Why is the dog thin: reasons, what to do, how to cure the animal?

Why is the dog skinny? Many pet owners ask themselves this question when they are concerned about the appearance of their pet. If your pet, despite proper nutrition, loses weight, it is necessary to understand the reasons for what is happening. It is not at all necessary to immediately run to the veterinary clinic, but you should try to study this issue as soon as possible.

If you simply do nothing and leave everything as it is, the consequences may be the most unpredictable. A thin dog has a pitiful appearance. One immediately gets the impression that she is being poorly cared for, although this impression is not always true.

Lack of nutrition

The most obvious conclusion that in many cases one would like to draw is poor feeding of the animal. Lack of nutrients is a serious reason for weight loss. In this case, the animal begins to gradually “melt before our eyes.” It happens that a person believes that on his part he is doing everything necessary to feed his four-legged pet. If you start to understand this issue more deeply, it turns out that he feeds the pet not at all high quality: table scraps, dry cheap food.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the dog is thin. After all, it is important not only to feed your pet, but also to do it correctly. A lack of nutrients in the body always has a negative impact on well-being and appearance.

What to do to prevent your dog from losing weight

To avoid weight problems in your dog, you must follow the recommendations described above. The right approach to feeding your pet will help eliminate a number of reasons for the animal’s sudden weight loss.

If you regularly feed your dog various fresh vegetable salads, then you should add a little sour cream to them, this will help to absorb the vitamins received well. Under no circumstances should you force an animal to eat. It is better to find out the reason for this behavior by consulting a doctor. You can check some signs yourself and rule out a number of reasons for your dog’s weight loss:

  1. Examine the animal's mouth yourself for various damage to the teeth and gums.
  2. Visually examine the condition of the animal's excrement for the presence of helminths. Whether a dog has diarrhea or constipation can be determined by the consistency of the stool: liquid or solid.
  3. Normally, dog excrement should not be very hard, but not liquid either.
  4. It is possible to prevent helminths, but first you should consult with a veterinarian which remedy is best and safest to use.

In custody

It is important for any dog ​​owner to remember that gradual or sudden weight loss is a clear sign of problems in the dog’s body. Therefore, it is important to stop such a symptom in time in order to avoid serious violations leading to the development of severe pathologies.

Currently reading:

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Infection with worms

This can happen if a person gives their four-legged friend too much raw fish or meat. When such food predominates in a dog’s diet, there is a high risk of infection with worms. As a result, the dog is thin, and the owner believes that there is no reason for this. That's why you need to pay attention to your pet's nutrition. The presence of worms in a dog is a serious sign. The owner needs to urgently take action before the situation begins to get out of control. Regarding helminths, it should be said that all pets (even thin ones) should be given anthelmintic tablets once every three months for prevention purposes.

How and what to feed a losing weight dog

A dog that has lost significant weight is gradually returned to a normal diet, first by slightly limiting the animal’s activity. In this case, the following rules are adhered to:

  • if the dog eats natural products, then the diet must include porridge and light soups;

  • It is recommended to flavor raw vegetables with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream - this promotes better absorption of vitamins;

  • even an animal on dry food should be periodically given raw meat (excluding lamb and pork), but it must first be doused with boiling water to avoid infection with helminths;
  • Boiled fish fillets are added to the menu 1-2 times a week.

To pamper your pet with a treat, give him a “sugar” bone to chew on as a snack. But foods high in carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets), spices, flavorings, smoked foods and fried foods should be excluded completely.

Milk is only good for babies; adult dogs have a low lactose tolerance.

Digestive problems

If an animal begins to lose weight sharply, there is a possibility that it has certain disturbances in the functioning of the body. When the gastrointestinal tract begins to work incorrectly, the pet experiences discomfort. He may experience pain in the epigastric region, indicating the need for treatment. Digestive tract disorders are not recommended to be ignored.

