Trimming the nails of a dachshund dog. How to properly trim a dog's nails at home. How long should a dachshund's nails be?

How to trim a dog's nails at home

Should I limit myself to filing and is it possible to trim a dog’s nails with regular scissors? No, such measures will not be enough, besides, simple scissors can make a break. Trimming dog nails at home is done using a special tool. Special scissors for cutting dog nails are called nail clippers. There are different types of nail clippers - sickle-shaped, similar to forceps (if the question arises of how to cut the nails of a large dog) and guillotine - (advice for those who are deciding how to cut the nails of small breed dogs). After purchasing a tool, be sure to read the instructions and squeeze it in your hand several times.

There shouldn’t be any questions about whether to trim or file a dog’s claws – but at the final stage of nail treatment, a nail file will come in handy. It is also recommended to stock up on hydrogen peroxide (in case your dog’s claw bleeds after a haircut), antiseptic and some kind of powder.

How to properly trim a dog's nails with a nail clipper

  • 1. Everything you need is laid out at a convenient distance;
  • 2. The procedure is carried out when the pet is in a good mood, when it is full and has been walked. Trimming a dachshund's nails at home is done in the evening, when the pet is less active.
  • 3. It is necessary to show the animal the tool several times in advance, let it sniff it, in order to then reduce fear to a minimum;
  • 4. So that your four-legged friend does not worry, motivate him with something tasty;
  • 5. During the process, maintain eye contact and speak in a calm voice;
  • 6. Excess hair around the claw should be trimmed;
  • 7. The position of the pet and the person with the nail clipper should be comfortable - without distortions in balance, it is desirable that the paws are approximately at eye level of the owner;
  • 8. Keep your paw above the dog's ankle;
  • 9. It is necessary to inspect the pads and claws and determine the location of the pulp;
  • 10. Maintaining an angle of 45 degrees, trim part of the claw;
  • 11. Use a nail file;
  • 12. Repeat the procedure once a month.

It is worth mentioning separately about situations when a dog does not allow its nails to be cut. What to do? The animal should not be allowed to twitch, and the best way to restrain the dog when trimming its nails is to involve a partner. An aggressive pet, even one as small as a dachshund, must be muzzled.

Owners should remember the importance of trimming their nails once a month. Along with regular walking, games and training, as well as proper nutrition, this is an integral part of proper pet care.

First aid for injuries

Despite full compliance with the rules and compliance with the operating algorithm, even an experienced owner can make a mistake. This can be caused by various circumstances: a sharp sound outside the window, a dull nail clipper, or excessive nervousness of the pet. Don't get upset - it's important to remain calm, apologize to the dog and treat the wound.

Pulp cut

Trimming too short greatly increases the risk of damaging blood vessels. This causes severe pain and excessive bleeding. The main task of the owner in case of pulp injury is to urgently stop the bleeding. In addition, it is necessary to calm your four-legged friend - his reaction will be panic and a desire to run away.

The owner should try to distract the animal, switch its attention to something else - perhaps to a toy or a pre-prepared treat. There is no point in screaming at this moment, as the dog is already scared and in pain. Next you need to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to use alcohol-based solutions - they will only increase the pain and cause a burning sensation.

Antiseptic powder has a good effect. Veterinarians advise having this drug in your pet first aid kit. It is used to treat open wounds and abrasions and copes well with injuries caused during trimming of the nail plate.

Claw detonation

A similar nuisance arises in the case of nervous and uncertain actions of the dog breeder. The dangerous combination of slow compression of the nail cutter along with an unexpected and sharp jerk of the limb during shortening leads to a poor result. Damage to the skin and soft tissues is accompanied by severe pain and fear, and not only from the dog - the owner also experiences nervous shock. However, you should gather your strength and provide first aid to the victim:

  1. Try to keep the animal in place. Don't shout, but be assertive and speak confidently.
  2. Next, you need to bandage the injured limb near the metatarsus with a tourniquet or bandage. It is advisable to lift the paw up to stop the bleeding.
  3. Cold is applied to the damaged surface. You can use an ice pack or frozen food for this.
  4. Open wounds must be treated with lidocaine or novocaine.
  5. Sometimes the damage is very severe, so the tear must be stitched. Only a veterinarian can do this.

When transporting an animal to a veterinary clinic, cold should be applied to the damaged area, but at the same time avoid frostbite of the limb.

Natural stitching

Do I need to trim the nails of a dog that walks on asphalt a lot? Will they return to normal on their own? It is important to understand here that the claws wear down naturally, but this may not be enough, and besides, there is less grinding on the front paws. If you do not trim at all, the body of the claw (and the blood vessel inside it) will grow so large that trimming it will no longer be useful. This means that you can only hope that nothing bad happens, and if something happens, contact a veterinarian as an emergency. To prevent this, you need to think about your pet in advance and take care of the acceptable length of its claws.

What are the rates?

