Features of hunting with a beagle. Basic qualities of a dog and photos

The Beagle is an amazing dog. Many people know that this breed has a kind and obedient disposition; it easily gets along with other pets and is also an excellent hunter.

For centuries, the Beagle, whose origins have British hound roots, has been used as a hunter of a variety of game, from hare to roe deer. In this article you can learn about the universal hunting qualities of the beagle.

History of the Beagle breed.

The first mentions of small hunting dogs that found, pursued and drove prey to the place desired by hunters date back to the 4th-5th centuries AD. It is not difficult to assume that “civilized” hunting was available to citizens of the Roman Empire. A trained hunting dog was very valuable, since hunting game was a dangerous occupation and required great dexterity in detecting and capturing the animal. The small hunting dog - the ancestor of the modern beagle - coped with these tasks perfectly, and as a result of a long “evolution” in 1957, the parameters of the hunting dog breed - the beagle - were officially formed. Currently, the beagle has several varieties based on territorial characteristics, that is, English, Spanish, German, etc. But still, all beagles are related to the Italian hounds.

Who is he hunting?

The beagle's keen sense of smell is so sensitive that its hunting range of interests is very wide :

  • ducks,
  • swans,
  • capercaillie,
  • woodcocks,
  • hares,
  • wild boars,
  • deer,
  • roe deer and others.

IMPORTANT to remember: every dog, like people, has its own preferences, and if your beagle refuses to take a grouse or a duck, you should not force him, not all dogs of this breed are universal, and you will discourage your pet from taking other game.

In general, it all depends on what animal or bird to train the dog on. With due diligence and training, you can teach a beagle to even take a beaver.

Hare hunting

Before hunting a specific prey, the dog is trained. Training begins with walks along the trails - the beagle sniffs tracks and explores the area.

It is IMPORTANT to first interest the dog, involving him in searching for tracks as if it were a game, then the hunt will bring pleasure to both him and you in the future.

They begin to hunt the hare in mid-autumn; as winter approaches, the trails freeze, and it is too slippery for the beagle to take the hare, which most often stays near the fields, lying close to the edge of the forest.

REFERENCE! It is worth noting that without a hunting permit, no one has the right to shoot prey.

Sensing the trail of a hare, the beagle raises it with its voice, scares it, and then waits for the hunter to shoot and only then runs to find the prey. This method of hunting is always better and smoother than chasing a hare hunted by someone else.

While chasing a hare, the owner hears a short or prolonged bark, indicating that the prey has been caught.

ATTENTION! You must immediately take the hare carcass away from the dog, otherwise the beagle may spoil it by tearing it into pieces.

Duck hunting

Some beagles are reluctant to take a duck - this is due to the specific smell that dogs smell. Others only raise wounded animals or ducklings, not daring to go far into the reeds or into the water.

ATTENTION! Since ducks are very resilient and even after being seriously wounded they can dive deeply or climb into a swamp, it is important to know that it is necessary to remove the collar from the dog before hunting, otherwise it may get caught in a snag and drown.

Duck hunting is not much different from hare hunting, only the rutting conditions change - a lake or swampy thickets.

Dogs, alone or in groups, search for duck nests by smell, making their way through the reeds. As soon as the beagle finds the game, it picks it up - scares it - after which the hunters hear the beagle's song and fire shots .


The Beagle is an example of sociability and love of life. A beautiful, cheerful, very active dog that can be a devoted friend. The teacher is required to have strong leadership qualities and self-control. Beagle's willfulness and excessive curiosity can only be overcome by rigor and consistency. If this succeeds, the dog will be happy to follow the owner’s commands. The mood is expressed in everything she does - runs, jumps, plays ball or chews her owner's shoe. An ideal companion for a child - together they are ready to play endlessly. Gets along well with other animals. He achieves everything he wants in roundabout ways - he has a lot of innocent pranks in his arsenal and a very expressive look, which is almost impossible to resist.

What you need to know about dog barking?