Some symptoms (nausea, constipation and diarrhea) indicate obvious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Problems with the digestive system in some cases lead to the pet losing weight and becoming overly restless and irritable.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)

EPI is a very serious disease in which the animal’s body is not able to effectively digest the food it eats because its pancreas cannot produce the digestive enzymes required for this process. In some cases, such enzymes may still be produced, but their quantity is not enough to digest the feed and, therefore, obtain the nutritional components the body needs. This naturally leads to a decrease in the dog’s weight. This disease is also characterized by chronic diarrhea and strong appetite, as the animal tries to replenish the missing energy by consuming food in extremely large volumes.

Weakened body

If a dog has lost significant weight after suffering an infectious disease, then we can say with full confidence that this happened as a result of a weakening of the body. A dog's resources, like those of a person, are far from endless. If the animal has suffered from any infection, then a certain period of recovery is necessary. You need to give your pet vitamins and feed it well. Walks in the fresh air should be long, lasting at least 30-40 minutes.

If a dog is taken outside only so that it has time to relieve itself, then you should not be surprised at its unhealthy appearance. Daily walks with the animal are the direct responsibility of the owner.

Temperature measurement

Dogs have their temperature measured in the rectum. You will need an assistant to hold the dog still. Or place the dog on its side. Take a medical thermometer and lubricate the end with Vaseline, baby cream, and oil. Using rotational movements, insert the thermometer into the rectum approximately 1.5 cm. Hold for 2-3 minutes.

Normal body temperature is between 37.5 and 39.5 degrees, with small breeds and puppies having a higher temperature than large breeds and adults. An increased level may indicate an infectious disease; a decreased level is observed due to hypothermia, shock, or before childbirth.


When a malignant tumor occurs, any animal loses a lot of weight. All the forces of the body are thrown into fighting the disease. However, in advanced and hopeless cases, it is not possible to avoid thinness. The animal's strength quickly dries up, it becomes lethargic, apathetic, and often refuses food. With oncology, neither a dog nor a cat can fully enjoy life. Their thinness is natural. In this case, it is very difficult to change anything, but you cannot leave the animal. The real owner always fights for his life to the last.


This is another Middle Eastern breed, possibly related to the Afghan Hound. They may have originally been bred to hunt gazelles, which is one of the reasons why they are so skinny. What sheikh would want a fat dog chasing such a skinny animal?

Although they were brought back to Europe during the Crusades, the British did not allow them into their nurseries until 1923. They are slightly shorter than Greyhounds, a bit slower on the track, but are famous for long distance running. , Saluki is the marathon runner of the dog world.

Salukis are one of the most expensive dog breeds; they are also very healthy.

And besides, they are skinny. Really skinny!

Viral diseases

We are talking about such serious diseases as hepatitis and adenovirus, which are always accompanied by changes in body weight. As a rule, such ailments require extensive treatment. Against the background of severe intoxication of the body, the pet can lose significant weight. For this reason, it is always recommended to seek help from a veterinary clinic. Viral diseases are life-threatening for animals. They cannot be neglected or pretended that nothing is happening. The owner must mobilize his strength as much as possible and help the pet recover to the required level.

Symptoms and signs of underweight

Body weight is closely related to overall well-being. A normal weight dog is active and playful. Her waist begins just behind her lower ribs and is clearly visible when viewed from above. Also, a healthy animal has a tucked belly and imperceptible, but palpable ribs. They must be covered with a small layer of subcutaneous fat.

With exhaustion or obesity, metabolism is disrupted and there is a high likelihood of developing arthritis. If you notice behavioral changes, carefully examine your pet. Depending on external symptoms, there are 4 deviations from normal weight:

  1. Obesity

    . The dog has massive fat deposits on the chest, lower back and base of the tail. There is no waist.

  2. Overweight

    . The transition to the waist is almost lost. Fatty deposits are visible on the lower back and at the base of the tail. The ribs are difficult to palpate, as they are covered with a thick layer of fat.

  3. Underweight

    . The transition to the waist is sharply defined. The pelvic bones and lumbar vertebrae are visible. When palpating the ribs, subcutaneous fat is not felt.

