Feeding a dachshund at home: a list of allowed and prohibited foods and how to choose dry food
The dachshund is a small hunting dog with short legs. Today there are more
What pathologies can cause whining in dogs, and how to eliminate this problem?
Is your dog restless at night? Aging, anxiety and lack of physical activity are some of the common
Is it necessary to cut a toy terrier’s nails and how to properly carry out this procedure at home
Toy terriers are very small in size, and because of this, their claws do not wear down so well.
Spitz haircut - recommendations, tips, types of haircuts
This is a problem that groomers encounter all the time. And the root of this problem, unfortunately, is
4 ways to calm your dog during a haircut
A dog shakes its ears after a haircut: How to help your pet
Grooming is an integral part of the life of many pets. For some decorative breeds this is a necessity.
dog care products
Red spot on a dog’s belly: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Red spots on a dog's belly are easy to notice, since this part of the body is not
Bulldog drinks water
How to train a dog to use a litter box? There is nothing complicated in this process
Diseases of the prostate gland In male dogs, an enlarged prostate gland causes constipation, not difficulties
Royal Canin plant in Dmitrovsky district
Which dog food is best: the most popular brands, pros and cons
Probably every pet owner has tasted dry food out of curiosity. But
'How to teach the command "Down!"
Basic commands for dogs: list and how to teach gestures during training
The command “Lie down!” – an important skill for every dog. You need to work it out from the very beginning
The dog has red urine - causes and treatment of hematuria
This can happen to any breed of dog, and if it happens, there is no need to panic.
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