Magnussons dog food: reviews, composition analysis, price

Composition of Magnusson feed

Magnusson food belongs to the category of super-premium food and contains environmentally friendly products and ingredients that undergo quality control both at the output and during the cultivation and production process. This is confirmed by the Swedish KRAV certificates and the international IFOAM certificate.

Magnusson dog food is produced in Sweden, its special feature is the cooking method - baking.

A special feature of Magnusson diets is the method of their preparation, which consists of baking the product at a temperature of 150° for 45 minutes. This method allows you to maximally preserve the beneficial properties and natural taste of the ingredients, as well as vital animal fats.

IMPORTANT. Feed produced by baking does not require treatment with antioxidants and pesticides, and therefore their shelf life is significantly reduced - no more than 10 months.

Another advantage of baked food is that when wetted with water, the food does not swell, which means the pet not only fills the stomach, but receives a full portion with all the important nutrients.

Magnusson food does not contain dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers or artificial additives, which is why many dogs may refuse food at first, having become accustomed to aromatic extruded food. There is no place for cheap fillers, chicken fat, bone meal and other ballast fillers. The ingredient list contains only 4-7 components.

The source of animal proteins in the food is beef and pork, as well as fresh eggs.

The source of animal proteins in the feed is beef and pork, grown without the use of growth hormones, as well as fresh eggs. In production, only beef or pork loin is used, without the addition of offal and bone meal.

Pork is added to the feed in small quantities - 5-10% of the total meat content. Its presence is required to obtain the necessary fats, since beef alone is not able to provide the required amount.

Swedish legislation allows not to indicate such a low level of pork in the food composition, but the Swedes are very scrupulous in matters of environmental friendliness and food, so they indicate even such a low content of the ingredient.

The carbohydrate content of the feed is represented by two products - barley and wheat flour, the source of fiber is potatoes and carrots, and cold-pressed rapeseed oil is used as fat. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains a sufficient amount of useful microelements.

Magnusson Grain Free Beef - (grain-free baked) food for dogs with normal activity


44% fresh meat (beef) peas dried potatoes cold pressed rapeseed oil fresh eggs

parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh potatoes, lingonberries


protein 24% fat 12% fiber 3.5% carbohydrates (NFO) 44.5% minerals (ash) 7% (calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1.0%) water 9%


Vitamin A 14000 IE Vitamin D3 1400 IE Vitamin E 150 IE Vitamin C 100 IE Biotin H 0.3 mg Thiamine B1 10 mg Vitamin B12 0.1 mg Choline 1500 mg Iron Fe (ferrous sulfate) 467 mg Copper Cu (copper sulfate) 42 mg Riboflavin B2 12 mg Manganese Mn (manganese oxide) 44 mg Pantothenic acid B 5 25 mg Zinc Zn (zinc oxide) 186 mg Niacin B3 60 mg Iodine I (calcium iodide) 2.2 mg Pyridoxine B6 6 mg Selenium Se (sodium selenite ) 0.31 mg Folic acid 1 mg


Magnusson Adult Grain Free is a complete grain-free dry food for adult dogs of all breeds.
The source of high-quality protein in this food is beef (namely its sirloin), which is more than forty percent natural meat, without the addition of fish, chicken meal, etc. In addition, the freshest eggs are used with the beef, ensuring the highest quality protein. Carrots, which is also one of the ingredients, are a source of vital vitamin A. Carrots have a positive effect on dogs’ digestion by regulating carbohydrate metabolism.

The food also contains a source of carbohydrates - potatoes and peas, which were grown without fertilizers and pesticides. Potatoes improve your dog's metabolism as they contain a lot of potassium. In addition, potatoes remove excess fluid from the body. Peas, in turn, improve bowel function

Speaking about the vitamin component of Magnusson food, it contains everything you need. Thus, Edalt food, depending on the size and needs of your dog, contains the entire daily set of vitamins that your pet needs for good health and good mood.

If you squeeze a Magnusson food granule with your fingers, it will instantly crumble into small crumbs in your hands. This allows dogs of any breed and age to easily chew every piece of food, which increases the palatability of even picky dogs.

The compositions of Magnusson food are simple and clear: they contain from 5 to 9 ingredients: everything that is most necessary, healthy and natural, without additional ballasts in the form of bone meal, etc. All this once again proves the benefits of this product: it does not cause allergies even in sensitive dogs and is liked by all pets without exception!


Store in a cool, dry place in tightly closed containers.


Magnusson is a Swedish baked food produced by a family-owned manufacturer founded in 1995.
The peculiarity of their production is a unique method of preparing food: they are baked slowly and carefully without the use of pressure and extreme temperatures, which allows them to preserve the benefits of each ingredient and their natural, bright taste. Each Magnusson food is prepared from fresh ingredients, is not processed with oil, preservatives, and does not contain harmful additives, which is why it has a rather short shelf life (only 12 months).

