If your dog is suddenly overcome by convulsions: what should you do?

01/21/2021 31,703 Diseases and treatment of dogs

Author: Olga

It is very scary to see when your beloved pet begins to experience involuntary muscle contractions, in other words, seizures. All breeds of animals are susceptible to this disease. What are seizures in a dog, and what can cause them? To begin with, we will tell you what it is and then you will learn how to behave, what to do, and how to help your beloved animal in such a terrible moment.


What are seizures and their symptoms

A cramp is a muscle contraction that is uncontrollable by an animal. It is associated with disturbances in the animal’s brain activity and is a symptom of a serious disease.

Seizures can manifest in different ways. From seemingly completely innocent twitching of the facial muscles and imperceptible twitching of one paw, to very frightening seizures in which the pet falls, convulses and has absolutely no control over its body. During moments of convulsive seizures, the owner can be very frightened, because seeing how a beloved pet suffers is unbearable.


If the condition is accompanied by life-threatening symptoms - for example, epistatus, respiratory failure, the dog must first be stabilized. Next, diagnostics are carried out.

The veterinarian examines the dog and rules out the most common pathologies that cause trembling. These are abdominal pain, fever, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, kidney disease, leptospirosis, viral infections. This may require a number of tests - a general clinical blood test, a general biochemical analysis (which evaluates the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and measures glucose and potassium in the blood). A blood test is also taken for leptospirosis, plague, and feces for parvovirus enteritis.

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics and x-rays, tumors of the intestine and internal organs, foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric volvulus, intussusception, cystitis, prostatitis, endometritis, pyometra, colitis, enteritis - everything that can cause abdominal pain are excluded.

In some cases, an X-ray of the spine is recommended to rule out compression fractures, injuries to the limbs and chest.

To exclude tumors or diseases of the spinal disc, a myelogram can be performed - this is an X-ray examination of the spine with a special dye.

A CT (computed tomography) scan or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan can help detect structural changes in the brain or spine.

To exclude encephalitis, a study of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) is used.

Electromyography (EMG) can help diagnose neuromuscular disorders.

First aid for a dog before visiting the veterinarian

If such a misfortune occurs and your pet begins to experience spasms throughout the body, then there is no need to be scared and make rash decisions, it is very important to remain calm. Before visiting the veterinarian, you should take the necessary first aid measures to keep your pet safe.

What do we have to do:

  1. To begin with, the most important thing is that you need to calm down yourself in order to figure out what to do. The first attack, most often, does not pose any danger to the dog.
  2. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of complete peace for the pet. Make the light as low as possible, turn off noise sources.
  3. Place the animal on a soft mat or bedding.
  4. To ensure freer breathing, the pet must be placed on its right side. Make sure that foam (saliva) flows out of your mouth.
  5. To prevent traumatic brain injury, place something soft under your dog's head.
  6. Do not aggravate the situation, do not revive the animal until the attack is over. Otherwise, you can only harm him.
  7. Don’t try to treat your animal for something you don’t understand on your own.

Important! If your dog's seizures are not an epileptic seizure, but spasms of the limbs or facial muscles, then immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. In case of seizures at intervals, with long intervals, you should wrap your pet loosely in a blanket and also take him to the doctor as soon as possible.


It is better to prevent any painful condition than to treat it. This is quite easy to do with spasms - just regulate the level of active physical activity for the dog.

Your pet must have access to clean water, especially in summer. In no case should you allow the body to become dehydrated, since it is the lack of fluid in the body that leads to convulsions.

Before active physical activity, you need to warm up the dog’s muscles, and after training, a calm walk is required so that the muscles can “cool down.”

If the cause of muscle spasms is improper or excessive physical activity, then only the attention and care of the owner is needed; veterinary treatment is not required.

Seizures in small dog breeds

All breeds of dogs are susceptible to various spasms, since spasms are not a disease, they are only a symptom of the disease. Small breed dogs are in a unique risk group, susceptible to the manifestations of spasms. Many dwarf dogs develop chronic diseases from birth. They also have problems with the spine, congenital hypoglycemia, arthritis, underdeveloped paws, problems with the cardiovascular system, atrophy of the muscular corset and many other ailments.

This is why small breeds are at risk. These problems lead to spasms to varying degrees. Small dogs may experience seizures more often than their larger dogs. Remember that when you adopt a small dog, you should be prepared for frequent seizures, writhing limbs and frequent visits to the veterinarian. It is also worth noting that owners of large breeds should also pay attention to the muscular condition of the pet.

Non-dangerous causes of limb tremors

Minor trembling of the limbs is rarely dangerous. It is mainly characteristic of Yorkies and Chihuahuas. If an alarming symptom quickly disappears, try to look for the cause in physiological factors or a psychological state.

Physiological factors

Tremors are often caused by temperatures that are too high or low. The scorching sun can cause your pet to suffer from heatstroke. It is safer to walk him in the mornings or evenings, when the sun is just rising or has already set. Hypothermia does not always occur on the street. If you forget to thoroughly dry your dog after bathing, then even a thick undercoat will not help him stay warm.

Sometimes animals tremble due to pain. This is typical for dogs that have recently undergone surgery or for pets giving birth. In such cases, you need to be vigilant: if other alarming symptoms appear, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Shaking paws can occur not only due to pushing and contractions, but also due to complications associated with labor.

Psychological condition

If an animal experiences vivid emotions, then its body actively produces cortisone and adrenaline. These substances speed up metabolism and heart function. When they enter muscle tissue, they provoke involuntary contraction. This occurs during:

  1. Stress

    . The dog's condition is accompanied by apathy or severe agitation. Animals are usually unsettled by moving to a new place, a change of owner, or the arrival of a new family member.

  2. Sexual heat

    . Males who notice a leaking bitch will try to break off the leash. In anticipation of mating, their hind legs may shake, imitating the movements during mating.

  3. Sleep

    . Rapid paw contractions during sleep are normal. A four-legged pet can dream of a very exciting chase.

  4. Frightened

    . The dog may be frightened by loud noises, a stranger, or a dangerous four-legged opponent.

  5. Joy

    . A slight trembling can be noticed in a pet that meets its owner at the door. Yorkie and dachshund puppies are especially emotional. In addition to tremors, their excess of feelings is accompanied by squealing and involuntary emptying of the bladder.

You should seek help from a veterinarian only in cases where the animal’s condition begins to deteriorate. The appearance of new symptoms indicates pathology.

Video “Epilepsy attack in a dog”

The video shows a spasmodic attack in an animal of the husky breed. The owners are trying in every possible way to help their pet, as this is described in first aid for seizures. The main thing is to calm the animal and yourself!

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The dog does not walk and has a nervous paw tic

Hello! Our toy terrier came to the clinic about a month ago - he started coughing very badly + discharge from the eyes and nose, he was diagnosed with distemper - he completed a course of 10 days. He felt better and behaved as usual. But after 6 days, the coordination of movement began to fail, and he began to fall to the side. They prescribed us consequences after nervous distemper, but it didn’t help. They did an MRI - no encephalitis, no damage, no inflammation. We got an MRI almost to the end of the back. Then they did biochemistry - everything was fine too. They also injected hormones for cerebral edema. Also no effect. Next, we try the option for Lyme and herpes (although we don’t have all the indications). We are afraid to do a spinal fluid puncture because there is a chance of damaging the spinal cord (and he doesn’t walk anymore anyway). In general, he is alert (hearing, vision, understanding are all normal), eats and drinks well, goes to the toilet without deviation (but lying down). The temperature over the past 5 days has also been normal, the paws seem to be strong (kicks a lot

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