Preparing for an injection at the withers of a dog
How to properly inject a dog in the withers subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously
Very few owners know how to inject a dog into the withers. Most prefer to contact
Veterinary first aid kit
What kind of first aid kit should a dog have at home for first aid?
When your pets get sick, you need to act quickly. A minute of delay could cost them their lives, so under
How to check a dog's pedigree: the easiest ways
December 22, 2019 Dogs and hunting with them Ekaterina Gordeeva Once upon a time there lived a man who dreamed of
German Shepherd puppy at the veterinarian's appointment
Vaccinations for German Shepherd dogs - table by age, vaccination calendar for Germans
Vaccination of German Shepherd puppies is necessary to ensure that they do not contract any infection. Before
if the dog has lost weight
Why is the dog thin: reasons, what to do, how to cure the animal?
Why is the dog skinny? Many pet owners ask themselves this question when they are concerned about the appearance of their pet.
'How to teach a dog the command "Place!"' width="600
At what age should a puppy be taught the “Place” command and how to do it?
Training is important not only for establishing contact with the owner, but also for maintaining basic
Is it possible to give dogs cottage cheese?
Is it possible to give dogs and puppies cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir?
In previous articles we have already talked to you about the types of meat in the diet
Sleeping pills for dogs of large and small breeds: what can be given, rules of use
Severe stress and the active nature of a dog can lead to nervous breakdowns and various mental problems.
How to teach a dog to fetch a stick, read the article
How to teach a dog to fetch a stick, toy and other objects
“Fetch” - what is it? This command can cause a lot of difficulties for the puppy to execute,
Chicken bones
Can dogs be given chicken bones? Detailed description of possible ailments and first aid
It is widely known that the ancestors of dogs were wolves - predators that fed on the meat and bones of their own animals.
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