Voice accompaniment of the hunt is the most important point that will allow you to decipher the dog’s behavior and find out at what stage the entire process is located. As soon as the beagle senses the scent, a loud, sharp, well-defined bark will be heard.

Hot on the trail, the dog’s voice sounds a little quieter and more melodic. The beagle seems to sing, often changing the pitch of its voice. An experienced hunter will be able to understand that the dog is leading the hare at a distance of approximately 100-150 meters. When chipped, the voice supply is sharply reduced. Perhaps this is the most basic thing that a dog owner should know about his barking.

Over time, you can learn to accurately determine the location of animals and game, recognize the nature of movement and its direction. All that remains is to move according to the dog’s voice or remain in the same place waiting for the outcome.

Hunting other animals and birds


One of the challenges of fox hunting is its stealth and discretion. Often, inexperienced hunters make the mistake of going out hunting with dogs without exploring the area.

IMPORTANT! Some fox hunting rules:

  • Find fox holes in advance - they are located not far from the trails. The fox will definitely return to the holes during the hunt; it is easy to shoot him there.
  • Do not leave your footprints near the holes, so as not to arouse suspicion from the animal.
  • Hunter disguise. It is not advisable to use black color.
  • Go out hunting in the dark while the foxes and brood are in their holes.
  • Do not allow dogs to bark, otherwise the fox will hear them and hide before the hunt begins.


Black grouse feed on berries and thorns, and you need to look for it where tall grass grows. In such an area, the black grouse feels safe.

It is better to go hunting in the spring, when the black grouse is mating. They release the beagle early in the morning, while the trail is fresh and the bird is feeding.

When game is detected, the beagle stands in a stance, telling the hunter where the black grouse is, and then, after shooting at the rising bird, he looks for it.

It is IMPORTANT to follow the rules when shooting:

  • do not shoot at a bird if it is at the height of a person;
  • do not shoot by ear or blindly, otherwise you may hit a dog or another hunter;
  • do not shoot if the animal is running towards you, as you may hit the dog.

IMPORTANT! The Beagle is the best choice of dog for hunting. Despite the fact that training will take a lot of effort and time, the pleasure from the process of hunting and listening to the song of a beagle will outshine all the shortcomings.

But we must not forget:

  • approach hunting with all responsibility, research hunting areas in advance;
  • learn from experienced hunters, attend joint rutting trips;
  • be attentive to the beagle's cues - his bark, the direction of his stance;
  • The beagle is a universal breed for hunting, but each dog has its own preferences, including prey.


Beagles love to beg for food and have a tendency to overeat. That is why they should be fed strictly on a schedule. The dog's diet should include the following foods:

  • Lean meat (chicken, beef, veal).
  • By-products (brains, liver, lungs, heart).
  • Fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, Varenets).
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet).
  • Vegetable or olive oil (small quantity).
  • Low-fat fish (pollock, cod, hake).

Natural products must be periodically replaced with premium dry food (they should not be mixed). Along with the food, you can give special vitamin complexes and mineral supplements. Pregnant bitches require increased nutrition. They need to be fed at least 3 times a day.

Beagles love crackers and cookies. These treats can be given to your dog during training (in small quantities). The animal should not be fed sweets and smoked meats.

Distinctive features

The main signs for the true identification of a Beagle dog:

  • The body structure is compact, strong, the bones are well developed, but not coarse, elastic muscles, a straight straight back and front legs, a flexible loin, powerful jumping hocks, a wide, voluminous chest, with well-bent ribs, narrowed closer to the stomach.
  • The head from the back of the head to the end of the nose should be evenly divided into two parts, that is, the distance between the forehead and nose should be maximally proportional to the distance from the forehead to the back of the head; elongated shape, without folds, but with a small tubercle, powerful skull.
  • The neck is of medium length, with a slight bend, allowing the animal to follow the trail, and has a slight dewlap.
  • ears are rounded triangular in shape, long, approximately reaching the nose, set low, thin, velvety.
  • The eyes are large, but not bulging, not deep, brown or hazel in color, the look is kind and sincere, inviting, attentive, the distance between the eyes and nose forms a regular triangle.
  • The nose in the classic version has a dark black color, but in rare cases it is light in color with white fur; wide shape, open nostrils.
  • The jaw is quite strong, powerful, rectangular in shape, the lips are slightly drooping, have a regular scissor bite, the muzzle is not pointed.
  • The tail is strong, without bends, set fairly high, of medium length, not curled, with a dense coat of hair.
  • The color is found in different versions, the rarest is pure white, more often common in a combination of two or three colors: white, black, red (in shades from fiery red to lemon yellow).
  • The coat is dense, short, water-repellent, and completely covers the body.


