Top 10 dog breeds with the strongest bite: rating of those with a “death grip”

13 Dog Breeds With the Highest Jaw Pressure

Modern cynology has many breeds of dogs, from decorative babies to real defenders of humans. When choosing a large dog, factors to consider include physical strength, jaw size, and bite force.

  • 2 American Bandog
  • 3 German Shepherd
  • 4 Kangal
  • 5 Tosa Inu
  • 6 Rottweiler
  • 7 Pit bull terrier
  • 8 Dutch Shepherd
  • 9 Wolfhound
  • 10 English Mastiff
  • 11 Doberman
  • 12 Bullmastiff
  • 13 American Staffordshire Terrier

Tosa Inu

The bite is 1350 N in an adult. Most often, these dogs are used as a personal bodyguard, as they are non-aggressive by nature. This is a very reliable dog that is easy to train, has patience and remarkable calm. However, when commanded, the Tosa Inu will be ready to instantly attack the target. It is worth remembering that although they have a soft character, their jaws have enormous strength and even a puppy can easily bite through a hard object.

Nutritional Features

The Bull Terrier's diet can be based on industrial feed or natural products.

Each owner independently determines what the dog’s nutrition will be; the main thing is not to mix both types of feeding and make sure that the diet is balanced, nutritious and includes all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Natural nutrition allows the owner to independently control the quality of food consumed by the pet and diversify the diet as much as possible.

With this type of feeding, the menu must include:

  • lean meat;
  • chicken or beef by-products;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • raw eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals

You can give your pet hard cheese as a treat.

It is necessary to additionally give the bull terrier a vitamin complex, and up to 18 months - calcium.

Representatives of this breed are prohibited from:

  • fat meat;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • seasonings;
  • River fish;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • legumes

If the diet is based on ready-made food, it must correspond to the age, physiological state and health of the pet.

You should not skimp on feeding your bull terrier and purchase economy class food - these dogs are suitable for products of at least premium class.

The most suitable brands of food for representatives of this breed are Orijen, AATU, Applaws, Acana, Bozita, Solid, Genesis, GO!, Grandorf.

American Bandog

Quite a powerful fighting breed, which was bred by crossing a pit bull and a Neapolitan mastiff. A massive, muscular physique helps the dog win in fights, but this breed is inferior to the pit bull due to less endurance and bloodthirstiness. The bite force ranges from 1180 to 1460 N in adults. It is worth noting that the bandog is less aggressive and, with proper training and education, can be quite a cute animal.

Anatomy of a bite

In fact, the bite force of dogs of different breeds depends on two parameters: the length of the jaws and the power of the chewing muscles. Of course, the more powerful the muscles, the stronger the bite. On the other hand, in many dogs with a short muzzle the bite is not as strong, but the area of ​​pressure is smaller. This ensures the so-called death grip.

A dog with a death grip does not necessarily have to be big and scary, like, for example, a Caucasian Shepherd. After all, a small French bulldog, thanks to its small jaw area, is capable of inflicting an equally terrible bite.

Bull Terrier

A bull terrier can easily attack any unfamiliar person or animal, so you should carefully train the dog from a very young age and teach it to control its aggression. Bullteliers have a tendency to attack the enemy with multiple bites, trying to bite the carotid artery. Bite force can range from 1100 to 1450 N, depending on whether the dog has been trained or not. It is noteworthy that the animal can hold the enemy in its jaws for up to three hours.

Dog jaw strength, why you need to know about it

The force of a dog bite is measured in newtons or atmospheres (1 atm = 9.8 N) and is determined using a pine block or a special sleeve with an integrated sensor. This parameter allows you to judge the strength of the animal’s jaws, as well as its compliance with the standard and suitability for performing a certain job.

The strength of the bite depends on the physiological characteristics of the dog. The most powerful grip is found in breeds with large mouths, massive heads and short necks.

Owners of such dogs must take measures to ensure that their pet does not pose a threat to others.

Pit bull terrier

Pit bulls are known for their unstable psyche and sudden outbursts of aggression, which can even be directed at their owners. In many countries, keeping these dogs is prohibited, as fatal attacks often occur. Pit bulls are difficult to train; even a trained and disciplined individual can sometimes be difficult to control. Their jaw strength is 1350 N, but this is quite enough to tear another dog or even a person to shreds. When attacked, pit bulls have a habit of knocking down the enemy and holding him tightly with their jaws, so pulling him away is not so easy.

Cane Corso

When talking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into “us” and “strangers”.

You can safely entrust a child to them; they will lay down their lives to protect the owner’s offspring. Defeating a dog consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, agility, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle the animal is calm and good-natured.

Capable of scaring away with just one look. Huge, lion-like dogs are able to make independent decisions and act according to the situation.