  4. Dystrophy

    . Loss of muscle mass and lack of fat reserves are obvious. Protruding bones are clearly visible from the side.

In the first two cases, the dog is put on a diet and physical activity is increased. Despite popular belief, gaining pounds is much more difficult than losing it. To gain not only fat, but also muscle mass, you will have to work hard - both the owner and the dog itself.

Breed Features

In some cases, lack of weight does not indicate a pathology in the body, but the normal condition of the animal. Tall, thin dogs can have enviable health. A person who understands these issues will definitely be able to tell the difference. It is worth remembering that some dog breeds naturally have a lightweight exterior.

These include: Greyhound, Dalmatian, Chinese Crested, Great Dane, Italian Greyhound. These animals are never well-fed, no matter how they are fed. Their elegance looks quite graceful. Only in this case can a long, thin dog look beautiful. Owners of dogs of these breeds should not force-feed their pets.

Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Vizsla
Hungarians also have their own hunting breed - Vizslas can chase game, and they also do an excellent job of guarding. Thin, with well-developed muscles, such a dog can reach speeds of up to 64 km per hour , its height is about 60 cm. It can be brown or copper in color. The dog is beautiful, slender, energetic, and has a good disposition.

Proper nutrition

It is known that a dog should not be fed food from the table. However, many careless owners still cannot learn this rule. Proper nutrition is the key to the health and longevity of your four-legged pet. No matter how busy you are with your daily activities, you must find time to choose complete, high-quality food for your little friend. There are many options on the market today that you can choose from. If you don’t want to buy professional food, then prepare it specifically for your dog. You need to find time for this, even sacrificing your own rest and entertainment. The food should be of high quality, as for yourself. There is no need to save money on a dog, this is a big misconception. Subsequently, treating your pet will cost much more.

Veterinary examination

It is necessary in order to exclude any pathologies in the body. A full veterinary examination is not very cheap. But it allows you to understand the state of your pet’s health.

If it has been noticed that the dog is losing weight for no good reason, a full diagnosis needs to be carried out. Only in this case will it be possible to understand the situation. Without an examination, nothing can be determined. Old animals lose weight, despite proper care and timely intake of special supplements. Dogs are very sensitive to various changes in their health. The more attention they receive, the better.

Incorrect feeding regimen and diet

Any veterinarian who did not identify pathologies during diagnosis will be interested in what the owner feeds his pet. It's not uncommon for a dog to lose weight by not eating a balanced diet or sticking to a schedule. What should an owner pay attention to when feeding a four-legged friend?

  1. Variety should be moderate . With natural feeding, you should not give your dog everything, trying to keep his menu varied. In fact, a balanced diet for these animals consists of 5-6 products, and the list of prohibited foods is quite long. But if your dog consumes only 1-2 products, it is worth reviewing its diet and including a few more components in it.
  2. It is worth taking a more careful approach to the selection of food . Low-price products consist of cereals with a small content of meat processing waste. Naturally, such food cannot be called suitable for a dog, since most of the ingredients are not absorbed by the dog’s body. In this case, even increasing the portion will not help your pet gain weight. The food must be of high quality, consisting of meat components, vegetables, a small amount of cereals, and vitamin and mineral supplements. Premium and super-premium brands meet similar requirements. It is recommended to periodically give your pet canned food to diversify your pet's diet. It is advisable that it be of the same brand as the main one.
  3. It is important to take care of your pet's access to water . If during natural feeding the animal receives part of the moisture from food, then when eating “drying” it comes mainly from a separate bowl. The owner must remove the remains of uneaten food, but this does not apply to water - it must always be in the bowl so that the dog can drink at any time. Otherwise, the animal may experience dehydration, which may result in vomiting, regurgitation of dry, undigested granules, difficulty defecating, etc.

Losing weight in a pet is an alarming sign, especially if its appetite does not deteriorate. The owner should take a closer look at the behavior of his four-legged friend, and for his own peace of mind, take him to the veterinarian.


