for now the difference in prices allows us to successfully sell a similar product even without a serious advertising campaign, solely through word of mouth.

“I would like to emphasize that our products have the inscription “May cause individual intolerance.” Although some human cosmetics and medications can also cause allergic reactions in rare cases,” the expert concluded.

Experiment on yourself in the presence of a hairdresser

In the evening it was time for the experiment. I persuaded my wife to wash her hair with three types of shampoo: 1) horse shampoo (since there is such a demand for it); 2) cat with the addition of mink oil (which makes the coat soft and silky); 3) canine, for Yorkshire terriers.

Since Yorkies do not have an undercoat, their coat is most similar to human hair. They say that the shampoos are also very similar, only Yorkies have less chemicals in them. We asked Sandra Pelne, hairdressing teacher at the fashion and style high school, to evaluate the quality of the hair. Having assessed the hair structure before washing, Sandra divided her hair into three parts (according to the number of shampoos) and washed each strand with a separate shampoo.

“All shampoos foam well and could wash away the dirt on the hair, however, if there was any,” Sandra began her examination. - A cat smells very sharply sour, a horse smells more delicately, a dog has no smell at all. After horse hair, it is more difficult to comb, cat and dog hair give the opportunity to comb. So far I don’t see any advantage over ordinary human shampoo.”

After washing her hair, the master took out a hairdryer and brush and began styling her hair. As they dried, we felt them and weighed them in our hands. The hair looked different only after the dog shampoo, looking like a clump of hay in the wind, that is, not for the better. To the touch the difference was even more noticeable. Shampoo for Yorkies (whose coat structure is so reminiscent of human hair) made the hair dry and coarse.

“Any cheap human shampoo will make hair softer and fluffier than this not-so-cheap dog shampoo,” Sandra said. — After such a wash, they feel dirty to the touch. Shampoo for Persian cats really made the hair softer and fluffier, but only compared to dog shampoo. The cheapest human one will give the best effect, and it won’t have such a terrible smell.”

The best of these three shampoos, according to our expert, is horse shampoo. After using this, my hair became really soft and heavy. Strong, like after lamination.

“But combing your hair after using it is quite difficult, and I would not say that human shampoos cannot achieve such effects. There is a huge amount of cosmetics for hair, and not only very expensive, but also quite affordable. Personally, I had no desire to start using animal shampoo myself, much less recommend it to anyone,” Sandra concluded.

Also wanting to play the role of experts, my daughter and I touched my wife’s hair with our hands after all the shampoos and wisely agreed that after the horse shampoo, the hair became two or three times heavier than after the others. Moreover, they gained volume and had the best shine. But they differed in the final assessment. I thought that a human being is still better, and my daughter - that I still don’t understand anything about cosmetics and that anyone’s opinion, and my father’s opinion about cosmetics, can be neglected.

How I felt a little bit like a horse

At the end of the experiment, my wife rubbed a double action gel for horse joints into my aching back. At first it cooled and calmed, and then began to warm. Conducting an experiment, my wife generously smeared the gel not only where my joints ached, but also on other parts of my back. What can I tell you? Where my back usually hurt, the sensations were the most pleasant. And first - when the gentle cold relieved the pain, and then - when the rubbed areas began to heat up. In healthy areas, the heating resembled a burning sensation and was not pleasant at all.

"Hands! My hands! — my wife ran around the rooms, not realizing to put on gloves during the massage session. - They're burning! What to do? This balm will burn my skin!”

However, after half an hour the effect began to subside, and no negative consequences appeared either on my skin or on my wife’s much more delicate skin. I liked the gel, and I even decided that sometimes, when the pain is especially annoying, I will rub it into my lower back myself.

What do you think, what did Snezhana’s wife’s friend say when she found out about our home experiment and the hairdresser’s low rating? Well, of course, she said we were just doing it all wrong! You need to wash your hair with horse shampoo no more than once a month; you need to dilute it in a basin, one cap per basin of water. You only need to wash your hair, directly in the basin, so that the shampoo does not get on the scalp. And then the hair will be stronger, stronger and more beautiful...

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