Pros and cons of Magnusson food

The quality of Magnusson products is at a high level, as evidenced by the numerous advantages of the food:

The main advantage of Magnusson food is the fresh meat in the composition, the disadvantage is the high cost.

  • the presence of natural meat in the composition;
  • absence of by-products, GMOs, preservatives and synthetic additives;
  • Only fresh ingredients are used in the recipe;
  • rich vitamin and mineral complex;
  • organic composition of products;
  • food granules can be easily broken, which makes it acceptable for all breeds;
  • Unlike most similar foods, Magnusson diets are not sprayed with fat, as they retain all the necessary fats when baked.

Minor disadvantages of the food include:

  • quite high cost, more expensive than many comparable brands;
  • small range of products;
  • presence of wheat in the composition;
  • food is not widespread and is difficult to find in small towns.

Advantages and disadvantages of Magnusson feeds

After analyzing the range and composition, we can identify the advantages and disadvantages of Magnusson food. The advantages include:

  • The food is made from beef fillet, without meat and bone meal and by-products.
  • A complete vitamin complex.
  • The composition contains no preservatives, flavor enhancers, or dyes.
  • Original food contains yeast.
  • There is an assortment of delicacies.


  • The formulations in the food are unclear.
  • The percentages of not all feed components are indicated.
  • Low prevalence.
  • High price compared to analogues.

Magnusson food is extremely rare in stationary retail outlets, but it can be ordered in the online store. Please note in advance that transportation costs are covered by the buyer, that is, the price of the feed increases slightly.

Why is this food better than others?

One of the significant advantages of Magnusson food is the absence of animal fat. Thanks to a special baking technique, raw meat retains not only its beneficial properties, but also the necessary fats, which does not require further addition of this ingredient to the feed. Many super premium foods (Eukanuba, Bozita, Bosch) contain animal fats in their formulation.

Magnusson food pellets are easy to break, making them suitable for both small and large dogs.

The range of Swedish Magnusson food has no gradation based on breed characteristics (large, medium and small). The manufacturer assures that the special structure of the kibble is convenient for feeding any dog, be it a small Affenpinscher or a large Malamute.

The granules are soft and with slight pressure they break into small pieces - this is a big plus. For example, the structure of Arden Grange and Face Choice food varies depending on the size of the dog: fine granular food is developed for puppies, and large granular food is developed for adult dogs.

IMPORTANT. Fat used to produce food for pets must meet not only physical and chemical, but also organoleptic requirements. Some unscrupulous producers may use slaughtered, sick or dying cattle as a source of animal fat.

Dog food manufacturer Magnusson and its official website

The manufacturer of Magnusson feed is a Swedish company with more than half a century of experience in working with animals in the field of breeding and feeding. Magnusson Petfood AB was officially founded in 1995 and represents a group of like-minded people involved in the family business.

The food is made from environmentally friendly raw materials - no antibiotics or growth hormones are used in raising animals. There is also an emphasis on a special technology for preparing food - the granules are baked in ovens at fairly low temperatures and for a long time, which allows the maximum benefit from the raw materials to be preserved.

The company's products are known in many countries in Europe and America, as well as in Russia, where they can be purchased not only on store shelves, but also ordered online on the websites of Russian suppliers. The official website of the Swedish company is Russian-language information can be obtained from the distributor’s website

Magnusson food line

The entire variety of Magnusson food is represented by 10 positions, divided into two lines: Original and Meat & Biscuit. The main difference between these categories is that the Original series uses dried (dried) meat, while the Meat & Biscuit diet uses fresh meat. The second series is more expensive because it has a higher quality composition.

Magnusson food comes in two main lines: Original and Meat & Biscuit.

Original with dried meat

The Original series does not have a separate menu for puppies, but there is an unusual dietary food called Blanda, designed for very allergic pets and for owners who prefer to feed their dog natural food. This option does not contain meat, but is a kind of instant porridge, to which meat and vegetables are added separately.

Den Naturliga Hundmaten food has been developed for dogs prone to allergies and sensitive digestion , and Latta complete nutrition is suitable for adult dogs with low energy intake and overweight. The Kennel diet has been created for pets of all breeds that do not suffer from health problems.

Meat & Biscuit with fresh meat

Magnusson Meat & Biscuit diets contain fresh meat.
This category includes six diets for different ages and body characteristics. For puppies aged 3 to 7 weeks who have just begun the transition from mother's milk to solid food, Puppy Porridge porridge is formulated with 50% fresh meat content.

A special Junior diet has been created for puppies, young dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches, and Adult food for growing and adult pets with a normal level of activity.

Light complete, low-fat food is suitable for dogs with low energy requirements and excess weight. And the diet with a high protein and fat content Work is ideal for pets with high energy consumption.

A special place is occupied by Grain Free grain-free food, designed for adult dogs with normal activity who are prone to allergic reactions to grains.