  • ivethelp.ru
  • www.belanta.vet
  • dogipedia.ru


For the health of the dog, the owner is obliged to take preventive measures in a timely manner. One of these important steps is vaccinations. They need to be done regularly to eliminate possible unpleasant consequences. It would be wisest to consult a specialist about how often they should be placed and at what time. Vaccinations prevent the development of many diseases and reduce the risk of infection several times. If your dog has noticeably lost weight, it would be a good idea to pay attention to this point.


This medium-sized British Greyhound is a scrawny slacker. They can also run really fast when they want, but they'll be leaning back on a Lay-Z-Boy most of the day. Whips are renowned for their ability to hold down a sofa during a home invasion. They are never sold as watchdogs.

They are recommended as a great dog apartment since they don't bark much and spend so much time on the couch. (They still need to get out and run as often as possible.) The Whippet excels at agility sports, racing, and lure training. They have been clocked at 36 mph and can handle a 200-yard sprint in under 12 seconds.

Whips have a genetic mutation that allows them to be thin and good athletes. Some dogs have too much of this gene and end up being muscular instead of lean. This is not the Whippet I would want - it wouldn't even make this list.

Timely deworming

It allows you to avoid many unpleasant consequences that may inevitably arise if you do not follow important rules. A very important factor is deworming of all pets, regardless of their appearance and feeding methods. It should not be neglected, hoping for a lucky break. After all, life can be quite unpredictable; we are not always able to predict the development of events in advance. Preventive treatment of animals should be carried out, as noted above, once every three months. If helminths are found in the animal, the medicine is given immediately. After two weeks, the drug is repeated. Antihelminthic medications are also given to animals two weeks before vaccination. A person must take responsibility for his pet. A dog always feels when he is cared for. You can be sure that she will answer you in kind.

Worm infestations

Worms are frequent guests of the dog’s body, eating what is intended for the normal functioning of the animal’s organs and systems. In this case, the dog eats with increased appetite, but important substances are provided not by it, but by its “neighbors.”

There is a schedule for deworming dogs, according to which pets are given anthelmintic drugs, usually this event is carried out once every 3-4 months. If you follow this rule, the helminths that have entered the body will not have time to actively multiply and cause serious harm.

If the owner forgets about the procedure or ignores it completely, the worms can spread throughout all systems, consuming vital components before they are digested and absorbed into the intestines. Some of the worms can seriously damage the tissues of the liver, lungs, heart and even brain. And if this happens, you can expect serious changes, including metabolic disorders.

In such a situation, the pet sharply loses weight, lacks vitamin components and microelements, and organ failure develops. Such conditions often lead to irreversible consequences and death of the dog.

Contacting a veterinarian will help save your pet’s life, but the consequences of helminthic infestation can subsequently cause various complications and periodically remind themselves. So it is better to take care of prevention; this will not 100% protect the dog from worms, but it will reduce the likelihood of them staying comfortably in the pet’s body.


Wool condition

You need to monitor your pet's appearance. A skinny black dog will look very pitiful and will not make a very good impression from the outside. People around her may begin to feel sorry for her just because she looks unkempt most of the time. It is unlikely that a self-respecting owner would want such a development of events. The fur also needs to be looked after so that the pet looks neat and clean. The dog will respond with devotion and gratitude. The condition of the coat directly reflects the degree of well-being of the dog. The more the owner takes care of it, the better the animal looks. Long-haired cats need to be brushed regularly. It is best to carefully cut off any mats that appear, so as not to accidentally injure your pet’s delicate skin. The main thing is that animals must be regularly treated for fleas and ticks. These blood-sucking insects are carriers of many diseases that cause weight loss in dogs.

There are many reasons why a dog may lose significant weight. It should be remembered that a large, thin dog almost always looks sloppy and tired. Looking at it, it seems that the owner is simply saving on keeping the animal.

The skinniest dog in the world is William the dog in England. Being quite large in size, it weighed only 3 kg. It was in this condition that he was taken from the shelter. Now he is stronger, he even accompanied his mistress to the altar.

Every prudent person is obliged to take responsibility for the well-being of his four-legged friend.

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