The price of nail trimming in Rostov-on-Don is variable and depends on many parameters. On average, masters charge 50 rubles for processing one nail plate. When calculating the total cost, you should consider:

  • Veterinary clinic rating;
  • Qualification of craftsmen;
  • The pet’s condition during the procedure, activity;
  • Cost of disposable instruments.

Working with cats is less expensive than working with dogs' paws. Large breeds require more responsibility and time, which is why this type of haircut is more expensive.

Sources: https://sobaky./kak-strich-kogti-sobake/

Stages of the procedure

To properly trim your dog's nails, you need to use the following instructions:

  1. Carefully examine your pet's nails and determine the location of the cut. It is optimal if the distance to the pulp is at least 2 mm.
  2. If the beginning of the sensitive area is not visible, you should start trimming the nail plate starting from the very tip.
  3. Take the dog's paw in your hand and hold it securely.
  4. Position the nail clipper at a 45 degree angle and carefully make the cut.
  5. File your nails to a smooth surface to prevent them from splitting.
  6. Praise and reward your pet with a treat.

Some animals find it difficult to remain motionless for long periods of time. In such cases, the pet will need to be given a break to recuperate. Each time you will be able to cut more and more nails and eventually the entire procedure can be performed in one go.

Structure of the claw

The claw is divided into an outer - horny - part and an inner - “living” part. Inside the claws there is a pulp - blood vessels and nerve endings. When people don't understand how to properly trim a dog's nails, sometimes part of the pulp is cut off. The question of whether it hurts a dog to cut his nails in this way is not appropriate, because if a dog’s nail is cut until it bleeds, then his nerves are also disturbed. It is worth paying attention to the color of the claw; if it is transparent, the pulp is visible, and it is easier to understand how to trim a dog’s claws. In this case, you need to retreat 1 - 2 mm from the pink part of the claw.

The importance of the process

A dog's long nails can grow into the skin, causing pain and wounds. Such injuries pose a potential danger, because there is a risk of infection during a walk and further suppuration of the paw.

Too long nail plates often break, and they also affect the dog's gait. An animal with long claws has to place its paws crookedly, which affects the condition of the joints and ligaments. The most dangerous consequences of untimely cutting of nails are blood poisoning or skeletal distortion.

But the pet’s long claws also pose a danger to the owner. A dog can involuntarily injure a person or damage furniture or carpeting in the house. That is why, as soon as you hear the clicking of paws while the dog is moving around the apartment, you should carry out a hygiene procedure.

How often will you need to trim your dog's nails at home? Adult dogs need trimming every 4 weeks; for puppies this period can be extended to 6 weeks.

How to trim a dog's nails

Having realized the need for the procedure, some owners wonder where they can trim their dog’s nails. Services for this procedure are offered by specialized institutions. How much does it cost to trim a dog's nails at a salon? On average, the cost of cutting dog nails varies from 200 to 500 rubles. You should understand that it is better to trim your nails regularly rather than delay it. The longer and harder the claw, the more difficult it is to trim and the more likely it is to cause damage. It is by no means normal for a dog to bleed when trimming its nails - it causes acute pain! This happens when owners don't know how to trim their dog's nails correctly and cut too much. Meanwhile, proper nail trimming in dogs requires some anatomical knowledge.

How to trim a dog's black nails

It is much more difficult to determine when the claw is black. Before cutting your dog's black nails, you need to carefully inspect them for damage. As a rule, claws turn black from lack of care, which means they grow too long. Owners should know how to trim a dog’s very long nails so as not to cause harm. It will take patience and several procedures, during which the claw will be trimmed a little at a time. Gradually, as the horny part decreases, the pulp will also shrink. After some time, the claw will be brought back to normal.

The first procedures are recommended to be carried out in salons, but if the owners know how to trim a dog’s nails at home, they can purchase a special tool for trimming dog’s nails and do it themselves.


To properly trim a dog’s nails, you need to prepare the necessary tools and medications in advance. The set should consist of the following elements:

  1. Claw clippers. Ordinary scissors cannot be used; they can injure the nail plate. You should take care in advance of a special tool that is sold in pet stores. There are two types of nail clippers: the first resemble wire cutters with sharp blades, and the second look like guillotines with holes where the claw to be trimmed is inserted. For large breed dogs with hard nail plates, it is better to purchase nail clippers in the form of nippers; in all other cases, you can use any device at your discretion.
  2. Nail file.
  3. Hemostatic agents - baby powder or flour.
  4. Antiseptic – iodine, peroxide, potassium permanganate.
  5. Cotton pads for treating wounds.

The owner needs to prepare the dog’s favorite treat in advance. It will help distract the animal’s attention during the procedure and will be a pleasant reward upon completion of the process.

An important nuance is to be patient and choose the best time for a haircut. It is optimal if the dog has just eaten or returned home after a long walk. In this state, he will not be able to actively resist your actions.

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