Veterinarian reviews of Magnusson dog food

Raisa, veterinarian, 53 years old. Magnusson dog food is not so popular among our dog breeders, but those who have tried it have only the most pleasant impressions. This diet is an excellent alternative to economy and premium products; there are no artificial additives harmful to your pet’s health. High-quality sources of protein are represented by beef and pork, without the addition of offal and bones. Dogs prone to allergies should be switched to this food with caution, since it contains wheat. Don't forget that every pet is unique. Carefully monitor his health, and only then will you understand whether the food is suitable for him or not.

Veterinarians recommend Magnusson food as a dog's main diet.

Igor, veterinarian, 35 years old. I can only say good things about Swedish food Magnusson. The ingredients used in production are grown on local farms without the use of all kinds of chemicals and pesticides (this is evidenced by quality certificates). The main source of animal protein is beef, only the sirloin part. Gentle production technology allows us to preserve the usefulness of the ingredients and their natural taste. Don't be alarmed if your pet refuses to eat Magnusson at the first feeding. This happens if the animal has been eating flavored food for a long time. There is no chicken fat in the composition; all fats are of natural origin. Due to the absence of preservatives, chemical additives and antioxidants, the food can be stored for no more than 10 months. Feed your pet only natural food.

Manufacturer and official website

Magnusson is not a new but little-used brand of prepared dog food. The manufacturer does not have an adapted, multilingual website. For buyers from the ru-sector, there are several online stores that directly cooperate with the manufacturer.

The manufacturer and official website present their products succinctly, citing five key quality factors:

  • The best ingredients - the food is made from Swedish raw materials, which does not contain hormones, fertilizers, or pesticides.
  • A high-quality source of protein – the food is made from natural beef. The food contains only meat, without by-products, bones and meat-and-bone meal. Meat powder (dehydrated meat) is made from beef loin, raised without the use of hormones and antibiotics, exclusively on free grazing.
  • Gentle production technology - the food is not dried, but baked, which allows the natural taste to be preserved. The technology involves baking (for 45 minutes) molded granules at 150C⁰. Baking technology allows you to preserve fats, which eliminates the use of additional oils.
  • Simple composition - each food includes 4-7 ingredients, of which up to 50% is meat. In the production of food, “empty fillers” and chicken fat are not used.
  • Short shelf life - implies the absence of preservatives and salt. The shelf life of the feed is up to 10 months.

The manufacturer does not declare the class of the food, but constantly reminds that the products are useful for dogs of different ages. Judging by the composition, Magnusson food can be classified as super-premium.

Reviews from dog breeders about Magnusson food

Irina. I have two dogs: one is a West Highland White Terrier, the other is a Golden Retriever. Magnusson fed both of them with Swedish food for more than six months and was very pleased. No health problems were observed. Despite the fact that the food is quite large, it is very easy to bite, so it was perfect for both the Westie and the retriever. Apparently, manufacturers then began to add some component or replace it with another, and I decided to abandon it. The fur is not as shiny as before. But overall the food is good, I have many friends who feed their dogs with it, and everyone is happy.

Pay attention to other super premium foods:

  1. Italian food Trainer is a monoprotein food for dogs.
  2. Husse dog food is a decent food from a Swedish manufacturer.

Catherine. My Hovawart dog eats Magnusson food very well. When I first bought this brand, I was a little surprised. The food did not smell at all, but then I realized that this was due to the lack of preservatives and flavors in the composition. At first the dog was reluctant to eat this food, but now he can’t tear himself away from the bowl. There are no problems with digestion or hair, the stool is good, the dog is active and cheerful. Specifically, we are now eating the Magnusson Original Kennel diet - we are immensely pleased with our choice.

Dog owners respond positively to Magnusson dog food.

Magnussons dog food - reviews

In Russia, Magnussons dry food has been sold for a long time, but it is not widespread. Therefore, there are few detailed reviews on the Internet; below we have shared a few of the ones we found.

Customer Reviews

Elena writes:

I took a 600 g pack of grain-free food to try, because I liked the composition, it seemed to be of high quality. The granules turned out to be very small, almost the size of a pea. The dog doesn't eat food.

Ella writes:

The food is wonderful, the dog has been eating it for 2 years now, there are no stomach problems, and his eyes don’t run. Lately the packaging has changed for the better. Now there is a Velcro fastener (previously there was just a plastic bag). There is no such thing in Ekata stores, I only take it to Ozone.

Nikita writes:

We have been buying this food for our Spitz since birth for 5 years! He always eats with pleasure, we don’t know any problems with digestion, stool, or allergies! Even his eyes haven’t runny! I like the new packaging, now you don’t even have to pour it into a container, the package closes tightly!

Conclusions about Magnusson food

There are only positive reviews from dog owners about Magnusson dog food. This is due to the high quality of the feed, good composition and careful control over the production process. In the super premium nutrition segment, the price of Magnusson food occupies a position above average and is higher in comparison with similar brands.

The cost depends not only on the volume of packaging, but also on the diet option. For example, the average price of a small 4.5 kg package ranges from 2800 to 3200 rubles, and a large 14 kg bag ranges from 5000 to 7100 rubles.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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