They should not be allowed to dominate; in this case, “Caucasians” are obedient and manageable. They do not have excessive aggression, but no one is allowed to offend the owner or encroach on his property. In terms of bite force, it is not inferior to the two previous breeds - 13.5 atmospheres.


Dobermans respond well to training and are a fairly intelligent breed that is often used by the police. Although their bite is greater than that of a pit bull terrier - 1430 N, the Doberman will lose in a fight with the latter, since it is not prone to such cruelty, and the breed was originally bred as a service dog, not a fighting dog. However, you shouldn’t make a Doberman angry either - this dog runs quite fast and can easily gnaw a limb if necessary.

Top Dogs with the Strongest Grip

Even a harmless decorative dog can leave painful bite marks on the human body. But there are also more dangerous breeds, the grip of which can cause serious injury.

To avoid becoming a victim of dog jaws, before touching someone else's pet, you need to ask permission from the owners. After all, it is likely that this dog is included in the ranking of those with the strongest bite.

The top 10 dog breeds with a powerful grip include:

  • American Bulldog;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Rottweiler;
  • wolfhound;
  • German Shepherd;
  • bullmastiff;
  • Doberman;
  • kangal;
  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • American pit bull.

American Bulldog

Despite their average size, muscular and strong representatives of this dog breed with the strongest bite inspire respect with their entire appearance.

American Bulldogs were bred as farm dogs, and their “steel” grip helped them cope with the duties of bodyguards.

Initially, they cultivated endurance and developed the qualities inherent in fighting dogs.

Dogs that once participated in fights with bulls are able to withstand a larger opponent. English Bulldogs have a strong bite and powerful jaws that help them achieve victory.

Due to its strong neck and wide mouth, the dog, whose jaw compression force is 1200 N, has been compared to an electric clipper.

In some countries, dogs with a “steel” grip are used to work in security units or for police service.

English Mastiff

These powerful giant dogs have a strong grip and developed guarding qualities. They have a calm and affectionate character. English Mastiffs are kind to children and can be caring nannies.

True, for this, dogs with a military background must receive appropriate education, because with their jaws they can easily break human bones.

The British do an excellent job as security guards and scare off trespassers with their very appearance. Those with a powerful grip never attack first and, having driven the attacker into a corner, hold him there until the owners appear.

If the enemy dares to attack the mastiff, he will have to feel the dog’s bite, the force of which is 131 atm (1284 N).


These natives of Germany are the embodiment of the fact that endurance, intelligence and strength can be combined in a dog. Strong, stocky Rottweilers were among the first to serve in the police and still help law enforcement officers.

The dogs have a powerful grip, excellent physical characteristics and a difficult character. They are not afraid of pain and do not know what fear is. And their menacing appearance, strong jaws and lightning-fast reactions help them cope with the duties of a bodyguard.

Raising Rottweilers should be done from an early age, preferably under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The jaws of representatives of the breed compress with a force of 1500 N.

Of course, this is not the strongest bite in dogs. However, in Ireland and Portugal there have been cases of Rottweilers attacking humans, resulting in the death of the victim. Therefore, it is officially forbidden to keep these holders of a death grip there.


These animals are descended from wolves and domesticated dogs. They have a specific appearance, complex character and powerful grip. Such hybrids can be very dangerous and are not recommended for keeping in apartments.

The bite force of a wolfhound is 1550 N.

German Shepherd

This is one of the most intelligent and recognizable breeds in the world, bred in Germany more than a hundred years ago. During their existence, German Shepherds have managed to establish themselves in various fields.

Highly intelligent and beautiful, with a strong bite and a strong grip, they successfully serve in the police, customs and as family dogs.

The Germans are endowed with a calm and self-possessed disposition. They are not characterized by causeless aggression, so they will not just use their powerful grip.

But if the dog sees that his owners are in real danger, the attacker will not be able to avoid the bite, the force of which is 1060-1310 N.


These dogs with powerful jaws and the strongest grip are descended from mastiffs and English bulldogs. Strong, stubborn dogs originally served as assistants to British gamekeepers and protected forests from poachers.

Their frightening appearance and impressive dimensions scared away lovers of unauthorized hunting, so they rarely had to use their teeth and bite their prey.

Theoretically, bullmastiffs are not prone to unmotivated aggression, but in reality, many cases of them attacking humans have been recorded. The jaws of these dogs compress with a force of 168 atm (1650 N). By biting, bullmastiffs tear their opponents to pieces, for which they are nicknamed butcher dogs.


The breed was bred in the 19th century by a German tax collector. Strong, alert and intelligent Dobermans are capable of biting, which is why they are included in the list of dangerous dogs.