Beagles have a strong build, well-developed muscles and a thick coat that evenly covers the body. Soft, “streamlined” features, large brown eyes and slightly drooping lips give their appearance a special charm.

Despite their main purpose, beagles are quite compact in size. According to the breed standard, the height of an adult dog at the withers varies from 33 to 40 cm, and weight – from 9 to 14 kg.

They are small, enthusiastic dogs that give the impression of determination and energy.

What does the owner need to know?

Initially, three dogs were taken for the hunt. This allowed the young to follow the example of their elders. And the hunt was more calm and confident. Now newbies are afraid to go alone with a beagle. Not because the dog might not be able to handle it. A group of seasoned hunters with dogs is a clear example and experience for beginners. Weather conditions and hunting grounds do not always allow for hunting at the proper level. However, the beagle's short and thick coat allows it to easily overcome thorny bushes, drive game even out of the water and chase it over rough terrain.

In contrast to all the positive qualities, it is worth noting excessive stubbornness and independence. If you raise a beagle dog incorrectly, you can completely discourage it from hunting. And even genetic predisposition will not help here.

How to choose a puppy

  1. If you decide to get a companion dog, then you should trust your heart. But when choosing a dog for exhibitions or hunting, you should take the issue seriously.
  2. The main criteria for selecting a beagle will be the reputation of the breeder and the pedigree of the parent. As well as the presence/absence of deviations from generally accepted standards in the puppy (strong limbs, correct bite, well-groomed beautiful coat, correctly developed reproductive organs).
  3. A healthy puppy will be active and playful, have an excellent appetite and meet all the characteristics of the breed. It is important to take into account the color peculiarities of babies - within 12 weeks they may change slightly in color, for example, become lighter.

Hound training

For a good hunter, discipline around food or prey is mandatory. To do this, use the “no” or “open” command. There is no need to constantly shout at the puppy; it is better to do this once every three approaches to food. You can give game and develop a team. Real training for a beagle puppy begins at 3 months of age. Take the puppy to the forest, meadow, field. Train yourself to walk near your leg on the left side. This must first be used with a leash, giving the command "near".

Then try without a leash. Training a hound at home is a troublesome task. At home, you can practice the “take” commands when the dog is eating. Place a bowl of food in front of the puppy, holding him by the collar, give the command “take”, and release him to the bowl. When you take your puppy out for a walk, wait until he runs far away, hold the treat in your hand, and give the command “come to me.” If the puppy doesn’t understand, sit down and add his name to the command. Practicing the “forward” command can be combined with feeding, but you can use game for this. The “stand” command is practiced in the same way.

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The use of a horn is very important for training hounds. It would be good if the horn was real and not a primitive squeaker

Come to the place of walking, give the command “stay”, and hold the puppy in place for a minute, then blow the horn and give the command “forward”. Let the puppy walk for about 15 minutes, then sound the horn again and shout “come to me” or “back”. At 6 months, the puppy needs to be hunted by a hare. Come to the forest before sunrise, do a set of exercises “stand”, “forward”, “to me”. Then walk the puppy in circles, going into the forest. After a while, let your pet off the leash. If the puppy begins to behave restlessly, then perhaps he sensed a hare. Cheer him up and let him run wild. Basically, the puppy leads the hare a circle or two, and then chips. Hurry to the place of the chip, cheer up the puppy, he will calm down when he sees you. You will soon figure out how to train a hound puppy, based on the dog’s character. The main thing here is systematicity.

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