Shedding in a dog
The dog's hair is falling out, going bald, and bald spots appear.
In recent months, there has been a significant increase in the number of patients complaining of hair loss after
It's not just suspicion if the dog starts squinting its eyes
Alina Vladimirovna Rykunova veterinary therapist, specialization – dermatology, nutrition Experienced veterinarians know how vulnerable
The dog hurts the child. Signs of aggression and preventive measures
If your dog barks at children, rest assured you are not alone. Many dogs bark
photo 47247gog
How and when to vaccinate Yorkie puppies
Unfortunately, dogs are not immune to viruses and infections. Yorkshire Terriers in this regard
how to find out the age of a puppy
Determining the age of the East European Shepherd
One can only guess about the exact date of birth of pets taken from the street or from a shelter.
The dog skids to the side when walking: causes of unsteady gait
Experienced dog breeders know that dogs sometimes suffer from a variety of viral and infectious ailments.
Bald patches
Why does a dog lose hair in patches on its back or head? What to do if your dog's hair is falling out?
Coat is an indicator of a dog's health. When the fur comes out in clumps, the pet takes on an unkempt appearance,
How to euthanize a dog: drugs for euthanasia, is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?
Humane and compliant procedure for euthanizing a dog
Sooner or later the time comes when you have to say goodbye to your beloved four-legged friend. I
Top 10 dog breeds with the strongest bite: rating of those with a “death grip”
13 dog breeds with the highest jaw pressure Modern cynology includes many dog ​​breeds,
what vitamins will help against hair loss
How long does it take for dog hair to grow back after being cut?
A dog owner always cares about the health of his pet. He must understand whether the dog needs
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