What kind of meat can you feed your dog: is it possible to feed raw and boiled meat?
The basis of any dog’s diet is meat of various types, since canines are carnivorous animals.
Dog vomits white foam
Why do dogs vomit white foam with mucus and should we be concerned?
Vomiting in a dog is a defense mechanism of the body. It occurs reflexively. The reasons why it occurs
How to properly feed your dog natural food on a small budget
Why is natural food better? Natural food is a similar set of products. Skills to cook
My dog ​​has problems urinating - what should I do?
Diseases of the prostate gland In male dogs, an enlarged prostate gland causes constipation, not difficulties
The cat shakes its tail when marking its territory
Why does a cat shake or twitch its tail: 10 reasons
Many owners wonder why their cats are shaking their tail. One of the main functions of this
How to teach a dog and puppy the Stand command: with voice and gesture
Today we will talk about how to teach a dog the “Stay” command. This command is normative,
Preparing for vaccination
When can you wash a dog after vaccination without harm to its body and is it even worth it?
At first glance, vaccination is a fairly simple and painless procedure that lasts only a few minutes.
How to cut a dog's hair at home
How to cut a dog's hair, why to cut it, everything about grooming
Grooming dogs at home is a very important task on which the appearance depends.
Dog scratching ears - diagnosis
The dog shakes its head and scratches its ear: reasons for how to help your pet
Itchy ears in dogs is an extremely unpleasant thing. Owners often call it “ear mange.”
Epilepsy can be caused by CNS infections
March 26 is purple day, the day of people with epilepsy. Myths about epilepsy
Epilepsy in dogs is a chronic neurological disease. Everyone has heard about this disease among
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