Agile, harmoniously developed, elegant and muscular dogs with strong jaws serve in the police and are used as bodyguards.

Dobermans never lose their vigilance and are capable of biting a person to death. They have a strong grip, and the bite force of representatives of this breed reaches 145 atm (1430 N).


This guard breed, bred in Turkey to protect sheep flocks from wolves and bears, has the strongest bite of any dog. Kangal compresses its jaws with a force of 176 atm (1725 N), which is why in ancient times they even hunted lions with it.

A vigilant and mistrustful dog copes well with the duties of a guard, and his bites are very painful.

He is distinguished by a balanced, calm disposition and stable psyche. Despite its physical strength and incredible bite force, the kangal does not show aggression towards children and other animals.

Staffordshire Terrier

The breed was bred specifically for dog fighting and is capable of inflicting painful bites. Therefore, its representatives are characterized by endurance, aggression and physical strength.

The force of compression of the Amstaff's jaws is 127 atm (1250 N), which is why the dog poses a real danger to others.

When biting, the Stafford directs its force into a jerk and tries to tear the victim apart.

American pit bull

Athletic, medium-sized dogs with well-developed muscles and strong jaws are considered dangerous and are banned in many European countries. Pit bulls are endowed with developed fighting qualities, quick reactions and a powerful grip.

If the dog manages to bite the victim, his jaws, which are compressed with a force of 137 atm (1350 N), can only be opened with the help of a special stack.

Having felt blood, the pit bull stops responding to commands and bites into the victim like a shark. Representatives of this breed often attack other dogs and people.

Most dogs with a powerful grip and incredible bite force do not pose a threat to others.

Owners of those with “steel” jaws are clearly aware of what dangerous animals live next to them and try to control their pets. Therefore, citizens who have been bitten by ill-mannered decorative dogs, rather than those who have suffered from the “death grip” of amboules or Dobermans, come to emergency rooms more often.


This breed also belongs to the category of dogs with a friendly and affectionate character. However, a bullmastiff enraged by battle, like a butcher, tears pieces of flesh from the victim, tearing it apart in the literal sense of the word. The jaw strength of these dogs is enormous - 1650 N. Also, do not forget about the weight - the dogs rush at the offender and knock him to the ground, after which they begin to bite the most sensitive places - the neck or stomach.

Flea allergic dermatitis, fleas

Flea dermatitis (flea allergic dermatitis), fleas in cats and dogs.

It is not uncommon for animals to have fleas in their fur. Most often, cats and dogs suffer from this in everyday life. Fleas can get onto an animal's body from the floor of premises, from grass, ground or from other animals. A flea is an insect that leads a parasitic lifestyle. Fleas bite through the skin of animals and feed on their blood. The presence of fleas in animals can be determined visually. Secondary signs of the presence of fleas in an animal can be considered fecal remains (waste products), as well as characteristic itching. Sometimes it happens that fleas carry certain diseases. At the moment of a bite, the fleas' saliva enters the animal's bloodstream. When there are many flea bites, a large amount of saliva enters the animal’s bloodstream, which causes an allergic reaction and flea allergic dermatitis occurs. Due to itching, the animal scratches places on the body, sometimes bites and chews, which can lead to quite serious damage and infection of the scratched areas.

In the photo you can see how bad it looks when enlarged in the field of view of a microscope:

The most pronounced lesions are the head, abdomen and especially the root of the tail.

The pharmacy of the Kotofey veterinary clinic has a large assortment of antiallergic drugs and drugs designed to combat fleas. When using antiparasitic drugs, many factors must be taken into account, so it is better to show the animal and consult with a veterinarian. Our specialists will help you choose the most optimal drug option that will allow you to get rid of parasites without causing significant damage to the health of your animal.

As an example, consider the situation:

A young cat, Matvey, was brought to the Kotofey veterinary clinic with itching, scratching and lack of hair in some areas of his body. Doctors examined the cat and a diagnosis was made: “Flea allergic dermatitis.” Matvey was left in the clinic’s inpatient unit for several days. Our specialists carried out preventive measures, bathed Matvey in anti-flea shampoo. To tidy up the cat from an aesthetic point of view, they performed a hygienic haircut. After this, they prescribed vitamins, anthelmintic drugs, a flea collar, and improved nutrition. Literally a day later, Matvey began to feel well, the itching completely stopped, the cat finally had the opportunity to sleep peacefully, since nothing else bothered him. In gratitude, Matvey was an affectionate and well-mannered cat throughout his stay in the hospital. And, although he didn’t want to leave us at all, it was time to go home... And Matvey conveys his ardent greetings to all our readers, and leaves as a souvenir several photographs depicting the everyday life of his stay in the veterinary hospital:

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